Sunday, 7 June 2020

Driver’s Seat


Know thyself is sumthing that our ancestors put over every temple [Iy] that we live by and we examine on a molecular level outward

What you must ask yourself is are your proceeding along the ptah of realisation through the impetus of desperation or naturally, you have to see whether or not if that place you want to arrive at is through desperation

Desperation is going to force you into an act or action, your arrival

There are traumas that we have in our lives that promotes our will to achieve, to do better, and promotes us to take certain ptahs, this is a good place to be in your search but are you being driven by desperation and by desperation I mean what compels you to want this information, is it about self-fulfilment

Sum people are looking for peace and the desperation for peace and the desperation is not peace, you will never find it in that state of mind

There is nothing that you need to do, but what you get to do is to examine your motivation and if this is about self-discovery, then that will be a peaceful journey, a journey that does not have a timetable or a desperation in that I have to know this or I have got to know now

You have computers that can download information in minutes but this information is not knowledge, its not energy [data] there is a difference

Knowledge comes to you that is relevant to you and your ptah, knowledge comes to you after you have applied it, thousands of bits of information comes to you everyday but what have you retained, what have you retained has knowledge for application that turns into wise-dome

You now have to make those choices, every book that you read you have to keep in mind that you are the book, the book is already within, when you read or learn sumthing and it resonates is because you already knew this, remember the book of life is you, the search for you within already exist, the search outside of ourselves is an illusion

This is a place that you arrive at naturally, you have to be still

Mind [Khu] Seat [Throne] Pulpit
Stand on your cube [square] 720 and create

 Earthquakes will be popping off 


remember its 2012 now but will be officially 2012 on September 30th and October the 1st will be the 9th gates nu year only, you are 8 years younger
It is 11+ on the UV chart, red or purple or yellow all day long

Project Blue-beam is already activated, its the blue sky, y-our sky is in Chakra colours 

Huge craft over Russia, bottom two images look like part of the structure can be seen

stay in the 5D and not this 3D
Don't fight yesterdays war, same rhetoric, don't repeat their history, black or white, its not your
war, step aside, you are 9 ether and the 6 ether have not be evaluated for what they have done in the last 512 years, therefore they have no right to govern you, it is not one blood or one race, that was yesterday, i heard the song by Bob Marley, great song but in reality, the beings that are here are in the 9 ether likeness only

They said you have 90% junk DNA, you have over 64 kodes that are unlocking, we go from 666 to 616
prokaryotic cells planet [DNA] RNA transfer [DEA celestial] 9 ether [soul and spirit] mixed cells through electrical fusion
 eukaryotic cells animal [DNA] 6 ether [spirit] albino (albinism) genetic mutation = recessive genes, this is why mutant needs mutant food, chicken and pig [pig-ment] pigs have HuMan DNA in them [cannibalism]  

People are conditioned or hardwired and will never get it so you have to let people go, this is about observation, you need to know what is really going on, the 6 ether is not supposed to exist and because of what they did in the 512 years they are going to be deleted, they are going to be begging you for forgiveness soon, remember the frequencies have changed and we are all conscious now even if they do not tell you they are having similar dreams about what their forefathers did, until they speak the real truth, you are on your own, the truth must be revealed

Our frequency is the truth because nature and our ancestors are controlling the narrative, align with the positive and agreeable in you   

When you run out of bullets in the USA, you are going to have to run to the hills, the 9 ether wombman bones are three times stronger than the male albino bones alone, their is going to be blood in the streets because you have unleashed the wrong devil
[You are the guardian of Eve = Garden of Eve]   

[To heal your body you have to heal the mind first]

Move in love, be humble, if sumone puts their hand on you then send them to the cemetery, but you will not enslave or murder sumone just because, know the truth and the truth will set you free   

Death [Darth]

Do you have to go through a psychical death to return the soul, the Darth is the doorway to the other realm called the Qliphoth

The Qliphoth [Qlippoth] Qlifot or Kelipot, literally are Peels, Shells or Husks and are the representation of negative or impure spiritual forces [72 lower-self] and the Sefirot is the polar opposite [72 higher-self] pure spiritual forces in and are nothing to do with the Jews, this is from our Kabbala

The Darth is the hidden doorway back into the secret, this is the point of residence, all matter has a point of residence, the dark-door is that residence,
72 are conscious and 72 subconscious = 144 you are to find the balance

Death/Gateway to the sub-conscious realm
They used to repeat you, if you are what you say you are, there is no door, why, because we are one death is what no-thing because, intel-li-gent [intel-agent] is you

What I'm saying is, the more we think we know the more we will keep reincarnating

We forget [memory] who we are and cannot bring that memory back through the door, if the door wasn’t there, dearth is not just a door it is also a veil, its so easy to kill but so hard to bring to life because its easier to get back to the spirit than it is to come into the flesh and remember who you are  

Bluetooth connections are playing up, electronics, you know who is in the skies, there are 36ft beings are here can you imagine how big their crafts are, black crafts traveling in and out of this dimension, all these crafts are connected to the sun, I tried to film a cloud and the camera kept going in and out of focus, what is there that the camera couldn’t focus in on

The dome, crafts are casting shadows down, only a solid object can do that, there are fleets, over 72,000 crafts and over 300 war-planets above your head, 24hrs a day, one fleet moves in and another takes over, this planet is on lock-down and the only way in or out is through the portal [sun] and Sahu [Orion] which are both on lock-down  

Shuttles, space-platforms, craft carriers, are all sitting in the sky 

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