Sunday, 30 August 2020

The MaStar(s) Tune [Neptune]

Neb Tune

Neptune known by the earth man and by the Greeks, and YAKSH and Neb Tune, which was played at E natural

Fourth largest planet, one year on Neptune is 165 earth-years and takes Neptune 15hrs and 57mins and 59sec to rotate one day on its axis [one day is around 16hrs]
the tilt on Neptune is 23o degrees
Neptune is the twin with planet Ur-A.NU-s and is a 3-7-dimensional planet
11 satellites [war-ships] and 3 smaller planets, with the main planet called Triton which beings live on
Neptune has five rings, each ring or strings like a guitar, each having its own music notes or sounds [sone]

Has Neptune spins, it plays the Ma’Stars tune in E Natural and Triton is recording the notes [sones]


Neb Tune was constructed by Alalu who is the twin brother of Amun and Amun is A.NU, also called Dagan [fishman] Odgoad who the Greeks called him Poseidon and Alulu is the leader of the Neptunian and was manufactured through Saturn
Neptune is known has the GSS [The Galactical School of Sone] and is a huge musical water world a huge fish tank, water holds frequencies, currenSea

Alalu [Allah] is the twin brother of A.NU and holds the trident of poWRA [staff, spear] to be the ruler of the most mid [middle] range, there is the most-high and there is the most- low
they are part Humanoid and part Nomos [fish or reptilian from the waist down] and they could take the full Human [Humin] at will at times

AL’alu would be mistaken for his brother
he could manipulate water-storms, lightening, strong waves [think about the water on Ki at the moment] and he can create landslides, earthquakes, water-floods, and he is a MaStar builder of interplanetary crafts and he taught his nephew EN.KI [INKI] ENQI [Ea] meaning, He whose house is water

EN.KI mother is IYD and father is A.NU

Image taken from an underwater camera and one of the beings getting vex with HuMan intrusion 

There is an old Neptune and there is Neptune
The beings of old Neptune are half fish and half HuMin [HuMan] called the Nommos by the Dogons, Ogdoad, the Greeks called them Dercito [fishtail humans] Ghouls
The elders vibrated on the 7th density, pure electromagnetic energy [gamma] and [photons] on this level [7] everything becomes everything physically has on the [3] level
They build advance underwater worlds, cities and underwater cave systems, subterranean inhabitants

Olive tone torso and HuMin [HuMan] like with tail and the tail can vary in colours and is to where the earth man gets the word Mermaid
Maturity is at 15 and can live for 200 years on Ki but 3200 years on Neptune [I years on Neptune is 165 earth years], the ones on Ki and different, evolving and adapting over time whilst here on Ki, many do look HuMin [HuMan] from the waist up and have a close relationship with the eel and the whales and especially the dolphin and they have less to no contact with the HuMan who imprison them and do tests on them, however they do trade with other beings like the Duwaani [smaller version of the Lares] and they trade for gems and they get pearls and songs, because they are musical beings

There was a cataclysm on Neptune and sum of them came to this planet, they used the gems to contact home, the shadow governments knows that they are down there
They are neutral beings and are not has advanced has their descendants from Neptune, the ones on Ki

They have to watch out for the great white shark

There were four original species before the crash; the humanoid half fish and half humin, the fish beings, the reptilians and the ones that where cattle like beings, the other four where visitors from other planets, galaxies  

Alalu also commanded a reptilian race that could vibrate in the 4D into the 6D, he created these beings has a war clan, they have wings that are removable, their leader was given power but this backfired has they could not retain the higher destiny, and they could easily be converted to switch sides because they were neutral beings [remember it will always be neutral, agreeable, disagreeable]

Plenty of marine life on Neptune, plenty, and are advanced versions like the Octopus, fishes that are way more special on Neptune    

Alalu did come to Tiamat [Ki] earth with sum of his people and did pose has A.NU causing many to follow him
EN.KI loved this rebellious side to his uncle and when his uncle left, EN.KI posed has his uncle

The Roman Catholic high priest wears the fishtail headdress and they say he is their most-high and this is why they say that A.NU is reptilian, that is his bother Alalu [ALA.LU], A.NU is the most high, Alalu is the most mid and there is another brother  

Alalu traded with the Procyon’s, with slaves in exchange for the fertility service from the albino slaves or prisoners and Alalu got his scientists to draft a new clone that they could use has avatars who later became the Ashtar Command aka the Great white Brotherhood

The Neptune’s being was water and needed a chair [avatar] to operate, more HuMan like
They attempted to take over Kiymah [Pleiades] and set up a home base

NASA give you stupid images like these rather than show you how the planets really look, this black-outed strip with a blue image is a telling sign

The interaction between NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] and Neptune caused Neptune to receive an electric shock from the electrometric field of NI.BIRU, killing many in the waters and creatures and swelling the planet, causing the ones who survived to seek the land, those on land got stuck using avatars from the Ashtar Command 3D shells, they got stuck in the 3D and the 6D, they could move on the 7D before NI.BIRU but now they where limited to 3D and 6D

These are Humanoid Reptilians who got stuck in Ashtar Command avatars when NI.BIRU disrupted their orbital flight
Ashtar Command don’t have a home [planet] and they sought help from their other Reptilians called the Nomos from Sirius [Septet] SIB.TU and it is the Nommos [No-mos], those who k-No-w the Mos-t, joined with them the Ashtar Command because their own star was burning out and they wanted to take over the whole soular system

Neptune has 14 satellites [Moons] one is called Triton which is the same name of the musical keyboard     
Triton records the tunes of Nep-tune [Neb] the MaStars keys, this is a sone library with all the universal sones of the universe on file, it’s a records house with every tone, acoustics, frequencies, vibration on file

Asthar Command and the beings from Nevada divided the two during a war, Asthar Command wasn’t supposed to create these beings in the first place and hence why today, sh9t is going down, and now it is robots that man the planet
They want Neptune back but Neptune is guarded by advanced bio-water robots and it is members of the Annunaqi that have reprogrammed the robots to preserve the online sone-light library  

Amen is A.NU

Did you see the being, looked like a Lare [Simians] sitting there or EN.KI, squat type of position
There are beings in the water, heat, plasma, all weather cells, earthquakes, volcanos
All storms follow a specific route for a reason
Nature is destroying this world
That video of what was in Laura, that being in holographic imagery is letting you know is going on
These fires are causing mass movement, land clearing on a mass scale but also the moment of people displacement
The guy towards the end who had his cell phone smashed out of his hands, I think when he hits the floor we just watched his soul and spirit leaving, his body reflecting the physical interpretation

This was really good to listen to
The avatar is a clone, a body [Kha] a vessel
Krishna comes from Hari Krishna [Hari-Hara-Haru-Heru] and Krishna is the name for that particular avatar 
Think about who this heart belongs to, who is this Lord Shiva [Chi-Va] was this his double, A.I robotics, wi-fi and bluetooth loaded, they tried to kill him and took out the double  

You have two hearts, your physical and your holographic hearth      

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