Monday, 29 June 2020

Brothers in Arms

Cane and Abel

There are two version of these two brothers, one is from the Bible and the other is from-ish the Bibla and the Quraiysh [Quran]
English version = Koran [which is the altered version from Mu-Ham-mad’s clan, not the Muslims we have today]

Kane [Kayn] Affirmative, yes
Cain [Qaayiyn] possession [Qayin] He who possesses  

Abel [Ab-el] the breath of life [Haa-beel] breath and the root Ab meaning father
[Ab also means heart]
El means source

Cain and Abel had their story, and today it is known that they came to this planet

There are children currently born with a mental quality, all of them come voluntarily to Ki, they are not originally from here, most are of extra-terrestrial origin and there is as a call, who wants to do a work of help for the beings of the Earth [Ki], are all these children who are coming to help us with their conduct, with their way of being, they act even better than an adult, safer and more aware of what they do

But what happens to children who come with a physical problem >> they are born like this to pay debts from their previous lives, all those people have karma, they have debts of their previous life’s behaviour

They are smart, but how do they treat their peers, how do you treat nature >> to the animals >> why are they killed among families, among brothers

So, throughout your Bible and Qur’an, the stories of conflicting brothers continue, Cain and Abel, Ishmael and Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Solomon and Adonijah, Moses and Aaron, Jesus and John the Baptist, in all cases they are not brothers, but rivalry

Ali and Abu Bakr, even in the Islamic world it exists, and the Egyptian conflict goes back even before them with EN.LIL and EN.QI, Lil the heavens and Qi the earth

Cain and Abel is Osiris and Set, Isis and Nephthys becomes Aglimiya and Lubuwda

Cain kills Abel, or Set kills Osiris, and a new son

The whole concept of god and devil is based on a conflict, where beings from other star constellations are fighting over possession of this planet and its inhabitants, you call it the war between Good and Evil, or the war between your angles of the Devil, call it what you like, it’s a fact that you are living in the day when there is war in the heavens and the earth and we have come to protect you

Consider Heru was the son of Asaru [Abel] and Nut the wife of Seth [Cain], when Cain found out that his brother slept with his wife he killed Ab-El

Aset [Isis] raised her fathers son Heru to be a warrior with the intention to kill his mothers husband to revenge his father's death

The epic battle covered Alkebulan [Africa] and Atlantis [America] and was world renowned

The battle is in the word Hurricane, Cain is also known as Typhon, the misleading of it all is to hide the true Nubian global history written in the old testament

The feminine energy is nothing but the request of respite from Aset to kill the man who killed her father

It's not science its Nubian history written on the rocks

The book by Horace Butler called When rocks cry out, gets to a few of these Nubian truths whitewashed to steal y-our history, culture and land

All of the Neteru are just manifestations or aspects of the one Neter

So how did Cain and Abel get here

Cain and Abel and Seth are the sons of Kadmon [Adam] and Nekaybaw [Eve]
Kadmon [Adam] son of Atum and Lillith
Nekaybaw [Eve] daughter of Anath and Ptah

Kadmon and Eve are seeds and not one person and come under the Adama Projects, the seeding or replenishing of this planet

The Bible Adam and Eve story is the Cain and Abel story, in this case Atum becomes Adam and Asaru and Seth becomes the Cain and Abel, Aset [Isis] and Nephthys becomes Aglimiya and Lubuwda

Cain kills Abel or Seth kills Asaru [Osiris] and a new son is born called Haru [Heru] (Horus) also called Re Harakhahte

In their Bible, in this case this would be Seth, who fathers Enos HuMin [Aunws] meaning Man in his fragility, forgetful being [Enowsh] meaning Mortal
Enos which means Huminity [Humanity] or man or mind
So it is quite clear that the story of Genesis and the first family was taken from the Egyptain mysteries, the text or the book of the Earth, the book of the netherworld and the Amduat, as the book of the sacred chambers, which is intended for the initiate, the select into the wonders of the beyond

Adam and Atum are not the same [the Greeks, Romans, and Muslims of today rewrite the stories and add their Jew names and this is why all is confusing Babel]
Adam in their Bible is mentioned as an individual, whose name is Kadmon in the Torah in one place as a plural or group in Genesis 5:1-2, where you find (this is the book of the generations), with an (S) on the end of it
Adam that God [Elohyeem] created man [Adam] in the likeness of God [Elohyeem] made he him

The relationship in form, sone (sound), and meaning between Biblical names and corresponding Egyptian words is revealing, the Egyptian permits us to uncover meanings and connections heretofore completely hidden from you

The etymology therefore uncovers a whole hidden history that conventional philology and their theology seems utterly oblivious of, the results are sure to surprise and outrage

Adam and Eve are the first man [mind] in the image of God, the father and mother of mankind or Kadmon and Eve are the seed for the HuMin, and the completion of creation

Atum [Adam] and NIN.TI [Eve] are both HuMinised [Humanized] forms of the Great Kosmic Serpent
Tama-re [Ta] Ki-earth [Ma] land-water [Re] Ra Sun
Geb Ki [the body]
Nut Sky [the mind]
Asaru [vegetation]
Aset red blood cells [corpuscles]
Seth [ignorance]
Nebthoot [white corpuscles]

Asaru and Aset begot Heru, symbolic of the sun in the sky, Asaru and Set[Sutukh] wife Nebthoot gave birth to Anubu, symbolic of death, this copulation is what bred the jealousy that caused the death of Asaru by Sutukh, same with Kadmon [Adam] who is also the son of Atum and Lillith, the father of Cain and Abel whose true name is Kadmon

Cane [walking stick]

Light and Darkness
Jesus and Devil
Good and Bad
Positive and Negative
Osiris and Seth

The Crafts
7 Hermitic Principals

#1 Mentalism
#2 Correspondence
#3 Vibration
#4 Polarity
#5 Rhythm
#6 Cause and Effect
#7 Gender [Duality]

g7 = The Seven Crafts

Gnostic Logic
Gnostic Arithmetic
Gnostic Geometry
Gnostic Astronomy
Gnostic Music
Gnostic Grammar
Gnostic Rhetoric

7 Cycles of Alchemy

#1__Lead - Saturn [Calcination]
#2__Mercury Mercury [Dissolution]
#3__Tin - Jupiter [Separation]
#4__Iron Mars- Muurs [Conjunction]
#5__Copper Venus [Fermentation]
#6__Silver Moon [Distillation]
#7__Gold - Sun [Coagulation]

Chemical Level
Elemental Level
Planetary Level
Ethereal Level [Kosmic Electro-Magnetism]

Psychological Level
Physiological Level
Societal Level

From Kerma and Kemet to Hermetics and Alchemy

Custodians of Law and Language

I’d rather go toe to toe, running isn’t in my protocol

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are another way of saying Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva of the Naga
Moreover, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are another way of saying Ham, Shem, and Japheth
Who are all the same beings A.NU EN.KI and EN.LIL

These stories are about ENLIL and ENQI and INANNA and ANU and NINTI


Ham is one of the sons of Noah, and Noah is really called Utnafishtim and Utnafishtim is Sumerian which is Alkebulan which is todays Africa which includes the whole of the middle east

Ham comes from the Jews and is a replacement word for Kam which takes us to Kamu [Kerma] Khemet [Khami] K-Ham-I [Ham]

They say that Khemet or Kemet means black when that word is a describing word and so too is Melanin

The recorded word is In Kanu KMT for the Greek word Melanin is called KaaNu [Kaanu][Kanu] the Melanin in your skin that's on your body and your body is called Kha [Khat] [Khat-Nu]

Kanu is found in your organ [brain and gives us advanced intelligence, Kanu is condensed sunlight or sunrays that you have that contains metals, gold and koppa [9 ether]

NWN is anti matter
NWNT is matter

Noah is a seed and not 12 or so people but around 12,000 [seed], when ANU sent in the floods it is EN.LIL that takes off [Arc] craft, closes the shuttle doors and leaves the seeds behind and it is EN.KI that goes back for them

Ham, Shen and Japheth are seeds of HuMins using Jew wrods to describe the Alkebulans recorded hiStory, bypass them and you get the real knowledge and knowledge is energy

Why is pork from the pig [pigment] called Ham when sliced
Hansen Disease is two-words Ham’s + Son wielded together.
Hanson disease is Ham(s) Son [Hamson]

The true curse of Canaan
Has nothing to do with dark skin, it is a curse of the Caucasian and explains your Albino skin
Ham's son Canaan and all his seed are cursed with leprosy

All the references are there in your Torah and can be detailed

The land of Canaan (aka Israel) of course being where Ham's son settled, second highest rate of skin cancer in the entire world is in Israel .
Leviticus 14:34 confirmed that the land was riddled with leprosy

So, clearly the Leviticus biblical verse (14:34) is the only consenting reference and defines a plague which could be considered the, curse of Canaan as prophesied

Finally, all of Ham's sons [seeds] (Gen 10:6 Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan) are described as being Nubian except Canaan.

Cush = Ethiopian, Phut = Libyan, Mitsrayim = Egyptian.

Obviously, because he wasn’t, Canaan is defined as simply, the son of Ham  and lowland as in another name for modern day Israel

I can find no Nubian nor African references associated with the name of Canaan who has historically been associated with Phoenicians

Brimstone and Fire


Genesis 10:19 KJV:

And the border of the Canaanites was from Sidon, as thou comest to Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest, unto Sodom, and Gomorrah;

Sidon is spelt different over the years in their Bible, Sidon means hunter, the Canaanites are responsible for hunting, hunting people and animals

I want you to think about that Bible verse and think about that word today, who hunts people and animals, who does that

We did not go out killing animals or huMins and drinking their blood and eating their flesh, you are not the beast of the field, you are the children of [god], children of the sun [Helios], you are one degree below the Elohim which translates, these beings

Trophy hunter is his Trophy is an animal who is alive and the hunter is a man or woman with a rifle, animal trainer is animal conditioner because he or she is conditioning the animal to do human things  

God bless America and I agree because bless actually means curse, so, your sky daddy curse America

[God] gave poWRA to many [angels] to come here, they can take a form, [god] gave them personification, Muhammed Elijah is a personification, I don’t have a problem with that but when you start saying he is [god] then you have my attention, the best kept secret is that this [god] is a she    

The Albino race, he had light eyes, he had skin pig-mentation, he was Kanu [Melanin] recessive and had sores on the flesh he had #Leprosy not to be confused with modern day Leprosy that has been spread throughout this world because the Caucasian was a Leopard or Leprechaun with rosy complexion who that the Leopard is one of their ancestors and proudly boast especially the #Irish and who proudly wear their freckles, not all, but hey, and their red hair and green eyes has sumthing beautiful as opposed to the Scandinavians who boast a blonde or yellow hair and blue eyes and transparent skin and both call themselves the [white] race

So, Ham himself, the son of Ham was born in the ark [craft], he was born in the darkness, he is the one who was cursed and the curse that was put on the gene hence why in your book of Genesis his name is mentioned twice before he was even born or maybe three times, Ham the father of Gan 9:22 and Ham the father of Canaan, Genesis 9:18 and the sons of Noah walked through the arc Genesis 9:18 the sons of Noah who came out of the boat [craft] with their father were Shem, Ham, and Japheth [Ham is the father of Canaan]

So, the reason Ham is mentioned back then is because when Ham came out of the ark [craft-mother-ship] with his son, they mentioned him before he was born, why is he mentioned there, because he was born in the arc[craft], 9:19 Genesis; these are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread, and Noah [not his real name] began to be an husbandman [farmer], and he planted a vineyard and made wine, after a while doing this he became a drunk[alcoholic] and like so many drunks do, they lay exposed, but they had Muurs back then

Genesis v22 and Ham saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren, which would have been Shem and Japheth

Now we do the running man over to Leviticus 18, Leviticus is the Lard [Lord] of [God] who writes this mickey mouse things, the lord was mad at Ham for looking at the nakedness of his father, is this a coincidence, no, because in Leviticus 18:6 is says, no one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations, I am the Lord, what is Noah to Ham again please >> his father, this is called wtf is going on, in previous rewriting of your book the Bible, they use the word uncover, which doesn’t mean he was naked like that, this is about sexual gratification amongst men, in this case, father and son, this is abomination, its old school meaning, abomination thou shall not lie with Mankind has with womankind, read Leviticus properly, they are telling you what Ham was thinking, have you see the children’s book or movie called Beauty and the Beast, they are actually telling you its ok to fall in love with an animal or to sleep with an animals or to mate with an animal, isn’t that what they are doing today, well then

It does not matter if Ham is Khemet or Egyptian, they are telling you what Ham was thinking and that man was laying with man which comes out of the Caucasian genes, their own Bible is letting you know that this is about man laying with man, here is a man looking at another sexually while he was drunk and [god] saying wtf, they are telling us right there what is going on in Hams mind, sodomy, anal sex is noting new, your mind can be conditioned into the back door, they [Sodom] many men over the years because its in their genes, he can have a woman but he can also have a man, whereas the rest of us only want the marshes, the wetlands from a female, sodomy is the not the real name, uncover and other words and even the Muslims have a word that they use in the Quran for homosexuality which is rife amongst their men as well, when you read on in Leviticus you see that the other sons covered their father, they made sure that they were not looking because looking is wrong, the other brothers are straight has a nail and love women, what happened back then made it a law, they are the ones with the Greeks that came after Zeus lot that made this law in nature, that homosexuality is forbidden, because sum minds can be suppressed, even if you’re a woman and your partner asks you to let him ride your ass, its more than lets do when in Rome, it is not natural and you have to enjoy this reversed ride, for the other brothers to cover their father means that they knew it was wrong back then

So god [read Leviticus] put a curse on them, the curse of death which is they can not come into the sun, IN.ANNA removes their pineal gland or calcifies the eye, this is death, every-year, the recessive [albino] melanin people are being attacked by the sun hence the word Caucasians =  Carcass-Asians Dead Man Walking or Cox-cess Asian, Asians with tails, Carcass-Asians which means deteriorating flesh, have you ever been to an old peoples home and smelt dead flesh, people are still alive but are dying while they are alive, that is where those names come from, all from the Caucasian Mountain where they took the Kanu [Leopard] seed and implanted the seed

Leprosy [Hansen's Disease] respiratory and nasal+ are when the immune system is now under duress and we are seeing this now, many are sacred and this puts pressure on the immune system and triggers Hansen which then stripes the body, I wonder if there is a connection with all these other animals that are being stripped of their pigmentation

Many of you class yourself has Canaan and have researched on who you are, the Muurs science teaches you about the civilisations, you need to wake up and come on home, the Bible is corrupted, Leprosy is an infectious disease, look it up, it’s a curse, when he saw his son had Leprosy that hurt him, you as a parent cannot fathom your son being ill and he knew right away that his albino son was cursed from [god], the Bible misleads by all those that wrote it, they knew that Ham, the real story is from KEMET [KHEMT-KHAMI[K-HAM-I] and they knew that Khami means [Kanu] black so they put the Leprosy on you saying your Ki-nd had it when it was them all along, the Bible is your story but with them writing about them when it suited them in the stories and you when it suited them in the stories, KEMET is Chemical Khemical which in turn was short for alchemy alkhemy which is short for Magi [magic] which is short for black magic or Kanu Magi, your kanu magic is called the holy ghost by them   

Hansen dis-ease is short for Hams-Son dis-ease, come on keep up, they love to switch up the words, take letters out and add letters, but we are here now, the truth stands alone, the sons of Cain 

There are only two species on the planet, one is organic and the other is recessive, the organic are Nubian and all other races are the recessive races 

The Bible, the word Bible is from the Ethiopia name Biba which translates book, the contents of the Bible is from the Torah which was a Jew copy from the Tanen, the book of Ki with stories thrown in here and there and mixed up, you are not Jewish and furthermore, the word Jew is not found in any of their 4.5milion version of their writings, but the words, gods chosen is mentioned 2500 times, the Jew [sons of Cain] or Canaan are filthy and dirty and have in-breeding and sleep with their own internally, the Muslims do the same and marry their cousins, when ANU finds out about what was going on in these two cities he sends in trigger hapi EN.LIL who is the equivalent to Mr T from the A-team and Mr T goes ballistic on the cities, why, because this is not from nature   

To have seen it accidentally and involuntarily would not have been a crime
Sodom and Gomorrah are two homosexual cities in which the Jews today come out of, most are gay or just bum bandits with wives, the rectum rangers 

Image; there is an arched doorway, this is recorded and is a Biblical warning an ancient warning to modern day cities of the plains

When Neter Tut was killed on his chariot on or going to LAH.MU [Muurs][Mars] the wrath from the [gods] were felt right across the Kosmos, they couldn’t contain their contempt

Many bodies are embedded within the rocks, Humans are built with Silicone and Sulphur

These cities where taken out by [DEW] direct energy weapons, there are millions and millions of Sulphur holes all over the buildings, many crafts took out these cities after the race itself began to turn on itself with things like Cannibalism and Homosexuality [sodomy+] hmmm sounds familiar, so the ruling elite, the positive and agreeable took down the cities in glorious style sending out a message to the Jews and the likes that the same will happen to you, they then used water to flood them out, this time it will be fire

Pedophilia, Zoophilia, Necrophilia, Homo-sexuality will be deleted from this planet, its Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, this is not a lifestyles choice  

These cities where then flooded and the elements like the wind [Shu] would have eroded the structures over time, there were 7 Ziggurats [Mir-pyramids], these two cities where raised to the ground, the Bible [Torah][Quran] are backed by each other and is the story of their people [orcs] being dealt with by more than likely ANU, who doesn’t tolerate behaviour issues

Holes for fibre optic cables are everywhere adding to the destruction of these two once great cities, the layout and how the cities look today remind me of the Canyon, you can still see the shapes and formations of buildings

These Sulphur blast points offers a silent warning to the next generation that we are about to write about, if you are not natural you will be deleted

Know that I’m not in any race with nobody, there is a reintroduction taking place above us that will surface below, many who give presentations are not liberating the people and telling them why this is taking place, you need to know that this hiStory is still being rewritten, for the survivors, you will have a story to tell, is it all a mystery or is this myStory [you] or hiStory, the truth shall set you free

[This post was written because the beings that are here are starting from where they left off, sum places are going to be destroyed for a specific reason] 

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