You may need to write what you see down, this is your
conscious mind seeing your sights on paper [when you write them down] so now
you are consciously knowing that you had this vision [dream] that gave you
these symbols that you interpret in a certain way
Your subconscious mind is giving you this message but
your conscious mind has to agree with the messages, you have to acknowledge the
message [dream] (get-it) in order for the message to resonate
Repeated messages or same scenes means you have not fully
inner-stood the message, you are seeing the wood and not the tree or you are
seeing the tree instead of the wood, the message must resonate with you before
the kode is released
These are spiritual experiences that you must take heed to
because the energy is getting real tight now and our elders are not playing,
everyone is on borrowed time for this construct will end over night
You don’t have to write them down on paper but this will
aid you if you are struggling, you must pay attention to your visions, feel the
vision, know the vision, what is the emotion with this vision, feel out all visions
with your conscious mind, pay attention to how [emotions] you are feeling
during the vision, what is your energy in motion
The subconscious mind can dismiss your visions and your
over-standing of any reasoning that you do in and around what that particular
vision [dream] was showing you, the ego will also intervene, they don’t want to
see you get ahead without them
Your Magi will play a heavy role
Everyone dreams, if you don’t remember your visions this
could be one of a few reasons, one is that you don’t have enough energy to
bring then back down to the planet or there was no message in that particular
vision, drinking and puffing will also prevent you from remembering your
visions, eat well for your immune system and for your spiritual fuel, sunlight
Deprogramming many years of a false programming hinders
your progress especially during these crucial times that we find ourselves in,
all visions must be viewed with the Ka aspect, you will know what is what the
more you tune into your institute skills, you will know, like when you need to
go wee-wee, you just know
Once you are on that Ptah all else will start to stream
to you, signs, symbols, numbers, visions, messages will all flow, ancestors and
Ka [spirit] guides will come at different times, different intervals and bring
word from the Oracle, once the connection has been forged the connection will
flow, for a Jedi uses the force [Chi]
You must be serious with the subconscious communication
that you are receiving, when you go into the dream-state, your sub-mind is
You must set the intention with Ka [spirit] your spirt
doubles are called Enas, you must set the intention with them on what you want,
we are not talking about with your family connection that are stuck on the 3D
realm who 9 times out of 9 are the ones who are aiding you, that is fine but
they are limited and you too by dealing with the 3D when we are in the 4D
currently on our way to the 5D and if you want to evolve then you have to
bypass the 3D, for in the 3D there is no growth, just trapped energy
Your sub-mind will show you your true knowing, what is
the real deal, trust in yourself, what you need is all within, pay attention to
your visions for in there are things like clarity, what you need to do next,
what needs addressing, ascension instructions
Sumtimes what you are being made to see and experience
and address comes from a past life, so sumtimes the experience that we have,
may be not pleasant within this HuMin [HuMan] experience
Sumtimes you don’t have a point of reference and so,
things play out that are from sumwhere deeper, and people, things,
environments, circumstances and situations play out in our lives in order to
address these things+
So people do things in our lives that they were supposed
to do in order for you to heal a past life, do you see the trees or the wood
These visions [dreams] are allowing you to stream into
your Akashic library
Dream-recall, the only thing holding us back from Magi
[manifestation] is the subconscious blockages, you are to take your soul
journey seriously, too many people out there talking all that Jazz and are
doing nothing, you have a soul contract that needs to be honoured, after September
you will not have the choice to stay awake [activated] or sleep [dormant], they
are watching us all the while and will separate us and then from one another
has they look to ensure the balance of this energy
The usual is going on out there, and a lot of crafts being seen and are not cloaked over in South America, fleets, arses about to get kicked into line over there real soon
These meteorites are not rocks or are camouflaged in rock
material, these are technology, personnel, boots on the ground, logistics,
Independence Day
Metallic orange sunSet across the Philippines
Koppa [Gold] Portal shield
Crafts in this image, chakra colours
Huge craft against this pink-ish backdrop
Its getting ready
ISS picks up electric Green energy
Green is Purple healing energy until the Ultraviolet hits the planet electromagnetic field and goes purple, Green is healing energy but is also life force energy
This is radiation aka chakra energy for this is a soul-ar system, you can absorb and dispense this energy, and so too the planet,
Independence Day
Metallic orange sunSet across the Philippines
Koppa [Gold] Portal shield
Crafts in this image, chakra colours
Huge craft against this pink-ish backdrop
Full technicolour backdrop, look at the individual rays from the suns direction
Clouds hold vaporised water and cannot cast shadows
unless they were solid
Its getting ready
ISS picks up electric Green energy
Green is Purple healing energy until the Ultraviolet hits the planet electromagnetic field and goes purple, Green is healing energy but is also life force energy
This is radiation aka chakra energy for this is a soul-ar system, you can absorb and dispense this energy, and so too the planet,
How does ESP work
All points in time and space are connected
That’s how it works
[there is nothing extra about them for you always had
sensory perception]
Those plugged into the Matrix have a history that only serves the 3D that they are part of, Star Wars is already happening above you, as above, so below, the truth and lie are at their perihelion
Survival of the fittest
This term was coined by Darwin because they knew they
only had a certain amount of time on the planet to crack the 9ethers wombmans
genetics, they were in a race with the 9 ether that led to their other word
There is good and bad in all right, there are sum really
decent people out there and get along because they are in the system as well,
however many have had an automatic-pass in life and have never struggled like
the other’ because they are privileged and reside in that life-style
So, many may have positive intentions but they have had a
automatic pass giving them a great life in which to be in, however we are starting
to see the frustrations being played out
Many don’t want to talk about the past but it’s the past
that is the present and will shape this future, when you investigate what many
claim they did, when you go deeper back you find out that they didn’t do it,
even Adolf Hitler had to get the Goebbels to shut up because they were saying
that they came from a super-race of HuMans and Hitler had to them to shut up
because they didn’t and Hitler was force himself to commission a delegation to
find out where they really where from
Which took him to Hyperborean, they have never been into
out of space
The trouble is we are about to write the hiStory and this
is what they don’t want, his future has nothing to do with where we are going,
with us reintegrating ourselves into mother nature
He has spent all his time covering up nature, he paved
over her, he created technologies to simulate what melanin does spiritually and
physiologically and psychologically and all his advancement goes into this exoskeleton
that enhances his powers which is essentially him, this is only an idea of what
synthetic melanin would look and feel like from his angle
Whatever he is laying down for the future of this world
will end has a pipe dream, the future of this world which was already being
laid out before the invasion
All this fascination with A.I and their technology is to
take away your own advancement and intelligence [intel-agent], everything that
a compute does, so can you, what your cell phone does so can you, you are able
to MaStar organic technology, you can project yourself through the 9 spheres
that surround this dome that surrounds this planet, this world, deal with the reality
that we created and not their virtual reality, your attention [intention] is
the most precious part of your consciousness
Remember knowledge is transducers into your DNA so that when you have children that knowledge [energy] is transferred and carried on through the Mt DNA [Mitochondria] of the 9 ether wombman, who is carrying the original library of Alexandria in her Mitochondria
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