Sunday, 23 August 2020



Salvation Army

Triple darkness

Plasma [Khaybet] translates; to mould, image, figure and is surrounding the planet  

Istal [Meditation] is your salvation, innerstand this phrase, Meditation is your salvation, as it was written by brother Tehuti [Thoth], seek first the kingdom of God [generator operator destroyer]  

There in seeking you become the very N.TU [GOD] that created you in this universe, which is the ultimate importance of Istal

As you are in your state of Istal, you are pulling in gamma radiation from the cosmos
Your body was designed to hold hyper megatons of gamma radiation, which is cosmic energy

As you fill your spirit and body with this wonderful gift of cosmic poWRA, you begin to build a poWRA-ful magnetic field around you
This field is fuelled by conscious positive energy, which connects you directly to the magnetic field that surrounds our planet

Here, you not only become the universe, you become our world also

Gamma radiation is invisible, poWRA-ful and full of Kaanu [melanin], thus, gamma radiation is spiritual

It is electrical and magnetic, which is why we electromagnetic beings can get it so easily

You can't see it, but you can feel its celestial poWRA as you are in your state of Istal
It is the essence of dark matter, which is where the poWRA of dark matter comes from aka gamma radiation

Its power is fuelled by the surrounding life forces that is created by it, the spiralling [9] energy that gamma radiation produces, creates life, the force and all supreme poWRA

As our ancestors were highly poWRA-ful, they knew the importance of gamma radiation which is why they were in consistent Istal [Ital] [meditation]

Their bodies took in massive levels of this radiation and THIS assisted them in acting out certain important movements across the cosmos

Things such as teleportation, which is the transportation of going from A to B at the speed of thought [477 trillion miles per second]
Which means that they thought and it instantly happened, but this was all through the consistent collection of gamma radiation through Istal
Levitation and flying were through gamma radiation, throwing energy and bending the elements were through gamma radiation
There are so many other levels of poWRA that requires high levels of gamma radiation

We gain this type of energy through many different passages, for instance, sun gazing or just sitting in the light of the sun gives us gamma radiation to our bodies

Istal under the sun does this also, poWRA-ing oursCellsves through the hands and feet
Very high levels of magnetism coming down or you gain gamma radiation through just going into meditation at home or wherever you are
Gamma radiation also comes through certain vegetation that grows directly under the sun

This form of energy is the most poWRA-ful form of radiation in our universe
It is monoatomic and pure in its original form
Gamma radiation is twenty times more poWRA-ful than nuclear radiation, which is a low poWRA-ed synthetic form of radiation
So at the point of a nuclear radiation attack, the gamma radiation that you have pulled in from the universe, will literally absorb [9 ether] the lesser form of radiation and there will be no effect on your life

Remember this, gamma radiation creates a field of positive magnetic energy all over you and your home where you are in Istal
The nuclear radiation will actually activate ancient poWRAs in you that have not been used in a very very very long time

So, in this instance, the gamma and nuclear will work together as a pair in the Kaanu [melanin] bodies, which will be a plus for us in many ways than one

Gamma radiation is important in our life, your time of consistent Istal determine the consumption of gamma radiation that your body and spirit take in

So, when I say meditation [Istal] is your salvation, all written above is the reason why
Meditation is highly advanced technology; it is the act of increasing the energy of your spirit to become like the universe

Gamma radiation is important to we people of ether [Karbon] [Melanin sits in Crabon], it is known as the w-holy spirit, as it guides and protects us and is the holy grail of our lives

As our wombmen are carrying our ancestors in their wombs, the constant heat they are experiencing is gamma radiation
This is the poWRA-ful cosmic energy that is feeding the babies and at the same time, filling them with cosmic knowledge and ancient poWRAs
Know that you are filled with gamma radiation, and this is for your survival in y-our universe, but in order for you to become all supreme, you must get an excess of this poWRA-ful energy

All power to the people of Kaanu

Ultraviolet Light empoWRAs Eu-melanin and tortures pheo-melanin

The universe was created by three tones
HuHi [HeKa] Sia

Universe [Uni – together] Verse - against]

Hu = centripetal forces which relates to Heaven [Haven] = Man
The Hu force, comes through the top of the head or crown seat 7 seconds prior [before ejaculation]

The sperm or sea-man from a man [Hu-Man] is full of three types of blacklights = UV-rays Gamma-rays and X-rays which is more commonly in KMT as Atum-re [Atun-re] Amun-re

Hu or centripetal forces, spark of light from the universe is added onto the head of the sperm

This not speaking of the sperm itself, but the spirit of the sperm >> because the sperm goes through three forms, from light, sperm (powder), then seaman >> once it picks up, its liquid or tail for movement

In order to produce the higher-parts of the fetus structure, the Ka [spirit] of the sperm called Life Germ

In order to create the higher-parts of the fetus structures the spirit [Ka] of the sperm must pass up the spinal column to the Medulla Oblongata which is the conductor of elec-tri-cal impulses between the spinal cord and the organ [brain] by way of the 12 Occult or cranial nerves

When the spirit of the sperm reaches the Medulla Oblongata it is charged with blacklight [Ba od the Cosmos]

This blacklight comes from the universal Sun [Re] and comes through the head

The Khu [Mind] has a direct relationship to the creative forces known as HuHi which are the male and females’ creative forces of energy [will]

HiKa is the Anthropomorphic Personification of Miracles, Magi [Magic], Manipulation of Elements and Chemical of Nature [NTR]

SIA is the Personification of Perception, Shape and Form, Pattern coming out the 50 units of PoWRA coming out of the 3rd Cipher Seker [warrior Heru] of the [Paa PuAt MeTut] or the 9 Sedjat or [Ennead] called this by the Greeks, which are the 9 N.TU [Deities] within your Kha [body] or temple

Sia and Hika are two companions of Re and Sia is the personification of perception, shape, form, pattern who work together in Huhi with Hikam and makes the world of created things possible.
So, Huhi, Hika and Sia are triad principle [gods] responsible for the consistent and perpetual pattern of that which manifest in that which is created and made, and that tone or utterance [144OM] is Aum = Om

Hika miracles, magic {Magi] and the manipulation of elements and chemicals of nature
Hu [Hu] Huhi [Huwa] is the etheric counterparts of the netherworld [subconsciousness]

This is the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, your dimensions are upgrading, the holographic universes kodes have once again upgraded and Istal [meditation] is beyond words  

These beings once dwelled in this realm and now they are guiding forces from beyond this world, working as the involuntary, to the voluntary in the HuMin [mind] body

HuHi [HiKa] SIA are the triad principle of Godship who are in the relationship to 
[1] AtumRe (HaRu) [2] AtunRe (Asar) [3] AmunRe (the Hidden one) which are a part of the 3 black lights called [1] U.V rays [2] Gamma rays and [3] X-rays

The planet is being taken back with the 9 ethers harvesting their poWRA’s with Air first and then Water and then Fire and then you will be fu9ked because the 9ethers are using the planets [Ki] Black-Lightning

Kosmic is a Greek word

[1] Atun (6am sun) [2] Atum (12pm sun) and [3] Amum (6pm sun) who are the scientific equivalent of the 3 Kosmic Ray or lights called

[1] Ultraviolet LIGHT [2] Gamma Ray Light [3] X-Ray which are called the Cosmic light, or Black-light and they correspond to the Paa NaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet [9]

[1] Haru [2] Asar [3] The Hidden One

Sedjet [9] 24+24+24=72 = 9

Kosmic is the energy of Nu aka the Universe, Nu [Nun] is the secret name for Amun [Am-Un]
Nu-mbers [Un-iverse]

Ultra is purple but is green when it hits the planet and we have this energy within us, around us and through us, this is your energy force

This light that is here will expose all that is hidden, forces whatever that is to be seen, the unseen and the seen, the voluntary and involuntary, and when its seen will be deleted, its not two particles its three because the third is hidden

The darkness will transmute to the light it has to because we are in Quantum and Quantum means 4 and 4 means [2020] = 4 vision express

The universal kodes are constantly changing and you must be on the right-side of the energy, you are DEW [direct-energy-weapon]  

September [Septet] is going to get real busy

 The first Trinity is the Trinity of the Hydrogen [Hy-dragon] Atom’s, [Atum] tri-nity means 3

Chemistry trinity of Atum-re
[God] the Mother, (God) the Father and (God) the Sun-Son
[Dra Day]

This is yes in an Atomic mass form
In physical we get ASar, Haru and ASet when the Romans invade, break into KHMT they see this, their first ever concept of a trinity, you cannot have a son without a mother
Pics = Latin = Roman (same beings) 

Stepping into the light, from dark matter and energy (N-r-g) into the Green emerald light of 720 degrees
Stay on your cube [720] degrees of knowledge  

The Earth is composed of 99-Base-elements also called prime-elements and your body is made up of these same elements, which makes us the 9ether-carbon beings who are in the image of nature  

These 99-elements are up-kept and maintained by the 99 Paa NeTjer NaTuRu (Paa = The) (NeTjer or NaTuRu = Nature of Neteru = Supreme) who are a part of the consciousness of these 99elements which are the principal and base precepts of Mother Nature [MTR-NTR]

The original race created the animals, the original race are Star origin

When dealing with the word Page you must go to the Latin’s for the true root of the word and in Latin it is Paganus and simply means #VILLAGE #RURAL #COUNTRY which comes from Pagus >> small unit of land, country dweller, outside of the city

Now to say sumthing is pagan today is negative and disagreeable but the word itself never started out like that, if you think pagan then it shall become pagan
Amen [Amun] Amon

Baa [Soul]
Kaa [Spirit]
Khu [Mental you [all Knowing] Mind  
Kha [Physical body]
Khatet-Bet or Khaybet [Plasmatic body]  
Akh [Etheric you]  
ShaKhem or Sekhem [Spark of Life]  
Ha or Ti or Hati [Physical Heart]  
Ab or Ib [Spiritual Heart]
Sakhu [Higher-self]

Seismic movements 22.08.20
According to official information, 5 earthquakes with magnitudes over 5.0 degrees of the 130 registered, with the highest intensity reached 5.9 degrees in the Atlantic Ocean
Sumthing brewing 

Hold on 

Gamma waves are affecting the organ [brain] 
72hours of darkness incoming aka the resurrection of the KRST NRG 
India is going to get washed away while California is being burned away, China is being destroyed full stop, much more to come and soon it will be your turn
COV19 is not responsible for famine or food shortages, we are in year 1 of 3 year crop losses
California is asking Australia and Canada for help in fighting the fires, what does that tell you about the USA governments involvement or not
They are looking to remove your children 
All is taking place for a reason  

Mud flood is making a comeback

The Age of the Aquarius, water is everywhere, ride the wave 

This looks like this was blasted outward from the San Francisco River, North Axis
Many explosions taking place around the world



New higher frequencies means we are rising, the planet is getting higher and higher, white holds all seven colour coded energies = sone

Shields up 

First vaccination was introduced in 1721 by a slave who showed his slave master Jenner, in an attempt to be set free, alas he never was set free and today in 2020 [2012] many will die because he didn’t keep his mouth shut
The European had contracted Cow-pox which is called Small-pox today which the slave had seen in his own country how to administrate 

Vanilla was only found in Mexico and was only able to be taken out when a slave-boy moved the membrane and Mexico’s hold collapsed 

Learn to shut your mouth 

Five-six crafts captured over Antarctica while the energy [radiation] consumes the planet

Castles in the sky


Invisible Mirror

Alignment of all channels
All MA.RE [MIR] MER (Pyramids) all online [activated]  

The assembly of the invisible mirrors just doesn’t show us the stars [SAA.RE] or sun [AP.SU] RE but also the non-activated SAA.RU and the heart of the double magnetic spiral [9] vortex
Reversed mirror [vortex]  
Perfect alignment 

Skynet is Amazon
The clones, the Humanoid, A.I+ was already created and has already happened and was for millennium and this plasma event will crash the final pieces, these clones, Humanoids, A.I robots have been around since Atlantis and we created these things
The terminators are everywhere
Those who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it   

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