Friday, 26 June 2020

Red-light Dawn

New Age

The all-seeing eye of Re

A long time ago in this universe for the purpose of greater self-exploration, self-gratification, self-expression, prime creator brought energies and essences of life, extension of itself into this universe and endowed those extensions with the gifts that he had

When there existed just one transcended, completely unknown and unknowable divine being, who was exclusively spirit, nothing material about him

Four of common radius for the eye of Re, atoms arranged in definite pattern, learn about the Atom, attraction

In eternally past, this divine being generated other divine beings out of himsCellf, has personification beings out of his own characteristics

He was eternal, and so eternalness itself came into existence has its own divine entity
He thought about himself and so his thought came into existence has a distinct being
He was alive, so life came into being
He was all light, and so light came into existence
He was wise and so wisdom became a divine being

Sum of the divine beings themselves, in pairs, generated yet other divine beings
Eventually the heavily realm9 was filled with such divine beings

Prime creator said to these extensions of itself [Sekhem], go out and create and bring all things (experience) back to me (source)

Right eye of Heru
Double Tetrahedron (know what it looks like)

All this took place before there was any universe, there was only a divine realm, but a cosmic disaster occurred, one fell from the divine realm

One of the Elyon(s), fell from the divine realm, leading to the generation of a different kind of divine being, one that was not generated from the divine realm but from outside of it
Elyon translates, these beings

This was shaping an imperfect being, called by different names

Ultimately, he is the creator (god) of the negative race, this Yahweh [there are 144 of them] did not know that there were others, he had never been to where they had been before, the divine realm, he ignorantly proclaimed he was god, he simply did not know that there were far superior, supreme gods than him in poWRA and knowledge, these superior beings had dwelled where he had never, the divine realm9
This Yahweh began to generate other imperfect divinities and together they became creators of the material world, which sort of became a prison for the Elyon that fell

HuMin [HuMan] bodies [Kha] were created to house sparks of the divine being, they do not create the soul [Baa]

Yahweh translates from Neb, Yahweh, Elohyeem are titles, ranking system, there were many and the word Anunnaqi translates, theses beings, there are many of them

Sekhem translates Spark of life [you]  

This brings us to Ki, this is not the ultimate creation of the divine one, but a lower Neteru [Yahweh]

Ra [Re] is a rank, the highest rank, Re translates creative will, to make (with the suns Rays), Ki is a creative zone, so any-being within the group, could come and create and they did

Sum of these gods are master geneticists and designed various species, sum animals, and sum created humans without light

Conflict arose

That is why light is information, these entities beam out light, and earth became their territory, earth is a trap for light and so earth became a territory

Earth became a certain frequency band; they rearranged the DNA and kept the HuMins [HuMans] broadcasting at a limited frequency band
This frequency feeds them, and keeps them in power, they keep earth at a certain vibrational frequency, while they create e.motion-al turmoil to submerse themselves in 

There are beings who honour life before everything else and there are also beings who do not and do not understand their connection to life

The goal is to allow the divine spirit sparks that are scattered around to escape this material world and to become reunited and to return to the realm in whence they came

Ascension will bring about when you burn the truth, who we are, where you came from, how you got here and how we can return

Saving knowledge in other words is self- knowledge, this knowledge cannot come to us through natural means for example by looking around at the world and thinking hard about it, you must remember this material world is the creation of an inferior Neteru [deity], and nothing in it can tell us what we need to know to escape the matrix

You need to know this, for the comic energy is at its capacity levels, the living reality is re-entering and merging with your dimension

Awakening to your history, you will begin to open your ancient eyes, these are the eyes of Heru, which see not through the eyes of a HuMin being, but from the point of view of a Supreme Being, they see the collectiveness and the purpose of all things, for the ancient eyes are able to see into many realities and connect the whole picture, the whole history

You hold the history of the universe within your physical body, what is occurring upon the planet is literally the mutation of your physical body, for you are allowing it to be evolved to a point or it will be a computer that can house this information

The firing of the kodings (cosmic energy from the universe) and the realisation of your identity will become overwhelming intense, reason being, the evolving DNA [RNA] DEA which holds the kodes

When you have 12 [13] helix of the DNA in place those helixes will begin to plug into the 12 [13] Chakra system, vortex centres, loaded with information that you must be able to translate, you will need to step up into whatever realities that you enter, because you are a member of the light family, sum of you are entitled light worker, healer, this is your purpose

Cosmic rays sent by the prime creator and the original planners penetrated the planets frequency shield, they bombard earth, however these must have receivers to receive them [you]

We have Protonic energy upon the planet earth, washed [cleansed] by Protonic energy
Proton energy is the highest form of light, highest form of light that can manifest physically is Protonic light, this is atomic level
The whole soular system is going through this high radiant belt of light
Meditation is key connect

The process has begun, all living things will emit light, it’s in your hands, body, trees rock, all particles are emitting light

For those that understand the principles of Metaphysics of light, this matters greatly, light is not sumthing that helps you see, and is not just a sensual thing, light is connected spiritually, to spiritual development, en-lighten development, purity, sanctuary, upgrades, DNA, DEA and RNA. biology, conscious upgrade, all change, the light body changes
If your partner practices Yoga, Reiki and you don't, she is already at advancement level, she knows about the light body

These creative cosmic rays, reciprocal rays will create chaos and confusion for sum

The ultimate tertiary in a society is not control by Martial Law, it is control of the manipulation of consciousness through which reality is defined, so that those who exist within it, do not even realise that they are in prison [matrix], they do not even realise that there is sumthing outside of where they exist
Merkaba [NI.BIRU], chariot of light, chariot of spirit, which is the preferred transportation vehicle of the Supreme Beings, the higher order, they can spin vortexes of light, the HuMin body, the frequency of the body can be accelerated, it can be spun into a vortex of energy so that it ultimately manifests its 7 coloured rainbow light, the perfected HuMin is the HuMin that has transformed themsCellsves into pure light, pure love, and manifests [Magi] has the rainbow body

Merkaba is another name for your soular body, light body, the Merkaba allows onesCellf to travel anywhere, instantly

The vibratory nature of this solar system is rapidly changing during this completion Kode9 and we now have the poWRA to MerKaBa travel and return to our source

We are Spiritual Beings, or a Ba [soul] currently having a HuMin experience

In the beginning, you were a fragment of the creators’ infinite consciousness that was broken off moments ago, as a soul- as an in-divide-ual, unit of consciousness

Why, AM EYE here to do

You were given a simple mission, to go away and experience all the different types of realities and existences known to the universe, and what is one of a kind-love, learn and advance your knowledge and wisdom and eventually you can return home to re-join at the divine realm, the source, after having completed your passage, your ptah [path]

Do not be afraid to die for much awaits you, trust in the process 

England again
 9 outside and each [petal] is 18 and an inner 18 inside spheres 9to9to the 9th PoWRA
I saw that its 81.9F [8+1+9] 18 [1+8=9] in London and it’s the 25.06.2020 [25.06.2012] 18 [1+8 = 9]

Mt Shasta
Plasma exchange
Kalifornia will be going down

 Galactic and Cosmic events in history is currently taking place on Ki [earth] at this time 
 The Universe is responding, uni = to-gether, [to-gather to-gather [verse = against] 

Orbs, scouts are now everywhere

It’s a Rolling Emergency: 450 Billion Locusts Have Been Killed This Year, but Devastating Swarms Still Ravage Africa, South America, India and the Middle East
Aid groups and local governments have managed to kill about 450 billion locusts this year. But with funding running out in August, that effort could be in vain

They are here to destroy and are under natures orders 

Japan [Nepal]
Star family are above them and the Japanese are trying to fight back, you can hear the sirens, this is not the first exchange with Star family 

I wonder if Chi-Na will make it through to the weekend, everything possible is taking place over there, the higher beings hate you, the 13 bloodlines are going down

Infrared camera, thermal 
[she died in the Oklahoma blast, that building led to one of the underground bases] 

Where’s the Pope, have Chi-Na not bootlegged him yet 

Meat Fest

This has already started in the North, meat is over and there those who have to eat meat, they have to
Lets go back for a minute, the word clone is from the Greek word Klon, meaning twig, yet is used in the western scientific community as to make multiple identical copies of DNA sequence

They prefer to use the word clone without giving you the definition

They give you the above definition, because twig would reveal that the root word clone [twig] is more related to grafting than breeding, as in the case of plants and fruits and even animals
They grafted a tangerine and a peach to make a nectarine, aloe vera and so on+ or in the case when the botanists wants to change the colour of a plant they will graft twigs together and in the forth generation create from red the extreme which will be the albino white, then combine the two to create a spotted leper and then a pink plant

This principle was also used on HuMans, sum were bred with reptilians, sum with gibbons and sum with baboons resulting in various species of the HuMan race with different narures

Sum are born with instincts to kill

The results are, sum HuMans are herbivores and carnivorous

Sum kill for the pleasure of it called serial killers and is to why there is no remorse or lights in the eyes, others for food called hunters and even sum have a taste for the HuMan flesh called cannibals

As in their own book called the Bible 2 Kings 6:28-29 and where Israelite women are boiling and eating their kids and Leviticus 26:29 where they are told to eat the flesh of your sons and daughters

These varying natures in HuMans which result in mental disturbances to insanity, are a result of genetic tampering and cross-breeding with animals and reptilians

Cannibalism never ever went away and is prevalent amongst all the recessive genes and will be brought to the surface because meat is now over

National Dish
Scotland = Haggis [pigs blood in sleep skin]
English = Eels [pie made from animal organs heart, kidney+]
France = Snails and Frogs legs

Beef = medium rare or rare is not cooked [more blood] [Beef numbs your consciousness]

Granted different races now eat anything but who started this monkey shit

Pigs [Pigment] contains HuMan DNA
MacDonald is a chemistry experiment that includes HuMan meat
China eats anything with a pulse

This planet has over 70,000 edible plants, we never ate meat or flesh  

 [the year the Luciferians were incarnated onto earth, the same year they killed Paul Macartney, the same year the Queen of England was convicted for taking 12 children out of a Canadian children’s home never to be see again and they buried all this by making England win the world cup in 1966]



Kalifornia along with Mexico are going down
[they built the wall in Mexico because all those there will be trying to come north when shit hits the fan] 

A swan came back to her nest to find that sumone had smashed her eggs, she died and the father swan was distressed when they found them

A Japanese whaling [dolphin] hunt saw them capture a calf, baby silver dolphin, the mother tried to save him or her to no avail, she was seen driving to the bottom of the sea where she never returned to the surface, many said that she committed suicide

A whaling crew got into trouble and had to abandoned their whaling ship without launching their lifeboats and jumped into the sea and the Orca bit them to death

Now look at this image, just because animals cannot speak English or wash the car doesn’t make them less intelligent, this swarm of birds are making an image of a big bird, is that by design or coincidence

Gravity doesn’t exist, everything that has magnetism and sone [sound] vibrations causes things to lock into a subatomic place
There was two basic forces, levity [levitation], the tendency of light objects to rise, and gravity [electromagnetic], the tendency of heavy objects to fall

Gravitation, the universal attracting of all massive particles towards one another is the weakest of the four forces but gravity has infinite range and it always attracts, never repels [the electromagnetic force]

The single-minded dedication, that makes gravity the force that holds the planets, the stars and galaxies together [the sym-Path-etic nervous system] 

 Buga or curvature of spheres as the rainbow is an arc of all seven spectral colours, appearing in the sky [1] red [2] orange [3] yellow [4] green [5] blue [6] indigo [7] violet, and these come from the direct rays of the sunlight, broken down or bent as in bow

Would you walk a righteous ptah without the promise of haven [heaven], paradise, streets paved in gold

Left ptah is when you left things behind and the right ptah is when you walk the right [NRG] way and when you stay there you become rite-ous [without the religious connotations] 

Our inner-eye, hidden in darkness, tucked away directly in the middle of both hemispheres of our organ (muscle) (brain)

Hemi is Latin for half [half a sphere]

Our pineal gland is hollow on the inside [melanin dot] and filled with water and is a Quartz crystal

Within this aqueous soul-ution, are tiny crystals, DMT crystals, (N-DiMethyltryp-Tamine) and within the internal membrane are cones and rods that are similar to the rods and cones of your HuMin eyes, these are called (Pineal-ocytes,) and they are hard wired directly to the visual cortex, just like your HuMin eyes

These (Pinealocytes) are activated by both light and darkness, by making use of the DMT crystals
This is how we see in our visions (dreams)

We can telepathically communicate and manipulate energy with our minds 📡 our thoughts are energy

Rays and the Planes
The universe is a result of interaction between the source, the principle of the absolute and its logical opposite, the primary anomaly contingency, senselessness

The source intervenes in the universe to correct, heal and re-connect her with itsCells-f, using its divine will, but its poWRA is limited by the anomaly

The universe arranged itsCells-f into various planes which are states of matter, expressing various proportions of source presence and anomaly, highest planes are almost completely infused by the source, and the lower we go the more anomaly there is

The will of source manifests itself in the universe as an organized and harmonious set of 12 rays, the central 13th ray is the will of source and is the Grand Architect Imhotep [hidden] the 13th house [Denderah]
[1] White [Electric Blue] [Will] [PoWRA] Red [Crown] 
[2] Pink [Love] [Wisdom] Blue [Heart]
[3] Light Blue [Creative Intelligence] [Active] [Intelligence] [Wisdom] Yellow [Throat]
[4] Pearl White [Harmony] [Harmony] Green [Heart] Root
[5] Topaz Blue [Concrete] [Knowledge] New age science or knowledge [Orange] [Third Eye]
[6] Ruby Red [Idealism] Devotion] Indigo [Soular Plexus]
[7] Violet [Manifestation] Magi Alchemy [Transmutation] Magic Violet [Sacral] 
[8] Brownish Pink [Divine Grace]
[9] Grey Blue [Violet] Genius
[10] Opalescent White [integration]
[11] Violet Blue [Link between dimensions]
[12] Aquamarine Blue [Absolute positive] Nub [Gold] golden ray and anchoring of the Christ [Karast] Consciousness [the great central sun] this is a combination of all the rays with white light which houses all the frequencies

There is a NeterU [deity] for each ray and the word ray is Ra [Re]

Blue-ray is prevalent, this is from me, what eye see from my blue sight, what you will realized is that we can connect with the rays using fire or light of the corresponding colours, you are probably already familiar with the 7th ray, the Violet Flame, and the 10th ray the White fire of ANU, we can use all other rays in the exact same way

These rays are the original archetypes of the 12 Denderah [zodiac-house signs] however the veil used to distort the energies of the rays as they reach this planet, so most people experience them in a distorted more negative version
We can help this by connecting to the original positive archetypes, these 12 archetypes are present throughout the universe, each constellation and star system anchoring a specific ray, while also all rays being present in each soular system

It's a very well organized and intricate fractal system, for example the known 12 constellations transmit the 12 rays, while other constellations transmit them through other parts of the galaxy

This particular soular system anchors the second ray, in other words that is the dominating ray here, and at the same time all rays are present inside this soular system anchored by the various planets

We find the same fractal system in individuals, that means you each being having specific rays as their dominating energy, while also having all 12 present inside each being

Soul families are also organized with soul mate groups being composed of 12 beings corresponding to 12 rays [12 rays of consciousness]

We need to remember that the source is not an external consciousness that exists sumwhere outside of us in the sky or on a high plane, it is not a creator [Neteru] (God) but more like a principle, they [Neteru] are the original principle, original cause of all that exists, we cannot really touch it by description but it is everywhere and we are incarnations of it as it is our deepest purest aspect

The higher the plane, the less everything is differentiated, the more everything is flexible, unified, cohesive and harmonious, in other words, the less anomaly there is, the more creation reflects Oneness, so we are truly all [One presence of Light] in the highest plane, up there we find the highest aspect of our higher selves, which are actually all a cohesive and organized whole, so we could say, instead of my higher self or your higher self, it is [our] higher sCells-f

As we start to go down the planes a little, in other words to densify matter a little, this one unified whole starts to become more differentiated and we can distinguish more and more several aspects, which are still organized as a cohesive and harmonious whole, we can see there that various higher selves are embodiments of these 12 rays as their essence

So each ray is embodied by a specific deity- representative, for example the 10th ray is by Metatron, who is Ma’At On [Maat] Metatron = Maat-tron = electron Metaphysical = Maat-physical
9to9to the 9the poWRA
This and the 7th ray, these two rays have become more known and used on this planet as they have been more needed because of their transmutation properties, since we are during the process of planetary purification, rays 2, 8 and 9 also have strong healing and transmutation properties, among others

As incarnations of source we are invited to anchor the rays into this reality by using them in our lives and for the planet however we feel guided, to help heal this world, re-organizing her into a harmonious whole

Each of the twelve rays of Light are aspects of the Creator’s Consciousness, they represent qualities of the sacred source to support us in resonating and unifying our energies more fully with the Creator and our inner truth

The twelve rays of light originate from the core of the Creator as invisible light, as these rays move through the dimensions becoming closer to the planet, the colours of the rays become brighter and more vivid
This is due to the slower speed of energy upon the planet which supports the manifestation of physical form

The rays are available to us eternally supporting us in every aspect of our physical and spiritual realities
Each ray of light has an overseer, an ashram or sacred space on the inner planes, and is represented by a colour and enhances specific qualities within your being

Our purpose is to merge with all rays as this [will] symbolise our unification and greater inner-standing of oursCellsves as an expression of the Creator.

Many people describe the rays of light in different and diverse ways, the Creator is expansive and cannot truly experience separation and yet these rays allow us to identify with the Creator

Due to the expansive nature of the Creator, each person can perceive the rays in different ways because of their unique prospects and the focus of their soul’s journey

In the movie American Werewolf in London, the boys were warned to stay off of the Moors [Muurs] and stay on the fucking road 

Light is the element that is associated with the third Ayin out of the seven elements [air water fire water] the fifth is ether and we have two more

People, places, things are invisible until you get on that frequency, this is basic laws of attraction you are magnetising the frequency, this goes for all the shit that comes your way, your attracting this by your thoughts and actions

Kolour Light
Soular ray, colour frequencies, full colour spectrum, colour holds frequencies, this is the refraction of light through the prism, from the reality of the spectra that is called rainbow [Buga]

Black is not a colour; it is the essence from which all colours come from

White, Old English hwit = bright, radiant; clear, fair, also as a noun, from Proto-Germanic Hhwitaz, Old Saxon and Old Frisian hwit, Old Norse hvitr, Dutch wit, German weiB

From PIE, kweid-o-suffixed form of root kweit- white; to shine

Sanskrit [svetah] white, Old Church Slavonic sviteti to shine, Sviesti to shine, svaityti to brighten, the theme words are shine and bright

Neither colours are in the rainbow

Buga or curvature of spheres as the rainbow is an arc of all seven spectral colours, appearing in the sky [1] red [2] orange [3] yellow [4] green [5] blue [6] indigo [7] violet, and these come from the direct rays of the sunlight, broken down or bent as in bow

These are all symbolic of the spheres, you have seven spheres
[1] troposphere [2] stratosphere [3 mesosphere [4] thermosphere [5] ionosphere [6] exosphere [7] outer-space

Just as a rainbow has seven colours, so does the environment; it also has seven spheres to protect this newly created- beings from the ultraviolet and gamma rays coming from the sun

A rainbow is not a reflection from water and light

Black is a canvas in which to draw onto, white is the light in which to see your masterpiece

Representing the decay of the primary light according to the colourful spectra that are accessible to you in this dimension and others, the colours that connect you to the light

Seventh Heaven 

Red-Iron-Oxide is coming from NI.BIRU
Nemesis cannot be seen for they are invisible and is with another system called NI.BIRU and they have another with them and are multi-dimensional and you can look at NI.BIRU has a mechanical planet
Each of these star-stations have their own soular systems, Nemesis is Aset [Isis], this nu sun has transformed this matrix and they are using red iron ore

Red lakes, Sahara dust is all from NI.BIRU and Nemesis, they are a soul system that is here to cleanse the planet, many casualties will    

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

E L E M E N T A R Y  S C H O O L

Atum [Atom] Bomb

Alchemy = Cosmic Electromagnetism

In the beginning was the Logo, and the Logo was >>> and the Logo was with <<< who is >>

The Big Bang
NIBIRU causes one of the many bangs of light, no sone which the western words Big Bang implies

Neberdjer saith, I am the creator of what hath come into being, and I myself came into being under the form [Khepera] and I came into being in the primeval time

I had union with my hand, and I embraced my shadow in a love embrace; I poured seed into my own mouth, and I sent forth myself issue in the form of [Shu] and [Tefnut]

I came into being in the form of [Khepera] and I was the creator of what came into being, I formed myself out of the primeval matter, and I formed mysCellf in the primeval matter

I was alone, for the gods and goddesses were not yet born, and I had emitted from myself neither Shu nor Tefnut, I brought into my own mouth, [Hekau] Heka utterance OM (the divine words of poWRA), and I forthwith came into being under the form of things which were created under the form of [Khepera] Pert M Heru [Coming Forth by Day]


NUT = NUTRIENT [Nuts] (Seeds)
GEB + AL GEBRA [Geo] (Earth)

Aten [Aethien] - Aether [Aether] Ether  
Atumti [Atum] Etim [Etym] Itatem
Atum [Atom] Adam [Ædom] Ety [Ite]
Aethiopian [Ethiopian] Ethereal - Opic [Ethiopia] Etyopya [Ethereal] – Utopia [9th gate]

Amun [Amon] Omen [a Man]
[Amn] Amin [Amino] a Mineral

In order to properly be enlighten about proper nutrition, we must first comprehend the words and science of being Bio Cosmic ElecrtoMagnetic Beings, Ædom, the Dark Clay; Melanin sits in Carbon [C], Hydrogen [H], Oxygen [O], *Nitrogen [N]

Then we learn the difference between amines and amino, and the nature of [Mineral - Amines – Amin-o = A-Min-eral] Vitamins = Vita+Amine, Amino and Peptides, and other topics like Free Radicals AntiOxidants, Electrolytes, Ionization, Enzymes, Protein and Carbs

We are Crystal Lattice Star Dust, inhabited by mysterious animate intelligent spirit- energy
The first language was the Cosmic Language, live by it

The Garden is the 1st Classroom
Heart and Mind determines Health and Wealth

Atom Bomb

ATUM is Spirit = KA [CHI]


NUT = NUTRIENT [Nuts (Seeds)
 GEB + AL GEBRA [Geo] (Earth) Ghibbore [Gibboreem] Gob-bo-reem <Mighty Ones, Giants> also called Jabberrians from where the word Al Jabber (aljabber) [Jaber] which is algebra, the great alchemist [al-chemist] al Khemistry = Chemistry = mistry = mystery 



 ATUM = ATEN [AMUN] tri system

 Aten [Aethien] - Aether [Aether] Ether  
 Atumti [Atum] Etim [Etym] Itatem 
 Atum [Atom] Adam [Ædom] Ety [Ite]
 Aethiopian [Ethiopian / Ethereal - Opic
 Ethiopia / Etyopya / Ethereal - Utopia

 Amun / Amon / Omen / a Man
 Amn / Amin / Amino / a Mineral  

The food you consume are technically drugs that have the poWRA to influence your emotions through the 5 flavours that govern the five emotions and the 5 major organs, which are

Anger (Wood, Liver), Joy (Fire, Heart), Distress-Worry (Earth, Spleen), Grief-Sadness (Mental, Lungs), and Fear (Water, Kidneys)

The way you cook your food alters your state of mind because it changes the energy of your food according to the 5 elements in soul food (medicine)

For example, grilling and barbecuing give food a fire energy, baking gives food a metal energy, deep frying and stir-frying give foods a wood energy, boiling gives food a water energy, and steaming gives food an earth energy

No reflection from the flame

Tree stump 
Planet Ki [Earth] is a blue sun, and is supposed to be hot all the time for this is a tropical planet, invaded was this planet by negative and disagreeable beings for her rich resources

As they are building their planet in their own universe, they are stealing from us, though this planet is a sun, we also have a sun and our sun has a sun and that sun has a sun

Do you see how the cosmos is in total alignment

It's not supposed to be cold on this planet because she is a sun, a blue sun which is the reason the moon illuminates in the darkness because of the reflection of y-our planet, the blue sun

To look at this planet from a distance, you will see a bright blue star, this is the sun-planet [PAARE] 

Many are struggling to survive on this planet by trying to keep her cold by using chemicals, here is where we as Alpha beings are to fight, hence the reason for our ascension and poWRA through higher vibrations and frequencies [light] of the highest of thoughts

We must return to the past in order to save y-our planet, raise your vibrations through higher consciousness, show our adversaries that we are sun beings, the war has just begun and ended

The planet is one plane and is inside an orb 

Love and emotions are the tracks of life’s emotions
White light, you are the original white tribe
Lies creates violence, truth creates peace which equals love and light


Woser [Oser] Asaru[Osiris] Orisha

Osiris is a Greek rendering of Asaru, the Alpha and Omega, no beginning of days, no ending of nights

Oser is written with the glyph of the throne and eye, elite symbol for Ra [Re] symbolising Ki-Ng ship and divinity, Aset is throne [mind] and Oser is eye [Ayin]

Oser symbolises the divine in mortal form, he is the personification of physical creation and the cycles of becoming and return, death and renewal

These are aspects of the general HuMin experience regardless of life experiences

Osiris [ENQI] along with Aset [INANNA] are pure mortal form, Osiris [Shiva] a creator of creation cycles

Seven, fourteen and twenty-eight, metaphysical Maat-physical conceptions of Cosmic process associated with Oser 

[1111] Aset and Asaru twin turbo

Vortex Of Life

We still have trouble over-standing beyond the level of consciousness and the importance of parents to pass on their skills to their children

And to the extent that parents are known, overstood, embraced, nurtured and used, then what is also the extent to which societies abilities continue to manifest through its children

Parents are parents who are both parents, parents and children who are not at the head of our parental lineage is the Creator principle of anything

Thus, by virtue of the genes of this Creator principle of All Things, passing through the parents, that we also have the original capabilities of the Creator's genes in us and it is in this that his genius is great [Imhotep]

Emerite Septentrion

North ***** America

America < Amer Ricas < Amor Ricos < Riki < Rich
Amerigo < Amer < Amor < Amir < Emir < Emirates map

Sigil < Seal < Sign < Symbol < of Magical Powers seal

You are the prehistoric Thesaurus
Seal of the North American Treasury


Thesaurus < Treasure < Storehouse
Thesaurus < The Saurus < the Reptilian 

Amerigo < Amer < Amor < Amir < Emir < Emirate
America < Amer Ricas < Amor Ricos < Riki < Rich

Septentrion < North - Big Dipper7 Stars [siStar] and Polaris
Sigil < Seal < Sign < a Symbol < of Magical Power

This rabbit hole is deep because in it, you are the prehistoric Thesaurus, the Saurus is a fish, a muscle, shape shifter, lizard, Reptilian

The population (we) are the Storehouse, we are the Treasure

Amer - Amor - Amir - Emir – Emirates
An Emirate from Amirate is the rank, lands, or reign of an Emir
And Emir is a Chief or Ruler, then let's look at Rico from Rig meaning or Riki meaning powerful, Wealthy, King or Kingdom

This is the most accurate translation of the origin of the name for the Americas, commonly called Americae Septentrio, meaning North America

Remember>> follow the drinking gourd>><< it was this exact knowledge that guided us north, a drinking gourd is just another name for the Big Dipper asterism

We all knew because we all owned Gnomons but were even closer to the stars

Astrologically, Septentrion is the word for the 7-star constellation, the Big Dipper, all Natives knew Polaris, meaning intercontinental societies knew exactly where they were positioned on the global and is called 6 degrees of separation

There is more reason to innerstand how distant traders diffused cultures and amalgamated 1492 and even much more so after, especially in the north and south east U.S. Territory

You are storehouse of light [data] your experience is your light

Love, light and healing NRG to you, don't let no one dim that light in you, stay focused, stay grounded, stay on the ptah, if you are still here then you still have a purpose  

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