In the Freemasons hats which is really the [Moors] Fez is
an image of Amen [Amon] Amun Ra [Re] who is the living Neteru [God] and that is
the secret, Black Ops [Operation] denotes a secret mission, means a secret, this
is the secret that they had been keeping
Khefe-ra [Khafri] appearing like Re [Ra] [Body double]
Re [Ra] creative poWAR
Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being
blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and
above [plasma-Khaybet] from the purple backlight
[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the
3black-lights called;
[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs
Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light,
purple light
Blackmail [Black Friday] Blackout
Many of the 9 ethers are the true descendants of Amun Ra,
the Muslims, Jews and Christians all say Amen at the end of their prayers
Amun is A.NU and A.NU like EN.KI and EN.LIL and IN.ANNA these are not their name, it is a title, A.NU means the Most-High [the Most-High frequency]
The descendants are the real Illuminate [the Illuminated Ones]
Freemason [the sons of Mary] and where only given a short time to rule
They where put here has tests, obstacles, the descendants
are Neteru [gods] in training, this stimulation is a school, a testing ground,
training, you were put through tests depending on the route you want to take,
Amun Ra is not alone, there are several other high ranking Neteru(s) here also,
these are instructors that are also here
Many are called few are chosen
There will be success and there will be failures, many of
you were barred from intergalactic travel and this will be given back to you
through your success and many who fail will have to repeat the stimulation
again, they know you can fly [Air-Jordan]
Hitler who is from the Ashtar Command created his super
race [blonde hair-blue eyed race] and took them to the Olympics and Jessie
[lightening] Owens destroyed them
Extra-terrestrial means extra DEA [DNA] extra-sensory
perception and alien implants [Chakra-system] that were graphed into the 9
ether are the things that separate you from the others, they know your genetics
are not the same has them, their genetics are conductive with animals and yours
is conductive with [god] which is Amun [A.NU]
You are superman, they labelled you has X-Man and even
mutants, you are not mutants you are seamen and the sea is getting ready to be
whole again, you go back further than Lucy, Lucy is just a guide at 3.5 million-earth-years,
you are far older than that like sumthing like 17 million-earth-years, you are
part of the SA.HU [Sah] (Orion) group
King Kong was a huge Lares [Simians] the King was called
Shitar and the Queen was called Zira and the species called Aqins, Gorilla is a
Belgium name from when the Belgium’s where in Zaire [Congo-Kongo-Kong] and was
the name of the Belgium who first saw them
When the Caucasoid [Caucasian] saw him, everything you
saw in the 1933 movie actually happened
All ends in the West, that is why they have been
positioned over there, they know their time is up on their clock, both the
minute and hour hand are on the 6 and they cannot go over the 6
They knew this day was coming, you were allowed to be
part of this world but you were to take orders while participating in this 3D
matrix that they created
The minds of the elect [electron] was to be upgraded,
Agent Smith in the movie the Matrix said, this was inevitable, meaning this
must come into play, many are called and few are chosen, sum of the elect will
simply not make the frequency when the signal coming from NI.BIRU goes higher
You were given instructions to get your Ba [soul], Khu
[mind] and Kha [body] aligned, many transmissions were sent out in 2009 and
again in 2012 and for the last 8 years that held codes from how to change your
diet, how to improve and increase the organs [brain] capacities, how to correct
the soul, what to take in and what to let go of, right now we are seeing huge
amounts of crop [barcode] messages that are warnings to other beings and their
offspring and yet yours comes via your inner-eye, your 3rd eye
[Ayin], this Aquarius energy field is the energy of technology and information
[data] light [knowledge]
The inferior species had been trying to destroy the
planet and leave but Elijah said, go on up there, we are going to bring you
back, you cannot stay up there, you need to keep that suit on
The powers that were have been denigrating the Kam
[Kammu] lineage for a long time and now they are trying to leave
Even though they reference Lucy, she is the genetics of
intelligent Apes aka the Humanoid beings, that is not the 9 ethers, these
descendants where not created on Ki [earth], they are from the SAA.RU [SAA.RE]
other star-systems, sum had strands taken from the Alps in the beginning from
these intelligent beings and refined over and over and others where straight
made from stardust, whereas the 6 ether was breed with the monkeys, Planet of
the Alps is about the 6 ether not the 9 ether
When they went online and you offline you lost your super
[supa-beyond] poWRA your Heru [Hero] status, you were a N.TU under Heru and
under the 6 ether you are a slave to the machine
The Amun beings are giving you your poWRA back so that
you can once again be enthroned [seat] pulpit, this is intergalactic law,
before you can rule, you must first serve [galactic law]
This Ptah called life meant that you had to endure many,
many things, you know them already and all was so this could strengthen you for
the position that you are about to hold
The physical war has already been won, there is nothing
more that they can do to you that hasn’t already been done, they have run out
of what to do to you and now in steps the spiritual war
[8th-ball] reverse their Alchemy, this is
chance not chapters, this is about your mentality now, you are now conscious
and it is up to you
You are to become one band now, one waveband, one sone,
one mind [collective consciousness] once again
Ra-ise up, elevate the mind, you cannot be accepted into
the fourth dimensional realm without the vibration
You can dance and they cannot
Hallowed be thy name
A.NU is the Heavenly Father [Pater], he is the most-highest
of frequencies [9] there is no number higher than 9
He is head of the Sedjat [Ennead], they all sit has one mind, we
do not worship him or sacrifice for him or come in his name, our father who art
in heaven [NI.BIRU] pulpit [seat] is the mind of consciousness
A.NU [B-ra-ham] Ab-ra-ham [Ham] Khami [K-ham-i] Kammu
All Neteru [Anu-naga] are principle, per-son-ifications
Messiah means anointed one, there are many that are
anointed, we have companions on the left hand [72] and companions on the right
hand [72]
During this judgement we will have people fighting to
death and we will have people who will not be fighting at all and the Most-High
will start calling names
Annunaqi [Anoo-Na-Qee] above led by the Neteru [Ne-tee-roo], both are in avatars made with Nub [Gold] aka Nubian and Kaanu
[375] rare Nub and metals in your 9 ether [375] minerals [375] crystals = 1125 = 9
Metallic ether exoskeleton
Sum had animal head avatars and sun had wings, sum had horns, whatever they wanted they custom made for themselves
After the rains it will be alright, hold on tight
The Lionsgate is wide open, energy is consuming the
planet, clarity, DNA[DEA] upgrades, 3rd eye tuning, sight, hearing,
all senses, those who are sensitive you already know, be silent, stay in
Myspace, we are on a grander and faster scale, those in the 3D are also picking
up on the shifts and changes in frequencies
Those who are connected to the Septet [September]
[Sirius[ system are receiving the frequencies in 5star, you came here for this
very timeline, many come from distant, far and beyond galaxies, your energy can
shift an entire neighbourhood, let alone a room everyone can see and feel your
energy and with this Lionsgate energy you will begin to see your own energy,
many have been intimidated by you, good, now its time for you to shine
Be prepared for the separation in the shift from others,
the frequency demands it and will force your hand even more for those who are
on the borderline, be prepared to be removed from the people, places and things
that don’t serve you, and be prepared for the abundance of positive that is
coming your way, that is just how the cookie crumbles, the portal is a prod to
remind you of your mission, you’ve been here for a while and enjoyed this
stimulation, now focus and get back into line for you have work to do,
September, do you remember
This is not the new norm, it is for them in the 3D
Consciousness is affecting everyone even if they don’t
talk about it, they know it, how can you not know what sumthing is happening,
even those without a soul know what is going on, collective consciousness are
making the shift, this is the age of the knowing
Do not mistake others panicking around you, you will feel
this but do not mistake their feelings and emotions has your own, its theirs
not yours, reach out to those who are on the same frequency, you are not here
for friendship or for likes and keeps, no sir, that was so yesterday, reach out
to those who share the same frequency or you will fail, you have to cut them
loose and be real with the frequency, this is not entertainment, you have a
call of duty [ a duty of care]
Ba Ba black sheep, have you any wool [don’t you want to
go home] come home
You were always a part of a tri-be
Stay grounded
Stay rooted
The Lioness is a pride, have pride in what you are doing
for you are being watched, don’t tri and play the system because you are
ultimately playing yourself
Bowban [Boban] means Gods Gift [a gift from god to you]
the word [sone] message
[there are many here]
If your metabolism is slowed down you will be susceptible
but if you speed up your metabolism you will increase your ability for the
Canadian-USA-Chinese virus not to penetrate you, there was a military type Olympics
sum years back, held in China in Wuhan where the USA scored zer0 points, you
have to ask yourself what was all their soldiers really doing during that time,
they are all in it together
your children’s metabolism is already sped up, keep them
busy to retain the speed
Monatomic Nub was found not Co-Cain-e
High alkaline diets, try not to sleep too much, many of
you have already moved over to night being day and day being night, few hours
in any given cycle, cut the herb [weed] out the THC will slow you down, they
are lacing the weed, get sum Mono-Atum-ic Nub
t-ankh you for what you did for me and the many
Magnetic stones
Rebuilt in the 1890’s they say, this is a type of Fungus that is growing over these granite stones which grows a millimetre every thousand years, sumthing doesn't add up and its not just the maths
The Druids now control the sites
Stonehenge is over a million years old with an outer
perimeter circle
what caused that impact at the left, this was all before the war
North Yorkshire
Yorkshire Moors [Muurs] (Hindley is in Spain)
Gobekli Tepe found In Nimrud [Sargon] land is one of many,
many around the world and on other planets, think of them has a plug [USB]
Full light spectrum
Huge Sham in front of a portal
Red Root
This sunset in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, India Aug 3, 2020
Red Iron Oxide [you are going to be punished]
Huge fleets are on the ground hiding in Nepal and this is why no planes are allowed over the Himalayas
In their movie 2012, where did they leave from China [Himalaya]
No one leaves, this house is sealed
it will be 2012 [2020] in Septe-mber
it will be 2012 [2020] in Septe-mber
Cubes in Thailand
This whole region has sumthing special lined up
The orange mist around the Moon has now turned to every colour in the rainbow and is spinning, not clockwise but counter-clockwise around the moon, the moon will soon be ignited and become a sun and this planet is going to turn back to perpendicularity
We are going to feel like we are suffocating, its alright, what is happening is the gills are reopening, when you were in your mothers womb you didn’t breathe oxygen and its only because of oxygen that you feel pain
The orange mist around the Moon has now turned to every colour in the rainbow and is spinning, not clockwise but counter-clockwise around the moon, the moon will soon be ignited and become a sun and this planet is going to turn back to perpendicularity
We are going to feel like we are suffocating, its alright, what is happening is the gills are reopening, when you were in your mothers womb you didn’t breathe oxygen and its only because of oxygen that you feel pain
When they say we all bleed the same, no we do not, we
only bleed the colour red because of oxygen and the blood only goes red because
of the oxygen when it hits it and that is when you feel pain
When the planet returns to perpendicular and this is why
we feel suffocated, we have more right-handed people on the planet than
left-handed people and the right-side of your body is more developed, very
slightly, we were able to write with both hands at the same time, we will return
back to our ambidexterity real soon
Yes we have our history recorded on the walls of Khami,
we called it our legacy and now we are recalling our legacy, all those beings that
were then are here now, reincarnated, so DNA is activating but in actuality is
recalling, we have been in embodiment after embodiment after embodiment
But in one environment we lost memory which is re-member,
which is to become a member once again
We have cubes, triangles and spheres in the sky
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian]
and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and
red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re
[Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Septet [Sirius] is behind Re [the Kaanu Sun]
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