Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Kode Breaker

So, we are in the 4D and are shifting all the while, during this period we are dreaming about things and they are going to become a reality and your going to not know if this a reality or a dream and this is because your astral mind and physical organ [brain] is merging together and this will open things but your vibration must rise in order to get to this level

War and chaos are on other levels, so its not just about your intentions, its about your vibrations and your number one consciousness as to be mentally, your consciousness has to be right, you have to be thinking on certain things, are you, then you’re not focused, your main focus must be evol-ution

Evol-ve and you come up higher and this brings in your dreams [visions] visionary focus, energies change every decade and in this next ten years is very important with you and what is happening on this planet, the extra-terrestrial beings would have been revealed, your already seeing signs of this has they have reached mainstream news, if you cannot see the signs then there is sumthing wrong with you or you is in denial which is the most predictable of all HuMin [HuMan] responses

We are going higher in vibration, when, it could be tomorrow, maybe its today, no its next week, its September, regardless, we are in the moment [how long is a moment] all i-can say is there are levels to consciousness or time [emit] we are in or going to the 4D, we are going

The 2012 [2020] September [9] 11th is a mathematical equation that indicates the changing of one energy into another [recycle] alchemy

We are speeding up, faster and faster, were on a road to nowhere, is for many but this Ptah is wide open and we have sped up dramatically almost to the point that its surreal

Now the reason sum of you cannot have real access to PoWRA [X-Men] [X-mind] or spiritual energy is because you have sumthing that is blocking your [crown] an aspect of your mind [Khu] called the dream sensor or your silver-cord or dream kodes, when the sensor gets blocked off in your mind or consciousness you cannot do certain things because these kodes have been shut down and you have to unlock the dream kode, unlock them and you have access to who you are, raise your vibration and that sensor gets turned off and you have to come from the heart because the heart and mind are one in the same and what is your intention with energy

Lucid dreams then merges with the physical world, NASA say they can see the parallel world, those worlds are merging with the physical world, that is 360 merging with 360 that is your 720 [cube] four sides to consciousness, that is the fourth dimension

You are only limited by who you think you are, you are only limited for sum it is who your ego thinks you are, who is in the driving seat [throne] [Mind] pulpit here

The children don’t have an ego [yet] like the adult and you will see the difference in them for these signs

A lot of children were born at home during quarantine [free from western drugs]

The four, five and six year old children do not have an ego like their mother and father, these children are going to be breaking these dream kodes, these dream sensors first, you must be Raising Dionne, you must be feeding the children spirituality, talk to them through the spirit [Ka-systems] language, these children are Pi-sy-Chi-c and do not know they are HuMin [HuMan], they are already in their imagination [i-magi-nation] Magi [Magic] mag-net-i-sm [manifestation] imag-ery [image]
i-magi-nation is more PoWRA-full than knowledge and this is how you access the fourth dimension

You are born with Psychology, how can sumone teach you about your own mind

Certain things you can see and feel already

Remember Dinosaur is a Greek word of two words wielded together, Dino means terrible and sauar means lizard, so you will be seeing things that were always there, Dinosaurs are part of the reptile family, like a sub link but they are all related

We are evolving and all is being revealed from a micro level to the macro level, as above, so below

Go to the astral world and get that 5 o’clock shadow and bring it back with you to Ki [earth] 

The tones are in the left and right ear, last night felt like Morse kode for a prolonged time, sones, prolonged Morse kode, we are going online, everything is happening in the AM, without needing much sleep in the PM 

Spiritual awakening [activation] are things like, you know this world is not right, that you can sense this monkey construct is not quite what it seems, you don’t feel the things in the 3D, the way others feel these things, you become Nimrud, the soul rebel, the rebel to the system, you rebel to your family and also become the Kanu [black] sheep to them but the light sheep to others

Now you start looking for truth, the beacon of truth is activated, what do you think is the beacon of truth, that is your soul, your soul is searching, the numbers start coming in, all day everyday to get your attention and focus, now you begin to tune in

All these numbers, 1111 [222] 1616 and so on are kodes that your subconsciousness mind is trying to give to you, these are access kodes, when you get kodes pay attention around you, what was your last thought, what you were last thinking, what you are doing right then and there, was it a contemplation about sumthing, the subconscious mind is trying to reveal sumthing to you, forget mainstream meanings, we are not dealing with New-Age meanings no more because these numbers are your own kodes that you implanted to set off, numbers relate to your own implanted kodes,
 pay attention to your dreams [visions] not the dream itself but the message or the plot, when you describe a movie you will summarise and your to do the same, what is the plot, objective and not who that person is or why was that person in there, yes they may all play a part in the message but what is the overall message of that dream [vision]

Your job is to decode that dream, not the number, decode what you are thinking or trying to confirm with yourself or what you are reasoning with yourself about or contemplating or remembering  

Watkins dictionary of Magical is now on Amazon for $900

Another sign of spiritual awakening is that you find truth and you want to share truth, you want to save people, and then you realise sumthing real serious about saving people and that is you cannot save people and the main ones you tri and save are your family and saving your family is a future pile of sh9t, you just cannot save them, all you can do for them is to ask for i-strength, i-protection and i-guidance for them

Next port of call is that you will seek out a teacher, a mentor, when you don’t find one it is because you are not ready, but when you do it is the beginning of your journey, when the student is ready the teacher will appear, the teacher is a guide, a reference point

When the student is ready the teacher will appear, you have to be ready for the teacher and sum of you won’t need a teacher because you are a self-starter, you will have an appraisal when one is required to direct or confirm or give you clarity, spirit guides and things like intuition, emotions, feelings, senses the Jedi uses  

Another part of your awakening is accepting your guide [teachers] knowledge or accepting what is really knowledge and what is not, bypassing your cognitive dissonance, your set of beliefs, especially when we are dealing with the knowing and not the believing   

Kats are gatekeepers to the underworld, this why they let them roam freely around in KMT,
Kats protect the environment, Dogs protect the individual

Remember the Muslims are currently in Egypt and have dug up other beings who are not related to the Muslims [Arabs] and that is how you can tell that these people are not descendants of the original lineage, are you allow to dig up your own dead, you are going to be punished for this and we can see this is already taking place 

You see the Wicca [WiKa] (witch] with the Kana [melanin] Kat [sum Kats are mixed with the snake, the serpent] you’ve seen the eyes of the lizard in them 
[Read previous post about the Ghouls and Draco and the Kat [Kamu]]

Mercury retrograde is very real in this field, you must sit your ass down and reflect on life, me personally, because we are in the Aquarius field, Mercury retrograde is here for a long time
Sum of you are doing too much and are stressed, sit down and ponder a minute, think about your life for a minute or two, maybe you cannot, what are you afraid of 

Sum of you are in arguments, car accidents, sit down and stop doing too much, retrograde is a time for reflection, sleeping patterns change during this period, know what it is when the universe is talking with you, during this period your questions get answered, ssSSh >> be still

The MA.RE [Mir] Mer aka pyramids [Ziggurats] are coming on-line around the world, remember they are under the sea, underground and on other planets, they are all being activated, many are on geometric lines on Ki, sum act has fasteners to the planets landmass, the Mir holds the frequencies of the planet and they are activating, many, pyramid is a Greek word that describes the shape only in mathematics and has three 90 degrees [45] at each angle [angel] and is the most poWRA-full shape in mathematics [ma’At-ma-At-ics] 9to9tothe9thPoWRA
[tri] three is the Magi number
NI.BIRU shares the same coordinators as the Ekur ]Gaza] complex [Mir] and light speed, meaning the MaStar key controls the MaStar switch  

At KMT [Egypt’s] height, KMT existed in the fourth dimension, KMT existed on the last leg of the 4D, and that is why KMT [Kemet] was referred to has heaven [haven] on Ki [earth], we needed this technology so that we could have the access to extra-terrestrials, KMT existed in another whole different dimension and we see the h3ll version [dead state] of KMT in the 3D   

The Mir(s) have been holding our reality and this is why they cannot be touched, sum of you have the psychic pyramids [tri-angle] on the palm of your hands 

Get pass this thing called good and evil, this is about information [Aquarius] which is knowledge which is light, which is data, you are here for the data not if this being was good or evil

Many of you came from the on-line library KMT [Egypt], these are your people, remember the USA has parts of west KMT or west Alkebulan [Africa] and that many of the civilisations come under KMT, many, many are all under the umbrella of KMT, not what you see today where Egypt is, she is far more greater than just that one identified area and were the pioneer integrator of their technology and nature together, they merged the two [think of the 2billion year old natural nuclear reactors, crystals are computers and so on+]

The merging of the fourth dimension means the Mir(s) all over the planet are activating, many of you have crystals in your body, the 3rd eye is a Quartz crystal, thus you are vibrating, so to is Ki, the frequency is vibrating, once the stars [SAA.RE] align we go Pepsi Max, you are going to have to merge with the nu frequencies and know that your family cannot go with you

The more poWRA-ful the frequency gets its best for you to know that many cannot go with you, your true family is in the Kaa [spirit] world anyway, that is where you belong, you are going to have to learn to let things go, let them go, Yoda said this once, you must learn to let go of everything that you love-, no attachment, you will always have the connection, love them while they are here, love what is in front of you now, take care of them, be good to them, but you will have to let them go, why, because they cannot go with you [think of the moving Knowing, when he had to let his son go]

Watch yourself and check yourself

[this was written only if you are ascending, for those who are spiritually evolving] remember NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] Nabara is a spiritual vessel [Mekaba] and behind the MaStar Key and the Sun is the spirit world, and they are merging, that is the 9th dimension and the 5D [6D]
if you know what this 2012 is really about then this makes sense to you] 

Duality exists really on the lower levels, once you go higher, all merges into one

07.07.2020 = 18 = 9
EMP Electromagnetic Precursors for Earthquakes

Charging activated
Red-blue areas are under high charge and black is extreme

Plasma [Khaybet]strikes everywhere, plasma strikes the waters and charges it = currenSae, plasma hits the ground and is transferred through the diamonds, gems, crystals in the earth, gold is a conductor and stores the energy, diamonds redirect the energy [plasma] around the planet where she needs it 

 Water is coming in at an alarming rate however the number of deaths are remarkably low has nature minimises the death toll
Oil spillages in Indonesia and Russia have a real impact on the environment, remember oil is the planets blood 


who that

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

China, Japan, India, Indonesia, and Russia and parts of the Muslim Arabia worlds are all getting it

Craft [comet] over Romania

When you look at this image, think of space has water, an ocean, you can see
the ripples of the ocean, the waves
water holds frequencies [currenSea]

Horn of Alkebulan [Africa]  
Trillions of locusts are stretching over thousands of miles
In the Horn of Africa, second-generation spring swarms are present in northwest Kenya, eastern
Ethiopia, and parts of Somalia, they will be fanning outwards, those places listed, Kenya, Ethiopia and parts of Somalia are still under Egypt so they are the Pharaohs plagues, they are coming out of these places destining for countries of interest
Between Kenya and Ethiopia there is a huge crack where eventually AB.ZU will sink [South Africa] or be flooded, the Arc is safe     

They are in the USA, your Biblical and the ancient KMT curses, the 15-square-kilometer 
Locust swarm is heading towards Brazil and Uruguay after Invading Northeast Argentina and will head to the USA, no one is eating next year, let alone the end of the year

when Europe invaded Ethiopia the whole country went into famine because the reptilian Albinos are forbidden from the 9th gate and until this day no foreign occupation is allowed in the 9th gate and Liberia

Food shortage and famines lay ahead wherever the locusts and the others go, they are under natures orders 

China's Dragon
I would have moved out after hearing that 

Can you see him, Alkebulan man 

East coast of the USA, triangles everywhere and objects 

crafts everywhere

Chakra energy signatures

this cloud is solid and should only be holding vaporised water, the craft is at a slight angle


Crop circles are always on crops but not always a circle [sphere], intricate designs, precision, not one stem broken, burnt or dead on the crops, huge designs, these messages are barcodes

What if we didn’t have drones, how would you fully see the symbol, they would have used a helicopter to see them, many need to be seen from above and that is how they are actually scanned, there are crafts that are using the ley-lines is a scared area, crafts, orbs can scan the barcodes

Fours spheres [the four gas giants] alignment, Ki in the middle and the dark sun, locked and loaded, this image is from France July 5, 2020 and was also used in June 2019 in the UK, Templar will claim this symbol, this is the Creation symbol used by the Annunaqi [Anu-Naga] and is also used for NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], all is merging into one
This is s frequency symbol of change  

Wiltshire is heavily used by the messengers, but that is just the region, whose over there, whats over there

Avebury stones are nearby
Granite holds frequencies and Stonehenge and Glastonbury are all in this area and Bath 

Ley-lands are where they get longitude and latitude from

Leicester is still on lock-down in the UK 

Wiltshire [mapped in red] Bath being a Roman settlement 

The Druids control the stones [portal] 

The west of England beneath the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge had been included in a £2 billion funding package announced by the Department for Transport
£2billion pounds for a underground tunnel or bunker or airport or all, starting in 2021

Military base

Royal Air Force Welford or more simply RAF Welford is an active Royal Air Force station in Berkshire, England RG20 7EX.[1] The station is located approximately 6 miles (9.7 km) northwest of Newbury; about 50 miles (80 km) west-southwest of London

Opened in 1943, it was used during the Second World War by both the Royal Air Force and United States Army Air Forces
During the war it was used primarily as a transport airfield

Ammunition compound
After the war it was closed in 1946 and placed in reserve status
As a result of the Cold War, the station was reopened in 1955 as a ammunition depot by the United States Air Force

Today it is one of the largest ammunition compounds for the United States Air Force in Western Europe for heavy ammunition
[2] One description states RAF Welford comprises 806 acres and is bordered by a 31,680 foot fence-line
They are home to the U.S. Air Forces in Europe’s second largest munitions hub
The installation currently maintains 15,000 bombs; over a $160 million stockpile
RAF Welford is located in Berkshire
In May 2019 the USAF moved half a million pounds of net explosives weight from Newport Port, South Wales to RAF Welford
[11] The vessel involved was the US Ocean ship Ocean Globe

When these people marched in the civil movement, this is when the angles [angels] started coming down, this is when the Flower, Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal children started arriving and this technically was the end of the world 


Septet [September] 11th 2020 will be 2012 that is in two months, this is the real 9/11
the significance is that the real PoWRA is restored, the wHoly Trinity H.I.M
[Gods Elect] Elect-ron and its Femi9 Electron NRG
[research who really set up the League Of Nations and the Lord Of Lords] and what that meant when H.I.M took it to the USA

H.I.M is the elect of the supreme beings, he speaks for them, the only one who is head of the trinity

The PoWRA will also be restored to the 9th Gate which also includes the city of Sheba


The Europeans are the youngest race on the planet, those with Kanu [black][melanin] hair and eyes have Nubian DNA, think of the Sicilians who have these features has an example, so do the albinos have a soul, I have been writing no, because one, the two races have different souls, and because of my own personal hang-ups based on the negativity that they created

 Their soul is missing fragments, my argument is that you need a soul [Baa] to be here because this is a soul-ar system and it must be a full number 9, but the albino are missing certain numbers, so technically, yes and technically, no

I have been seeing my past lives and a huge amount of it, I was an albino and I see family, me, all in my albino lives, there is so much that I shy away, maybe its because I am embarrassed but after much contemplation, a series of visions came to me, so I embrace 

[whatever you hate you come back as, all the indigo children came in all races or colours, depending on how you want to view or say it, its not because you hate whatever it is, its because the Neteru [god] in you needs to understand why, and has a soul, you can come back has whatever you like]

Those with fragments missing have to work that bit harder when it comes to spirituality and this is when you see good-people, I can see the good in many, I have written before that you can change your outcome

So, sum do have souls, are there those that don’t have a soul, h3ll yes, ab-soul-tely, including the ones who sold their soul or parts of it, that does not mean you have to be famous to achieve this  

The Europeans are such a young soul that they are missing facets and they do things that are wtf moments, and they have the ability to evolve, once you get past the 4D you turn into light and there is a difference between your soul and your spirit [sun gaze and you can grow your soul]

Sum of these things that they do is because you are missing or one or two or however many parts,  this means because your are missing or cannot evolve that part of your soul, you will not evolve and many of you know this about yourself, remember you will get another go

Feed, grow your soul and you can grow your facets back, like when you get hurt, say it be love, you damage your facets of your soul but over time you heal and you regrow, for many you may never regrow, parts missing can be attributed to karma, and for sum, it will be sum trauma that you have been through

There are certain things we have to get past, even sexuality because these are 3D things and on the 4D it doesn’t matter, this does not mean that what certain things happen we can forget or that we know the albino races fuck9d this planet, the plants and the animals and the huMin kingdoms up, that debt will be settled by the higher beings, however, there are those who are spiritual and are doing the work who are albino and from the recessive genes, yes missing parts but they can do the work and evolve, so it is unfair for me to continue to say that the recessive genes don’t have a soul, sum do and sum do not
Blue, Green and Grey and Hazel eyes [soular panels] mean you cannot receive soular energy thus making your soul unchargeable from the panels, its an achievement for those who have made it this far under those conditions on your avatar

Your 3rd eye becomes calcified, but there are other ways to compensate and evolve alot higher than what your currently on, time is always against us, move with the frequency 

Its all a test down here [you have to get past humanity] 

12 tribes, 12 zodiacs, 12 families, 12 strands of DNA, 12 days of Karast NRG, 12 disciples, 12 gem-stones connected to those tri-bes and these tribes are IN.KI [EN.KI(s)] people, so to extent they are chosen people on this planet 

The 13th is hidden 


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