Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Sky Juice

With ether [Melain] void [Matter] Kaanu [Kanu] dark, you have;
[1] you have energy darkness into ether [2] sub-atomic energy at ether [7] you have spirit [Kaa] at [8] you have soul [Baa] at ether [9] you have [God]

For 90% of Hydrogen’s life time, this is the main activity of a star as a HuMin to reproduce its kind

This period of burning hydrogen at a consistent rate designates it as a Main Sequence Star, a light star, a light sun, and is the ether state

There is a dark star, a dark sun, the Black Sun [Septet] 

Sol Arena

Solar [Sol] means Soul or Sol = Sun and Ar from Arinna, the Canaanite female deity of the Sun from where you get the word arena from [sol-Arinna] a system which is systematic

Baa [Soul] this is a soular system and you need a soul to be here, you receive soular energy from the Sun and the Universe [Nun] Nu [the abyss, the deep] the energy of Nu [Cosmos]  

Plasma [Khaybet]
Lightening strikes the planet and is distributed by diamonds in the ground around the planet, where she needs it the most and stored in gold

From plasm, from new Latin, from late Latin, image, figure, from Greek, from plassein, meaning to mould

Solar energy

Ki [earth] is composed of a magnetic field, also known as the geomagnetic field that encompasses the planet

The primordial magnetic field extends from the Ki(s) interior region to where the field meets soular wind or a stream of charged particles emanating from the Sun
The magnetosphere is the region above the ionosphere and extends several tens of thousands of kilometres into space, protecting Ki from the charged particles of the solar [soul-ar] wind and cosmic rays [radiation = to emit beams] that would otherwise strip away the upper atmosphere, including the ozone layer that protects the planet from harmful ultraviolet radiation [UVC] the ozone layer is being removed on purpose and will be permanent

Soular Flares [Coronal Mass Ejections [CME] and Soular Wind are the same thing

Soular Flares
We can i-magi-ne the Magnetic field as if it is a spider web that surrounds the earth radiating webs of energy.

This is also connected to the ley-lines of the planet on the energy grid of the collective consciousness, many ley-lines have slaughter-houses sitting on the lines, which must be destroyed, longitude and is the ley-lines of this planet  

Now the Sun produces what are known as Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) produced from its own Magnetic field
CMEs are enormous bubbles of super-heated gas called plasma [Khaybet] that are ejected from the sun
Over the course of several hours, one billion tons of material are lifted off of the sun’s surface and accelerated to speeds of one million miles per hour

The plasma itself is a cloud of protons and electrons carried aloft by the soular wind 
Traveling at a million miles per hour, the ejection can cross the 93-million-mile distance to Earth in just 48 hrs-days [the sun is not 93million miles away, he is right there] 
A jet moving that fast could get you from Los Angeles to New York in 18 seconds

These geomagnetic storms are often associated with soular flares because they are powered by the sudden release of magnetic energy stored in the corona of the Sun
A soular flare is a huge burst of magnetic energy that produces radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum at all wavelengths, from radio waves to gamma rays

However, most of the energy is spread over frequencies outside the visual range and for this reason the majority of the flares are not visible to the naked eye and must be observed with special instruments, but you will feel the energy for just like the way the energy [radiation] comes in is through the crown chakra of the planet, as above, so below, this is the same for you, the radiation comes through your crown into your body and is dispensed through your hands and feet [no Kaanu] the 9 ether and the 6 ether cannot dispense the energy

Although close to the magnetic poles many individuals are able to witness the Northern Lights or an Aurora which is where the soular storm interacts with the upper atmosphere creating beautiful light emissions which is energy, the auroras are now being seen in the four corners of the planet

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ranks solar flares using five categories from weakest to strongest: A, B, C, M, and X
Each category is 10 times stronger than the one before it
Within each category, a flare is ranked from 1 to 9, according to strength, although X-class flares can go higher than 9
According to NASA, the most powerful solar flare recorded was an X28 (in 2003)

The stronger the flare the more damage and heavier biological response it produces, especially X flares are extremely powerful on the collective

Soular Flares also can trigger electromagnetic disturbances, satellite failure, blackouts, power-grid failure or anything that uses man-made-electricity due to the power of the storm that it produces

Solar Flares

It also can affect consciousness due to humins [humans] being part of the electromagnetic spectrum, animals and humans [humins] have their own electromagnetic field that operates like a Torus of energy or Aura

This primordial field is the earths heartbeat her natural rhythm can be measured

There is a direct correlation between Geomagnetic activity and psychological response
 [Psy-chi-c Psy = soul and Chi id your life force energy [Akh]

Many animals can sense the Earth’s magnetic field just like people, many from the plant kingdom also feel the field
Geomagnetism peaks matchup with peaks in the number of mood disorders like, depression, anxiety, bi-polar = fancy word for manic depression (mood swings) and even suicides, axgsity, for the 6 ether this can be detrimental [mental] crown blockages

Our Central Nervous System is directly affected along with the functioning of our pineal gland

Kelly Posner, a psychiatrist at Columbia University in the US states: “The most plausible explanation for the association between geomagnetic activity and depression and suicide is that geomagnetic storms can desynchronise circadian rhythms and melatonin production
[Melatonin is Melanin [Kaanu] ether] its what the underbelly of the shuttles is coated in or they would be able to go to earths low orbit, Kaanu is in the 9 ether skin and is nothing more than condensed sunlight that is intelligent and evolves every 3-5 years   

The pineal gland serves as the connection point, the focal point, the seat of the soul (9th Chakra) where you project into the astral plane and can experience multiple dimensions of consciousness

The pineal gland is a vastly important gland that not only regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production but secretes DMT along with inducing various experiences such as Astral Projection+

The circadian regulatory system depends upon repeated environmental cues to [synchronise] internal clocks

Magnetic fields are one of these environmental cues, intuition  

There are ancient kodes in the German graphic [Sc-human-n] cuneiform is old Persian writhing which is ancient Ethiopian writing [symbols]
The Universe is a computer program with digital kodes 

Say with me in the inner-eye

As above
So below
As within
So without
As the universe
So the soul
You know that ancient KHMT is in the Americas right, Peru is Heru into Jeru-salem and one of the modern-day Mexico cities is built over ancient Memphis

I will softly mention the Mounds in Ohio where the people of the American race were found, the Mir(s) (pyramids) in Ohio, the Mir(s) in Ohio, I'll say it one more time the pyramids (MIRS) in Ohio [Muurs] MIRS aka the Bey and Al tribes, clans, people
 Who are the real people of the American race, I'm just giving you sumthing to think about, because communication is taking place, messages, Kodes

The frequency of consciousness Gamma, the intensity already very strong and is growing

Lighting is strong, it can be experienced by personality like a vibration assault and produces a whole bunch of various and varied effects or protests (for the person)

Freemasonry wanted to imitate the source with grades up to 33, there are 33 dimensions and we are in 3th dimension, there is a layout, an architecture of the worlds, the source, at Al-cyone level, is located in the 33th dimension

It's beyond the games of consciousness, of all dimensions and multi-universe, it's the world of [pure] minds

This is what happens in these times with the deluges, the waters of Up, the fertilizing waters, the baptisms of the fire, of the igneous fire

It is really the spirit of the source that penetrates and infuses from the top and bottom, from the 33th dimension to the 1st dimension in any form of conscience manifestation, right here, on Ki

Hence the term resurrection

This is the descent of Divine NRG [energy], the principle of life and manifestation of life, in accordance with the Law of One, in whatever dimension

It is the cut with the spirit that ends, in these times, this is the liberation of Ki and all life forms

There are also initiations to live regarding the revelation of the cosmic lie, which made a large part of humanity believe that the spirit did not exist

The lie participates in the shadow, and it can no longer be maintained when the Light and Truth come into man, into this world

The principle of lie has governed all humanity since time immemorial, so far, it had to be tenacious, fierce and unwavering will to get closer to truth

What comes to us, in this incarnation and in this time, is the reveal of truth, the end so illusions, lies, falsification
This is happening outside, like the inside

Alignment with truth and absolute demand to establish our Being in truth

Thus, everyone in these times is called to live in truth, called to live in light

This consists, beyond the mind, of seizing, in the moment and in consciousness, the lighting, the truth in every minute of our lives

The charging of the amplitudes is moderate and the frequencies also remain in the middle beta range, however there are massive disturbances in the resonance vibration

The planets behaviour has a different quality than the days before, as the disturbance arises from the surface effect of the planets system, which means that the HuMin [HuMan] Organ [brain] organism also gets these severe interfering impulses

How this affects every individual is will be different and on a collective, you cannot control these energies and they will pass through sum and stay with others from both the 6 ether and 9 ether

Plasma [Khaybet] is going to affect you, these energies are made from Gamma radiation and many will simply go offline, suicide will be for many, the organ cannot take these waves, beta [alpha] and theta and delta, the frequency must rise to 144hz, no more 7.89hz that allowed many beings and HuMins [HuMans] to function out here and that was with support for many with things like alcohol, cocaine and so forth, however we re being ushered into the nu frequency and anything that is artificial will simple expire

We are not part of the Galactic Federation of Light and are not part of the Ashtar Command or the Pleiades, you are part of the Galactic Federation, the Annunaqi, the Neteru and Kiymah [seven star siStar system]

OM [utterance 144]

Amen-Re, Sun of KHMT (Egypt)
Tehuti (Thoth) scribes; Psalm, even though I walk through the valley of the dark, I will fear no evil for you are with me, thy rod [Khu] and thy staff [Waas] they comfort me  

These are not coffins or tombs, these are Neb-Ankh, what the Greeks call Sarcophagus
The Neb-Ankh are charging hubs, when the elite go soular-travelling Astral-Traveling it is to keep the Khat (body) (avatar) at optimum peak and are made from Nub [gold] which is a conductor

All found at an Iy (Ee), which are mistaken by the West has tombs or burial sites or temples, they are abodes or coasts, isles    

Digesting sacred records as each question is put forward as if it is coming from your being and each answer is coming toward you as if I, Atum-Re, presently standing there dressed in the attire of the ancient Tama-Reye [Egyptian] Namuz the noble Headdress, Hiq the scepter, Khu the flail, Khajur the apron, and the Waas, the staff, bringing the great principle of ancient Ihm, Illyuwn and handing it to you as a feather called Ma’at

Ihm-Ilyuwn is one of the names for the 19th galaxy which we are entered into by 9 degrees

Allow yourcellf to hear the voice OM the sound of many waters as eye convey upon you the degrees that will raise you step by step

You can feel my presence surround you and protect you, as I walk through the valley of the dark, eye will fear no negative (evil) for you are with me, for you are with me + ancestors
Through the absorption of these sacred records you are able to protect yourcellf, and then become a part of the heavenly host, who are in constant spiritual war against the disagreeable beings and know without doubt that success is yours

Now embark upon this journey inward and outward at the same time
For the time is now and you are now ready to want what I have come to give

When connecting, Istal [meditating], the crossing of the arms is so that when you detach from your Kha, no-spirit can use your khat has their host, while your astral-travelling

We are in a new era, a new dawn, sum of you will not understand and sum of you will innersatnd   

Aum-Owm [OM] translates Sound [Sone] of Life, (Gods) voice

The US military have a set of words that go like this, no-one gets left behind, so do we, for we are with you

144,000 x 750,000 = 108,000,000,000 = 1+8 = 9.

As above so below
Multidimensional Nu (universe) inside your muscle is activated, the humin muscle (brain) is home to structures and shapes that have up to 9-11 dimensions

This is a world that the West and modern man never expected let alone Einstein [EMC2]

Find structures and multidimensional geometric spaces in muscle networks, estimated to be home to staggering 86 billion neurons, with several connections from each cell webbing in every possible direction, forming a super-vast cellular network that makes us capable of thoth [TehutI] and consciousness
This ww3 is a spiritual war [mind of matter] thoths [Magi] manifestation is really i-magi-nation
Magi [Magic] If you have imagery, then you have the energy

Researchers used mathematical models of algebraic (Ghibbore= Jabbarians from the word Jabbar, Jabar- which is Algebra, the great alchemist) topology to describe structures and multidimensional geometric spaces in muscle networks
Structures are formed at the same time that they are interlaced in a union that generates a precise geometric structure, connecting us to the universe

The brain [Organ] reacts to a stimulus by building tower of multi-dimensional blocks, starting with rods (1D), then planks (2D), then cubes (3D), and then more complex geometries with 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D and into 9D
The progression of activity through the muscle resembles a multi-dimensional sandcastle that materializes out of the sand and then disintegrates

While shapes that are three-dimensional have height, width and depth, the objects discovered by experts in the new study don’t exist in more than those three dimensions in the real world, but mathematicians used to describe them can have 5, 6 7 or up to 9-11 dimensions

We call these shapes Hika and Sia

Outside of physics, high-dimensional spaces are frequently used to describe complex data structures or conditions of systems, for instance, the state of a dynamical system in state space

The HuMin Organ [muscle] is the greatest computer because it is s-Cell-f-aware self-thinking, and self-learning and can even reprogram itscellf

Why would the creators implant such great abilities into the heads of HuMins [HuMans] and then give us religions that discourages intelligent critical thinking in exchange for blind dumb faith

Isis = E.motions [energy in motion]
Zero [Heru] Void

At particular moments in time as now, the various grid-points of timelines of earth align, they merge, opening a wormhole to another timeline

Timeline matrix(s) surround earth, many of them, all in-existence in the now, at certain grid-points they match up, a portal-pathway [Ptah] is formed and we have access to these multiple timelines

It is shown, to me, it’s like a Rubik's Cube, levels up every now and then, like the movie Interstellar, your Mekaba is moved into one dimension and moved into another, I fell deep down like eye was in the deep sea, I regained the craft and proceeded through the dimension

We are in one such moment in time when it's easy to interface with the timeline, we are attracting via our Thoughts [thoth]
Be in awareness and you will sense the Deja Vu (View) moments

This intersection of timeless is brought about by the ZERO POINT ENERGIES of the Equinox, in these Zero Point Vortexes, the Sacred Alchemy-Union of Masculine and Feminine- Matter [NWN] and Anti Matter [NWNT] results in a New Reality of Creation

Set the intention of releasing all-old-timelines and call in Earths highest timeline, your highest timeline of service
We choose with intentions-thoughts, words and action

Choose wisely at these sacred intersection portals of time


Her body, her eyes trap you, Gilgamesh tried to turn her down and enraged her, no-one turns her down
Her beauty was unheard of, now many divine females carry her sister siStar-DNA, her qualities, her depth, they wear the crown
Damned if you do and damned if you don’t, to have IN.ANNA’s attention is unique, eye can see why she likes you, who [not too bright though]

Her symbol is that of the Mercedes Benz, War and Peace, Love and Hate

Ishtar (Ish-Taar) Ish-Star the most PoWRA-full female Star [Femi Electron NRG]
IN.ANNA (In-An-Na) translates beloved of A.NU and is the original name for Ishtar
IN.ANNA is Isis, Aset, Aglimiya, Venus, Aphrodite, Lakshmi, Kali, Rhiannon, Ahasheroth-Ashteroth and Esther to the Bible lot

IN.ANNA is universal mother of all living things, she is part of the highest order Semu
In the Sumerian records, MUR.DUK tries to mess with her and she buried him alive at the EKUR-MIR (Giza-Pyramid) she only relents because of EN.QI

She is here now and is the eyes and ears of A.NU 


Sea dwellers

Being they were land and sea dwellers, they had to stay in crafts called the holy cities or cylinder [Shams] crafts, as described in your Bible [Zechariah 5:1-2] or in [Ezekiel 1:4] being they ere making this a temporary home, they referred to it as, a home away from home

In their language that word is E.RI.DU [Ereth] from which you get the word Earth
They referred to this planet as the planet Earth, when land mass is a fraction of that, compared to water over the surface
Thus, this is in actuality a water planet

Aquatic animals are, fish, whales, dolphins, frogs, turtles, alligators, crabs, lobsters, shrimps, oysters [oystars], simply reptilians
Thus, your statement in Genesis 1:2 which states, and the earth (Ereth) Eridu, was without form and void and darkness was upon the face, surface of the sea, and the spirit of god moved, hovered upon the face of the water [the crafts hovered over the water and was being witnessed by the reptilians who were watching the reflection of the crafts against the surface of the water]

The original beings that lived on the planet Earth came out of the waters of this earth, when the conditions and climate was suitable for them to live on land
As they were evolving, the earth was also evolving
The conditions on the land had to be suitable for those beings that thrived in the sea and could breathe on land, for them to adapt to land living
This is hidden because an environment is a confession of the life stock of it
That means if most of the planet is water, then in actuality this is not a dry land planet but an aquarium

An aquarium is a place for aquatic animals and plants, which live in water
From the Latin aquarium, source of water, from neuter of aquarius, of water, from aqua, water

The stock-exchange must be shut down, pig-pot-belly, cattle and bonds [animals] bonds from bondage [HuMin] for money that is made from trees, that is all the kingdoms being exploited by man

Water and electricity [electron] = currenSea 

Bangladesh, China, Nepal, that region is going down for a reason 

That Alaska quake was M9, come on now be serious
the planet is releasing NRG, true that AC, she has been rattling all day 

China's heaviest rocket prepares for launch Thursday with the country's first Mars landing mission, an ambitious attempt to place an orbiter around the Red Planet and a robotic rover on the Martian surface early in 2021, we won't be here in 2021 [2012] who is watching who 

Crop Losses 

Everything in red means you cannot plant nothing and nothing is growing there, this will be for near enough 512 years, the north is going back under ice,

Green zone is where new life is going to be growing, forget Asia, you can already see what is going on over there, complete shut down and not just of the eco-system

Cannibalism is already in the north and will expand by the end of the year, you have a certain amount of time before restrictions take place, before you have a limit imposed on you
Everywhere that is in red is where the eco-system is shutting down and those in blue will be going red real soon
The USA is going to get it the most because they still have the Nubian in custody, your Trump card already said that they are fighting an invisible war

Those who prepared are going to have to protect from those who did not, after 6 days violence will take over  

Sum of the information is repeated but that is because the sun is repeating the same message everyday, the moon doesn’t, he is out during the day because he cannot hide no more

Those who can see in the 9D, see you on the other side and those who cannot, you will be back until you get it right 

Listen carefully and all the symbolism

Did Dinosaurs really eat others or flesh, these types of plants have flesh like leaves and many were huge, even the Venus fly-trap was bigger than a man, making their teeth important in the chewing process of eating these types of leaves [flesh]

Radiation is streaming in from above, the core of this planet is also emitting radiation [heat] energy [as above, so below]
The radiation is coming through the crown chakra of this plant, Kanada and Russia and filters out to the rest
The radiation is coming through your crown chakra [head] and dispenses through your hands and feet whilst hitting your chakra system and organs along the way, same with the planet

Tai Chi will help you to distribute the energy [radiation] around your body and out
You are being charged up and you need to maintain that charge, do not give any to anyone else, you may feel mentally drained or sluggish, drink plenty of water [alkaline] lemon and limes, keep your Ph levels up, your intake of Iron, eat the colours that match up with the chakra system, watch your thoughts and what you take in from others and the media, music, movies and your family

The radiation is building up and this planet is surrounded by electricity, plasma is everywhere, we are all highly charged and sum people are about ready to pop off and go for it, many will be going offline and taking you with them

Darwin said survivor of the fittest, your Kha [body] must be at its best or you will feel the radiation in a negative way through your organ [brain] mind and the radiation can get blocked in the body and chakra system like your soular plexus, which is your sun [core] as above, so below  

Soular flares [wind] CME are also hitting the planet and play havoc in the Kha if your Kha is not balanced

Plasma [Khaybet] must be regulated, the planet is receiving hers daily sumwhere, sum place

You must maintain your tri-system soul, mind and body in that order not the Roman order

These are not just physical, spiritual [soul] and mental attributes, its very heavy out there and this radiation is only going to increase and with the increased amounts many simply won’t make it

UVC is at a all time high for consecutive days and this will become several weeks in the USA and other places, UVC is on the ground, this is Gamma radiation, the electromagnetic field [ozone layer] is being switched on and off at times and will go off permanently, the problem with that is the radiation will just consume the planet and without condensed sunlight which is Kaanu [melanin] you are going to burn, you will not be able to come outside which is what they warned you through the movie I AM Legend, air-condition goes down or an EMP and you will blow up like the godfather

Protect yours-Cell-s-lf, it s a jungle out there

Parallel worlds are merging, the physical and spiritual worlds are merging, that is 360 + 360 = 720
all dimensions are merging into one 

Blue-Life-Force NRG
Green is Life-Force NRG but is also Healing Life-Force-NRG
One of the crafts, I mean comets releases the blue chakra energy signature force
The white particles are protons  

Our star family have to protect the planet first, if not all this monkey sh9t is over for all of us that includes for the negative beings also, the planet must be protected at all costs, she is only one of a few planets in the entire cosmos that is able to sustain such complex organisms, she will never be compromised, look at this image, this is out of love

The NaTaRu are here, the watches, the guardians of this soular system and others, the providers of this soular system and others, and they are repairing this planet and soular system
You must do your part, when the moment is right  

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