Sunday, 31 May 2020


Melanin is a Greek word and translates to black and black is an adjective which is a describing word, so I’m going to use the word Nuqta [NUQ.TA] and Nuqta translates dot, Melanin is condensed sunlight and is a pigment that much is obvious to you 

Demented thoughts, the astral levels, although you can break the physical matrix and this is what the Alkebulan use to do by breaking through the physical matrix

The light which is still being casted in our minds of the past, the universal matrix, there is one thing that is their fate and that is death.

In the beginning there was death, the ultimate energy that we are dealing with is illumination through purification aka crystallising a seed, they are all trying to escape, they are either going to do this by going to this space-station or they will do it the astral way and in any case they are trying to hang on to any part of this space that they conquered  

They are trying to create a world where they can exist, though they do not have the black-dot

Now the thing is y-our energy is that we are dealing with the Osirian [Orisha] HerU [Shiva] Christ [KRST] is Karast, energy, who is the [god] of death, which is dead and mental

So, in the beginning, before there was anything, there was death, the Kabbalah says, the world of appearances, our world is comprised of several worlds but you will see on the sphere of the Kabbalah the word Ayin [Ajna] which means Eye in the English translation, this is about the first eye, the primordial eye which is a substance called by the Greeks Melanin which develops 18 weeks into gestation, in the beginning there was Ayin and what is Nuqta [Melanin] a substance of death that is inside of you and is what the vampires are talking about is the death in the physical world and is only dead during the substance of the prior worlds, the pre-existing worlds and was later used to recycle these worlds and to make this universe and was later locked inside of us

What you call death is a living entity and a substance and is called death in life, this is an alchemical process [not literally killing yourself] that will take place in your body and its happening now

We are talking about a non-physical substance, then physical exercise cannot bring it about, we are talking about the latent substance that is in your body and has to be lined up and you just sitting down and figuring this shit out

Do you get it, you figuring it out is the mental process, that is what the Melanin does, it lines up, it’s a physical substance, a physical act cannot do it and the only thing that coincides with it is water

We know its water because your government have been trying to dehydrate the people and is to why water was purchased by man, that is one aspect and the other aspect is that you were trained physically to work for what you want in a physical manner

All them stupid books by the likes of Chopra, if you can see it you can perceive it, you can believe it, it’s the same thing that our ancients taught us that they stole and retold missing out the chakra system and the Nuqta to which only the 9 ethers have, from the Alkebulan(s), the chakra or the 9 energy centres of Re [13]. 

If we are not talking about the physical, what would evil be outside of the physical, what would negative be outside of the physical, if the physical is an illusion, then that negative in the illusion has to be positive in the reality because its reversed
[the government put out Ghostbusters 2 and this coincides with what is written here]

Modern religions of 2000 years ago came in to shut down these Ka-systems and these cavillations that are inside of us, they manifest and fester through high acts of aggression and this means creative will [free thought] not so much physical aggression although that is what we are about to see across the planet.

We are to have aggression but on a thought process first and this started for me around two-years ago when I read a story about sumone being hung and this got to me and set off a chain [catalyst] within me and BOOOOM, here I AM, vex in thought 

This is mental alchemy and you must line up your creative will [free thought]

Free you mind and your ass will follow [let go] it is pure chaos that lines up the alchemy and out of chaos comes order and out of order comes balance, in order to build you must first destroy, to erupt these latent energies you must stop thinking like the HuMan and HuMan laws

Those with cognitive dissonance will struggle, those with no Nuqta will struggle, those without the 9ether pack will struggle, because they are basically thick and programmed for this monkey house that we are going to tear down block by block and that includes sum of the 9 ethers 

The 13th sign is Ophiuchus the Dragon 🐉
We are in the 13th frequency waveband
Draconian energy, the energy is more rebellious and chaotic

Do you see what is going on here

The Naga [Ghouls] Nomos is first [serpent], they are the parent race to the Draconians 
and are the creators of the Reptilian races.

The lower class Draconian, the serpent is the Naga wisdom, the winged serpent, the original Dragons [Dagan], the Draconian is not the original.

The Naga created them and the Lyrans [Akir] the Kat people [Kammu] are the feline version, the feline and the reptile share the same eye, the diamond eye that expands with light [the Akir (Lion) and Kats have an inner-eye] and they both have the slit eyes.

They both have the ability to purr at 27hz, from the larynx gland [look at the name Lyran and Larynx] and allows them both to hiss and purr and is why Kats when they are about to fight do that stance with their bodies, that serpent wave.

The Lyran and the Dracos are cousins and hate each other, the Draconians would do genetic experiments on the Kats, the Kats can transmute energy and see portals and see entities

The chakra system [alien implants] is the Nomos technology and was graphed into their avatars aka people, when home the Nomos can also be in etheric fashion, into the Akir, then the Anunnaqi were introduced and they were spliced which gave us Baset and so on, more humanoid

Crown Apocalypse
Crown Chakra [Purple] 

This is a mental process, it is a mental apocalypse that happens almost like this world we live in has played out, our mind is just telling us that this is real, but where we are headed into is us being our true selves again which is chaos beings, we are just sleeping gods, that melanin has to line up to show you that and it has sumthing to do with Kundalini awakening - (key)

Sum of my experiences, my Kundalini awakened that bit more, and it was life changing, it starts out very subtle and then this Khaybet energy can blast through you, this energy is also a sexual energy so when you have sex and all these intense emotions come from your heart chakra it can awaken this energy that is dormant inside all of us.

Kundalini energy is a divine conscious energy so your consciousness heightens during an awakening and all kinds of stuff starts to happen, you become very creative and more in tune with nature

The mental apocalypse that I experienced is too difficult to put into words and I’m still trying to inner-stand what it was but it was very real but it made me feel like I turned into this Neteru [supreme] being and it seemed like there were others but they were unconscious of it

As far as being creative, the things that I was already were interested in like 999999 and 9999999 seemed to become even more enjoyable to me and it was almost like this conscious energy was teaching me how to 99999 and 99999 all over again in a nu way

Also, more sensitive to people's energy and more intuitive since Kundalini awakening, there's also sumthing happening in my dreams like, traveling through my visions [dreams] astral travel in a different way

Mood swings, really bad anger like the Hulk, crying a lot from shit that happened long ago, it will be emotional, last two years swinging in and out of thoughts and mindsets, changing my normal ways, getting rid of stupid people who are here for the ride, sad, hapi, delayed thoughts, no thoughts, a real mix-up

You can come under attack once that energy rises because that’s nothing but your soul or the soul’s force [strength] and in my experiences it fucks others up sumtimes, because sum start activating a little but then there’s others that can’t handle magnetic energy which is higher than electrical energy hence electromagnetic energy

I often find myself having to go back to source just to get my mind right because what people are not telling you is the real fight is between the soul and the ego, your double and people feed off that which is why you have to be careful with Kundalini because she doesn’t play, Shakti [Hathor] or Kundalini, the word Kundalini is the root word for [Osumare] and was originally from the Yoruba [Orisha] aka Alkebulan [Africa] and then taken to KMT [Egypt] and called the Uraeus and transferred to the Andamanese Indus [India] aka the Nagas.

Ki [Earth] Kundalini is also rising so just stepping outside is waking us up, what I’ve noticed is that the energy flares up and comes back because I had a major experience again already this year 2020 and one thing I remember is source said that water on that Kundalini raises the actual spirit, so one of my rituals when the energy gets turned up is I go in the shower and it works every time, its sumthing about the water that just goes with it

I’ve had many experiences but it’s all in the mind
I awakened my Kundalini through opening my mind-heart chakra because the heart is the seat of [Prana] and more energy and prana is required when you fall in love, the key is to turn all of it inwardly and let it manifest and it will awaken, more prana will flow through your body and of course the whole body breathing (from your diaphragm) and practicing semen retention, all of this will start the process once its started, it keeps going, and the seasons also have sumthing to do with it because my energy raises in all the seasons, especially in July August and September [Septet] and October and Nova-ember

Another key is never panic and don’t let dead people beat you down because they will. 

Refocusing your energy away from lower frequency thoughts

These events paying out can hamper your ascension to the fifth dimension, your ascension cannot be stopped, they can only delay it for this will come down to your own preparation and the focus that you put your attention in because what you pay-attention to because that is the access point to who you are and is what your observer puts its light of observation on so that it can learn so that it can interface with whatever it is accessing has information [data][light].

If you allow yourself to interact with them and come into a place of negativity, say fear for example, then you will be susceptible for them to gain in power and to be empowered by you

To counteract, you now have to create a condition in you that you are aware of, that you recognise about yourself has weak points that they have [and you] created in you and delete those flies, usually its based on judgement of self for example, I’m not good enough, I don’t think I can, worthless, I wish, all this is, is the language of failure and if you continue to cast out or project out your weakness has sumone else’s fault or sumthing that you’re not getting has sumone else’s fault, that victim mode that you in, then the universe will have no choice but to respond to you, you are looping in a thought pattern which is called a data-karmic-stream and is constantly being replayed and being reflected back to you because your subconscious is on repeat or replaying because of what the universe is streaming back to you.

[If you are a Virgo, you don't have to do what is mentioned here because your built differently, we see how the shit works and make it our own that is why they call you the virgin, the energy is pure or it is nu, we don't have to join onto energies or take energy because we are standalone energy] 

You have to delete the files, you have to let go, all that is embedded in you, I need, I wish, all these files have to go because this language is what the universe is streaming back to you

Your Ka responds because its being manipulated consciously and subconsciously

See beyond your Kha [body] that what you see in the mirror is not you, use your real eye, the one that matters, it is who it is that is the observer that mirror and what is in that mirror that is the real thing, that is your real access point

Ba[soul] Khu[mind] and the Kha[body] is last because we are in the physical realm [3D] 

If you pay attention, attention will pay you, the law of reciprocity or reaping and sewing

When you want your answers from Nu you must show intention and not your agenda, so don’t go in with your conscious has a Neteru [god] I need this, I want to figure this out, why is water is wet, that is my intention, if my ego says water is wet because its H2o, if I bring my ego in there all my subconscious is going to do is tell me water is wet because its H2o, your subconscious mind is still yours and will give you what you want, what you want when you go in there must be of pure heart intentions, remember she already knows what you want

You have to get pass the ego when you astral travel, in order to get sumthing from the Ka [spirits] Enas

The radiation is fuelled with emotions [energy in motion] destruction [chaos] order [here we go] love and hate at the same time [emit] which is duality, which is balance, yesterdays crop message shown us this

The sun, whether a hologram or is closer to the planet is letting off sum energy that has been missing from the planet for a real long time and will affect people differently, sum will express compassion and sum will express rage [positive and negative] and will be dependent on how those with a soul are harnessing that energy, many hues have changed, its really interesting to see the changes in people

The 13th zodiac is a Draconian symbol, that means the energy is a Draconian energy field.

The ancient plagues of KMT [Ethiopia]9th gate, Kenya [Sudan] Somalia [Djibouti] have reached the recessive genes and they are for the Muslims and China, they were unleashed by the A'aferti [pharaohs] and once done will be on their way to you  



The brink of chaos

Apophis crafts [Ghouls] who are the Nommos [Nomos] who sum are the NeterU [Annunaqi]

Naquadah 125 

You are now transporting a 16.25" naval gun to the gate room to shell the enemy fortifications with high energy Naquadah 125 shells [Antarctica] 

 Volcano that emits blue [life-force] lava

The entire universe is evolving, the sun is going to go supernova, in Western science we are in a soular minimum and the sun has been blasting on consecutive days and with double and triple blasts, who is doing that, you are getting HIM vex Neb Heru [NI.BIRU] the MaStar key is the fire starter and will be involved with this eclipse 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] 

June Plum
Sumthing coming

Major energy waves coming June 1 2 3 4 5
Ki will be blasted
Cosmic Waves are coming

Super [beyond] and Nova means Nu or, and [Nine]

Sweating without no reason, seeing and feeling even the most minute change, sumtimes results with a slight feeling of déjà vu and that is the parallel worlds, what happens there happens here

HerU [Shiva] Christ [KRST] is going to destroy this monkey house with Karast [KRST] consciousness [DEA][RNA][DNA] activation

The poles are moving all the while 

Eclipse coming, nu frequency upgrade and this one could be very interesting, comets must be
around Friday maybe because the 5th June is important to the 9th gate
we are in the 4th going into the 5th dimension
Neb Heru [NI.BIRU] will be showing off he-r skills during the exchange 

Earthquakes continue, only interested in the M9 now, that is the one along with 
a super-volcano that is due 

Water is coming in everywhere for weigh so when she flips and if its an asteroid, the ripple effect will end you, water is filling up everywhere 

Rain, crafts are taking water and dumping it and you call it rain, you see the water spouts are from crafts 

Iran said once that they would wipe Israel off the map and nature says she has super-volcanoes that will make whole countries go extinct, without one plasma or energy based weapon being used, just Nature and her forces will end man and his worlds, nature will wipe all that is artificial from her planet, keep your maps
Super volcanoes are dotted around the planet and underwater, this one is in Ecuador and would say goodbye to Ecuador if it even farted    

You will see the Green healing life-force NRG in the four corners of the world, Ultraviolet is Purple but is Green until it hits the planet then changing to Purple
Crown is Purple Chakra 

This weather cell [craft] contains plasma [Khaybet] energy and is inside purple [Ultraviolet] field 

Your command base was scanned years ago, so this sighting 10 days ago means sumthing 

 Did you see the mouse on the turbine when the rocket was in space, then no, the rocket did not go into space and when the second module landed back to their remote ship, they suddenly lost connection and in less than a minute the rocket module was on the platform of the remote ship, they did not go into space, they had been warned and even had their oil tanker blown up
Yeah sumthing went up but they didn't want you to see what it was, but it wasn't this lump of shit

All they do is lie and lie to their own people, even their own people know this but have no alternative but to believe in the lie because the truth is more disturbing, even their people lie

Russia is building more military bases in Syria that will be instrumental in a landmark invasion of Turkey >>> no >> the Annunaqi modified mercenaries are in Syria preparing [securing] the stargate with more returning to this planet everyday, there is around 14 billion beings and at least 7 billion beings that are not HuMin or HuMan and must go, that is 7 billion other beings 

I see a lot of this on fb and they always write predicted, that the Simpsons predicted what was going to happen, whereas if you google the Executive Producer [Cohen] to which is a Jewish name then you will get it that this is not a prediction but rather the Jews controlling the narrative

There are two ways to pull Martial Law, one is through Medical [CV19] and the other which is Terrorism, the Tea party aka KKK was made terrorist party about a month or so ago, you can see what is going on here, CV19 is not working plan B

Do you know who the Greek Nike [Nikey] is you stupid [MF]

While all this is going on, the Cat-holic Diocese just paid out $22.5 million to sexual assaulted victims, while you were rioting

The head Jew signed an executive order for all Jews in the USA to be sent to Israel where the USA Embassy was set up last year, a lot of the staff stepped down from Vatican, Russia heads stepped down, Harry or William stepped down, they know what is going on

The Ayin [Eye] of Asaru (Osiris) [He who is seen, the eye] he is and is watching and documenting everything, everything, the (black-goo) is surrounding the planet, the All-knowing 

The Nine strongest Makatau-aat [Amulets] are;
Sa [Ankh] Zed [Dub] Sekham [Shen] Usa [Ka] and Thet

The little voice inside your head needs you to pay attention, its hard when you tell others about themselves, they don’t like it, but don’t try that shit on me or don’t ask me or better still, don’t be around me if you don’t want to hear the truth about yourself, sumtimes these people are not real and prefer to reside in their comfort zone, fuck them

This is the last thing that your ego would ever try and raise up on is your Ba [soul] because your soul and ego do not belong in the same place

The seeds you have that make you special, I’m not talking about vain things and for one, if you don’t have a soul you ought to stop reading this page and if you are vain, like having plastic surgery, then please go kill yourself, weaves, plastic nails, designer cars and clothes, this is for those who are from source, the seeds that you have that make you special, the mustard seed is the smallest of them all because its small and sees itself has nothing at all

You're looking for sumthing great, sumthing to blow your mind away, you have all your material things and you have money but yet you are incomplete, its that little nasty thing inside of you that’s always talking, telling you sumthing that you don’t like, and the other one is feeding you, yeah do it

But your Ka [spirit] if you have one, is telling you sumthing, its that nasty thing that you are not looking at, you need to embrace it, why, because that is [god] talking to you

I want to be truthful with you, the womb is what brings forth all life on this planet and it begins and ends with you my beloved

The true [god] is going to speak with you in many ways, and the fasle [god] with pander to you, just as you like it, remember, this was a test and you get graded at the end [recycle], don't act like you don't know 


Each chakra has a Nuqta in it

Kosmic energy [Gamma] is blasting the planet 

9 Puat [NaTaRu] Neteru

The original 9-Re centres or Chakras, Sedjet [Nedjet] the Greeks call this the 9 Ennead

[1] Atun (6am sun) [2] Atum (12pm sun) and [3] Amum (6pm sun) who are the scientific equivalent of the 3 Kosmic Ray or lights called

[1] Ultraviolet LIGHT [2] Gamma Ray Light [3] X-Ray which are called the Cosmic light, or Black-light and they correspond to the Paa NaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet [9]

[1] Haru [2] Asar [3] The Hidden One.

Sedjet [9] 24+24+24=72 = 9

1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called; 

[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light.

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]

9ethers can absorb this radiation aka energies 

[I wanna rule my destiny]

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