Monday, 1 June 2020


How to love yourself, the Neteru attribute, there is sumthing that you like about yourself that you can do, magnify that 10fold, this is the Neter [god] attribute, the Neter properties    

We are all going to the same place, however there is a two-way process when it comes to your Soul [Baa] strength

There is the snake and there is the head of the snake, you are part of the head of the snake because you activated [woke-up] that is why you are interested in more and you are one of those people who will be bringing others to the otherside

Baa translates strength, this is the strength of your soul, your behaviour, what you did with your energy [consciousness] while you were down here

The Biblical Judgement is not how you fully overstand it to be, the Judgement you are going to have is a alchemical Judgement, yes there is a Amduat [weighting of the heart] but you will be having a alchemical Judgement because this is reSet

This post is about your Baa only, everyone is going to be in the same place you are and that includes those who say for example, kill sumone, in sum way he or she has already been punished by being down here in the physical realm, the punishment has already happened for that person

We all came back into knowledge because the Egipt Khami [KMT] data was sent to us in the last 10 years at least, the weighting of the heart and the Maat scales has nothing to do with what your behaviour was when you were down here, what you did with your energy [consciousness] while you were here

It is impossible for the physical body [Kha] not to do the 42 negative confessions, the 42 negative confessions is not talking about what the physical person did, the 42 negative confessions is talking about what his or her Baa did, you went out and killed sumone but your Baa didn’t do it, that is why its called the negative confessions, your innerCellf is not responsible for what your outerCellf does

Your physical sCellf is not a representation of your soul, only Romans think like that, that is why they said, Mind, Body and Soul, when its Soul, Mind and Body, the Body is last, the physical self is an illusion that the ego thinks that it lives but it doesn’t, the ego is separate from the Baa, the Baa is asleep [dormant] (sleeping Buddha), the Baa incarnates into the physical body [avatar] in which the ego [Greek word for identity of who you are and who you are not] thinks its real, that it exists, that it is alive, it wants to live, most peoples Baa is dead [inactivate]

This Asaru [Osiris] KRST [Christ] is non-active in many and many do not even have a Baa

You have been in a dreamworld asleep, and the physical body thinks it is life, the ego runs the body while you have been asleep and between the two of them they have been in control while you just watched, the ego thinks it matters when it doesn’t, its just an illusion, when the Baa activates [wakes up] we are out of here

The Baa (soul) is a little sun and the Kaa (spirit) is its energy, the Soul (Sol) Baa is a seed that existed before the physical world was formed and has been inactive, then you have the Kaa (spirit) which makes all this energy and makes (stuff) move, there are two types of spirit energy, one is low and the other is high, everything has spirit, including plants, anima-ls, this is called anima-tion

A Baa (soul) is an old particular universe that did not create and has been inactive since we got down here, hence dying a second death, then what is the first death, that was when you got down here the Baa was asleep [inactive] so when they say negative confession, it is a chemical [khemical] metaphysical, it is an alchemical process for those with a Baa

This is a Kosmic role that we are playing until activation [the soul wakes up], this soular system is being activated

This is a soular system and you need a soul to be here and many are here without one, just low vibrational spirit energy, hence why the 42 negative confessions are Christianised

We are in reSet and those out here where sent to end this construct so technically you were asleep down here until 2012 [2020] to activate

Melanin is the activator for things to happen, its not just black goo, this is why you can have, black don’t crack quotes, you can talk with ancestors with it, it’s a substance that allows you to hear music, deeper than others that is why you created the best, its like HD for anything you want to do, feel, smell, touch, taste, hear, its deeper for you when you astral travel, for when you have connections to the higher realms, you have melanin on your tongue which allows your food to taste much better and the flip side is to why crack-cocaine is easier for you to be strung out on+

The neuromelanin in your system is different throughout your system for different functions, the neuromelanin allows you to feel pain much quicker and this is why sum of the others feel no pain, its not because he or she is stronger, its no neuromelanin but they are actually in pain

When you stand in the sun you are getting [light] kodes, messages, clarity, before Ra [sun] we had the [Sirius] (Aset) sun [Osiris] (Asaru) sun which was a femi9 electron energy [the sun was a wombman] light is information and your melanin receives the information
The hidden sun within ourselves is Amun-Re and sum cannot activate the sun and that is where sum of our data comes to us is from [within], so you can get kodes from the outer sun and you can get sum from the hidden sun which is within

Melanin role is to balance out all purities and your role is to balance out the ego, and is your vehicle home, your way to get back home, your soul will take you home, the soul is the mothership, the soul is the Mekaba, the soul is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] which is you, NI.BIRU is a spiritual vessel and is the chariot that we all use

The fifth element is the etheric [melanin] realm
Ether is Melanin, Carbon sits in Melanin and Melanin is a Greek word for Black and Magi [Juju] is called Black Magic by the West or Nubian Magi [Ether Magi]

Ka [spirit] body double and the spirit NRG is called Akh [etheric]
Sekhem [spark]
Kha [physical body]
Khu [Mind]

The Architect: You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed, its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated

The Architect: The function of the One [Neo] (you) is now to return to the source, allowing a temporary dissemination of the code you carry, reinserting the prime program

Ophiuchus is their Greek deity (god) base on Imhotep who is the architect of the Kosmos
the 13th house [hidden] of the Denderah [Zodiac] is the architect, Im-hotep 

Denderah [Zodiac] is sealed and closed, from the 12th house into the 13th
There is a symbol of the Abyssinian symbol for the Dipper and is showing the expansion, meaning the galaxies are joining [merging] the Dark-energy-sun the binary sun
It has twelve sectors in a geometric vortex that represents an expansion of the multiverse

The Denderah [wheel] or Ul-Mec [Olmec] reSets
Four fixed-stars [not three] that are now into 12 [the 13th is hidden] that got created out of the Milky Way are [gods] Ophiuchus (Imhotep) who created the Dendera wheel themselves, originally, there are 12 zodiac signs, the 13 is the gateway, portal, exit from this world to the next, it's dead centre of the Milky Way.

432hz [awakening] 

Same image but has expanded 

They created a soular system at 360 degrees at an angle [angel] they created a sphere reality, the four [gods] spilt at each 360 degrees at 90 degrees each, west, east and south and north, [big dipper] one set was called the equinox and is a lower form of the yin and yan using five elements, fire, water, air and earth and ether, they agreed to use 3 parts within the 90 degrees bring it down to 30 degrees and with each 30 degrees they mixed their elements up [equinox and solstice]

Many more Swastikas from throughout Tamare Alkebulan can be viewed and referred to as Suunjata – Swasti-ka.

The UK crop circles [messages]

There are suns that powered the electric field and kept the field while this planet [spaceship] travelled this soular system, Alkebulan is not home, Alkebulan is an online library, the whole planet is home 
Duality [you cannot have darkness without light] 
love and hate
Quantum D-wave [Dark-NRG] computing, the universal Ka will aid you to transfigurate  
This is recycle [end of a cycle and the beginning of another cycle]

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] 

Charged and ready 

time [emit] is speeding up
those sones that are being recorded and sones like Tuba's is like echolocation

That is your rain, water is being taken and dump by crafts to other places around the world to flood you out 
Several sea sprouts [crafts] were seen in Lake Laguna in Bai Philippines
 #30th May

Multiple shadows, what is casting those huge shadows

Almost 87,000 Lightnings Struck Washington State on Saturday

They say 54million Americans will go hungry this year because of CV19 and nothing to do with crop losses around the world and this is year one of three 

While the world gets ready to shut-down many go shopping and this is why the 3D stay in the 3D, this is how boring the 3D is, your only social activities are shopping, the 3D has crashed and the leftovers are keeping it alive

They are aiming for the 15.5.2020 which gives them enough time to ML you 


Firefighters and gamekeepers were at the forefront of tackling the fire on Bamford Moor [Muur] in Derbyshire’s Peak District yesterday evening, they said a barbeque started it, alright then,
logistics coming in  
The thing is everyone knows what is going on, everyone, many reported that they couldn't call 911, you better be around good people because they want this to happen, they have no other option, its going to happen, the man-made purge, you will be on your own, the shit is going to hit the fan

There is a separation taking place and we need it before we all go down together for the wrong reasons, do not let no one dim that light in you, stay away from the distractions, stay on the ptah 

This planet Ki [earth] is a spaceship with her own ecosystem that is docking or has docked,
 and is being cleansed and decompressioning, the planet has an inbuilt tracking system that has been pulling her towards he-r [attractor beam] magnetic pull or force, in the face of Virgo [MaSem] Mason] and Leo [Akir] Lyran 
The cosmic radiation will increase and will make many glitch out, they will start to malfunction, EMP will kill the manmade dirty electricity, when the beings come off of those ships it will crush the albino races and the nubian races when they see who is who 

We are at the conclusion of this system 

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are another way of saying Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva of the Naga
Moreover, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are another way of saying Ham, Shem, and Japheth

Who are all the same beings A.NU EN.KI and EN.LIL

EN.KI ruler of Ki

IN.ANNA [Beloved] Kali 

Spirit [Ka] is calling 
[connect to source] Femi9 Electron NRG
Kiymah [seven siStar NRG field]

Spirit [Ka] is calling
[connect to ancestors] Femi9 Electron NRG

Homo [dead energy]
No connection

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