Friday, 7 August 2020

The w-Ra-th is coming

Kosmic rays are hitting the planet [Nun] Nut [Nu] translates the energy of Nu [universe] Un-iverse 

Two asteroid clusters are coming in along with or by them, two pulses that will be hitting the planet and the sun, these are galactic cosmic rays [cosmic radiation]

August 8th and 21st two of the three last cosmic waves out of the 13 total and its September 3rd is the last plasma charging
We will be seeing erratic behaviour in animals and humans [humins]

We will see damage to anything that is connected to the dirty tesla electrical devices, grid,
their weather modification systems+

Gravitation waves are gamma radiation strikes

Get behind the sun and let him cast his spell, Septet [SIB.TU] Sirius [ASet] is already behind him
Kiymah [Pleiades] is a seven SAARE siStar system that they tried to cover up because they are all Femi9 NRG and they have connected with this Soular system
Buckle up

UVC mutation
UVC Vs CV19 Vs Radiation

Everything that is taking place is regarding the children of the sun [Helios]

6 ether
Long term affects; fatigue, shortness of breath, foggy thinking, damage to kidney, lungs, heart, liver and nervous system, damage to skin and gastrointestinal tract, balance issues
This is what they are saying about the long-term side effects of Coronal virus

Fatigue, shortness of breath is really one and that is because the air is thinning out [red iron oxide], foggy thinking is because their heads [skulls] are getting bigger and the organ [brain] is shrinking which is a result of UVC radiation and is mutating you on a micro molecule level >> UVC is mutating you from the inside out  
Damage to kidney, lungs, heart, liver and nervous system, you central nervous system controls your vessel, the reason your vessel is being affected is because you share 96% of your DNA with a natural violent animal [violent-violet] the skull and brain is making them revert back to who you truly, naturally are
Heart and lungs, this is where the 9 ether is mostly at risk because you are in survival mode from day one, you deal with the most stressful on this planet and you are the planet, so what she feels so do you, and the sh9t food that you eat, your diet and this is why they are saying CV19 affects the 9 ethers more than the other races 6 ethers
Damage to skin, the 9 ether has no damage to their skin which is really called ether [condensed sunlight-Kaanu] research dermatitis because that is what the 6 ethers are suffering from right now, see your cell phone, if you left it on charge all day, your cell would be hot until you took it off charge, same with your body,  the cell is constantly absorbing the energy and cannot dispense the charging, this is what the 9 ether does, absorb and dispense radiation [energy], this is what the 9 ether does when it comes to the sun, the 6 ethers absorbs but cannot dispense and thus their body is breaking down and they have skin damage, black spots, skin cracking, red sores, bleeding, blisters+
Is this not the same has Chemotherapy, this is radiation, what is the sun, radiation, you are a sphere of plasma [radiation] you have a nucleus [sun] within you, this is where they get the nuclear bomb from, they are using radiation to sterilise planes right now
Radiation is coming from the sun and that is called Corona

Hair [fur] lost is next, there is no life in the 6-ether hair, their hair is fur from a dog,

Mentally, they will be emotional, very emotional, this is why one group of people are depressed and fu9ked up and another group of people are starting to rise via the frequency of the sun

The Simpsons are not predicting, they were always letting you know because they controlled your narrative

And the beast shall be made headless

This may be the last time you see me for a while, says Puppet Trump
> 8-8-2020 will be 42 months and 201 days after Trump's inauguration
Trump =88
Staged Trump assassination = 88 and 155
Coronavirus =155
201 like event 201
William Henry gates =201
Coronavirus wave 2 = 201
Baphomet goat = 201
Gun violence = 201

Revelation 13:1-18
And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it, and the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months
Date numerology of 56
8+8+20+20 = 56

Sumthing is brewing, don't get distracted

June 2020 the planet moving

August 2020 the planet is in position [tree of life]
All with 90-degree angles [angels

All with 90-degree angles [angels]
These MA.RE [4 in this image] are 90-degree angles
All three images are the same

Messages are coming in thick and fast
DNA [DEA] Molecule structure [Nucleus]

Chemical structure is changing  

 For those who are unaware, Australia is on complete lockdown, they can only come out for 1 hour a day, and one family member is allowed to go to the stores
The main reason where lockdown can take place is because these people don’t have any guns
Curfew is 8pm, but China flies in 5G to Australia at night, when they turn on 5G all that is artificial will die, they will be shocked [electrocuted]

He is passionate, he cares, I don't agree with when he said they built Australia you raped and murdered her, his people are shitting on themselves, but he is bang on the money about everything else 

The eclipse in 2017 go and look where the Moon went across those states and today are those not the same states that are being destroyed, worldwide eclipse in December
The NBA2k21 advert shows a being with wings and a basketball on fire, and says, greatness will walk amongst us 
Now what does an advert for NBA is September have to do with a being with wings, their god is getting ready to come down from the Moon to this planet 

Everyone is realising sumthing is going on, everyone, get with the program  

There are Laws to the Tetrahedron which is circumscribed by the square [cube] 360

Three forces of the Universal Law

[1] gravitation [physical attraction]
[2] electromagnetism [emotions]
[3] the weak [love] and [4] strong [hate] nuclear forces

The nature of things [seen] and [unseen] 

These rays are produced Ki [earth] when high energy particles collide Cosmic-Ra-ys from space in the atmosphere

While this reaction prevents the arrival of radiation at the surface, Gamma rays can be dominated by this scene, for each of the heavens and earth, as you see from the great space [ocean] currenSea

From the Gamma Space Telescope (Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope)
This image was formed using the data recorded when the centre of this galaxy via milky way

As the earth fell and the closest points of the isotope are directly under the satellite at the edges
The result is an image for each of the earth and sky from an orbital perspective to launch

The Blue [life force energy] colour in the image represents low x-Rays, while Yellow (wisdom) soular, represents its high-density notes on the scale

Gamma Rays are overloading this planet at the edges of the image, and the yellow circle represents the edge of the earth's disk

Cosmic Gamma Ray sources extend beyond the Milky-Way in the middle of the image


Aten [Atun] 
Amen [Amon] 
Atum [Atom]

The letter [A] is the symbol of the tri-ad of Re

[3] AMUN Re = X-RAY

U.V. - GAMMA - X RAYS are 3 forms of Black-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside this soular-system

The 3 types of Cosmic Rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

The 3 types of Cosmic Rays come in 3-Wave-lengths, which are

Alpha waves UVA
Beta waves UVB
Cosmic waves UVC

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] SAARE [SAARU]


No beginning of days [ASet] no ending of nights [Asaru] we have moved into endless day [light]

[U]ltra[V]iolet [C]osmic] rays-waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], energy is being blasted into the core of Ki, from the purple backlight

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called;

[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu [Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light.

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns Ra-ys]

The highest tri-ad is the tri-angle with the eye of [Re] in the centre, and the three points of the triangle represents 

[Atum] Atom [the undifferentiated one], in the kreation

The full disc appearance of the sun in the morning, [Atun] the unique one in life
The full sun disc at the highest point of the day

[Amun] the hidden one, at death, sun at its last full disc before setting, and making it through the underworld, or netherworld.

9ethers can absorb and dispense this radiation, hence why the palms of your feet and hands are white, no Kaanu [Melanin]

Alpha = Electrical [Mu = Mass] Masculine
[Nu = Vibration] Nu[Nun]Nut translates, the abyss, the deep, vibration
[E = MC2] in the equation, the increased relativistic Mass [M] of a body times the speed of light squared [C2] is equal to the kinetic Energy [E] of that body
Omega [universe] = Magnetic [Femi9] Electron

Matthew 6:22
King James Bible
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light
Is yours on

Vitamin D is Dark NRG from the Sun

#NIBIRU [Neb Heru] is a soul-MaStar, they read all thoughts and have been mindful or their reintroduction, all the tools are there for a safe approach for the 144,000 are guiding NIBIRU in, they are being upgraded, so while many are using their humans eyes, you are now in the soul-MaStars eye
NIBIRU is also called Merkabah meaning, the movable throne [Mind] pulpit [seat] the seat of consciousness

Grid-keepers, frequency keepers, portal openers, light-houses, there are loads of many, many, all aiming to assist Ki to keep her vibration up, higher vibrational frequencies with Grace

Strong guidance (waves) are here to aid us, we are to continue with these efforts and not to lose sight, there is movement through earth’s layers as old toxic memories, captive soul fragments are being stirred up for release

These layers are releasing their Karmic burdens just as we are and could do with our assistance

We as light are strategically placed all over earth for a reason, to be the anchor-points for light in those areas

Whatever your Istal [meditation] practice please send anchoring light into earths-grid-points and ley-lines where you reside

Envision this light anchoring deep into earths heart centre and radiating out encompassing all of earth with the intention that she is released of her density with ease and Grace and transitions into her highest-pure-timeline along with her earthlings

The primary objective of you is the assistance of earth, this is the call that StarSeeds answered when they left their home stars armed with vital specific gifts and skills

This was the light symbol encoding we received when we passed through our respective StarGates

These were to be activated at specific times so that we re-membered our mission, that time is now

The Earth is an entity and she feels all, no doubt many of you are feeling the shift and its heavy, Istal takes you in and consumes you, body exhaustion but its alright

Many dimensions are stacked, in every angel [angle], drink lemon+lime water to balance out the body, mind can comprehend but the body is still in the physical and is taking the brunt, the immune system must be protected

The heart is the poW-RA behind the poWRA, watch your thoughts, back end of the soular flare are still about with another one set to step in, the waves that come in made sum all about lov9 and others needing sumthing, but again the wave is guidance around what your subject area is

Many lights are at different stages for different reasons, so this is balancement, the NRG is subject to you for Na-Ta-Ra [Nature = watches] many are looking out for you, but we must meet them halfway, self-development or arrested development, make your move, burn your thoughts that are on loop, burn them and let go and face off with reality  

Fire and water is everywhere
power outages
Crops are all beging destroyed 
Many [things] are burning down, ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Nightglow on LAH.MU [Lahmu] Muurs [Mars] is in Ultraviolet [Green]
WW3 is nature, tornadoes forming without storm cells on radar, nature is fully loaded, yes they have HAARP+, but we are the manual, we wrote it and control it
CME is due


I hate that type of voice, the clone is on autopilot

Algeria [North Alkebulan] gets a M8 or M9 too much damage and the ground cracked wide open to be an M5

Lake Koyashskoye
From Russia with lov9

Double bubble


The Moon has a shield around it


Annunaqi [Anno-Na-Qee] These Beings

[Eloheem] [Elohyeem] These Beings
Anu-Naga [ANU’s Beings [Naga]

The Ghouls [Nomos] Lyra [Lion] Akir [Kammu] and the Draco are cousins and sum are in avatars when they are on this planet

The Annunaqi [these beings] are a race of beings that are created of pure green light and impure amber light before the foundation of this world
It was on the fourth plane, the plane of ultimate will, or the mental plane that the division between the so-called good and so-called evil was established

As the supreme beings, the Annunaqi skin was olive tone green to dark reddish brown
They are the race of supreme beings not spooks, ghosts, or apparitions
Annunaqi is just another name for Rizqiyians meaning providers
The Annunaqi are those beings that the Most-High sent down from heaven [NI.BIRU] to earth in sets of 50’s while on the planet earth under an appointed being
They received the name Annunaqi when they came to earth from other beings that where here, these are A.NU’s beings

The Most-High illuminated the light of Murduk [MUR.DUK], son of Damkina and EN.QI [EN.KI] IN.KI  
Murduk, who is also known Al Khidr, meaning the green [Waji] one, who is the highest of all the Elohyeem, Annunaqi, or Angelic

The N.TU [Supreme Being] Murduk is equivalent to Amun Ra, [Atum Ra] in KMT [Egyptian] sciences he is of the green [Waji] essence, with the splendour of beauty
That essence became divided into two parts

One was extremely pure and luminous, to the vision of the intellect, which came the noble and superior individuals, the soul of the Prophets, Apostles, Baals, Adonai, Heru(s), Al Mahdi, the Messiah, Baal(s) and the people of the right hand

Whereas the other appeared, impure and amber [Lucifer [lu-Cell-fer] light], and the second part was called fire from which came Jaan, the father of the Jinn, a race of evil [negative] Eloheem, Cherubeems

144 governors of the 18th and 19th galaxies [72] positive of the disagreeable galaxies and [72] negative of the positive galaxies 24 + 24 + 24 = 72 [7+2 = 9] Sedjet [9] Ennead 72 + 72 = 144

each 24 is 12 = Yah [positive] and the other 12 is Weh [negative]

A.NU is a superior energy [NRG] NTR [N.TU] and you are an extension of this NRG and is called the Most-High 

The sum total of Nu-mbers

The poWRA of 9 Ether
There is no number higher than 9
It is symbolic for heaven [haven], creation and birth
9 Ether is a combination of all existing gases in nature
9 is the most potent poWRA in the universe
9 to the 9th poWRA of 9 [999 = 27 = 9]

Benben stone >> top of the Mir (Pyramid) >> Not to be confused with 6 Ether >> which is a perfect combination of the 4 Elements this creates the 6th Ether <> essence, sense << after this is only the 9 [3 6 9]

9 in movement makes a spiral [coil] like the 6 in opposite direction together they create the Yin-Yang >> Male and Female principles << Above-Below >> the root number of 9 is 3 [3+3+3] which is symbolic for dimensions

Hika-Heka >> Adobe of Mortal
Sia >> Adobe of Eloheem
Huhi >> Adobe of most high >> a 3 in motion, if you would trace the outlines you would create a Flower > Rose [like the orbit of LAH.AMU (Venus)]

Number 9 Sedjat [Ennead] 360 (3 +6 +0 = 9)
The meaning of the number nin9 is associated with the idea of completeness and perfection, and related to the synthesis of the three worlds, that is a triple trinity (God), the universe, [wombman]

9 reflects the essence of the meaning which had nine in the Chinese [Chi-Na] tradition, where it symbolized the concept of everything [this is before the Chinese that we knew of today]

In nine of her divine aspect means the divine poWRA and the poWRA of the creator, which is manifested in the material environment laws
In its natural aspect, number nine symbolizes the physical plane of existence, in which the law is manifested tri-nity

In its HuMin [HuMan] aspect, nine represents the idea of spiritual poWRA, which is expressed in the possession of the three worlds, that is, the idea of initiation 360 (3 +6 +0 = 9)
Heralding the Age of Horus >> Heru >> Haru 


Son does not mean the Son of a man or a young-man like how the Bible states, the word was Sone in the earliest translations when the Bible discusses sons [suns]

The early translation does not say Son but it said Sone, Sone does not mean son, it means sound

When you read back it says, in the beginning the word was with (God) and so on+, many did not innerstand what they were talking about in the Bible, the Son in the Bible was never a person, it was a frequency, and that if you were able to pick up the frequency of (God) [OM144 AUM sone of life], the vibration of (God) you became (Gods) Son or (Gods) sound [sone], you resonated with (God) >> Sun >> with (Gods) Sone or sound

The first meaning (etymology) of the word Son, is not a male child, the first meaning is sound, so many words with Son in it for a reason, songs, sonny, sonic, sonata, soneto, anytime you look at the word sound you’re going to see the word Son [Sone]

The Son of (God) was never a male, it was any person that re-son-ated with vibration of (God)

KHMT Science is built on acoustics, tones, frequencies, vibrations >>

We did not believe in gods or a god or do we worship a god, we called them Ntchr and gave acknowledge to the higher beings [principle gods]

Deity is a Greek word for God and God [Dog] is a Roman word
Ntchr [Ntchru] being the plural form, the U is infinite, in fact, the etymological origin of the word nature derives from the Kemetic word for deity Ntchr [Neter] Neteru
Metu Ntchr [Metu Netu]

We overstood the supreme beings thru the study of Nature, we do not separate HuMins [HuMans] from nature, we are the ultimate expression of nature [Ntchr] on Ki [Earth]

There is no word for (God) from where you are from, you are the (God), the word you are looking for is NTR [Neteru] N.TU or Orisha because you are Nature = Ntchr = Neter = [NTR]

360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe
Universal Wisdom, Supreme Intuitive Logic

1440 is beyond HuMin [HuMan] comprehension

Haru-BeHuTet = Horus the Judge, who would beat the Swine or Pig out of a person during the Double Hall of Judgement scene (read that line again, this is at the Duat = AmDuat = underworld (netherworld), you are in trouble when you get up here, i-Magi-ne if after that, you have to meet Ammit, I would buy a season ticket just to stay there to see what they are going to do to you

Choice bred, the Aardvark is another choice bred creature, its commonly referred to as an Earth-pig
Sum scientists claim that the origin of the aardvark is unknown

The Aardvark is a mutation that occurred on account of crossbreeding of the rodent, feline and cain9
It is an offshoot in the making of the wild boar, who later was bleached into the albino domestic pig or souse

So many are eating a genetic experiment, in fact all white albino reptiles, mammals and fowls are genetic mutants, for mutant creatures, including albino reptilians off-spring
Intentionally bred for human genetic mutants

HuMan DNA is in the Pig-ment  
The PIG [Pigment] was a symbol of Negativity or Evil

The domestic Cow [KAU] and the albino rat share DNA with the HuMan, hence why they use the albino rat, use brown or black rat and the results will differ
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a pigs valve for going on 30years now, Botox is pigs fat, put the valve and Botox in other races and they die

Muslims don’t eat the pig because is filthy, eats its own sh9t, you need 12 pigs to consume a human, they will eat through bone, teeth, Muslims don’t eat pig because them lot know it’s a mutant food, they eat cow though, Hindu say don’t eat the cow, Muslim say eat the cow, theu eat the KAU because one, they know she is sacred and two, because eating beef lowers your consciousness

The pigs and all animals all have emotions and feel pain, they all sense danger, when they are slaughtered, both the Cow and Pig know they are about to be slaughtered and they are leaking hormones which go into the meat that you are going to eat and you give this flesh to your five-year-old who will grow up being frightened or nervous of things that they shouldn’t be, they can be a person of discontent, because the hormones are in the meat which she or he now has in her body that you gave her or him, not just pigs, all animals, all slaughter houses whether domestic or Jew-Muslim are built on the ley-lines of the earth so that the negative NRG goes through her body, she feels the pain that is why they built the slaughter houses on the ley-lines of earth, it’s still murder and all animals are conscious

I used to eat pig, go to the deep south in the USA and they serve everything with pork, my mum can cook pork really well, I mean really well but, no more for me since 1903

The slaughtering of animals whether for food or sportsmanship will stop, those tasked with bringing HAARP and other installations down, I saw the Brazilians bring down one of their HAARP installations with no tractor or whatever, just brute force, these slaughter houses must be destroyed when the time is right and these animals set free for the remainder of their time, no more meat

Bantu Zulu

The AUHNK [ANKH] NKH was is South-Africa [AB.ZU] for over 200,000 years, before it made its way up the HOPI NILE-RIVER to KMT [Khami] Kammu
In fact the ZU.LU are known as the ones who travelled to Kammu [KMT] and back, but the AUHNK is used throughout in many, many, many forms but carry the same NRG and PoWRA  

If you have the mind to the Ma’AT-Ma’AT-ics (Mathematics), the symbol in the front is the AUHNK also but more so in a Mathematical version, this was also known as the symbol or Metut of the APIS or BULL which corresponded to ASAR (searer) ASARU (watcher) who is a Paa Nedjer [Sedjet]
[the watchers-guardians] called OSIRIS by the Greeks

APIS is also known as HAPIS or HAPIS-AUHNK and is known as the renewal of life, APIS who is one of the transformations of ASAR, two names were put together by the Greek wanna-be Alexander the fake

Asaru + Apis = A-SARAPIS just drop the letter [A] in the beginning of Asaru's name, the #A also means life, APIS was also connected to #PTAH as the renewal of life as a fertility symbol connected through vegetation, grains, herbs and so on+, same as ASARU

As well as its connection to the symbol of truth and strength linked to Ki-Ngship  - PAA PTAH SEKHER ASARU

The Bull called APIS or HAPIS and the Holy Cow called KAU both have horns on top of their heads and the horns are PoWRA as well the horns is the symbol that represents the only thing pow-Re-ful enough to hold the Sun-disc #RE

Why, because the horns going straight up to the sky [Nut] and [Shu] is a symbol of the #Kaa, with her arms outstretched to the sky towards the SUN RE 

So, you will find the Sun-disc is the middle of the horns sitting on top of your head [Crown Chakra] where your Organ [brains] are found as a symbol of Consciousness-awake-connected to our
SALAF-U (ancestors) and Paa NeTjers (universal ancient ancestors)

The first symbol is also a sun over the Mir (pyramid)

[1] The AUHNK is sectioned off in 3 parts, the circle on top is called the #RU [RW] = womb, gate, ptah

[2] The CIRCLE + HORIZONTAL LINE is called the #SHEN = symbol of the sun coming over the horizon and the horizontal line is a symbol of the physical world as well as water so this Sun is fire and the horizontal line is water and the creation of physical life through Photosynthesis

#SHEN is connected to the word #SHENNU [shen-nu] called the cartouche incorrectly by Greeks not overstanding correct tones

The SHENNU is just a SHEN stretched in an oblong circle look

[3] The #TAU is the bottom part of the AUHNK and is a symbol that looks like the letter T, it was a symbol of the MALE PHALLUS [PENIS] called T-MAN in your Bible

The #TAU + #RU is where the Europeans get the word TAURUs [Taurus] the Bull from

Count of Monte Cristo

General Alexandre Dumas
First Nubian General in French History and his son, Alexandre Dumas who is the author of the 3 Musketeers and the Count of Monte Cristo

HiStory like to engage in one of their favourite methods of falsifying history, that is to declare all European Nubians as Africans, African slaves, or the children of African slaves; without the inconvenience of having to prove what they say

Note also that the Dumas family in France gets the same treatment

The two extant primary documents that state a racial identity for Marie-Cessette Dumas refer to her as a négresse (a black female) as opposed to a mulâtresse (a female of mixed race)

Secondary sources on General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, dating back to 1822, almost always describe his mother as a black African (femme africaine, négresse, négresse africaine, noire, or pure black African)

General Alexandre Davy de la Pailleterie, also known as Alexandre Dumas, (March 25, 1762 – February 26, 1806) was the first Nubian general in French history and remains the highest-ranking person of colour of all time in a continental European army

He was the first person of colour in the French military to become brigadier general, the first to become divisional general, and the first to become general-in-chief of a French army

Dumas shared the status of the highest-ranking Nubian officer in the Western world only with Toussaint Louverture (who in May 1797 became the second Nubian general-in-chief in the French military)

It is clear from these examples and the many, many, more; that many are attempting to disenfranchise the existence of all former Nubian Europeans, and to declare them Africans

This is to further their lie that there were no indigenous Nubian Europeans, and that lie is intended to hide the genocide that was perpetrated against Nubian Europeans at the end of their Medieval period

The 3-Musketeers, Dumas is referring to the 3 Ecuador, 1599 Painting of Don Francisco de Arobe and his two sons [above image] 

When we go through the Renaissance these lot are in high ranking positions, they were in rulership in Europe from the Middle Ages, through the Renaissance period, and once you know that over 100,000 Tawny, Ruddy, Brown, and Swarthy Europeans were deported to the U.S. between 1618 and 1745, then you'll know why they taught you that you came from West Africa, West Africa is the USA aka Atlantis

Image albino Hindus who flooded what is called Pakistan have white, blond and red hair or fur on their heads and they deal with animal melanin known as PHENO-MELANIN also called PSEUDO-MELANIN which is a Red pig-mentation
You ever heard the saying RED-HEAD DEVILS, its them lot


The Black (Nubian) and White (Albino) Reptilians +Off-spring Gene Wars

Now, in actual fact the Cauc-Asian needs the Negriods because they need their blood to survive

It was in Tama-Re (Ancient Egypt) that a time would come when a mankind would be born - mankind meaning a kind of man

This was in a time when only original man inhabited the planet - African and Asian people
The Elders of KHMT warned of a time when an unnatural man would develop out of a Lunar – Cycle with recessive genes which would birth the Albino

They stated that this unnatural man would only last for roughly 6,000 years if left and not mixed with.
Nature (Neteru) would only permit him to exist 6,000 years until the next Soular – Cycle when the Sun, by nature (Neteru) would burn him off the face of the Earth (2000 A.D and beyond) we are in 2020 AD

She can pass has Irish for a reason, she is Pakistani 

The warning stated that, in mixing with the Cauc-Asian, the Nubians would actually be strengthening his genes and adding time onto his lifespan of 6,000 years, for he is the Dracula or Vampire, who needs your supreme Melanin (Memon) Kaanu to survive

He became a natural day-walker, this is the reason why the God-Gods of the Bible-Scriptures ordered the people not to mix and marry into the Canaanite tribes

This is also the reason why after generations of harsh treatment, they came up with the Civil Rights Movement and used and supported men like Dr Martin Luther King Jr to achieve their hidden Illuminati-Masonic agenda of Lil White boys and Black girls, as the speech he said, who marches to be civil>> what was that all about

They had wished to mix their genes enough to be able to survive this latest Soular Cycle, which begun in the year 1970 A.D. of the Greek, Gregorian Lunar Calendar, that the world is using today

Global warming is a natural occurrence - the Soular Cycle, they wanted you to forget all the brutality of slavery (that includes the Hindu’s the Mexicans, and so on) and what they have done to the world and its original inhabitants and embrace this One World Global Village Ideology, in which everybody is supposedly equal and has moved on (in theory)

In this way they will be able to encourage inter-racial mixing which will only benefit them and not the original people

For you will weaken and destroy the pedigree of your race by breeding recessive genes back into your family and spawn a world of Neutranoids >> they are throwing their women at you, left, right and centre, to steal your DNA[DEA], that is why there are so many trannys, gays, IT’s, she-male, ladyboys, and the alpha albino’s like children

To make people with their mentality (Avatars), but with Melanin (day-walkers) to give themselves a chance to live through this golden-soular-cycle because the Sun is SET to annihilate the Albino race, Mother Nature wants them (Neanderthal DNA) gone

Because they are a result of Canaan (Genesis 9:25) mixing with Flugelrods (Halabean-Neanderthals) resulting in the hybrid Albino people of today with their Neanderthal Nature (DNA 4%)

This makes them sub-human, this is why their whole existence is lived by artificial means and why the albino Man-Woman has the nature of the beast, low Kaanu [Melanin], a calcified, dysfunctional Pineal Gland, and the features they have (Neanderthal) features: eye colour, hair texture, non-spiritual animalistic nature, bloodlust, alcohol addiction and so on

There is nothing natural about them, and there is no such thing as mixed race, only on paper for it is only the Nubian 9 ether who creates races

Yes, you can be mixed in one sense, but you cannot be half black, you're either black or not, you're either melanated or not, and mix race people can be either side of the fence according to the balance of the genes

Sum are albino people in darker skin just have a word with them, sum are Nubian people just like any other, listen to them speak 

It's no ganja-science

Truth is, one species was always set to be deleted, hence the rush in technology, you had sh9t for sum 100 years, look at the last 50 years

When people say I can’t stand the sun, the sun was here before you, all grows towards the sun, so really its not that you don’t like the sun, the sun don’t like you

These passages are recorded in passages in Tama-re, those are laws and are for the fallen and his off-spring

Revelation 12:3-5

[3] And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great, fiery red dragon [NI.BIRU], having seven heads [Kiymah] and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his head [SAARE] aka the crystal city [NI.BIRU] Neb Heru

[4] And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman [Septet] which was ready to be delivered, for to devour [merge] her child as soon as it was born

[5] And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of Iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne

We are on a fast track of becoming [NeterU] aka [gods] everyday there are things happening to us on a daily basis, focusing on them takes you off of your Ptah, that is their job to distract until the last minute but at the minute it is the return of the [gods] it is the return of the Ghouls it is the return of Nommos [Nomos] the Yoruba referred to them as Orisha, and Dogri [god = dog], the pygmies in Alkebulan referred to them as the Ogrigwabibikwa, the dwarfs who changed into reptiles, the Greeks used Dercito, for fishtail HuMins [HuMans], the Mesopotamians use Dagan, half man half fish; the East Indians say Takshaka, king of the Naga serpents

The Dracos and Ogdoads [Nomos] are related

The Dogon called them Dagan [Dragon] Dagon [Dogon]   

The Nommos [Nomos] Ogdoads, also called the Malayket Bahri [River Angels] 8 [four pairs] one pair for each of the genetic changes, every 4 generations the changes appear

The eight [infinity] or four pairs in Tama-Re are Nun [Nunet] Heh [Hehet] Kek [Keket] Amun [Amunet] whose secret name were Niu and Niut [Nu] Nut

This is the reptile or your devil story, this project was called Apophis also known as Apep

They Nomos [Ogdoads] have returned


Is a name of an event of these beings and in these beings consist of other beings that make up this event in the planet and soular systems hiStory, Elohyeem translates these beings, Allah translates the source, El Eloh translates these beings, the ones that come to Ki in Sumeria they are called Anutu [Anunna] and are called the Neteru in KMT

There are more and they are a group, members, a wheel and in that wheel is another wheel, a wheel within a wheel that consists of both negative and agreeable beings
72 positive [Yaw] and 72 negative [Weh] with a further 72,000 each making 144,000, led by one mind [9] Sedjet [Nedjet] (Ennead) aka A.NU [ANU]

They use different avatars [Krishna], the 9 ether avatar is the only organic avatar that was created by the led group that copies itsCellf through the 9 ether wombman naturally 

None of them left and are all stored in the 9 ether wombman, she holds all their DNA

The word Kundalini or Khudalini(s) is a Naga root word is [Osumare] and was originally from the Yoruba tribe [Orisha] aka Alkebulan [Africa] and then taken to KMT [Egypt] Khami and called the Uraeus and then transferred to the Andamanese Indus [India] Muurs [Bey][Al], this is from the Ka-systems

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and RA.HU [Ratan] is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Septarian [dark-cube] is behind Re [Sun]

Septet [SIBTU] Sirius [Dog Star] Femi9 Electron NRG
Twin star

We are receiving huge amounts of energy, its heavy out there

The Kundalini is the serpentine energy that travels up the 33 vertebrates [spine-Djed] columns
Alchemey [Al-Khemey] Al-Khami [Khami] Kammu

Aritu [Chakra] means wheel
The seven [sefech] souls of Ra [Sephek Ba Ra] un-i-versal powers, seven but there are nine and thirteen 


Each chakra has an energy point, root charka has 4, still connected to the spine, it deals with 4 energy points within your body

And the sacred has 6 petals, or 6 energy points within the body, the plexus-core has 10 energy vital points, the heart has 12 energy points all within the body

Throat has 16 energy points, now, the 3rd eye [Wadjet] has 96 energy points, 9 and 6 is infinite that is why they chose it, you see all, the 3rd eye is connected to 96 vital points within your body

Vital points, energy points, spiritual points, petals <<whatever Trevor>>> same thing

The 3rd eye has 96 vital points, put the 9 and 6 together, to-gather and you get 8 which is infinity
Don’t add them, merge them, aaah yes, now you see

The crown has 1000 vital points because the crown is connected to all, to everything, add them all is 144,000 vital energy points

At this level, they call this Christ consciousness, which is Karast [KRST] Consciousness, basically the highest level of conciseness, when you have 144,000 vital energy points working within your body

How you make your chakra spin [rotate] is down to you, at 144,000 your chakra spins at 360 degrees, 360, 3+6=9, is a 9 being E-anna], a 6 being is a 33rd degrees being 3 + 3=6, low being, you the other way around, breeding confusion, when you have all 144,000 all lined up you agree within yourself, self [cell], [self-mastery]   

So examples; you could have your crown chakra at 360 degrees, but your eye is spinning at 33rd degrees, the other way around, you have to get all of them lined up and rotating in the 360 degrees which means you agree, this means your stars are aligned (chakra)

When your stars aligned all your stars (charkas) are spinning at 360 degrees, now if you are scared of sumthing, you haven’t faced your fears or you have fear of sumthing, your root poWRA star is vibrating at 33rd degrees which is a 6-being, but you could be an out-spoken person so your throat star is turning, spinning, rotating at 360 degrees [agree], but you see your stars are not aligned

So, you’re not at the full potential of consciousness

When they say that 144,000 will be going to heaven, what it means is that once you achieve 144,000 that is consciousness, god level, that’s all, because we are all going to heaven anyway

144 together 1+4+4 [9]
The 144 are a frequency, your avatar cannot go with you

Never look outside yoursCellsf, we are dealing with you, nothing is outside yourself, all is inside, to innerstand what you’re looking at, and you look at yourself everyday

Get rid of duality, without the negatives there’s no poWRA, on;y oneness 

We are not connected to the source, we are the source, NI.BIRU is being guided in by you
NI.BIRU is a spiritual craft [Mekaba]

Karast-Chakra-Khudalini-Khu-Mind- Consciousness, all dealing with the charka in your body 

There are 144,000 energy points within the Kha [body]

Only 144,000 are needed to make the collective change on earth, and to make it to heaven [haven] KRST [there is no heaven]

The spiritual world and the physical world are merging; indeed, we are in the mater-ial world, there are 144,000 crew members for NIBIRU and there are 144,000 to return to heaven, are they not one and the same, NIBIRU is a spiritual craft, the beings that came to earth are etheric beings aka you

All Dendera [zodiac] symbols make up the body, we are connected to all Dendera, you are not just one of the Dendera

144 is a frequency [144hz] 9 is the Magi [magic] number

All is written because when these beings come off of their crafts hearts will fail man, Christians and Muslims will hold their holy books up to them, both races will also shut the fu9k up because what was hidden will now become their reality, these posts are designed to inform you not to disown you for this batch of HuMins [HuMans] all came from the 9 ether, you were once Nubian, you were once Albino, we have had many lives here whilst in this loop [matrix]

GIZA [GAZA] is called E.KUR [Ekur] E-Koor and translates Mountain
both light speed and the Ekur complex share the same numbers and Neb Heru travels at light speed

Nibiru is also called Merkabah meaning, the movable throne [Mind] pulpit [seat] the seat of consciousness, the collective consciousness 

Ul-Mec [Olmec] original 


The most beautiful thing in the world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart 

the Lions-Gate [88]
wHOLY tri-nity

Shifting, turn inward and be still, keep mind nice and clear, ready, study, learn sumthing, transformation and change is taking place all around you, be in the know, stay out of harms way and remain still

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