There are a lot of beings here, I mean there are a lot of
beings here, sum have arrived for this showdown and many have been here for a
real long time
The movie Residential Evil the main actress Milla
Jovovich, she is Venerian, Rod Serling, Elvis Presley, Nicola Tesla, Marline
Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Susan Lucci, Joseph Smith are all extra-terrestrials
Most of these extra-terrestrials are in a position of
power on this planet, governments, they are in a position of influence, many
are in entertainment like the Venerians
There is a difference between the Venerians and the
Fulgorids [Flugelrods] who were created here, and the Canaanites [Cain-aantes]
the Fulgorids are the real [white-albino] people and the Canaanites are
[black-nubian] with the [white] skin, there are two different types of the Caucasoid,
there is the extra-terrestrial and the Fulgorids that was created here
Then there are several different species of the Nubian,
there is billions of years separating from when they came here, at one point we
were 9th and 12th dimensional beings [there are 33
Billions of years go by, RIZQ [Providers] a
three-sun-star-system [the three suns that you see in SA.HU (Orions-belt] are
coming from the 19th galaxy where RIZQ is and not coming from this
galaxy the 18th and are from RIZQ
The Ozone Layer depleted and they were forced to leave the
19th Illyuwn [Ihm] star system and migrate to Sahu [Sah] what the
Greeks call Orions-Belt, we migrated to many different star-systems but the
main royal bloodline went to SA.HU which where 19 species, like the Dunaakial
where you get the Bible version Jacob but his name is Ya’quwb [Ya’qob] who were
like a hybrid race who were mixed with the Greys, a treaty with the leader of the Rumardians Greys]
These Greys used to go ahead of us and investigate
stargates, planets and they recorded the data and save the data to the database
in the craft and the craft would blue-tooth the data to the other fleets, the data
would be things like what species are there, if Hydrogen is present, gold,
minerals, metals, limestone was used to purify the air on these crafts, the
limestone is like sand and the air is pushed through the limestone like a
filter, there is air in space, these beings have the technology
Egypt was first set up at the foothills of the mountains
of the Moon, this was recorded by the Kush [Cush] people aka the Ptahites
[Tahites] Ptah(s) people, these are the people that were already here, the
foothills of the mound where HAPI dwelled
When you look at Imhotep height, he was the same height,
with Ptah and Imhotep we are dealing with the SA.HU group, they are the same
family, just different timeframes when they landed, different times when they
came here and the last time coming here was 11,000 earth-years-ago
The original Hindu mixed with the Sahu [Orion] group, not
the Indian Hindus that we have today, then we have the Reptilians who mixed
with the Dogon [Dagon], different tribes are mixing in
You have the original seed, the original HuMinnoid
vampire [reptilian] who are still here today, underground, and only come
outside at night
The original vampires come from mixing with the Dogon
wombman who are Nubian who they know the Queen is Nubian
They live for thousands of years and never age or change,
always looking the same has long as they stay underground and don’t come
outside, when they come outside to the sunlight they don’t immediately die they
start to age, reptilians have to stay in the water and usually venture out at
The Hindus [Naagas] had already mixed with the reptilians
A.NU had a daughter that was leader of the underworld and
one of her names was Arishkegal whose mother was part snake and part Dogon and
her mothers name is Nin Nashamah just like EN.KI [IN.KI] mixed but looked
A.NU(s) second wife Iyd was princess of the serpent
[Draconian race] and the Hindu [Naagas] are part of our bloodline, we are all
connected, they wouldn’t have had any body type [Kha] to exist here without the
mixing, they had to extend into our genetics or they wouldn’t have been able to
walk the surface
This is why we see beings that where different colours
and why the Europeans called Nubians coloured people, because when they got to
the USA, they saw many Nubians who were different tones, colours
A.NU was Green [Waji] EN.KI came out darker a Green-Koppa
coloured, his mother was a dark Green, if a Green being mixed with a Blue being
or a Red being mixed with a Yellow being you get Orange being, there are
different tones in the avatars that we see out here, when you see these beings
their ancestors are from the Yellow and Orange beings, you have brown-black
beings, red or brown beings, blue-black [Sudan] beings
On a 3D level many will be looking at the colour of your
skin and judge according to the colour of your skin but on the 4D[5D] judgement
would be based on your energy, all these crafts that are here are scanning the
planes in technicolour, they read aura shields, you don’t have to say nothing
or explain nothing they already read chakra energy signatures
When all is said and done, you will find that all these
beings are from the same lineage in one way or another, and that they are all
family whether Albino or Nubian, whether 6 ether or 9 ether, you will be judged
by your energy and what is in your blood-cells and not blood-count
[Tahites] Ptah(s) people in front leading the way
There are a group of beings who work for Ashtar Command
who are called the Adjustment Bureau who do exactly that, adjust people, they
have an invisible belt so sum you cannot see them, they malfunction at times
and you see them, they put people in your life and they take people out of your
life, they send people to you to take you down, slow you down, they delete
people from you, they can knock your phone right out of your hand and you
wouldn’t see them, and this is why so many 100,000's of people come up missing
in the great lakes Chicago and Detroit, Milwaukee, Green Bay Wisconsin,
Cleveland Ohio, Ontario Canada, Muskegon Michigan
People disappear around the great lakes by the 100,000's
sum are food, sum are replacement parts, sum are are put in barrels and
literally become food lotion, sum are terrified for months and then made into
adrenaline-chrome and literally consumed by getting aliens high off of their
The HuMans [HuMins] down here on the surface are literally
batteries for parasitic beings who will never stop eating you until they are
made to stop eating your ass
There are thousands of underwater caves linings all
around the great lakes where they come up from and snatch people from the caves
under water and underground caves of the great lakes
There are so many beings here, the light beings, the
light molecules who are really a certain life-form, loads of them are here
looking like energy
Different sizes, everything doesn’t have to be big to be
powerful, sum are 3ft tall and can kick your ass, like the beings from the
Aquarius star system and are around the size of a cookie jar, called the
Arquilian in the movie Men In Black, sum are neutral, sum are aggressive, don’t
underestimate the seize of these beings, the biggest being in the galaxy are
the Annunaqi [these beings] 8ft into 20ft into 30ft and higher, the one-eyed
Titans are huge beings, one -eyed and one perspective and a giant, they were
cloned on Titan like a worker-race
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