Saturday, 22 August 2020

Static Perfection

[God] perfecting itself through man, [God] did not create man, the concept [God] did not create man, man created [God]
When you over-stand that man is the creator of [God] then you will inner-stand that man is [God]
All concepts that we could ever perceive of [God] is still flawed for we are still perfecting our perceptual antenna so that we become higher and higher so that we perceive more and more of that which we perceive as [God]

But over-stand that [God] could not perceive of itself [itCells] because if [God] is all knowledge then [God] could never know itself, [God] could only just be

So, what [God] did was to was to detract or separate from itself and has [God] departed itself, [God] created a void and that is what they speak about in their Bible
Has [God] separated from itself >> the void that they talk about in the beginning >> that’s the beginning << the beginning happened when [God] separated from itself in attempt to know itCells

You cannot explain this in the way it is without metaphysics, using verbatim and try to, but a limited intelligence to the words, you do yourself a disservice, you do all the work a disservice that your ancestors left for you

So, the separation of [God] from itself [from its cells] to know itself [to know its cells] ended up being polarity which is why we have the masculine and feminine principle

That separation to create the void that we are feeling with one another when a man needs a wombman and a wombman needs a man >> that’s the void
In the beginning [God] created heavens [havens] and earth [Ki] and earth was without form and everything was void, yes there was a void and that void was when the Most-High [Most-Highest of frequencies] pulled away from itself [its cells] to know itself because being all-of-itself it could only know itself and could never know itself [God] and could only be

In your Bible in Exodus Moses [Thutmose] was spoken to by an entity who said >> I AM that I AM << and then he turned to be I AM
So I AM that I AM speaks to a static perfection, no movement, when you say I AM or I AM that will be that, is that static perfection in movement and I AM that will be, became Kadmon [Adama] and Adam left the garden or was kicked out of the garden, he had to be kicked out of the garden because perfection is death >> isn’t this why the Most-High creates in order to perfect itself, anything that is totally perfect dies of its own volition because there’s nothing to do

Cancer perfects itself in your body, how does Cancer perfect itself, by killing you >> so Cancer in its movement towards perfecting itself as Cancer kills you, so as this person moves towards perfection, Cancer dies as you die and that is why Adama had to be kicked out of perfection
They tell you that the garden of Eden was all perfect, why was it all perfect, what happened in the garden of Eden that changed the perfection, if the garden was all perfect then anything that was existing in the garden had to have been perfect
So who was the serpent, obviously the serpent was perfect because nothing was allowed in the garden that wasn’t perfect, everything was perfect in the garden except the serpent but the serpent was [God] the serpent was an aspect of [God] communicating to itself through Adama [Adam] Kadmon and it said, its time to leave
You must eat of the fruit of good and evil [positive and negative] meant so there had to be polarity, polarity had to created and in the polarity, did [God] begin to reflect and see itself [its cells] of the mirror of its own creation and then Adama was kicked out of the garden, but Eve stayed and this meant that Eve was the beginning of the perfection, Eve was the garden

There is a greater dept of what you read and what you study, there is calculated wisdom seated and buried within and this is the Osirian body that is wrapped up in all of the layers and they do the practice to bring forth the body of Osiris [Oser] Asaru and this is why Aset [Isis] who is the symbol of knowledge had to raise Oser because he is wisdom

Knowledge without wisdom she is lost, she roams the land, knowledge defeats itself, its own reason to be without wisdom

So inner-stand that the feminine principle is the vessel of knowledge and this is why this Nu-Age is a female age aka a Femi9 Electron Age, the computer aga is all about gathering knowledge and information, the feminine principle is the gathering of information = data = knowledge = energy
But th teaching of that information into wisdom is the masculine principle along with wisdom of the feminine principle

We for the longest didn’t have the masculine principle lending the wisdom to all the knowledge that all the females herself brings in and she is a vessel that is part of the scheme of the knowledge, wisdom circuitry and is missing inside of our own genetics, I have over the years met many women who claim to be a woman based on what the 3D showed them, swapping intelligence for a lower impute only makes you lower in frequency, dumb only breeds dumb and we have seen the intelligence systemically bred out of our genetics

We have our siStars doing things outside of their primary roles here on this planet, following other races into the blank zone, pointless activities that take you away from logic, reason, common sense

The siStars purpose is to teach and raise a nation and she should be kept stressed free, how many children has she produced over the last 512 years, what kind of baby are you creating in the womb

This cycle [2012] we can already see the cataclysms are taking place and the Femi Electron NRG is connecting, wisdom and knowledge is all around us and these cataclysms will indicate that change is here, they said to me in 2009 that one of the things that would go first would be religion, the father, the son and the holy spirit and no sign of her yet without her you couldn’t have a son  

In KMT all our Wombmen where on the same level or higher than us, Aset means throne, pulpit, seat, the seat of consciousness, the man is not higher than the female

Both are [Gods] and that each one is a principle of [God] manifested and when we get this then we will over-stand [God] the father [ptaher], [God] the Mother [Ma’other] and [God] the child

We are a collective Messiah that must be raised at the same time

A hailstorm is coming, this new generation have found out that they where lied to  

Wombman is [God] that is the unspoken but well known truth in the scientific community, that [God] produces [Gods], when [God] was creating [God] and said I create in my own image and after my own likeness, this creating [God] would have to have the poWRA of [God] to create other [Gods]; thus, the perpetuation of [God] eternal was in the original creation of [God]

This is how it was and this is how it will be

You know of the disease in Central Africa called sleeping sickness
There also exists a sleeping sickness of the soul
Its most dangerous aspect is that one is unaware of its coming
That is why you have to be careful
As soon as you notice the slightest sign of indifference, the moment you become aware of the loss of certain seriousness, of longing, of enthusiasm and zest, take it as a warning
You should realize your soul suffers if you live superficially

Improve your thought patterns every day, its not easy, temptation is all around us but you must endeavour to stay on the right Ptah

Your thoughts are registered, positive or negative, there are blueprints stored in the Akashic database so no idea goes to waste however you must watch you are feeding your mind and what thoughts you are keeping alive that you don’t really need but you lower-self wants

Thoughts creates and controls all >> it’s the thought that counts << this is very true and they start off in the Quantum field [astral field] the magnetic universe, the abyss, the deep
Your thoughts are crucial in this energetic field so watch what you are thinking, your thoughts are going to mould to your physical

Nothing happens before the time, when things are due, they will come through

No one is perfect in this 3D, everyone gets hit, but you must tri 

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