Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Grand Architect

Ptah [Ta] Par-ta
Opener of the ways [Path] 

For many thousands of years Ptah visited this planet Ki, he never had a mother or father, he procreated himself, he called himself into existence OM144

Ptah is extra-terrestrial which is why he is recorded without no mother or father, Ptah calls the Ptahites [Tahites] (Pygmy) his people and began teaching them about the stars and at one point he lived has a HuMin [Mortal] he liked a wombman from the Tahites who were also called the Kush [Cush]

In KMT [Egypt], Huhi which is Hu or Huwa was considered the personification of utterance with which the creator Ptah (Tah) who was regarded as the creator of the physical world and the Neteru [deity] of technology, that did its work  

His wife is called Anath [Nekaybaw] [Hawwah] means woman or female (Adama) and she birthed a child that was to be used to replenish the planet after the meteorites showered the planet and three tribes survived the strikes, the Tahites and the Watutsi or Watutsi and Tutsi [the Rwanda genocide was done on purpose] lead by Atum and the Hindu(s) the disagreeable ones, the Watutsi are not Ghouls [Goa-uls] Nommos [Nomos], the Hindu(s) come down from Neb Heru [NI.BIRU] 

Atum is [Kadmon] [Zakar] and means man or male and Lillith is mother of Kadmon (Adama) keep in mind that NI.BIRU was now on a 3600 year orbit from Sahu [Orion] and changed from 25.920 years orbit coming out of Allium [Ellium] and in their Bible Ouranos is Orion and they use this word for haven [heaven] as above, so below, you can see the connection, there was at that time 144,000 thousand different species on the Star-station, on the Mekaba [NI.BIRU] and sum of the species like the Watutsi can be considered the Sahu [Orion] group because a lot of these species are on NI.BIRU, these particular species come down with these orbits and they come and reside on this planet 

The word Egyptian is conclusive with the Afar [A’aferti] A-Afar-ti [Pharaoh] people [tri-bal] and the Tahites and the Watutsi and the disagreeable Hindu(s) where all living in that area [land] and the word Egyptian actually means scorched face [Mauros] Muur and the word Egyptian can mean bondage in their Bible

Ptah on his second host [avatar], begun seeing an Afar wombman who was very beautiful to him and he fell into Chi [love] with her, her name is Khredu’Ankh, Ptah mated with her with his avatar and this is forbidden in the Ghouls culture

Khredu’Ankh and Ptah birthed a son called Imhotep who is part Ghoul [Nomos] part Afar and part Tahites, Imhotep was birthed retaining the Ghouls knowledge and was taken through different portals to different stars and Imhotep is part alien [chakra system are alien implants graphed into the 9 ethers only] and is why Imhotep stood out amongst the people, he built the first land pad step Mir [MA.RE] EKUR Pyramid for the first ships [series] to land on Ki, the second ship [series] were more pointed and the designs changed for the MA.RE to be more pointed

Imhotep for 3,000 years was a Grand Architect, he laid down the methods for medicine, astrology, he was also a physician + the list goes on, he was an administer for the old kingdom Memphis, which his father [Ptah] had set up IM HOTEP is the first Multi Genius, the Greek version is called Asclepius

Imhotep left the planet at the age of 83 years old through the stargate which is why they cannot find his avatar [body] the HuMins wanted Imhotep out because he was part Ghoul and they were done with the Ghoul leadership and Imhotep escaped to his father planet Memphis, Ra put a stargate right there in the EKUR [Giza] when he first got there, the stargate was there before the MA.RE(s) 

Ptah later ascended after he achieved expanding his consciousness, his organ [brain] capacity was 90%, because he naturally reached 90% the elders were informed and they invited him to the planet 99999 for ascension training, this is a process that the last 6% is needed if you past the test and then you gain 96% ascension, Anubu achieved 80% and tricked the elders to ascend him but was found out and taken back down and trapped at 65%

Before Imhotep left he had a daughter with Rashaa called Hager and in their Bible, Abraham married Hager who is Ghoul [Nomos] Hager is Ismael’s mother and this would make the whole Muhammed bloodline Ghoul [not the Muslims today] the whole bloodline has Ghoul genetics, Hager is Ptah granddaughter, Hager is Imhotep siStar

Wombmen average a certain height because the Ghouls are a certain height which is around 4ft to 5.3ft and all come from Hawwah which she is also called Eve and this is because Hawwah was from the Ptahites aka Pygmy, the Ghouls [Nomos] bloodline is here from the start

Ra [Re] comes to Ki and his first avatar was from the Hindu from the planet Nevada and then he took an Asgard avatar because the genetics of the Hindu avatar repelled against his own genetics, Ra fled to earth after a war, earth called Ki, Tiamat, Tanen and Terra, when he reached he saw the HuMins

Ra transferred himself into one of the primitives, the Afar (Kush) tribe people in Abyssinia [Ethiopia] Egypt aka the 9th gate, Ra transferred himself into an Afar boy who did not flee at Ra(s) landing [remember the movie StarGate, same story that they told to you back to you] Ra soon saw that they could house his race in the Afar people

He made law [Nomos] that all Ghouls would take the HuMin has an avatar, look at their hairstyles, you can see the connection, sum where made into warriors, Ra sent out invitations to other system Yahwehs that they could have a domain on this planet subject to his leadership

Ra kept in contact via the StarGate that was set up in KMT [Egypt] sum of the Yahwehs fought amongst themselves for the domains 

Ra was disagreeable and arrogant, egotistic and over confident, he was invincible and never seem to feel threatened which would be his ultimate downfall 

This is an ancient Ghoul technology [above images] and the original [I forgot the name Was-set, sumthing like that] used to fold out into a bulletproof suit and was a full space suit, there is silver and koppa and gold ones also that was advanced more than others, they also had advanced bracelets, rings that could call their ships, and this technology also dematerialise matter [mater] so they could walk through walls and sum have invisibility [keep in mind how sum of the rooms in the MA.RE(s) have no doors and sum had small holes, cubes, that it is impossible to go into them or through them and the HuMans had to break into these hidden [chambers] the ones before us had chants and would use these frequencies to open these [doors] through these bracelets and rings 

Each Ghoul has his or her own space helmet and space suits 

wearing a flight helmet and wind or aerodynamic wings either-side of her space-helmet

Spinning around in a Museum
Many interact with the Melanin in your body and skin  

The Cobra or Viper was placed on the crown which is the family galactic symbol and is their real bloodline, two Cobras means full blooded Ghoul
The Bird and the Cobra means they are part Ghoul [Nomos] and part ancient, the bird is part of the ancient clans, one Cobra means part Ghoul and part HuMin

The Cobra and Bird can also symbolise the planes, the Cobra [serpent] stays on the ground [physical] and the Bird is in the air [spiritual] both the Cobra and the Bird have an inner-eye

Different avatars were used, different helmets

 [the HuMins are writing the story and didn’t or could only write what they saw and document the best they could, they weren’t 100% on extra-terrestrial beings] 
Anunnaqi means these beings, there are many beings within this group

The Ghouls [Nomos] Lyra [Lion] Akir and the Draco are all cousins and there is both agreeable and disagreeable beings 

Same message in both images

The circle [sphere] and the square [cube] if you look at the perfect G, you will see that it is a circle and square [think of NI.BIRU which is both a cube and sphere]
The G prefixing Gaia is for [God] or Geometry, of the Grand Architect of the Universe, who to them was Tah, the original name spelled as Ptah
Gea the female deity [god] or Mother Nature [Metu Netu] is symbolic of the crescent Moon or the deity Diana and her son as the star of Bethlehem, which to sum is Mary and Jesus, but in reality is Aset [Isis] and Heru [Horus] and even Semiramis and Nimrod, the MaStar Builder of Babel
Gi [Gaia]

The cube and sphere are symbols [think of NI.BIRU] and are keys to geometry, there is no shape, nor form that does not pass through these, one, the square is a symbol of finite, four separate straight, but ending paths [Ptah]

The circle, is a symbol of infinite and only the being that connects the two points, knows where it begins and ends [Ptah Opener of the ways] so it becomes the tool of the MaStar builders and the root of Alpha and Omega

The beginning, be-gene or Genn, Jinn exist by using the science of the circle and the square, unidentical twins
[Ginn[Jinn] be-ginn-ing]

They took the infinite and formed the circle and with the finite, they shaped the square, they then took the circle turned it inside out and produced the state of nothingness and waste, existence yet not seen, heard, felt, smelt or tasted, as ether is yet not seen
Two shapes that appear totally opposite and both equal 360 degrees
Two totals, the total of things and the total of nothing, and equal in quantity and the absence of quantity no-thing, sum-thing

Only Kuluwm [All] appointed creator of all things in this state can cause this to happen, from the Tama-Rean Neteru [deity] Hapi, the Neteru of the Nile, who depicted as a male with female breasts, symbolizing the male and female [masculine and femi9] as one

[Genesis 5:2] male and female, an Adam or Hermaphrodite, symbol of fertility, look closer at what I have said and you will, rediscover the true meaning because in studying the science of Geometry [Ge] means Earth in Greek, borrowed from the ancient Sumerian language [Cuneiform] and Metrien means Measure, we learn that if quantities are equal to the same quantities, they are equal to each other or if the circle and the square are both equal to 360 then they are equal to each other, as clones or twins

Kuluwm voice is OM

With the four parts the Neteru caused to merge and form the square and the circle equal the same and they have the same magnetic charge, when two like charges are put together they repel but because of the tremendous force and pressure of fusion, a force that made them act, this submits; contrary to their natural act of repelling

Two distinct incomplete squares formed after further subjection in the intense commandment of Kuluwm, they merged together to form one single complete square

The centre of each square and each circle became as one, if you look closely, you will see each quarter of the circle within the square

This vast energy, was trapped within the square and was not able to escape, the ancient ones did not turn the square inside out but rather they used the circle, because to turn a square inside out would give you four separate squares which would be sixteen 90 degree angles [angel] a total of 1,440 degrees, a science beyond your comprehension at this point in Ki(s) time, it does not total 360 yet, it does have four 90 degree outer angles and four 90 degree inner angles, which would be 8 x 90 = 720, which is 360 twice

The circle equal to the square, the circle is equal to the square because, they both are 360, as in looking at the MA.RE [Mir] pyramid from above and four 90 degree angles meet at the capstone 

Portal of sum sort or energy belt or power source 

Reptilian HQ under the energy, you can just see the sky on the right

The fire starter, CME are streaming to this planet
watch the crown, you may be sweaty Betty

Orion [Ouranos] is a Greek name, the correct name is Sahu [SA.HU] Sah [Septet] Siruis [SIB.TU] Sibtu
Sahu is the capital of this galaxy 

Full crew



All is changing, 6 eclipses this year tells you so
Four corners to consciousness [cube dark sun], this house is sealed within  

Alpha waves UVA
Beta waves UVB
Cosmic waves UVC 

They said it was 44hz, no way, I felt this last night, data is in correct
The young ones will not be affected by 5G and they know this
Ozone layer is being removed without it you will die
You may be off balance and this is the magnetism, drink alkaline water
UVC is off the charts
Eco-systems are shutting down and another one is being set up for that particular group

Food Issues
really listen to what he says

Quote; Grasshopper, aren't you worried? Next: they eat the equivalent of 350.000 people per day or 20.000 cows. Do you know what that means? Global Food Crisis!

They eat wheat, soy, pasture, South America is one [was] of the largest food exporters in the world...

Already arrived in Rio Grande do Sul
once done with South America they will head North to the USA to finish up
Serious times lay ahead for many

The Grasshopper in Amsterdam
One day two guys were in the basement where all things meet and they had taken sumthing,
one of them began to trip out and was sick and convulsing, everyone didn't move, the bar-attender, walked calmly from around the bar and at a steady pace towards the two guys and brought this guy back to life, we all clapped and cheered, everyone was stoned and it almost felt surreal

She had saved this guys life in front of us and I wondered if she had saved many before, this guys mother was kept from burying her son to which she will never know how close she came in doing so

I brought her a drink [gratitude] and reminded her of what she had just done, that she had extended a life

These Grasshoppers reminded me of my time in Holland 

Harmony of music heard by the true listener of OM or Aum and it is the letter D of the 1st centre C octave bass and its colour is Green

While many continue to show images of a second sun or crafts in the sky cloaked in clouds or not, you have to keep in mind that the energy has moved past them, this is much bigger than what most are posting or talking about

Spiritual beings and physical beings, for the word A’aferti has its root in a’fa ra (dust) and implies the taking on of dust particles, dehydrated blood, yet its translated as pharaoh as a HuMin [HuMan] yet spiritual [Kaa] who gave reverence to the Neteru which has its roots in Na Ta Ra which means watches or guardians and Metu Netu, spiritual beings who can personify

So both principles are covered and there were and are good physical people; good spiritual beings and bad spiritual beings

Many deformities are not through the creating Neteru, many diseases, viruses, deformities are caused by HuMan beings themselves, bad diet, bad health habits, many deformities have occurred with the aid of the HuMan kind [Mankind is not HuMin, it’s a kind of man]

A.I.DS [HIV] a man made virus that alters the chromosomes, down syndrome, alzeheimers, cancer, polio, herpes, hydro-cephalic, dwarfism, gigantism, many forms of dis-figuration, one which stands out in the Bible is people having six toes and six fingers which religious people can’t explain if man is in the image and likeness of god (2 Samuel 21:20, 1 Chronicles 20:6)
It is clear that all men on the planet are not in the image of god
Anthropomorphism or not, sum have five fingers, sum have six
With these many deformities, like Siamese twins, it is clear that HuMins were a product of a higher intelligent experiment [Adama]

They gave you domain over the planet, they wouldn’t have given you a defected planet, all those with rare disorders or 1 in 1000 or those who do not like the sun and so on+ are defected and do not belong on the planet

Ask any religious person how the MA.RE (pyramid) were created and they don’t know and this lets you know that they have been cut off from the higher information

Its time children to re-nu our-story, the mystery or my-story must be heard, as the sun burns his way in and purifies, for the planet will not be destroyed this time by water but by fire [plasma-Khaybet]

The great ball [sphere] of fire, a massive meteorite followed by showers, controlled by the NeterU [Annunaqi] that will hit this planet, you will not burn up but be transformed into an etheric body, turned inside out

Make peace and let peace guide you, showtime is about to start and you must find peace to find your way out of here [ascension]

Has it is done on earth, so shall it be done in haven [heaven] 

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