Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Feathered Magnetic

The [rainbow-god] is the creator [God] called Ophiuchus by the Greeks, we know him has Imhotep  
the Feathered Serpent [feathered = wings] Serpent [Snake] Reptile [Dragon] Dagan 

Magnetic energy converted to kinetic energy causing motion, magnets the side of New York city and sum smaller on NI.BIRU

The Electronics on NI.BIRU are Bluetooth, the screens are hologram, the 24 feet gauge wires are around the outside

NI.BIRU is built like a piece of jewellery or charm, like a ring, one solid crystal with perfect cuts, the wires is like the trim
NI.BIRU was parked on the other side of the sun outside the asteroid belt
There are 12 NI.BIRU(s) that were made in the fleet
NI.BIRU is like Air-Force-One
11 NI.BIRU's are active now in the galaxy

Feathered bird is the symbol
 NI.BIRU [Bird]

NI.BIRU is piloted by an interface chair, locked with a DNA Code
Most of our ships have this chair, like the Atlantic fleet and the A.NU fleet of Destiny
Size of Jupiter
EN.QI means ruler of QI (key) Ki [Earth] EN.QI [EN.KI] IN.KI
NI.BIRU has a 36 mile antenna on the top, that can sent signals anywhere in the galaxy

We have now, in actuality experiencing the real end-of-the-year aka traveling through the 12th house into [the 13th is hidden] December is decimal the 10th house, the shadow death period where we shed the things we have no use for and all the things we [wished upon a star] shall past in the actual nu-year aka the birth period towards the end August into September [11.9.2020] 11.9.12 into the 13th house, the hidden shall be revealed

Use this time to disillusion yourself from outdated dreams [visions] and circumstances and illuminate space and Magi to go to the nu horizon of change without the old programs

Nu kodes [frequencies, kosmic or gamma pulses, bursts whatever they want to call it], these are nu rays [Ra-ys] that you will be experiencing

They never found the 13th Denderah [Zodiac] until 2009, your zodiac sign may not actually be your zodiac sign anymore


Your zodiac is nothing but the energies the planets were giving off at the time you came into this realm that makes you who you are each planet gives off a certain energy tasks and it effects us because the planets are all around us so of course we will be affected by the energies

111+111+111 = 333
222+222+222 = 666
333+333+333 = 999

123+123+123=369 what's the point

Birth is an existence in itself (1/3)
Life is an existence in itself (2/6)

Death is an existence in itself (3/9) birth life and death are actual living entities that you learn from, they are actual one of a kind type beings as the only beings we are aware of in the 7[8] and the 9th dimension 

The NTH Gate
The NTH domain

Septet [September] [9] Shesnu [SHES.NU] (Sumerian)
Virgo [Virgin] = Pure NRG
[Mason] Ma’Sem (KMT] [Mother and Son] A-Set [Sirius] and Heru

Mazzarah [Mazzoreth] the SHES.NU constellation is in the SA.HU-Belt [Orion]

The Rothschild took their name from Mazzoreth [Mazzo-Roth] the biggest constellation in the Denderah [Zodica]

In my father’s house there are many mansions [dimensions] 
September [Sept] Septet [Sirius] 
This is the birthing house, the Shesnu birth souls, realigning wounded souls, strengthen them, PoWRA them up again with Libra house next door, the balancing house, they balance out souls

This is a very important time-frame that we are entering, the house of Nebt Het
You will be using your PoWRA for the restoration of the Femi9 Electron NRG

We are returning back to Zer0 my Her0 [Heru] 

The sun and the moon, they are plasma orbs [our lights] the sun and moon are 11[D] plasma beings but you can only see from a 3D perspective and that is the sphere shapes, and why an orb is because everything is moving in a spiral [9] vortex [369] represents the Kaa [spirit] world, you come from zer0 to nin9 [369] and is spirit world [257] represent the physical realm

The sun and moon 11[D] plasma beings also move in a spiral, there is no way to comprehend these beings unless you are one of them, all you see is the round discs

All these images are showing the toroidal field
We are on a different set of physics within our toroidal field because we are in the physical world, that is the Kaa worlds and we are just seeing glimpses of the holographic worlds

Einstein didn’t understand the unseen and the seen, the involuntary and voluntary, he didn’t understand the Kaa world because they couldn’t see it [he couldn’t see it with his physical eyes] and no soul [Baa] 

11[D] blends into our reality , so if this 3[D] blended into the 1[D] which is only left or right, they would only see the sun and the moon has a straight line, a line of light, so what we are seeing of the 11 Dimensional beings are those discs

Ask Quantum people about this

Septet [September] SIB.TU [Sirius] the Dark Sun in the 13th House [Denderah] we have 13 Zodiac signs

Supdet [Septet] Sibtu is the link between the 18th and 19th galaxy who the Greeks call Sirius and Sothis, having two moons and a siStar system called Mirzam 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]



Found by Man in 1930, US.MI [Pluton]
One day on Pluto is 6.4 earth days or 153hrs and 36mins is one day, one year on Pluto is 248 earth years and take Pluto 248 earth years to travel around the sun
76hrs and 42mins of sunlight and the same for night-time
Pluto is tilted on its axis at 57o degrees and is almost laying on its side and the atmosphere is similar to that of Ki [earth], there is water [oceans] and an inner-core that keeps the planet kool   
Pluto's inner planet mass is full of Draconian Chitauri Reptilians or you can call them the Owls [Buma]

Orgone crystals and regular crystals are living sentient beings
Lunar beings are Draconian Chitauri Reptilians
The Draconian did run this entire soular system
Most of the Nazi's who worked with the Draconian during WW2 were all parasited by every Draco the Nazi's worked with, either the Nazi's were eaten or spirit cannibalized

Pluto is 2/3 water
Light takes 8mins and 20secs to reach this planet and 5hrs to reach Pluto
Pluto has 5 satellites [moons] and where hollowed out a long time ago, Chevron [Charon] was hollowed out by HuMans from Pleiades [the Rigel Greys live on it now] and is an old type ship

There are beings who hollow out moons, asteroids and meteorites and make them ships, like comet 67p which is a satellite [communications] vessel, craft, they have advanced holographic [hologram] technology and can make the ship appear like a meteorite or asteroid [a-Star-oid] keep this in mind with the meteorites and asteroids that are coming in and changing orbital paths in mid-flight, Venus is a satellite [craft]

ancient folk type antenna on 67p

Pluto back in the day was two-sided satellite and was part of Saturn [Apep] and Pluto is the twin planet to Titan, they were brothers, Saturn at one point was a place where planets [satellites] were manufactured and Pluton and Titan are a product of this manufacturing

Pluto was home to three races when Pluto was near Saturn and the water wasn’t frozen, the Maldek [Maldekians] and their slave race the Troglodytes [reptilians] Trog-lodytes [Trog][Frog] [Amphibians]  

The Maldekians has in Ninja or Ninja turtles, if you look at the Maldekian they are turtles without the shells, when they are ready to go to war they will put on their shells and these beings made Pluto a base and the Hindus [not the Indians today] who came from the planet [plan-ET] Nevada and mixed their seed with the Maldekians and that mix was known has the first Platoon

When NI.BIRU came in they hit the Maldekian [Vulcan] planet leaving mainly the military [Platoon] and warriors alive and the mixing with the Hindu who were magicians and sorcerers and masters of illusions and the combination of the two and giving rise to the their leader of the first Platoon whose name Kingu meaning he who put them to sleep, whose mother was called Hubur

The people feared him and was given control over the lower half of Tiwawa-at [Tiamat], KIN.GU had a powerful military and he have a very powerful element that he tipped his arrows with that could bring down cities and he had suicide bombers and he wanted Tiwawa [earth] the other half, he wanted the records and he wanted the most beautiful woman to step foot on Ki [Tiamat] and that was
Ishtar and in his rejection he built a huge bomb from an element that came from his home planet Gaga [Pluton] called Pluto-nium that he was going to use to blow up Tiwawa

KIN.GU was locked on the same side that he blew off which became the first new Moon [Mono] KIN.GU [LUNA], other names for the Moon include [SIN] SHESQI to a new reformed planet called Tiamat  

KINGU was put on the most wanted Galactic list and was hunted down and captured by the Green One [Al Khidr] Melchizedek [the sons of the Green disc light] aka Miyka’el [Michael] aka MUR.DUK and sent to earth in the 3D to be incarnated into flesh

The origins of the Moon, NI.BIRU enters the soular system and Neptune and Uranus are twin planets and where one in front of one another [this is 24billion earth years ago] and Uranus was not showing on the charts and NI.BIRU pulls back and in the process hit Titan causing Pluto to come out of his orbit and the beings to freeze and flipping the axis on Pluto, but sum beings did escape to other galaxies and systems and they had a fish species
Pluto drops down from 3-7 dimensions to just 3D being
Pluto was attached to Saturn vibrating on the same density, those being who were still on Pluto when the crash took place also suffered from amnesia, they lost their memory of their people, the people of old, the Elephant [Ganesh-Ghana] beings that came with Hindus who metamorphosized into a new creature under the climate until this day, there are advanced Jellyfish on Pluto who are from a tri-soular-system called Septet [Sirius] Cyrus, there are other intelligent fish life under the ice

There are also advance crystalline life, a race of crystals known has the Jinn [Ginn] crystals are living, breathing entities which is how you know you have a real diamond or crystal because real diamonds have to breathe, this is also why the 6 ether when they wear crystals the crystals drain the 6 ethers

There is around 20% land on Pluto and these crystals grow extremely fast and huge on Pluto and these crystals communicate by way of light form and are telepathic using tinkle sone [sounds] sounding like small harps or bells to communicate, different sized and most are Green [WAJI] and grow like trees and are immortal and live forever as in >> diamonds are forever <<

Very poWRA and many beings fish for these crystals and grow really well inside of this planet [Ki]

Many of the beings on the Moon today are descendants from Pluto, Gaga which means crazy, and Lunar which means lunatics also meaning Moon people and they are humanoid beings looking similar to the Hindu beings and their skin colour was olive tone and straight hair and their skin colour due to living on the darkside and the centre of the Moon looks like a pale blue and they can grow up to 7ft tall, the Lunarians move, walk and attack in unison and don’t seem to communicate by talking almost like a hive mind with their eyeballs, eyelids and pupils are a little on the large side than that of regular HuMins [HuMans] and don’t take to the earth HuMins [HuMans]

They come to the dark side of the Moon to hunt for food that look like spiders that live in the sand

They live in honeycomb type towers the size of the empire building and is ruled by their Queen, they are direct descendants of KUN.GU himself who wanted to turn it over to ISIS which is why they tie ISIS to the Moon, the daughter of the Queen is a twin and her brothers name is Ace and he is agreeable and the sister is disagreeable, she is to take the throne of the KUN.GU beings, they hoped to take back the earth

There is water on the Moon, the Moon has a dome on the dark side of the Moon and does nor have any light of its own and receives light from the suns touch, the sand reflects the light from the sand which goes like that because of the explosion
The Moon illuminates and does not give off light


Sum craters are from the asteroids and meteorites and sum the beings made themselves or man-made, there is a central dome with many smaller domes on the Moon which HuMan beings live in, they mine the Moons resources 
There are several beings involved with the Moon, the Greys are one and the Ashtar Command, the Reptilians and the first HuMans the ones from the NAZI who worked along side the Ashtar Command and the Russians who also got involved, then the Americans and the French and these nations joined together and set up a base on the dark side of the Moon called Lunar base 12 or Moon base 12 or the Lunar Command station, they mine on the Moon, beings that they have captured from other worlds are kept prisoners there also, it is Ashtar Command who have invested technology like the spirit machine which has enabled them to use HuMan avatars

NSA went to the Moon before the NASA maybe 8-9 years before and are 50-60 years in front of this planet

These bases have come together and have developed deep space fleets and have been going to other soular systems and recording data and causing trouble where ever they went, there is seal that was put up to keep them from getting out and those already out are trapped out there, the reason is because its time for judgement

This is a really important period in this planet, soular system on all levels, the planets and this soular system goes back millions into billions of earth-years ago

Separate yourself from the negative that is taking place on the planet, mentally, do not be part of this 3D world or you go down with it, sh9t is taking place to many people, they are not poor or rich people, sum are lineages that have to go, the Roman empire must be wiped from this planet, stay away from negative spirits, sum countries are getting it more for a reason, nothing that is happening to these people or countries, towns, cities are random, none of it   

Whales in signal format [they are downloading and uploading] like the Stonehenge arrangements   

Sum earthquakes but floods, fires and weather systems all around

The animal kingdoms will suffer huge losses during this phase

 Neb Heru

NIBIRU is coming from the spiritual world into the physical world, the earth [Ki] is already in the 9D
NIBIRU is bending time = light, they have tilted this soular system, the earth, the moon, the sun and the entire soular system for their desired outcome, we are under the StarStations supervision 

NI.BIRU there are many other names for this Star-Station, this is the chosen chariot of a group of Supreme Beings, who are also Guardians and Providers of many Soul-ar systems
This is our magnetic sun, the one they fear the most, Re (Sun) is pushing back further to make room for NIBIRU who will rule the Northern skies and Re the Southern skies 

NI.BIRU is a cube that whence is in motion the Star-Station revolves and rotates, and creates an orb, giving the impression of a globe or planet structure

The word NI.BIRU is from the ancient Sumerians as found in the Chaldean, Accadian, Aramic and Ashuric as NA.BARA (Nabara) to raise, to elevate, to go up

The Star-Station(s) is coming from another dimension, the spiritual dimension, for NIBIRU is a spiritual craft and is stripping this dimension down and upgrading it to theirs in order to meet the requirements, number9, in physical appearance the composition of NI.BIRU is; antenna at the top, 1 of 4 stones, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, placed at the top part of the craft, Solar panels the size of pin heads, top and bottom

4 magnetic force areas (they look like panels) the panels are in the middle part of the craft with the Emerald stone in the centre, in the middle that rounds around the cube is a magnetic conductor, hologram beam at the base
Jupiter sized+, cloaking device, crystal top frame, then middle splits and the bottom also has a crystal frame+
Travels at light-speed
The Star-Station is emitting a pulse you feel, sense the Soul Master, not through sight, the human-eye-sight, the inner minds eye
The same coordinates as the EKUR (Giza) are the same for light-speed to which NIBIRU travels at

NI.BIRU does have an environment, only those genetically calibrated for transformation and transfiguration will be transported there

NI.BIRU is multi-dimensional, holographic, cubed, Tetrahedron, Metatron, MIR [MA.RE] MER (pyramid) shaped Star-Station, they can form any shape within their sacred geometry that they brought with them
There are more than one NI.BIRU(s), 6-8 satellites also shadow the main Star-Station, making nin9 when in unison

Also known by;
#Merkabah chosen vehicle of the elite
#NBERU (Throne)

There are many names of the same source, reflecting the different time periods, different interpretations from the different cultures and civilisations that recorded and interacted with the Supreme Beings.

Since the Star-Stations reintroduction to this Soular System, that is named the 18th-Draco System, they have been guided in by the 144,000, souls who are managing the Star-Stations final approach, there are no crew members sitting at the forefront or captains log of NIBIRU, they have been in and out of time zones, realms, expanses since they got here, these are entities, spiritual masters, ether-beings, nin9  level, the highest number in the universe, they are (God) level status, they are not here to serve us, we go to source

The craft emits a pulse, a frequency, yes we can see the StarStation, for a minute, the dimensions of this world have been upgrading, some at a different rates depending on which four corners of this world
The upgrading is being done to match their dimensions, the upgrade applies to you, you do not use your human eyes to see NIBIRU, and at any rate you they are emitting a pulse, frequency, tune-in and drop out, inner-eye meets red-eye 
We are involved in a soul evolution it’s not a revolution, we have been here before, all is merging into one 

NIBIRU will lock this soular system down, no-one or being is leaving, the federation are present and are streaming over the skies like they own it, a stand-off has been occurring, the Vatican and NASA have been in dialogue, after top secret you have 38 levels, above that is a handful to 30 mixed beings that have made earth their home, unfortunately, they are not from nature and so must leave

The Annunaqi [AnuNaga] want to walk the planet, many of us are still trapped here, many cannot break rank, the elite members are still here but the earth must be purified before this can happen 

SA.HU (Orion) belt which houses the Septet [Sibtu] (Sirius)system and has changed, there is a huge amount of activity taking place, the gateway is surrounded and protected, no-one is leaving, the only way out of here is through Sahu

The three stars or three Ki-ngs are from the 19th galaxy, this is a holographic gateway

Both are the same symbol for Kiymah [Kee-ma] the seven siStar star system, the right image shows the Sun and the Septet [dark sun] Sirius in the middle

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