Tuesday, 18 August 2020

By Hook or Crook

Mutant Elements 

Next steps in y-our evol-ution, the unlocking of your 64-bit
All the elements are being activated right now, everything is charged up, the plasma skies, the air, water, the planet+ everything is charged right now, along with those elements [you are part of these elements] we and these elements are one in the same, so has those elements are being charged [activated] so are you being charged and activated

The more you put pressure on a piece of coal [Karbon] the more you can make into a diamond, you have to pressurise the coal and it becomes a diamond, extreme pressure, the more you will become gems, supreme beings, your 64-bit is what the western world call junk DNA

Watch your emotions and your fear because this affects the upgrades, the unlocking, be clear in your mind and stay focus whilst in this evolutionary cycle, the more they apply pressure the more poWRA-ful you will become, there is nothing they can do but create negativity to which you must stay clear of, watch your emotions and what you’re paying attention to

You body is mutating on so many levels, its adjusting, your mainframe is being upgraded and thus you must be still and find a quiet place to allow the background tools to fix, move, create new Ptath-ways, the server must also be allowed to download and upload and this requires you to focus

The warriors of virtue are going to manifest [magi] and tear this construct down

You are part of Metu Netu, her enforces, the elementary elements [El][Al] you are part of her defensive cells, the antibodies that she created, her t-cells that is you

The more poWRA-ful the virus becomes, so do you, the red cells, there's no stopping us, there's no stopping, red-light does it better, double edged sword, no matter what they do, nature has the answers, trust in the process and remain on the Ptah

Fear, doubt all create the bridge for them, so cut that stream out, watch and learn, don’t look back and rewind time, look forward and facilitate time because its you that they use has their catalyst to rewind the time-loop, you cannot remain stuck in your thoughts, we are keeping ourselves stuck because you won’t let go, [Sila] let the natural cycle take place, let this sh9t collapse and do not be afraid of this to happen because your Ptahway is assured

You are the Heru [Her0] who you always were, the Super-heru

When you take silver ore and its mixed with rock, to get it clean you have to put it through the furnace several times and this burns off what is called the dross and the silver gets separated and this is the same process

We are in the furnace aka the pressurizer
The planet has docked and she is decompressing and thus we are in the pressurizer, a plane cannot fly without resistance

I know you have noticed things, your thoughts are quicker, answers come that tad bit faster, you pick up on things faster, no one can trick you, your in control, you feel this, you are beyond mundane thoughts of others, you’ve separated yourself from certain vibrations and energy, your intuition is second to none, e-m-path-y [Electro-Magnetic-Ptah] = your feeling things that you have to acknowledge this energy and work with it and over-stand how this works, exercise this like its one of your muscles
The elements are activating, the 5th element is ether, have no one take you under

Stay on task 

Soular activity kicking in the next 24hr

This was 9hr ago, so we should have had or will have earthquakes
M5 and M6 are the base rate now, yesterday there was 7 quakes out of 108 registered or recorded so they say 
Nu Moon
Weather systems are combining
Meteorites [asteroids] comets, passing in and close, NASA and Russia’s defence teams will not be able to spot them in advanced, this has happened many times before
Provoking Israel will be the beginning of [Gods] war, no Muslim or Jew can be God, it doesn't work like that, when Kerry went to sign and start when he was in office, each time Re had one in the barrel and one aimed at the planet
Heat and water is everywhere, who is the fire starter

Nature and Metu are trying to minimise the deaths, warnings have been given in the last 3 years at least but your world leaders keep you where they can see you, nature cannot be held responsible for what is to come 

Many places around the world are listing 

UVC has been on ground level for the best part of this year, the magnetic field buckles but will be deleted permanently, leaves turning brown
The Ultraviolet index chart is so high you cannot hide from the radiation, energy

Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and above [plasma-Khaybet] from the purple backlight

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called; 

[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light.

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]

9ethers can absorb this radiation

UVC is not sum Western jargon, there are beings who control all, the All-knowing 

UVC has been on ground level for the best part of this year, the magnetic field buckles but will be deleted permanently 
The magnetic field has already been compromised, this area has been in the making for the last 10 years and will be classed has an anomaly by western science 

Everything is coloured coded for a reason, everything

Poles shifting 

Landslides means land is moving

We are rising in dimensions

Mt Rainier USA

Colorado [USA]

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] RARU
Apsu [Sumerian] Sun
Four of the suns of [gods] are on the horizon 

There are four sides to consciousness

What are these black-rings
Even the volcanoes are doing it
Think how you get the air and release the smoke from your mouth when you blow rings

Space is fully weaponized by man

fully operational battle station
July 1974 USSR R23m Salyut 3
The USA shot down a satellite with an SM-3, Operation Burnt Frost in 2008, in 2007, China shot down a satellite on 11 Jan, India shot a satellite down in March of 2019 (Operation Shakti or mission Shakti)
So those three plus the ASAT shootdown in '85 makes a total of four (known) what where they really shooting down
The video says it was the first satellite shot down, and therefore the only one in history, in its time frame
They are not in space but a low orbit of space, a cannon, they have directed energy weapons and electro-gravity propulsion since the 60's

They were on their way for a peaceful first contact when a string of stray 14.5 mm rounds traveling at light speed destroyed one of their ships, Russia shot our people

Skylab, Мур and ISS are not the only space-stations that were built
 Musk is attempting to deliver the payload 

The NSA went to the Moon 8 or 9 years before NASA in 1969 or so, they have been up there for over 30 years at least, doing what exactly

They are 50-60 years in advance of this planet

Eye see you 

Forgive them Father, for they know not what thy do

The headquarters of the #Jehovah's Witnesses in Denmark
See Google Earth:

56-11-08 N 9-37-12 E.

All man-made filth must be deleted off of this planet 

Ashtar have everything to do with freemasonry, the Illuminati, the Ashtar are the light part
Eye of the reptilians
Captured on Fox News in 2017 when they met to give historic speech
Look at the eyes

Kevin Kline is the new Melinda Gates
What happened to the real one, and who is in the place of ′Bill Gates
Kline is the man, so who is the woman playing the man in Gates 


This last image looks like the image was added together

Cannibalism has already begun in the North and will filter out across 

Cages with toilets found in Caruthers, California
Quote >> For years we have been seeing videos of cages, coffins, and military vehicles all over the place. We need to wake up the masses before we get to the point of no return. All they need is the perfect chaotic event that has the sheep running to them while the truthers look like the bad guy
I read those are walk alone yards for inmates who want to harm each other but are still court ordered to have time outside << Unquote 

Dr. Theresa Tam in true form
People like her want your children
[hope this image is manipulated] 

She is an empty vessel

Alcohol is from the Arabic term Al-Khul which means body-eating spirit and is the source of the word Ghoul

Asante [SANA] Ashanti [Ghana] where Ganesh is from
Swahili word that means t-ankh-you [very much]
ASHE [ASE] pronounced Ash-ay and means poWRA and so shall it be 

A word that usually means Father
Alkebulan men who are fathers are often addressed with Baba followed by the name of their first born like Baba Safiya = Father of Safiya
Sumtimes the word is used as a term of respect for Alkebulan elders like this, Baba Marcus Garvey

Before the Current, Christian or Common Era

MAAFA [Mafia]
Ki-Swahili term to describe a terrible and disastrous event or situation for example, the kidnapping of our Ancestors from our holy motherland Alkebu-Lan, and enslavement abroad

Word that usually means, Mother
Alkebulan wombmen who are mothers are often addressed or greeted with this word plus the name of their first born; Mama Makeda >> Mother of Makeda
Sumtimes the word is used as a term of respect for wombmen elders like, Mama Sojourner - truth
MADASI: Ghanaian term that means, t-ankh-you
MWALIMU: Ki-Swahili word meaning, teacher
MWANAFUNZI: Ki-Swahili word meaning student or pupil
MA’AT: KMT Ancient Alkebulan Law = represented by a wombman with wings and a feather in her hair – sumtimes a stool symbolic of authority, seat, throne, mind, pulpit, consciousness; Ma’at represents 42 declarations of virtue and 7 principles: Truth, Justice, Righteousness, Balance, Harmony, Good Order and Reciprocity

There are basically four reasons to spell Afrika with a K and hey are: 
Most vernacular or traditional languages on the continent spell Afrika with a K
K is germane to Afrika, cultural unity of Afrika [Africa] Alkebulan was best demonstrated through the phonetic relationship evident between Bantu languages; languages the majority of Afrikans spoke Importantly, Bantu languages use a K instead of a C

Europeans particularly the Portuguese and British, polluted Afrikan languages by substituting C whenever they saw K or heard the K sone B as in Kongo and Congo, Akkra and Accra, Konakri and Conakry B, by substituting Q whenever they saw KW
No European language outside of Dutch and German has the hard  C  sone [sound], thus, we see the Dutch in Azania calling and spelling themselves Afrikaaners

The K symbolises a kind of Lingua Afrikana, coming into use along with such words and phrases as Habari Gani, Osagyefo, Uhuru, Asante, together constituting one political language, although coming from more than one Afrikan language

As long as Afrikan languages are translated-written into English+ the European alphabet will be used This is the problem, the letter K as with the letter C is part of that alphabet, and at sum point must be totally discontinued with the original name of Afrika used
The fact that Boers (peasants) in Azania also use the K, as in Afrikan to represent the hard C sone demonstrates one of the confinements of the alphabet
Azania is the original name for South Afrika and before was Abzu [AB.ZU]   

Merely changing C to K when spelling Afrika is not sufficient in itself for the reclamation and restitution of the Afrikan structure, it is a small, but important part in efforts to resurrect and re-in-state historical, linguistic structure of Alkebulan

Pronounce these words
Chemistry [Khemistry] 


His life is the Story [HiStory] of the life-death-resurrection and ascension into heaven to prepare our place in the heaven, his was the history stolen as well as his life

E-shemsy Oser-eye follow Oser [the alpha and omega] Em-e-be mu er-hetep [within my heart there is peace]

May we see you on the other-side of the Sun [RARU]  

It is time children of the Amen-re [Emen-Re] to ready your return to forever

Greeks call him Osiris, his name is Oser [Oiser] Asaru

Goodnight O’you children of the w-holy spirit [Kaa] Emen Re [Amen Re], may we see you on the other-side of the sun

Amen-Ra, term for the creator(s), literally the unseen-the hidden one, this is where the term Amen in Jewish and Christian prayer comes from and Amin [Amen] in Muslim prayer 

By Hook or Crook
The Crook and flail
By any possible means necessary

These are ancient symbols from the Alkebulan systems, attributes from Oser [Osiris], insignia of balance, MaStar your lower a-niM-al [Hu-Min] nature
In the centre [Middle pillar] is your true self [cell]

Scepter [Hiq] Khu [Flail] Waas [staff] bringing the great principle of ancient Ihm [Ilyuwn] and handing it to you as a feather called Ma’at

Trees are the planets antennas 
Your hairs (antennas)📡 receive and transmit Inner-G [NRG] energy, and information stimulating the pineal gland and promoting organ [brain] activity
You had been encouraged to cut, add chemical, in efforts to keep you docile and submissive
When you don’t have your antennas, which are an extension of the central nervous system it disrupts one's mental chemical equilibrium, hindering the organ and individual from operating at your maximum potential and you cannot connect to the server [source]  

Spiral number 9 
Just like the planet orbits the sun, the entire Soular System also orbits the centre of the Galaxy to the Milky Way

To take a single complete ride in y-our galaxy takes 225 [9] million years travelling at an orbital speed of approximately 216 [9] kilometres per second

9 is fine 

Vibrated into shape
Crystal palaces
MaStar architect number 9 [spiral] 

Spiral number 9
Gods favourite number

The more equalised and centred you become with yourself, mirrors the fact that every situation you are in appears to be unequal with little to no balance or guidance for you 

Yoda >> there is another <<
Femi9 Electron NRG
Septet [Sibtu] Sirius [ASet]


The Law of cause and effect [coincidence doesn’t exist] its all synchronised
this is proof of whatever you are doing is working
Every time you make a thought or every time you close your eyes and Istal [meditate] with an intention, that’s a cause and it must have an effect

So you cannot do any form of Magi [manifest] without a reaction [without an effect] you cannot do nothing without nothing happening, its you that doesn’t over-stand the effect
stop talking to yourself about trying over-stand what is going on, know it, own it, no point in trying to add it onto sum reality that your going straight through that you don’t know how to break it
 this isn’t real, it’s the matrix [Maya] its not really happening, I’m not really here >> but yet you look for things to be real in sumthing that you have already defined that isn’t there

Namaste [Na-MaStar], no, I see the HuMan in you, you are regular and not a N.TU [God] I don’t see the N.TU in you, stop saying HuMan sh9t and be real in this field

Stop giving to the invisible and start doing the work

Your wounds can be your greatest strength

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