Ether [1] you have energy darkness into ether [2] you
have sub-atomic, at ether [7] you have spirit, at ether [8] you have soul, at
ether [9] you have [God]
For 90% of Hydrogens life time, this is the main activity
of a star as a HuMin [HuMan] to reproduce its kind
This period of burning Hydrogen at a consistent rate
designates it as a Main Sequence, Star, a light star, a light sun, and is the
ether state
There is a dark star, a dark sun, the [Black] Sun [Septet] Sirius
Stars begin to decline when all the Hydrogen is used up,
it then becomes what the Western astronomers call a Red Giant
A star goes through several stages of expansion and
shrinkage, growth in youth and shrinkage in old age is the way of the HuMin
[HuMan] star
As a star, it exhausts its nuclear fuel, it eventually
becomes a compact White Dwarf, a small dead star that may be even smaller than
the planet Earth [Ki]
Larger stars experience a more dramatic death
Every element originated from Hydrogen because in order
to obtain sumthing, you have to start with nothing-ness [void] if any [god] is
one and alone, having no equals, then s-he is the Hydrogen ATOM, think on that
Ether is any of a class of organic compounds in which two
hydro-carbon groups are linked by oxygen atom from Middle English, upper air, from
Latin aether, from Greek aither
Note that ether is identified with oxygen, one of the
principles in breathing
There are two forms of gas necessary for breathing which
is wind or air, one is oxygen, necessary for combustion and the other is carbon
dioxide, incapable of burning
As one breathes in oxygen, it fuses with gases in the
body and it lights the inner sun, pilot of the
soul-ar complex
Its controlled by the carbon dioxide which is incapable
of burning, thus you on’t breathe out fire
Yet, the gases in your body is flammable
But, your body maintains a temperature of 98.6o and
if you receive what’s called a temperate, they tell you, your body is over
heating and could go into convulsions or even spontaneous combustion, simply
burst into flames
So there must be a heating system in the body, where
there is heat, there is fire
As above, so below [your body and Ki(s) body]
They taught you that the sun has always been thought of a
ball of fire, when he is a sphere of plasma, burning and giving off heat and
light, thus its called the soular plex
The word soular [solar] simply means sun, the word plex
from plexus means braid or intertwine
Speaking about a com-plex system of nerves intertwining
throughout the HuMin body and leading to several glands of which the major is
in the centre of your system called a soular plexus
This is simply a sun in the centre of your chest, that
fuses and gives off heat to warm the body or overheat the body
The sun has always had the atomic number 8, which is
oxygen had a symbol of a circle and this is why the system is called a
circulatory system , this circular motion of inhaling and exhaling health is
what keeps you alive
This is an intelligent action, once the soular plexus sun
or flame goes out, the body called Khat [Kha] becomes cold, lifeless, declared
The word sun comes from the Middle English, from Old
English Sunne [Sunny], meaning Solar, solstice, helium [Helios] hell
SAARE [SAA.RA] SAARU] Star [Ishtar] I-star
AS.PU [Planet]
They are technically the same planet and star
Atom Bomb
Alchemy: Cosmic Electromagnetism [Al-Khami-y]
In the beginning was the Logo, and the Logo was
>>> and the Logo was with <<< who is >>
The Big Bang
NIBIRU causes one of the many bangs of light, no sone which Big Bang implies
Neberdjer saith, I am the creator of what hath come into
being, and I myself came into being under the form Khepera, and I came into
being in the primeval time
I had union with my hand, and I embraced my shadow in a
love embrace; I poured seed into my own mouth, and I sent forth myself issue in
the form of [Shu] and [Tefnut]
I came into being in the form of Khepera, and I was the
creator of what came into being, I formed myself out of the primeval matter,
and I formed myself in the primeval matter
I was alone, for the gods and goddesses were not yet
born, and I had emitted from myself neither Shu nor Tefnut, I brought into my
own mouth, Hekau [Heka] (the divine words of poWRA), and I forthwith came into
being under the form of things which were created under the form of Khepera Pert
M Heru Coming Forth by Day
NUT = NUTRIENT / Nuts (Seeds)
GEB + AL GEBRA / Geo (Earth)
Aten / Aethien - Aether / Aether [vitamin D]
Atumti / Atum / Etim / Etym / Itatem
Atum / Atom / Adam / Ædom / Ety / Ite
Aethiopian / Ethiopian / Ethereal - Opic
Ethiopia / Etyopya / Ethereal - Utopia
Amun / Amon / Omen / a Man
Amn / Amin / Amino / a Mineral
In order to properly be enlighten about proper nutrition,
we must first comprehend the words and science of being Bio Cosmic
ElecrtoMagnetic Beings, Ædom, the Dark Clay; Carbon [C], Hydrogen [H], Oxygen
[O], * Nitrogen [N]
Then we learn the difference between amines and amino,
and the nature of *Mineral - Amines – Amino, *Vitamins = Vita+Amine, Amino and
Peptides,* and other topics like *Free Radicals AntiOxidants, Electrolytes,
Ionization, Enzymes, Protein and Carbs*
We are Crystal Lattice Star Dust, inhabited by mysterious
animate intelligent spirit- energy.
The first language was the Cosmic language, live by it
The Garden is the 1st Classroom
Heart and Mind determines Heal-th and Wealth
Eridu [Ereth] Qur’an = Ard = Earth [E.RI.DU]
Virgo [Mason] MaSem Mother and Son [SHES.NU] Shesnu season begins now
Cryonics is the low-temperature freezing and storage of a
human corpse or severed head, with the speculative hope that resurrection may
be possible in the future
The foundation prices whole-body preservation at
$200,000; just the head (the "neuros") costs $80,000, and pet
freezing is also available
The EMP and the 3 days that is due will knock the power
they have always known the history
All chakra energy signatures [radiation] near Ki you see the arrows are being pushed back into the planet from the left side, NI.BIRU this is a 24hr operation
Plasma is in the sky [atmosphere]
Heat and water and Plasma = everywhere
Weather systems appearing everywhere
Read the left two and the hours in between, both are British publications, one owned by the Russians and the other by Jews, either way they are confusing the rhetoric for a reason
Sumwhere in the USA, nature is not playing, those are huge and can kill
UVC will be over the legal limit
Electrically charged
stacked image from Australia
Plasma strikes around the world, she is charging up
I million acres are destroyed in the USA
No one eats no more, nature is taking back her gifts, we are in year 1 of 3 for crop losses and nature is making sure you go hungry
Weather systems are combining, more on the way
Read the left two and the hours in between, both are British publications, one owned by the Russians and the other by Jews, either way they are confusing the rhetoric for a reason
Sumwhere in the USA, nature is not playing, those are huge and can kill
UVC will be over the legal limit
Electrically charged
stacked image from Australia
Plasma strikes around the world, she is charging up
I million acres are destroyed in the USA
No one eats no more, nature is taking back her gifts, we are in year 1 of 3 for crop losses and nature is making sure you go hungry
Weather systems are combining, more on the way
Nature is on the warPtah
Things are ramping up, there is a certain urgency in the
For the first time in history, a fire tornado warning was
issued for California United States
Due to intense wildfires
2020 continues to give many surprises
Kalifornia is holding on for dear life
Huge craft over Texas, two are in this image
Scanning, observing
everything is happening for a reason
When Russia and China combine, they will be coming to the
China purchased $21billion worth of properties between
March 2013 and 2014 in the USA and that includes their Waldorf, ports+
[Spiritos] Sprite = Spirit = Ka
Space should be treated like the deep ocean and what we
find in the deep ocean is present in the deep space
Jellyfish has no brain but works off of instinct
This is intelligence, watching you, watching me, heaven
[haven] is getting closer
he shape-shifts at 1:13 and look at his forehead, watch
the playback at 0.25x
Cloning and A.I and Robots [Androids] mechanical machines
engineers, scanners, realistic androids are described artificial servants,
there was no difference back then to what we have today
The Naaga [Naga] chronicles indicate, lets you know that these machines
are nothing new
The King of Bahrain and his robot that is fully
weaponised that he thinks will protect him
energy systems
Light beings are all around us, choose wisely
All pyramids around the planet are online
Speed of light = 186,282 miles per second
1+8+6+2+8+2 = 27/2 + 7= 9
Speed of light that NI.BIRU travels at or sends a command
and the EKUR [GAZA] complex coordinates are both the same set of numbers
Pyramid is a Greek word for the shape in Mathematics
Pyra meaning fire but is plasma and Mid meaning middle, referring
to the column of energy called Tachyonic energy and are built from the top down
Old science called anti-destruction versus destruction,
all matter has a reflection in energy or anti-matter, from the cap stone of the
pyramid upward would be it reflection from energy, seen as one pyramid above
the other
So the mental construction produces the blueprint for the
physical construction
As you build the MA.RE upward, you are and must first
remove the top of another surface downward
Thus, the science of the pyramid being built from top to
All MaStar builders over-stand this principle
This applies in a controlled environment, terrestrial,
but doesn’t for celestial transports
Yet, even the sculptor to produce his or her MaStar-piece,
chips away from its natural shape, and the form to fashion an image of his or
her choice
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Now because of the unusual shape of the pyramid, they
imply two directions of projection, one towards the apex and the other towards
the base
The anti-destruction pyramids is back to back to the
actual pyramid, and it is located below the ground
The anti-construction pyramid is peak to peak with the
actual pyramid and is located above the apex
The science being used to build on Earth is to destroy
To build a monument you must quarry stone, which is
destroying an environment
To build a log cabin you have to cut down trees
To make a meal, you must kill living things
So the science is, to build you must destroy
Thus, it is with knowledge of the MA.RE [pyramid]
At one point Vanilla only was found in Mexico and had its own Bee system
There are only a certain amount of real living souls in
this matrix, everyone else is a construct of the matrix, a false light of this
construct system, they have no connection to source, they are running off of
the algorithm, designed to make energy negative so that its off, offline like
They are weak right now but they are trying to push your
You can be mad has a mad-dog at how the things went, you
can swear and curse the fates, but when it comes to the end you have to let it
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