Sunday, 26 July 2020

Deep Eye

Buma [Owl]
Wise-dome [Wisdom] 
Thoth [thought]

In our definition of the world we must not answer with what we think for our thoughts are colonised, you will immediately answer in the way that you have been conditioned to think

When we begin to analyse questions, profound questions, you cannot answer on a reactive mind [Khu] because you are answering from the shallow end of the pool

When sumone asks you a profound question, that is time to not reflect on what it is that you think you know, that is the trap, but to become still

The thought never wants to die, so every thought that you have thought about, that you have catalogued in your mind, every thought that you have brought to you for comfort, every thought that you have brought to you that has agitated you, that has given you pleasure, the more you put your focus and attention on it, the greater the lifespan of that thought and the stronger it has an influence over you 

So, the more you think about sumthing the greater the strength it has

Immediately when you are asked about sumthing, you go straight to that thought and that thought wants to manifest itself because you are the thought and the thought is you

The thought is a thing [energy] and becomes a living principal and does not want to die

So, here I AM writing to you today actually speaking to the wall, brick by brick of thoughts that you have erected to form your perception
So when I speak to that wall, I’m just going to get back the reflection of those bricks that where harmoniously placed to make you feel comfortable, so when I speak to your wall, I’m speaking to sumthing that is comfortable, its assured, its stabilising to you, the thought is comfortable when it answers and it verifies itself when it answers [no]

The most uncomfortable thing in our search for truth, in our reality is when you install the thoughts that you have made comfortable with  
When you no longer give them the ability to answer for you, because you are not the one that is answering, the observer takes a back seat to thought and thought begins to react in order to protect the observer because the observer has built a catalogue of thoughts, don’t do this or eat that+, all these factors are in there and the observer is hiding in there, hiding behind all these things that they navigate the world with, but the most dangerous thing for thought is when the observer no longer depends on it

There are entities that deal with the synthetic synchronicity and they use the thoughts to orchestrate your world [3D]

So when you stop thinking, when you say oh-my-god or wow or no way [that is partly denial which is the most predictable of all HuMan [HuMin] responses] or your kidding- no I’m not, these are the first process of the thought thing that must be sacrificed if you are to go beyond the threshold that thought has created to keep you in lock-down

We have been conditioned and the conditioning is there and this is what you are going through, decompression is what we are going through right now, a deprogramming, the planet has docked and is decompressing

So, questions that linger is because it’s an answer that unfolds and not sumthing that you grasp and get immediately

It is to provoke you beyond your thinking, it is to get you thinking on how thoughts can trap you, there is an answer but the answer unfolds itself, it will present itself, it evolves has you do

It’s the journey that we want to explore, the [god] in you wants to learn   

The doer you will always find him or her, the thinker you can access him or her, but the knower once you come to the over-standing of the knower, the doer and the thinker are no longer slaves to whoever decodes what locks them down

And we are seeing this, the Schumann machine shows the energy signatures that is affecting y-our organ [brain] waves that are making us all fully conscious, we are seeing the change within us, them, you

We have been estranged from the knower-being within us, we don’t know who we are, we act upon what we have been conditioned to believe [baal’eve], we have remnants of the Piscean age [the planet was locked in the Pisces constellation for 6K or 2K] that had been like a thorn in our side

The mandate for the Piscean Age was [I believe] and today we are in the so-called Aquarius Age which is the Age of Hapi [HA.PI] and what is the mandate for Hapi [Aquarius] it is [i-know]

The mandate for the Aquarian time is [I-know] then that is the knower, not what you think you know

You must now harness the thinker and shut him or her down, you must get into the knowing mode and that comes from stillness

I cannot actually take you onto that journey to that place until you go through a catharsis

Your present activity is based upon inebriation of your intellect, you no longer use intellect to search for intelligence, your intellect [being colonised] had been used as the bottom-of-the-barrel or the drainage area for facts that masquerade has intelligence, those with PhD and titles behind their names don’t have a clue to what is taking place, they have no cosmic intuitive intellect or they wouldn’t have done what they did, these are the people that you have created has your threshold, we created these idiots

The quickening of our consciousness we see the generational decline [generational damage] and the deprecation of our cosmic wellness

We are in the era of the knowing, you either know or you do not

Charged and more than ready 

Electromagnetic field wide open to allow the soular energy and radiation to penetrate the planet and you 
Yesterday soular winds hit 1745mph

Gamma wave band is affecting many

Beta [Alpha] Theta [Delta] 

There are thousands of crafts on the ground near Nepal and the Himalayas that when the time comes they are going to have to make a break for it, no planes are allowed over the Himalayas because of these crafts

Landsides means land is moving, water continues to engulf this planet, she is filling up at a rapid pace

When you go to sleep nature and her forces are still at work, this is a 24hr operation, one day when you wake up, the world will not be the same again

Texas [Bible-Belt] is being hit with a number 9 at the rate of 90mph, there are 3 hurricanes out there and is it not kinda of early for hurricanes [air]  
Saudi Arabia [El Ghor] is being flooded out [have no god before me, means there was, and there was many and sum are female] 

China just got hit again with straight line winds along all the water that is piling in over there

Nothing is random

Each year systems have been ramping up and this year is a special year in our lives, so earthquakes, volcanoes and weather systems are of interest because each year things where getting stronger, noticeable, star-family have been giving everybody, being warnings, one thing after another is taking place, these are your signs and symbols, Metu Netu is pissed right now and is h3ll bent on restoring her creations

Total devastation when a hurricane comes in but leaves in total silence

The Age of Aquarius [Aqua] when A.NU was pissed at the beings on this planet he sent in the waters
All elements are working and coming together, we have water, fire, air and Ki [shaking up] and the 5th element is the ether

Flip mode [the waters weight will also add in the flipping of this planet to her correct position]

If the supreme beings, the pioneer builders of soular systems, the guardians, providers really wanted to, they could flick their wrists and end this in the blink of an eye but we all, regardless of beings, creed or colour must be told the truth, consciousness must be the ruling light, they will make us suffer for all of us who allowed the planet and plant and animal kingdoms to be exploited and for exploitation of the HuMin [HuMan] life

Nile River

There will be consequences, Egypt is full of Muslims and they do not consider themselves part of Alkebulan, the Nile is the Mississippi river and the Nile extends to the surface and is connected to space [ocean] there will be consequences 

All these Dams around the world slowed her down, the free-flow [currenSea] of water, life force NRG, they will all be removed

Aurora [chakra energy signatures]

The same Ptah that Septet [Sibtu] (Siruis) makes is the same Ptah that the DNA [RNA] moves [upgrade]
Is the [black] sun here, yes and is right behind Re 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and RA.HU [Ratan] is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Sept-arian [dark-cube] is behind Re [Sun]

Septet [SIBTU] Sirius [Dog Star] Femi9 Electron NRG
Twin star

We are receiving huge amounts of energy, its heavy out there

3 sons [suns] of the [Gods] are on the Horizon

View everything is energy [colour spectrum]  

12 planetary energy signatures, the 13th is hidden and the bottom one is NI.BIRU
the All-seeing eye in in the middle with the Mir E.KUR [Gaza] encased in the Dome [sealed] 
NI.BIRU and the Ekur share the same numbers for light speed and the coordinates of the Ekur [switch] 

9 spiral [vortex] the planet is rotating clockwise [death] and will reverse and rotate counter-clockwise [life] = 9 
As above, so below [Chakra System] 

Many are waiting for Allah or Jesus or Christ or Lord, so who is communicating with us, is Allah making these messages, what about Jesus, what about those who claim to run this planet, how are they allowing these messages to be left, who is really is in control here

Ask religious minds how the pyramids [Mir] where constructed, they don't know and this tells you that there is a clear disconnection from man and sumthing higher
Have no god before me, means there was a god before your one, and there were many, many and sum where females 

12 planetary energies
Messages [warnings] come in thick and fast

The field is being removed to allow all the chakra energy [radiation] to consume the planet

This is what the planet looks like when say for example CME or soular radiation, winds, flares, flashes hit the planet [without the magnetic field many will die]

Huge craft uncloaks during CME 
the craft is at an angle, and is one of three main ones that we see around the sun

This is the same craft has seen in 2017, they have the same energy signature

Huge craft over Texas

The adversaries on behalf of the Anunnaqi already have met with Putin [the king of the North] and he was warned, leave us alone or perish with the rest of the world, they met here at his residence near the black sea 

9 beings look over the doomed reptilian state [NYC] HQ in 2014, which was 6 years ago or 6 minutes ago, second from right is this guy [next image] 

The Anunnaqi didn’t say perish with the rest of the planet, they said rest of the world [3D], they even told Putin they would leave Prussia [Russia] alone and wouldn’t even step foot on Russian soil, and they even told Putin how to survive Neb Heru [NI.BIRU] passing through this soular system

However, they also said that if Putin refused the offer, Russia would be the first to fall and his people would be enslaved and taken has food

Putin told the Anunnaqi to leave the planet to which the Annunaqi told Putin, that they created this planet and that this planet is our planet, we are the ones who seeded Ki, not you, we grew all life on Ki, the HuMins belong to us not you

[36 light years [3600] the higher beings return to harvest]

The Annunaqi [these beings] said to Putin, you have been warned, and left

Strelnikov Isaac Stepanovich is now dead has a result of giving this interview away, they said he died in combat, alright then 

Only the Annunaqi can see the all portals, not just the three mains ones over

If you are in contact with other beings, ask them if the Annunaqi or A.NU's beings are the highest beings

The Annunaqi along with the Galactic Federation and Alliance and Allies and those involved in the Adama Projects were reintroduced in 2012 and have been assembling until now 2020 [2012 in September] 8 years is 8 mins

The NSA was set up before NASA, they went to the Moon maybe 6 or 8 years before NASA did,
NASA have over 26 probes taking images of Mars [Muurs] LAH.MU 
that is an awful amount of cameras to be orbiting one planet, what are they taking images of

The land probe [image] is maintained by the HuMans that were sent to mine on Mars, you've seen the movie Total Recall, this image shows a small being with a backpack on adjusting sumthing on the Rover 
The technology that you have today has already been used, they are around 50-60 years in front of this planet 

MacDonald included are all chemistry experiments that you eat, this artificial meat is already out, why'd do yo think all those fast food restaurant adverts are being played, the meat is over  

Natures Architects 

Rare sight, shadow play

Star Wars

They are the Galactic Federation of Light 

The Greys are from the Zeta-star-system which is in the belt-Orion [Greek] the system is called Sahu [SA.HU] and is the capital of this galaxy, these are Spielberg(s) beings

Ashtar Command bottom left, who have no planet and are the Galactic Federation of Light

The Supreme Beings are the Anunnaki [Annunaqi] A.NU.NAGA [Anunagi]
these beings or Anu(s) beings and are ruling beings of the Galactic Federation, there is only one Federation 

It is Nubian beings that are using Albino avatars

Since they invaded the number one thing they had to do was crack the 9ether Wombman genetics and that is all they are studying in Western science, Kaanu [Melanin] evolves every 3-5 years

The only way for spirits [Kaa] to come to this planet is through the 9 ether Wombman, stem cell research only comes from the 9 ether wombman  

This batch of HuMins [HuMans] is around 350,000 years old and they know this because they tracked her Placenta to the 9th Gate where Lucy was found who is 3.5million years old
If you ate your Placenta that is called Cannibalism 

The Annunaqi have returned for this planet and their offspring and they are not travelling alone

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