Thursday, 18 June 2020

Waiting to Exhale

Centre Vishnu [EN.KI]

Asuras on the left and Devas on the right
Apsaras and Indra above

The churning of the snake [serpentine] Kundalini [Khudalini]

The word Kundalini root word is [Osumare] and was originally from the Yoruba [Orisha] aka Alkebulan [Africa] Ka systems and then taken to KMT [Egypt] and was called the Uraeus and then transferred to the Andamanese Indus [India] Indra [Nagas], this is from the Ka-systems [African spiritual systems]
[Orishas] are many different energies

Masculine and Femi9 energies 

The PoWRA is on the cusp of returning to you and this planet and this will be based on what energies you have and your genetic make-up, this is true but also when the PoWRA is restored it starts from the astral realm first and then [Magi] manifest into the physical body [Kha] avatar [Mekaba] vessel

[You have three bodies, your emotional body, physical body and your spiritual body]  

There are different hand symbols Hasta [mudras] [Tai Chi] that unlock the kodes thus the energies and each [mudra] is related to an element or force, this is a tool that you can use 

You should be studying your skill-set, enhancing your traits that you have all before this energy hits us

Where are you in your visions [dreams] on the astral state because this is how you can measure where you are, so for example if you vision [dream] about being in the ocean or sea or water, being underwater, if you have met your spirit animal and it’s a water being, then this would be a positive way to learn about water Tai Chi, this frequency needs you to have or are learning sumthing nu so that the frequency can match you, merge, you cannot have a 3D mind or this 5D+ cannot fuse with you because you are still on a lower frequency, you would have needed to have been studying in the last three months, water signs and the mudras are placements and work together

This goes for all the elements, if you are dreaming of space, flying, levitating, if your in different places around the planet or within  the planet like Shambhala [rainbow or crystal cities] or you are seeing your home-star, then all these and more is what you should be targeting, all these aid you to target what skill-set you have that is being housed in the subconscious and you are to base that off of what you see and do in the astral realm [the parallel world is merging] fire, air, space, ether, water, whatever you see you need to start studying right now, learn all, its good to know plus if you resonate with one right now you need to get the knowledge in the system

Are you lucid dreaming about a habitat or climate or environment or element, learn the mechanics of how they work and this unlocks the PoWRA that is already inside you, all you are doing is programming the subconscious mind which will then activate the nu astral body which then will reflect onto this 3D avatar vessel   

Lions Gate [alignment]
Orion is SA.HU [Sahu] capital of this Galaxy 
Pleiades is a Greek name for the recorded name Kiymah [seven siStar-sytem]

The Lryas [Lion] Akir [Kammu] Kat Beings who are the Ghouls [Goa-uls] and the Draco’s and are cousins

Lion’s Gate is a cosmic alignment that opens every year between August 8th to the 12th, when the Sun is in Leo and is marked by the star Septet [Sirius] and it’s closer relationship to Ki while aligning in Sahu [Orion’s belt], which perfectly syncs up with the EKUR MA.RE [Mir] Mer (pyramid) complex in KMT [Giza]

You started off in a Blue [avatar] and sum had Green, when the oxygen hit your avatar you went Brown [Iron] Iron-man 

Ki (earth) is at the bottom and that line is the photon belt running through the core of Ki, full of radiation (energy) and is changing our DNA, the planet is going to merge with the symbol in the middle, the symbol in the middle is planet X or planet of the crossing, aka NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] Nababra, this is the Sumerian [Annunaqi] symbol for the Mekaba, over 120 telescopes, cameras are down for a reason, military helicopters are streaming over cities for a reason, pay attention, keep in mind that they said that the sun is on a soular minimum, no he's not, they are watching the sun every hour, look at this graphic, its says 450,000 years, 450,000 this is how long this monkey sh9t has been going on for, not 10,000 or 512 [400] years, wake up Neo
The ice-age is going to happen

this is supposed to be happening in 2024 

Now look at this image that was left on the 17th June, the crop circle message and the 
four spheres [planets on this 2024 graphic] this is a cube aka the gas giants the same four big boy energies, its not in 2024, its now 

when they merge they will look like this [cube inside a sphere both 360] 

what do you notice about the alignment in the crop circle and the four poWRA houses, the [MA.RE] Mir [Mer] pyramids, 90 degrees everywhere 9to9tothe9th PoWRA
Four sides to consciousness

We are about to put 90 degree angles in the Universe and you go back to number 9 [144hz] and you are going to activate and its not 2024, and they are not trying to get to the Moon by 2024 or are they setting up a space force, its all now 
MA.RE creates Tachyonic energy 
We don't get crop circles we get visions, dreams, signs, symbols and all are saying, this sh9t is over 

This eclipse coming up is going to affect the planet and you, remember the August 2017 eclipse fuc9ed the USA

When the field shifts, this create holes in the atmosphere which lets in more radiation [energy], many are going to burn 
Landslides is land moving, water, weather systems, water, quakes, snow, hail, you name it, its there and happening
Change up your diet a bit [ph-levels] given this energy that is coming in, listen to different hz, music, tones, for vibrational conditioning, all this just vibrates your vessel a bit
Mental health = frequency override = many will suffer from mental health which is crown blockage which is coming from the new frequencies that you cannot absorb = suicide

There are sum kodes in there

Siberia is melting [what lies beneath] 

Lake Peschera 

And in Chile lake Riesco 

And Hawaii Lake Waiau

Sink-holes take the Slade Lake overnight

Sink holes are everywhere and have been since the up tick towards 2020, water and food are the two essentials you need daily, without fail or you die, the body can go without food for a week, but your organs start shutting down after 48 hours without water

There is a method to natures madness  

Food is shutting down 

The Locusts have arrived in Argentina, they got there on a plume cloud, yeah a craft brought them in  

Chi-Na [remember the name]

All coastlines around the world are going and all cities nearby will also go 

Portals opening everywhere around the planet and no one makes the news

Your bored right, the thought that this world is ending is not enough
for you, don't worry sumthing coming up

crafts everywhere

3 in 90 minutes
Puerto Rico, personnel, logistics, equipment, tech+


Heru [Peru]

Two crafts side by side 


waiting in silence

Craft 2008
Old footage but worth the watch again

Turkey 18.6.2020
This is why Turkey, Russia, Syria, China, Israel and India will be going to war first, huge mother ship over a Istanbul [Con-stan-tine] with smaller [orbs-scout] crafts seen leaving from the hull of this mother [pause at 00.51] see the hull, base of the craft
The star-gate is nearby

Ladies and gentlemen, the war has begun, Kodes have ended, these [MF] must be deleted, i wish Micheal Jackson and Robin Williams was still here, these people must be wiped from the face of this planet, i could never enslave sumone or kill them, but i understand  
Its better to say that Obama and George where photo-shopped for this image, its more safer that way 

Your Elite will be exposed in the best style of the Roman Empire

The Church of England says sorry for its involvement in slavery, excuse me, there are 72,000+ crafts
in and out this dimension that are about to deal with the 512 [400] years

Over 250,000 TWA (BanTu) [Leprechauns] were murdered, pushed over the cliffs alive by Patrick to make way for the Church of England, that life-force must be paid back including all those Ka(s) who couldn't come down here because your murdered their parents, there is no more sorry's, only goodbyes


We never worshipped the sun, we worshipped the PoWRA of the sun

Earth, Wind and Fire [Septet] September, do you remember

Any satellites in space are held up by helium balloons and the ISS 

When Hubble took a picture of the universe [Nu] abyss, the deep
this is what they saw 

EN.KI is going to kick your ass into the Zeta-Star-System 

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