Friday, 24 July 2020

Stages and Phases

5ive stages of transformation

Han Solo

Stand on your cube [square] 720, many are called, few are chosen
Roll solo, your tri-be will find you, don’t give up your energy for sumone who’s going nowhere fast
your internal compass has already been set, don’t worry about it

[144,000] let the real ones find you, don’t roll with the assimilated ones because they will take you down, at the beginning of this year saw the light separating us and for this reason was so that the higher ones could see us, find us, stay on the right Ptah of the energy

[144,000] are a frequency and are only a handful of real [HuMins] that are left on the planet
Most people are playing dumb, separate yourself from these people because they have nothing to lose tattooed over their 3rd eye

Stand on your cube [720]

Feed the heart Chakra 
Waji [Green]

Green is healing life-force energy coming through the Crown Chakra of this planet and you
stay focused and grounded, don't lose faith [Forever Always In The Heart]

Soular energy [radiation] 

Chakra NRG signatures and what is that on the left, first time seeing sumthing like that,
is that dark-energy

Sardinia [Italy]
More crop shut downs
Millions of locusts have caused devastation after descending on Sardinia
Several mayors in the region declared a state of natural disaster and called for immediate action
Eco-systems are shutting down, we are in year one of three
Many will focus on GDP, so what if you have money but no food to purchase, how stupid is that, eat the money 

Have you noticed that weather cells, weather anomalies, factory-warehouses, military sites-military installations, insect invasions, wind, heat and water are all in certain places around the world, like Muslims areas, Bible-Belt areas, nations that sold out other nations, Roman holdings, gentile holdings, organ trafficking hubs, invaded ancient land, nothing is random, infrastructure shut-down is also taking place in certain areas 


Pyramid crafts in [USA] AUSTRALIA [INDIA] 

24hr operation

Express News
They are letting you know, and when you see the words Drake Equation
Drake is from the word Draco

November 2019  Australia 
Purple [Crown] Ultra [Plasma] Khaybet [Kha-y-be-t] 
Diamonds in the ground deflect the energy around the planet to where she needs it the most, Gold stores the energy, Gold is a conductor, you have plasma in you called Khaybet, as above, so below 

Gamma wave band is affecting many

Beta [Alpha] Theta

Magi [Magic]
If you have imagery, then you have the energy

The word Kundalini or Khudalini(s) is a Naga root word is [Osumare] and was originally from the Yoruba tribe [Orisha] aka Alkebulan [Africa] and then taken to KMT [Egypt] Khami and called the Uraeus and then transferred to the Andamanese Indus [India] Muurs [Bey][Al], this is from the Ka-systems

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and RA.HU [Ratan] is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Septarian [dark-cube] is behind Re [Sun]

Septet [SIBTU] Sirius [Dog Star] Femi9 Electron NRG
Twin star

We are receiving huge amounts of energy, its heavy out there

3 sons [suns] of the [Gods] are on the Horizon

Ww3 is a spiritual war, a war of the Khu [Mind] 

The cloud below is holding a huge craft
the turquoise light ray is coming from sumwhere else and is not the sun

The NTH Dimension [the NTH gate] where the [Gods] like to be 
ever-willing, ever-ready, ever-lasting  

[2043] is the last shipment out of here, you won’t be able to be teleport after this date 

Do your best to equilibrium [balance] 

[Same thought forms or the same thought frequency]

The idea is to evaluate the thoughts that got you there in the first place, hence why self-refection is sooooo important
You want to switch up your aura
If you are fighting backwards, this is because you have not reflected, you have not sCellf-reflected, maybe you are afraid of what you already know about thyself

Do you ever get over sum of these thoughts

I use to go to my mothers home maybe once every week or every two weeks and she resided in an area that I deemed a paradise because that is where we grew up and that is where I had my childhood and a lot of my memories are contained within that experience of going home until one day I realised that this paradise was just an area, it wasn’t paradise

You would think you are over these things in your Ptah until you go to these places and you feel sad and you think why do I feel sad again and then BOOOM it hit me

Deep in my subconscious, probably using areas of my life without me being aware of it [the subconscious picks up on everything with or without you] that these events are being brought to the surface of these HuMin [HuMan] events so that you can do the spiritual work [shadow play]

This is pain that you are able to release your emotions, with an experience, with a scenario

So, depending on your repeated thoughts, repeated frequencies are scenarios that you play out in order to release dark energy
You would think you knew logically but the energy in motion [e.motion] is different from the experience, playing this emotion over and over was really for me to release that emotion [that experience]

Self-reflection is the work, events experiences and scenarios that you play out are repeated thought patterns, repeated frequencies, this is also why many have the same type of partner, its comfortable, a higher force will challenge them and they are simply not ready to self-reflect, its about the emotions behind the experience, the event, place, thing, environment or person

Every thing is energy

Put these emotions into the light, out of darkness into the light, I can now see it, going to the darkness within, that is all that work is, there is a dark part of you that you are aware of and unaware of that is within you [another part of the soul]

Self-reflection is because the partner you have may not be emotionally inclined thus you will bring out the dark side in them once emotions are being used

You must go within and deal with your own dark-energy that you hold and have held, sum are deep rooted and may take a few lives to even get a grip on it, many of you were brought into this timeline in order for you to break generational holds, the situation won’t be the same but the emotion is, recognise the PoWRA you have and understand it so that you will inner-stand it, repeated cycles, repeated patterns of thought, repeated frequencies, means you are looping

You may do certain things and not know it, you may act in a certain way and not know it, you may say certain things and not know it, sh9t, maybe you do know it, either way you'll need to self-reflect and release that deep-rooted dark-side, those emotions are running the subconsciousness engine which is your true reality and so you are looping and you cannot loop in the 4D[5D]  

The dark-side is in your head [thoughts]

Submit to it, overstand it so you can really let it go, it was a hurt, it hurts the sh9t out of me, it hurt me to where it affected me, now its time for me to let you go

Be the MaStar of your HuMin [HuMan] reality at the very least

When you see, feel that emotion that you cannot explain, don’t turn away, face off with that emotion and release it any-way but loose, probe it, own it, release it


The word real-ity comes from the word reel [reel-i-see] this is your projection, the Khu [Mind] is only playing back from your Khu, whatever you hold on your reel [wheel] of life  


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