Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Alternative Motives

Have to fight the right revolution this time, love can start or stop a revolution 

Mother NTR is calling you

Neo, I'm not afraid anymore, the Oracle told me that I would fall in love and that man that I loved would be the one, so, you see, you can't be dead, you can't be, because I love you

You hear me
I love you

Now get up

Alternative Motives

This year 2012 [2020] I have had no interaction with no one from the outside world, me in a different place now, 6 months in and although its isolating, the management of my NRG is now under my control

We are inside the field of truth, all that is hidden is revealed and many are feeling the strain of this field

This field is ruled by your heart [Ab] chakra and Hati is your [physical heart]

Those that lied to you, those who would hold back from you, those who deceived you, those that got one over on you, with this field, those that have undercurrent thoughts will and are being revealed in this field, all those who betrayed you are being revealed in this field, you might not be there to see this but trust me, its taking place

For you, you must do everything from the heart and mean it from the heart, there is no such thing has right and wrong, it goes like this, you cannot say you like sumone when you don’t like them, you have to have truth with it, why, because you have to align certain energies up and they cannot, you cannot say one thing while meaning sumthing else or have an alternative undercurrent meaning, you have to be the real deal in the field Evander wHoly-field

Mean what you say because you are dealing with the Ab chakra, you are writing the laws, don’t say sumthing that you don’t want to say, this is a Ma’at NRG of truth because its ruled by the Ab chakra and Ma'At resides in the Ab

You can have a journal and write it down because then you write it into law, your law, this is called the Butterfly affect, in order for things to work for you, you are writing into reality  

You must have a plan because the NRG that we are in cannot take the side when you are indecisive, it cannot line up because you are not aligned, you must have a plan for the NRG to do its Magi

The pen is still a feather and a feather [Shu] is still a quill, this is still Ma’at, you go to the astral doorway and you focus and recite your plan at the doorway, this is your left and right Organ [brain] metamorphosing [meta = maat] or the two twin serpents lining up [opposite polarities] you will see that the poWRA is within and not outside but this NRG cannot be relied upon the outside forces, outside of alternative motives, because it’s a Ma’at NRG you cannot trust other HuMins or HuMans

You will not achieve your own agenda with other peoples motives, the NeterU [Maat] that is judging you sits in the inside of the Ab chakra

Lakshmi during one of the eclipses made us get up and go to her alter, I needed sumthing and two days later sumone came by, Lakshmi had sent this person, now what this person gave me wasn’t monetary but would have cost a small fortune but she sent this person and I was to trade with them because it turned out that they needed sumthing and we were able to exchange

Another example was Kali sent sumone to me, she wasn’t from the city that I was from and she had been told that she would meet sumone and they gave her two details about me from this person

Years later and in a different city, she came to me, she told me my name and my origin which was told to her a number of years ago, the energy exchange that she would, and I would exchange was to strengthen [Baa = soul] both of us from us, there was a deeper reason, but what I AM letting you know is that once you align with yourself the rest will follow

What I AM trying to say is that the spirit works in certain ways and connects with others in certain ways

You can execute what you want in this field 


The NRG [energy] is so poWRA-full now that all you have to do is imagine, the illusion isn’t real so therefore imagination is reality

The only thing that exist is triple darkness and these little particles of light [data], these particles of light are dreaming dreams and dreaming that they are alive in these physical bodies

So for example, the movie the Matrix is taken from the mind of Sophia Stewart [oracle] but the Matrix itself comes from ancient Sanskrit [Tamil]

The Matrix is an unreal reality

The real Matrix is the HuMin Organ [Brain] Hue Min [Hu the force of creative will, also known as Huhi and Huwa] Min-d = Mind [Khu]

The HuMin Organ is signalling to the Ka [spirit] inside of you that all is real in the field, the Organ is sending out electrical bribes to you that all this is solidity, but this is only an illusion, it is what the Organ [brain] is producing based on the electrical bribes that is making all this real

Today all you have to do is override the program, you have to choose between the red pill or the blue pill, what I did was to go back to childhood [innocence] when you use to roam freely

The key is, this is an illusion then the imagination is reality because the NRG is ready for you, just imagine the time [emit] cycle, because before, you may have had to wait two cycles or a lifetime before things to image [manifest] now it’s a matter of days, weeks and hours if you are really good

Societies give you realities, so if you are in the 3D, I said to you before you need to stop reading this page, you produce your reality for you

The main instruction is to reprogram the Organ and insert what is real, the subconscious Khu works with what you give it and will go to work for you but will only carry out the instruction if you convince it that it is real

And until you convince the sub-khu that it is real, it will not work for you at all, you have technique but it is about your mind [Khu]  

Never ever believe [baal’eve] in you, know thysCellf

There is a difference between knowing the ptah and walking the ptah  

Chile M7 [M7]
New Zealand M7.5
Indonesia M6

Exalt same amount of earthquakes has the 2.5.2020 was recorded on the 3.5.2020, loads of earthquakes, where is this M9, when Yellowstone goes that will be 10million straight that go
Water, weather systems, weather anomalies, heat, cyclones, never before type-things continue

The planet is shaking to get you attention

8 homes gone, the coasts around the world are going to be consumed by NTR cities, towns, empires, have to go  

Last three days

Venus is going to return all negative NRG or positive NRG depending on what you have put out, six eclipses this year tells you alone that there will be a changes

Negative energy is the most poWRA-ful [negative confessions] remember, void is pure consciousness, you have a month

July 1st will mean complete shutdown an act has now been activated and means all stores will be forced to shut down, military will be dressed up has doctors, they will be forcing you to take the vaccine

We are going to have the power cut because the sun is sending CME's straight to the planet and they are all earth facing and they are not reporting this, so they are going to have to cut the power, this is why the lights are blinking and showing up on the Schumann, that is us, your poWRA

Masculine energy is going out and getting what you want and the Femi9 energy is allowing the attraction to come to you and it to come to you naturally, this is what balancing the energies is about, being magnetic, allowing it to be attracted to you

The Womb, if you are having heavy periods, heavy blood you are hemorrhaging, you need to have a spirit womb bath, the womb needs clearance

The universe is a womb [Omega] and you are her sun [son] you are her son and are activating, is the universe removing the recessive genes or her sun

Plasma is charging the planet, heaven is reprogramming the planet

They have to stay sumthing because people are seeing the changes
Plasma [Khaybet] translates, to mould

Portugal, the slave master, water is being dumped by crafts

Dimensions are merging into one, multiple spheres, these are portal dimensions, crafts come and go every day, to be one with her is to become one [Neo] with her

These crafts emitt soul-ar NRG

The 05.05.2020 is going to different, this celestial map comes from France [02.05.2020] and reminds me of the six crafts [comets] that are coming from these constellations and they are in communication, signals are firing  
Sahu is the capital of this galaxy, all star-systems are connecting

The European America flag, the biggest in their occupation of Atlantis was torn by storm aka Queen Hericane [Hurricane] [Heru-i-cane] that is a sign from NTR, there is also a crack that has been in their Washington monument for a while, this Wendy house is coming down, when your ready
Old school energies are here and are not playing and there is Yemaya [Queen of the sea- the original mermaid] s-he will bring the water [tsunami]  

There are holographic images in the sky from both sides, the negative are desperately holding onto what they can, people die for a flag that is made from cotton, we want the planet, keep your flags and badges, the planet will be returned to her original settings 

You see the mesh type grid going around the portal [sun]

He isn't who you thought s-he was

His legacy is very disturbing

This family are shape-shifting or are clones glitching out

This Storm Called You

The Ayin [eye] of the storm

Esu [Elegbara] Elegba [Legba] = 1
Oya = 9

Babalu Aye is the [Orisha] of sickness and diseases, seen has an old man but is referred to father of earth [Femi9]

Number 1 is associated with Magi [nu beginnings]

Oya is the mother of number 9 and brings transformation, including death and destruction, she brings the storms

Coming in the form of hurricanes to a gentle breeze, storms come with devastation but leave in complete silence 

Orisha, Oshun, Ogon, and Yemaya [Queen of the sea- the original mermaid], and Queen Hericane [Hurricane] [Heru-i-cane] old school energies are here.

Weather systems continue to hit places around the world at the flick of the wrist

The number 9 represents the completion of a cycle as well as reminding us of the concept of birth and rebirth

8[9] and then 0, the highest number is 9 and after we get zer0 and then 1, 0 is the bridge between the numbers, we get 1 and that is nu beginnings aka reSet

Though there will be death and destruction, this will also be a great time of change, better to embrace than to be in a world full of sh9t

The storm is here but you are protected, know that there is a divine plan in motion, draw comfort in this while all around you falls apart

This planet has to purge herself first to allow for higher frequencies, so embrace yourself while you embrace the changes that are necessary

This storm that is around this planet is you [us] collective, all's fair in love and war

For Love and Hate to exist, the world must come to an end [recycle] 

This awakening [activation] will not be us all coming together, harmony, you have no idea, it will be not how you think it will be, this awakening [ascension] is about learning about yoursCellf
this is about coming to a harsh reality, this is purging, shadow work, this is everything that you suppressed about yoursCellf, its coming to terms with who you really are, the lower and higher self,
your eternal battles, you will have to be a die hard rebel to get through this phase, keep going, yes question you, but let it all out, cry, get angry, sad, hapi, do it all, i just found out that why kids wet the bed when they shouldn't was because they were in the spiritual world [this happened to me so many times and now i feel exempt] the journey must be completed, keep pushing on, we are connecting   

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