Tuesday, 2 June 2020


Milky Way

In terms of the number of soular systems present in the universe, there are sumthing like 300 billion stars in the Milky Way, so if 10% of them have planets, there are around 30 billion planets in our galaxy alone, and there are over 100 billion galaxies in the observable Universe for a total of sumthing in the observable universe

The beauty of In8inity
Grand Masters

Grand Architect of the Kosmos [Im-Hotep] translates peaceful, tranquil, satisfied or I-em-hotep or Imhotep He who comes in peace

Grand Architect of the Universe [Tah] Earth Ptah translates Opener, One who opens the way, the Grand MaStar Flash, he put the G into Gaia

Grand Architect of the Milky Way, Milky comes from Cow, Cosmic Cow [KAU] is A-theer [Athyr] (Hatha-Hathor) Aset way, double bubble

When you see the elite on a boat on the Nile, this symbolises them leaving this realm and traveling into other dimensions, on the galactic highway to the centre of this universe and beyond    

Deity is a Greek word for God and God [Dog] is a Roman word for Neter which means
[Supreme Being]

Ophiuchus is their Greek deity (god) and is base on Imhotep who is the architect of the Kosmos
The 13th house [hidden] of the Denderah [Zodiac] is the architect, Im-hotep 

Dead Dreams and Vampires by the Yale University, and in that book, the Ba, basically when the Ba dies, the soul [Baa] identifies with the body [Kha], we are not talking about the Kaa [spirit] they are different, the Kaa is what runs the physical plane and is nothing but energy that runs the matrix

Everyone has spirit including animals, plants and the recessive genes, Kaa just makes the stuff move, Kaa translates double you, the energy that fuels you is called Akh [etheric] and Khaybet [plasmatic], however the Baa you make, the Baa is a sun [sol] soul-ar and was created prior to creation

Once the Kaa leaves the Baa stays in the Kha and the Baa does not rise up until the Kha decomposes and this is why say for example the Indus people would burn the Kha for sum Baa would be for reincarnation and to redirect that Baa, not for the right reasons for those who is a higher-Ka or Semu [priest] they could trap that Ba and make them redundant on their return from the astral light [realm], they wouldn’t want to lose those Baa(s)

When the shark eats the body [Kha] the Baa remains inside the shark [Jonna and the whale is all metaphysical] the whale represents the physical illusion, the Maya, the matrix and Jonna is the 9ethers trapped in the whale [matrix] and when the shark births, the Baa continues on in the nu shark, and now these Alkebulans slaves that were eating the sharks 200 years, 170 years ago and now we have a generation of sharks waiting on instructions from us

This means that the practices [ritual] that you should do is your own coming from the archetypes of the collective consciousness, this does not mean beat a drum from 200 years ago, if you get it to play James Brown Payback, them play Payback, it is your own way because they are waiting on instructions, its your own energy and that is why the ritual works, you are the avatar, you are the Magi aka the Magician, the Baa(s) are from the middle passage ready to go and is a full blown army

They know this, and nothing will happen to the conscious people or the ones who are real with this thing and not sumone following trends

Encourage yourself to make up your own rituals for ultimate effectiveness  

This is why none of these religions or occultic stuff really works for the carbonated people, the Baa is different from the spirit

Invoking most of these spirits is just a waste of time for the 9 ethereal HuMin, the 6 ethereal HuMan are linked with these spirit beings because they are of the spirit, not the soul.

Never overstood until now why this shit never worked for me, the spirit world appears to be so low in vibration Jesus, Muhammed, Confucius, Buddha, the Orishas, the Saints, the Loas+

They don't appear to be of the soul or for the people of the soul, but of the spirit to keep you entrapped within the matrix, feeding off of the energy of the material world

Keeping you as a prisoner of Ida both with this phoney ancestral and god-saviour bs

KMT says that the Baa and Kaa are attached and will exit on your last breath and then seprearte, Baa returns to souce or is is Kaa returns to source 

 They sat has one mind 

Inca [Mandinka] Mand-InKa [Inca] Mali  
Ulmec [Olmec] Abyssinia [Ethiopia] 

The Greys were grafted, the Reptilians mated with them giving us the Reptoids who enjoy the blood sacrifices, we never spill blood not even animals


 Built by the Ul-Mec [Olmec] these MA.RE [Mir] Mer have mercury deposits; this was fuel for crafts and these MARE doubled up has space-craft platforms

The Ulmec built 9 cities in Mexico and the Ulmec are pioneer builders   

Oaxaca [OaxaKa] 

Ghoul [Goa-ual] Nomos
Their eyes flash, the lower Reptilians [Draconian] eyes are slits

Lyrans [Lion] Akir 
Kat [Kammu] 
The third eye automates on its own when in the presence of danger, when in usage 

Indepence Day
Huge craft(s) over Thailand holographic face

ML on route, the beast must be headless [PM to be assassinated] all are signs and more to watch, stay out of the 3D or that will be your reality 
The world(s) are getting ready to descend into chaos, out of chaos will come order, balance, that which is straight, all is obtainable if you want it 
The Reptilian Royal family take down their coat of arms, and step down

Their envoys, Lemmon, Swan, Atlas, Neowise and Encke, Leonard, their trajectories means there is a pattern emerging, September is going to be the one, all reporting to the Dark-Star
Where is their Pope
Trump had the Bible with no writings on the front of the Bible and he held it upside down, what Bible is he holding, he said that we have a great country, and its coming back and it won't take long to see what is going on, he repeated that it wouldn't take long and to see, see being the operative word, its coming back stronger than ever, its all in his words, he is letting you know

When you check it, we have thousands of animals dying, but yet the Akir and Elephant are still about, this started in nature, they started messing with nature first and then the HuMins [HuMans], so all these birds, cows that are dying and so on are not from nature, trees that they created are also dying off, this disconnected nature first to disconnect you, the MtDNA and stem-cell is from the 9 wombman only and that is what they fuc9ed with first

The Soular system will be different next year, all planets will be inside a cubed force field

No one uses the word climate change anymore

Extreme weather strikes

When the power cuts out and your car cannot move you will go to the one you love, it is a sad time that is coming for the weak minded
When you feel the heat you will have to move
You will never reach ascension while you are with the recessive genes, never
You have 10 DNA stands that is activating   

Eyes wide shut

LAHA.MU Lahamu [Venus] is about and we have a eclipse and full mode moon coming up, where are the three wise kings, Venus is a satellite a very special satellite [a kode changer] 

Who that


There is a story about Rudra who is Asaru [Osiris] Rigveda Re-veda [Naga = Vedas] which is Tamil [Sanskrit] text not Hindu or Indian the text is Tamil

Rudra [Shiva] Asaru [Osiris] is also the Greek deity Dionysus, Dionysus is foreign to Greece ad came into Greece via the Europeans but can be traced back to Rudra in Nagalan [India] and Dionysus is identical to Asaru

Rudra in India [Nagalan] is Dionysus in Greece, if you read about Rudra and Dionysus you will get to know about Asaru [Osiris]

Dionysus is born of an earthly mother and Zeus is his father and his symbol is a mask, he puts on different illusionary masks, which means he wears these masks when he comes into contact with the HuMins [HuMans] because they cannot comprehend with advanced technology, they are not advanced like him, he is chaotic forces and he has to be able to filter down to the HuMins [HuMans] to a level were they can accept to protect our insanity, because these beings are much more chaotic and monstrous than what you know

These masks are linked with Alkebulan who all wear these masks that brings in Orisha [Osiris], Sama is the Sanskrit word for Melanin

Rudra and Dionysus is about the pineal gland
Asaru [He is seen, The Eye] 

If you want to prefect perfection you have to put a flaw in it  

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