Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Skin Deep

Full Circle
Sibtu [Septet] Sirius

What colour was the Neteru [Supreme Beings] Gods [Deities]

The colours that we are, the red, brown, blue and Kanu [melanin] and green [wadj],was the actual colours of the specie, they are energy colours first and foremost, but based on upon everything that we see on this planet, the colour that best assimilates best with soular light is green, there is a piece of the data that is missing about colour as far as the HuMin [HuMan] insert

The plant life on this planet seems to be able to process soular radiation [emitted beams] more efficiently than we do into nutrition and that the colour green in our spectrum reality is missing

When we go into the books of hiStory of our-story and those books as the Kemtic and Vedic which are called myths by the Western world, these books are more relevant than the Western science that we have been taught and everything that we know is second-hand

Looking for our so-called-past-history in scientific books that the European has written doesn’t make sense, why are we not able to study the real history that was written in tablets [books] like Coming Forth by Day, why are we not looking for what caused the destruction of great civilisations to what we are here today, there are clues in the so-called Everest papayas and all the other papayas that were written and translated by the so-called European

If we are not to doom ourselves and repeat the mistakes that brought us down we have to study, what caused the fall in the first place, based upon our superior selves and as the progenitors of civilization, what was it that brought us down because no person crawling on all fours, eating one another, no fire , residing in cave, come in and take us out is not possible

We keep blaming the European for our downfall but our downfall is based upon those so-called [Gods] that we referenced in the Kemetic and Vedic texts, the ones called the Neteru [Annunaqi] or the Pandavas of the Veda

In the beginning of the Kemtic texts we see there was a serious interaction between the [Gods] and the HuMin [HuMan] we were flowing with them really well and then in the latter texts [writings] mankind or humanity was kind of vilifying the [Gods], they were pissed with the [Gods] for sum reason

The specific coloration that we had, the ideal coloration you would look to the [Gods] because they were supposedly the superior to the HuMin [HuMan], so in all the writings [text] what do we find about the colour of the most-highs, the specific colours of the supposedly [Gods] when we look at say Osiris [Asaru] Oser before and after his crucifixion, he was Kanu [black] and green, what was the colour of Draupadi in the Veda, he was green, and what the colour if Eve in your Bible, she was green

The [Gods] altered in colour in progressive pathological [Ptah-ology] stages through the true tests, the true texts, you need to read them about who you were, gnostic texts, from those that were hidden from the Christian texts, the ones that were abbreviated by Shakespeare who gave you your Bible

In the Kemtic and Vedic texts they come right out and tell us, Homer the so-called Greek writer also came right out and said, that we mortals, if we were to see the [Gods] it would drive us crazy because we HuMins [HuMans] would have seen how much we have changed

According to Vedic and Kemetic history, the [Gods] of the primordial families like the Pandava were green skinned, a great disaster of thermonuclear proportions wreaked havoc on the environment forcing changes in our metabolism [maat-bolism]

Kemetic [KHMT] sources stated that they had turquoise skin and why the turquoise stone as well as malachite was held in such high esteem also by the Amerindians

Asaru the only [God] shown is always shown in blue, brown and green skinned, his avatar was always those colours [malachite]

And Aset [Isis] bestow of life, lady of life, creator of green things, green goddess, whose green colour is like that of the earth [Ki], this is of Asaru resurrection

In the Veda Draupadi, the daughter of the [Gods] had green skin of Beryl stone, Ester of your Bible, her skin was greenish like that of the green Myrtle [taken from Hebrew-Habiru] and in the same book, Adam was also of olive skin, there are only two colours of olive and that is green and black

There are actually five skin types written in Kemetic and Vedic texts, green, red, yellow, brown and white, the blackness as we know it essentially was only specific to a different class of [Gods] and this would be literary historically be an indication of progressive stages of diseases called Chromatism, sumthing like Vitiligo and it was obvious that they had lost a vital molecule and that the vital molecule lost that changed the green tone of us was magnesium

Magnesium molecule is lost from the Melatonin (Melanin) [Kanu] mole is from molecule called a beauty spot in Western science, and Iron took its place

What happens when you have Iron and you mix it with Water and Oxygen, you get rust, so essentially everybody was telling you that the base of your blood is Iron, mix that with certain types of atmospheric pollutants and what do you get = rust

So, if you are the ideal creation of the [Gods] what would be the base metal of your blood if you wanted to be an ideal creature, what is the most precious of your metals = gold [Nub]

The basis of your blood was gold at one time, it didn’t rust, why are we aging, why is Oxygen, contrary to belief a toxin to us at times, because its not in connection to the other elements that together create a harmonious environment, pulling in Oxygen all the time is toxic to the system because Oxygen contains certain radioactive Isotopes [14.0] [15.0] [19.0] and Oxygen creates free radicals, so if Oxygen is so good for us why is it creating free radicals within our system

The ancient texts also make frequent references to the wheel and the reason why we have lost that green melanin [Kanu] colour was because the atmosphere changed or call it atmospheric anomalies, magnetic anomalies that had changed

In the ancient text the frequent reference to sumthing called the wheel and that certain poWRA-full [Gods] were given charge of it and in the Veda his name was Capella

This wheel that is mentioned represented the Magnetosphere of the planet [Ki] and is sectioned with different complex fields, sumthing called the Magnetopause, the geomagnetic equator with the shockwave layer, a trap radiation region, a neutral layer, a zone of auroras and magnetic lines of field or magnetic field lines, this is the same resonance that this planet has [Ki] are the same resonance that your cells give off [as above, so below][keep in mind all those crop circles of late]  

Around the planet there is a circle [sphere] shield [field] as there is around the sun of negative and positive magnetic elements

In Kemetic history one of the Neter takes control or command of Kham [KHMT] after the flood which is the great nuclear flood but they leave out the nuclear part in Western science, is given control of the wheel and his body is shown as a circle with his feet touching his mouth in

Through Anubu we over-stood the horizontal circle [sphere] which divides the invisible world to the visible world and has this circle [sphere] equally touches upon the confines of both light and darkness can be looked upon common to them both making that resemblance which is Anubu the dog [dogstar] aka Sibtu [Septet] Sirius and he is equally watched by day and night 
[they are talking about the Sirius star-system]

Green skin seems to out there for many to comprehend, especially with Hollywood doing whatever they could to denigrate our oddities in our present biochemistry

The Neteru must have had a superior balance of Zinc, Koppa, Magnesium and Iron in their bloodstreams, to have green skin, Koppa would have to have been in abundance in the blood, in other words, their blood would have had to been more like Chlorophyll and of a gold colour and they would have not been able to take a heavy co2 atmosphere, Koppa is an excellent oxidation reduction element as its synthesizes enzymes, we know that Chlorophyll and the HuMin blood is identical but only one major factor keeps us from having efficient Oxygen transference like the plants and that is the lost of Iron

[I also cannot go into detail, this is fragments of information so you at least get the gist at least of what took place and what is about to take place]

The brown colour that we have only came after the fall, and if you talk about the fall has in seasons, what colour does the tress turn to in Autumn [fall] they turn brown and yellow, gold

 When the Europeans got to Atlantis [USA] they said there was coloured people there

AIDS didn’t exist in 1985
Fibroid tumours and certain cystic conditions in women is because there is too much testosterone in the bloodstream

Until you start getting into the real information about your colour, the true secrets of colour, you will overstand that your true ancestors had a green hue [olive] malachite and that your skin did process sunlight how it was supposed to like the plants, you were called the Saptaparna the man plant and that is because you did emulate those things that had to do with colour, the natural synthesis of energy and Oxygen an Iron and all the elements that comes via the colour green and this is why the plant is so prolific in sunlight and why we are not

Green is light-force and healing energy
Green is ultra and when the Green rays hits the planet is Purple
She had Olive skin, there are only two colours of Olive and this is Green and Black
Green is the heart Chakra
Sons of the Green Disc

This is the problem with the online library in KMT [Khami] Kammu, the Muslims who are last in but will be the first out, before them the English and Germans and France and then the Romans and Greeks
The Muslims have no connection to KHMT let alone have a spiritual connection to KHMT that is why they dig up sites and hide what they find, the problem for many is that the more they dig this planet up the more she reveals her secrets, our ancestors spent time leaving artifacts because they knew this day would come

Look how they etched, chiselled out meticulously, faces, broke noses, blasted Aset [Sphinx] ears and lips off, and repainted and defaced colours and in most cases stripped the colours completed 
Sum of the reasons they say is because of flooding, the water is so selective, this is Ramses is holding a modem [Wi-Fi] while they secure connection to telepathy [transmit] 


Most works are 3D layered, intricate designs, all that and today they give us a bland finish, the invaders cleaned off all the beautiful colours that would have revealed a great insight to how life used to be under the moonlight, lights over Egypt

Hair is blue, no its black, no its both, come on which one is it, the wi-fi modem is blue, no its black in Nub

That is Ammit on the right in Wadj and turquoise, she doesn't look this, she would only frighten you, they depicted her has a Lion [Akir] and a Crocodile and Hippo because at that time these animals could and would devour men, looking forward to all them paedophiles meeting Ammit, she has a party trick, your heart stays in the bowels for'ever, its how she gets gets your heart out that is the party trick  

Green life force and healing life force is healing this planet, there is a lot of pain that she [you] holds that needs to be released  

The all-seeing eye 

He sees everything 

The Matrix is in Wadj [Green] for a reason

Colour in the 3D is down to your perception  

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