Mind Walker
If you are having multiple realities
I didn’t get sumthing and now I totally get it and I thought
I had it
There are certain foods that you don’t eat because there
are certain energies in that food and you must be wise with those who prepare your
food for there are certain energy that goes into food
When you eat sumthing and you throw up, that is a good
sign because you were supposed to clean out, you have a 8th chakra
that opens up in the throat that can vomit at will, because its cleaning sum of
the [humanity] so the transformation is taking place, so that is good, you were
supposed to eat that
You know sum people are never wrong and the reason being
is they are making themsCellves right in every situation
What is the checks and balance of all this, its really
nothing, its really your thirst and lust or your training to say this is reality,
this is real and this is the line and if you cross that line or you could be
either way, if you choose left or right, if your with it or not with it, they
are good or they are bad and that is reality
But this line isn’t real, there is no reality, why don’t
you make every single event in your life in your favour, therefore every event
in your life will be in your favour because you are programming yoursCellf to
be right every time
Through your actions you break down reality and you use
no logic because logic comes from the observable which is non-changeable, you
cannot change this thing this way, you have to change it from the realm of the Quantum
which is nothing to do with logic, reason and intellect, that is low level thinking,
that is material matrix thinking
There are many that are creating spirituality with
reason, logic and balance, they are not able to do it like you
Because you are that being
Your sh9t works
Do not question >> if I’m doing it right, what book could or
should I read, did you see this, can you confirm for me that, what stone should I wear,
do you agree with this, I read this and what do you think, how can I get it better than this, she or
he said this, is that right, how do you do this
Go with whatever you want, that is how this thing works,
run with it, let it flow, remember a Jedi [Djed] flows
It is you who is creating all of these realities, it is
down to your interpretation, all is based on the realities that you pull down
and this synchronizes with what they call their Ma’Star observation here
You have to observe and be the observer of anything that
you want but you must magnetise [Magi] it here first and that is the root of
Istal [mediation]
Close you eyes and put your mind on that Ptah and open up
that wormhole and pull that parallel reality here
Remember no one can tell or teach you about your own Psyche,
Psy-che is your Ba [soul] and you are born with your own Psyche [psychological]
and Che is Chi, your life-force energy [Kaa]
Obi-Wan Kenobi explains the force to Luke as, an energy
field created by all living things, it surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds
the galaxy together
Jedi and other force users access the force with the help
of midi-chlorians, microscopic organisms inside their cells
Midi-chlorians, sum live beings are force-sensitive and
others not
Midichlorian is Mitochondrial DNA and is the small circular
chromosome found inside mitochondria These organelles found in cells are the powerhouse of the cell
The Mitochondria, and thus Mitochondrial DNA [Eve gene], are passed exclusively from the 9 ether mother to offspring [daughter] through the egg cell
Blue Life-Force NRG
Green Life-Force and Healing NRG
A Jedi flows, use the universal force
[Its a jungle out there]
[Its a jungle out there]
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