The Kolour Purple
The ease up allows the masses to go outside under the sun
who is emitting UVC rays [kodes] this is very serious has the UVC levels are at
an all-time high and is getting higher, if you are 6 ether then you must be aware
because the emissions are in the 11+ and 2+ means there is a risk and 11+ is
cancer and molecule reconstruction
Many people will die regardless of this virus or not,
under heatstroke but this year many will die because the sun is burning them
off the planet, when the numbers go up as a result this then will give them the
reason to shut down the cities once and for all under ML [medical] and say this
is CV19
If you do not pay attention, then you are going to fall
short of what is coming, many of you will not survive this event, you will
spiritually, do you really want to come back down here, for sum there is no
alternative and for many, it ends here with your last breath for there is nowhere
for you to go
The UVA and the UVB and the UVC radiation and what these
radiations [energies] do not remove from the planet the younger generations of
the artificial races will do and go after the older generations of the
artificial races and that includes all the recessive races for all the lies
that are coming out, many of you haven’t told your children or others what is
really going on therefore you are still in the 3D
Alpha waves UVA
Beta waves UVB
Cosmic waves UVC
Now you can get artificial or recessive lives matter, banner
or t-shirt, then everyone will be in the same sinking boat
You are changing on a cellular molecule level which will
be either positive or negative 9 ether or 6 ether
There is no point at looking at the colour of sumones
skin because one is from this planet and another was created on the planet
When you close your eyes your see black, you have an identification
card but there is also a planetary identification card which is in your DNA,
your suit [Kha] avatar is your identification for your planet, carbon and
melanin is your ID card, where is yours
Everyone, everyone has a portion of melanin in them, that
is obvious given that we all came from a lineage that is 350,000 years old,
that was the only way you could have been created, over thousands of
years of refining and refining, errors and countless failures
Red-Iron-Oxide Dust causes inflammation on your Organs
and this is called septic shock and cuts off the oxygen to your blood-cells
which includes the HQ aka your brain [Organ] muscle
They can fool all they want, you have seen the colours
when the sun is rising and setting, the reds, purple, pink and the gold and are
all part of high radiations [energies] along with UVA and UVB that had
increased on this planet and now UVC which is ultraviolet cosmic rays are at a
all time high and will stay there and increase
UVC is changing your molecular structure, you have
molecular and you have micro-molecules and macro-molecules, the naked eye
cannot see micro-molecules, UVC is changing the smallest cell in your body
CO19 is increasing right where the UVC cases are
appearing, is that a coincidence, the satellite images and the computer images of
this dust migration from Africa [Alkebulan] to South America and America is
completely different from one another and will be in two-waves
Allergies, flu-season, chest, breathing, heart failure
and the roll out of man-made 5G are all in the mix
The electromagnetic field will also be affected
The energy has moved past the artificial races and the 9
ethers who have polluted their vessels
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian]
and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and
red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re
[Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Kosmic is the energy of Nu aka the Universe, Nu [Nun] is
the secret name for Amun [Am-Un]
Nu-mbers [Un-iverse] the abyss, the deep [NRG]
Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being blasted
into the core of Ki, from the purple backlight
[1] Atum-Re [HaRu] Haru [Heru]
[2] Atun-Re [Asaru] Osiris
[3] Amun-Re = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the
3black-lights called;
[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs
Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light,
purple light
Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery
Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power
to make [the suns rays] PAA.RE
9ethers can absorb this radiation and dispense it, the 6ethers can only absorb it
This is a false illusion, the calm once again before your
These earthquakes must be higher, not M6 or M7 more like
Sum earthquakes are man-made
these quakes are in specific areas, there are underground bases, nests that must be destroyed, huge cities where these beings are hiding out, Raccoon city and Dulce must be destroyed, you should be afraid because there is no return
these quakes are in specific areas, there are underground bases, nests that must be destroyed, huge cities where these beings are hiding out, Raccoon city and Dulce must be destroyed, you should be afraid because there is no return
water [floods] holds currents, charges, plasma [Khaybet] you see what is going on
Remember when the tides go out means tsunami
Severe hailstorm strikes Northern Greece in June
Roman, Greece and the Muslims invaded KMT first time
round and will be examples
Africa, parts of Asia, North Australia eclipse,
devastation is taking place there and will increase with all-weather cells, patterns
Life Force [Blue]
Green Life Force and Healing Energy
Geo electric Field across the U.S is normally dark blue
Remember chakra colours are energy signatures, not good
for sum and positive for others
Soul-ar wind or flares or flashes or CME is energy for
the 9 ether and the planet
Blue Life Force
Fireworks before your 4th July is because they
are trying to drown out the sones that are being heard and the booms
Rats and dogs [we never ate meat and certainly not rats
or dogs]
China burying rats alive to stomp out what exactly
China burying rats alive to stomp out what exactly
Locusts are dealing with the crops in South America and
then they will make their way up to the USA and that will be it, no crops
planted and none for next year for those still here, all animals are under
orders from Nature [doctors orders] this image is from 1870 and this end cycle
has been in the mix since 512 [400] years ago
Hurry up and end this monkey sh9t
All planets are Femi9 Electron NRG
Astrology is Anatomy, just a bigger body than yours
75% of the universe is Femi9 Electron NRG [Omega] the rest is proton which is Masculine NRG and neutron which is neutral NRG, electrons are the ruling energies of the universe, that is Femi9 NRG
The Moon is out during the daytime because it cannot hide no more because there is no more night time, all these colours that you are seeing are chakra energy signatures, you need a soul and the chakra system, this is what the universe looks like and is merging with this planet
The Moon is out during the daytime because it cannot hide no more because there is no more night time, all these colours that you are seeing are chakra energy signatures, you need a soul and the chakra system, this is what the universe looks like and is merging with this planet
This up and coming Khaybet [plasma] event and the current Khaybet event that is going on that no one is talking about
All plagues that have taken place on this planet happens after
a Khaybet event whether via a comet or eclipse which has always been a sign of
sumthing to come and we are seeing the effects has this thing builds up like
when these states lose power all is
plasma, CME, whatever you want to call it, its all Khaybet, cell phones,
internet cutting out are all signs, regardless all coincides with plasma and electricity
in the air, you have Khaybet within you, you heart and even your thoughts are
right now being affected, this is all an electromagnetic pulse and you can feel
the charge rising, these pulse waves shuts down all electricity [electron]
We have a pulse coming in that is going to take out the
grid, with the nu dark-sun that is coming in to link in with Ra [Re]once again so they can
orbit together and will cause a magnetic flux that the energy is peaking right now,
you can feel it, they hid the data on the Schumann which is leading to a major
shockwave and this is what the powers that be are waiting on, the EMP, they are
even shielding their machinery, bunkers, mountain bases+ all shielded, their
vehicles and sorts, they are actually fighting nature, war against nature and
you war against the planet, the universe and the higher beings, and all her forces
Carbon 12 into Karbon 7
You must be prepared because they know their end is on
the horizon
You cannot serve two masters, choose wisely, the
shockwave is in the air and is to reSet
Intuition is you in your natural state, a journey of the
mind, it’s a quest, a question
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