Saturday, 6 June 2020

Sigil [seal]

You can create a physical Sigil, thought is a forming Sigil entity, a Sigil is to create a template around a particular program, for example you can make a affirmation [mantra] which in your mind you want to happen in a 3Dimentional world but you are broadcasting it and putting it into a 2Dimentional matrix, first of all they are words, English words and are words and these words do not have the matrix set necessary for it to come about, so you have to privately now look at those sentences and take out the repeated words and take out I wish and words that are 50-50

By this you take away the linear and create an abstract representation of the very affirmation that you just made in a 2Dimentional form 

By taking out words and repeated words you are bringing it all back to a symbol, a seal, you can create your seal which represents your mantra allowing the conscious mind to reach the 3Dimentional world by breaking up the words so that you don’t recognise them allowing the seal, going from the conscious mind to the sub conscious mind but the seal [Sigil] 

When I want to say I, I will add the symbol of an eye or 9 which is I in the alphabet and say water, I take the letter W and add together to create my seal and now you have a 3Dimentional entity that all you do is focus on that symbol [Sigil] and this focused symbol doesn’t have anything to do with the conscious mind, it’s the subconscious mind looking at sumthing and giving it life now without interfering with doubt or maybe or I hope, the subconscious now reads the symbol [Sigil] and now gives life to what it is, a subconscious entity [energy] that will go out and find its own self and has its own instructions 

Seeing the words without saying the words, a living presence which now becomes a Sigil that now goes into the universe accumulating all of the elemental energies necessary to bring that reality into existence 

 That is why your i-magi-nation is key right now, you have Magi to create 

Sum people are visual learners, sum are audio learners and sum are kin-aesthetic learners and sum are all three 

Huge Mothership captured over Nebraska, these crafts are being used to collect water and dump it over other areas of planet, they are also used to create weather patterns [cells] and hail stones and plasma lightening, this is a huge mother, look in the clouds and see holographic faces in spaces 

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