Saturday, 13 June 2020


Israel [Jew] and Egypt [Muslim] are the same metaphor for the same people which is the [9 ether], while Israel is in exile they will take with them the fallen daughter Shekinah and they will remain in exile until the Shekinah rises, Shekinah is Nephthys [Nebthoot] Aglimiya [Lubuwda] NIN.TI

Shekinah would be a dwelling [setting] house, realm, expanse, dimension, she is one of the Divine Femi9 aspect [Ka-b-ba-lah] Ka = spirit Ba soul

She is a Divine presence [light] 

She is the suffering mother for as long as her children suffer, Shekinah is the suffering mother but when she rises, its all over, Shekinah [Nephthys] represents tens of thousands of 9 ethers [mothers] suffering

I was with sumone for 6 years and anywhere we went it was like people would acknowledge us, it was like sum Asaru and Aset thing going on, women would be the same towards us, they could feel and see the energy, but she would at times be insecure, one day she took it too far and did sumthing and she was prevented from doing so, when I asked her what happened she said she was in place with thousands of other women

She was on a dimension with thousands of women who are on the physical plane [physical world] right now and are still living

you have duel levels of existence, she was on a realm where there was thousands of Nubian wombmen crying and suffering, with many with broken hearts, the realm is related to the circumstances has to why you are crying, the reason why you are crying and suffering, she said she didn’t like it and left, there are realms that the Nubian man is also on that are suffering with similar pain and trauma

These are trauma realms that we have got to bypass all this suffering 

Once we rise Shekinah rises [Nephthys translates Friend of the Departed souls] Nephthys came in June 2017 or 2018 and that was Shekinah rising  

If we go to war with these people out here, we will win, the spirit force is everywhere and will intervene when you are not supposed to go yet, when you are protected, they will fight with you, for you the Shekinah is full blown Femi9 electron NRG [energy]

Hardest Thing

What is she holding and what is Gold [Nub] Nubian [conductor] what is your 9 ether made from, besides Koppa [Nub] Gold


144hz that is the Golden Ratio [Phi]

Spiking consecutive days, spiking over many hours from 31hz into 59hz and 73hz twice, along with the two other frequencies making three in total, a lot of activity over the last 8-9 hours
Ice is melting in places and she is super heating up
Earthquakes will continue, eclipse next week around the 18th-19th, these six eclipses this year are all shift changers
 Water is everywhere and weather systems, all tearing down this Wendy House
No one saying nothing about the six-crafts [comets] on their way here
No more Zodiac, we are in Aquarius full stop, yes all other planetary bodies will still provide their energy signatures but that is it, no more of these readings, how can that be when the house is sealed and is being reSet, hello?? next year the soul-ar system changes position, read in energy now because we are only dealing with energy not 3D things anymore, that is over

End Games

Lightning lights up the night skies in Algeria

Yakima valley USA
Plasma [Khaybet] will be heavy around the world

Look at this

Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being blasted into the core of Ki, from the purple backlight.

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called; 

[1] U.V. RAYS
[3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light.

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays] 


The equation ends and another one begins

There is a being controlling the gate sitting in this machine on the sun in

Space should be treated has an ocean and what we find in the deep ocean we find
in space, currenSea
Spites are Spirits [Enas]


It has begun
Currency collapse triggers mass riots in #Beirut
Peace be upon thee

Hailstones are designed to kill you but also all crops, nature is doing this on purpose, why would she want you to starve, this is in Turkey and all the crops in Muslim field has been destroyed, is NTR a atheist [a-ether-ist] crafts are making these designer stones and pelting the land or town on purpose, read the signs and symbols, what is she saying symbolically 


The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] 

 Scotland [birthplace of the Freemasons]

Crafts now litter every corner of the four quarters that make a sphere, this planet, the planet is completely surrounded and all portals are guarded, this house Dendera [Zodiac] had been sealed a while back and this planet moved into the 9D

Over 72,000 crafts and 300 war-planets have assembled with the Galactic Federation and Allies and Alliance with the Annunaqi [Anu-Naga] (groups and different beings within the groups) led by the NeterU, [Ghouls] Nomos [Nommos] Draco and the Lyra [Kat] beings, headed by A.NU

Nabara, to lift, to raise, is the destroyer, the destroyer of all that is negative and disagreeable on this planet and in this soular system, the Draco 18th soular system

The spiritual vessel NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] Nabara [Mekaba] aka the MaStar Key is providing the logistics, in September [October] NI.BIRU will be at he-r final position in this soul-ar system, s-he has been guided in, since they got here [1989] and reintroduced in 2012 by the 144,000 who are a frequency [144 Phi]

Neb Heru is a frequency changer, the MaStar Key [over-rider of kodes] 

During the seven-year tribulation the kodes had been changing along with the frequencies of this planet and we are coming to end of that tribulation

This planet was seeded by a far more superior race of beings, Annunaqi the word is an event that involved these-beings, there were many events and there are many of these-beings, these beings had left this planet in the hands of their offspring

We have reached that time [emit] whereby the hidden is about to be revealed
33 against 360 [720] 1080 [1440] 9 = only one outcome

 So, communication is key because the EMP is going to wipe out their dirty tesla electricity, meaning that your devices are going to fail, many of you have been using telepathy and many of you are now using the internal internet that is called the Sepetet [Sirius] to communicate

If your heart is not light as a feather [Shu] the messages will become mixed in your interpretation

Stepping into your fear, you must know how your heart is responding

We are speaking about the netherworld which is the underworld which is nothing more than your subconscious mind which is the subconscious world

The subconscious mind is located in your heart, your Hati is your physical heart and your Ab is your spiritual heart, your Ab [holographic heart] holds all the information in it and that is why the Ab is weighed, your Hati [physical heart] is for the physical body [Kha] only

Your heart chakra or energy centre, is your all-knowing, your [god] realised consciousness, this all-knowing is how your world and reality is shaped

Your h-eart-h is the most poWRA-full organ centre [organs responds to music, tones, frequencies, acoustics, sone, vibrations] in your Kha [body]

Your heart is the centre for electromagnetic energy and is the most poWRA-ful in the body and produces the most poWRA-fuel electromagnetic rhythmic field of all the all bodies other organs

The heart has an electrical field more poWRA-ful than the brain [organ] muscle

[your born into light and come out into darkness, that is why your HuMin [HuMan] eyes only develop once you exit the womb [triple darkness] [your pineal gland develops in the world after 18 weeks of gestation] [and your heart beats after 9 weeks]

Image >> this is what your Kha looks like inside the 9 ether wombman and is glowing excally like this and is your Khaybet and Akh [etheric] and Ka [spirit or double you] 

Your field [Aura] electrocardiogram [EGC] and can be detected anywhere on the body, your field can be detected 3ft away in all directions

How do you talk with the ones before you, with you heart, you come from the heart [Ab] you have to have a pure heart in your feet [soul] sole [heal] heel and with intention, what is your intention with the potential [energy] logic, reason and common sense must be left in the 3D

144,000 are a frequency [144hz] 

Your ancestors may be tri-ing to contact you but because your heart is not lighter than a feather [Shu] and because you have logic and reason and common sense the messages may not get through because you still have HuMan emotions

These energy centres [chakras] have to balance so that you can step out in your own way and receive messages from your Ki-Nd, from the people inside of you, the answers and data in within you

Your own universe
When you speak from your heart your people will come through, have you seen how the matrix changes colours in Istal [mediation], learn the difference between speaking from the mind and from the heart, unless you have mastered both into one

Anger is heal-thy, anger is passion, resilience, being alive, engaging, it fuels creativity, it gets things done [Luxmoore 2006]

You have to be coming from the heart today, nothing that you want will be given unto you if your intention is not pure, either you will come from the heart or you will remain Human in 2020, how dare you tri and play HuMan in 2020

Do your shadow work, get yourself balanced with these HuMan emotions, rid yourself of these HuMan emotions, and now in your pure heart state pick a day that you are focusing on that particular ancestor, in this case this would be my Grandmother Kitty, relate with them all day, what they liked or ate or listened to, why because you have to earn the connection and want the connection, be with their ancestors all day, why, because they are with you all day, they are already inside of you, your DNA is coated with your Ki-Nd, once you are encapsulated within their energy all day, watch the signs and symbols come through either through your vision [dream] state or awaking state or signs and symbols, places, thing or person 

Your knowing is your driving force to this thing [not believing], it is the knowing, and in order to sit with your knowing, stop using HuMan emotions that you learned out here and stop using your HuMan brain

Move with the heart

Ascension or Descension

You are being given the choice, right here, right now, after September you would have chosen whether to remain asleep or to be activated 

The problem was always choice   

Remember that matter follows mind so if you [believe] that sumthing will happen or this person is going to do this or that, then yes its going to happen because you have opened the door, your mind has opened the door to the in-flu-ences [in-flu-id], you are haunted by your own mind, not by anyone else and you have planted that seed and that is the poWRA of it, your mind is magnetism [Magi] poWRA

You can heal yourself but you can also poison yourself with that particular mindset, what your influences are, watch yourself and check yourself  

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