Monday, 10 August 2020


The Nephilian were casted down to earth [the old reptilian] and they began to multiple with the daughters of men, these daughters were the Dogon wombmen 

This an act of aggression and not passion, this was the raping of these wombmen and thus incorporated the Reptilian Gene

Dinosaur is Greek and means terrible lizard [reptile] 

You had what was called the Triune organ [brain] system in the centre of your organ, there was a time from the top of the cranium to the eyebrow was 1/2inch and the organ matter only weighed around 2 ounces and this was a Limbic system aka motor skills and this was incorporated into you today from what the Nephilian did to the Dogon wombmen and was the reptilian gene that is called today the R-Complex [Cognitive Neuroscientists] which will tell you that the HuMin [HuMan] organ today consists of a triangle organ [brain] system that sped up the HuMin [HuMan] evolutionary process in moving from Homo-Erectus to Homo-Sapien to which the cranium expanded from 1/2inch to 3inches, the Organ [brain]matter also went from 2 ounces to 5-7 ounces because now we had the
tri-une brain [organ] system which consisted of the R-Complex, a Limbic-system and a Neocortex,
Neo means Nu [New] the Limbic system [42] is your motor skills, the Neocortex system is where you get love, compassion and that is the new [Neo] and largest part of the brain [organ] muscle

In museums you will find craniums with holes in them meaning that sumthing took place here and this was the R-Complex that was taking place by way of what the Nephilian was doing, they were taking each other out in attempt to upgrade them

You see your hands still have the web in-between the fingers, your skin is still scaly and the skin still sheds and these are traits of the snake [reptile] serpent

When they teach you about the brain, they will tell you that you have a Limbic system and a Neocortex and R-Complex and the R stands for Reptilian portion of the brain and that is where you get hostility, anger and aggression

Many view the snake has being sumthing negative because we judge, if from your reptilian brain you are getting aggression and hostility that would be considered sumthing that is negative

By the time we get to Khami [ancient Egypt] of today we see the A’aferti [pharaohs] wore the snake [Cobra] and the Falcon or Vulture on their crown

the body charger 

The Cobra and their headdress had different colours on the [hood] lines told you that the A’aferti(s) degree in terms of what that A’aferti needed to know, so everyone would be able to know who and what that person knew and what level they were at

The symbol of the snake meant that they are in control of the reptilian in me, you cannot anger me, I control the reptile that is cultivated inside of myself

The Kundalini rising

Moses said in your Bible that the A’aferti threw a Rod down and it turned into a snake and Moses also threw a Rod [Hiq] down and that to also turned into a snake and his snake consumed the other snake, why would [god] use the poWRA of sumthng evil to prove the poWRA of good

Every word you speak has an origin and in order to find its true meaning, you have to trace its true origin and there you will find its true intent and that is true definition

The A’aferti with a Falcon and a Cobra means I have knowledge of that which is below and I have knowledge of that which is above which is the higher degree, this is not about the physical but about the astral projection, this is the ether realm

If you wake up and you can’t move and your looking down [from the sky] at your body, it is the umbilical cord that allows you to travel, we are all minds hence HuMin [Hue-Mind] and the HuMan is Hu-man-ity or mankind, a kind of man, how do you know, because you can sing a song in your head and never open your mouth and that is the portion of you that is the real you

The reptilian speaks with a folk in its mouth and struggles in pronunciation
[the lisp is a leftover trait] 

They give you a word called C-A-R-N-I-N-A-L carninal [carnal] if you don’t spell it out you cannot break the spell and the spell will stay within you, they gave you the definition which means pertaining to the human life, this is how the word car was born, they said this is the physical vehicle that will carry the human, they took the N-A-L off of the word carnal and gave you the word car giving it the definition of carry human beings from point A to point B but what they didn’t teach the masses is that the human body is a vehicle also [Kaa] car, and you are looking through the windows of this vehicle called your eyes, this is a special car because the doors are locked, you cannot get out until the ride is over, you are on the inside looking out, so what is it that you need to know exists inside, its inside of you, either you learn to turn within or you go without

This is about the snake, the R-Complex, this is about the problems that you have, relationships don’t fail at the end, they fail at the beginning because you don’t communicate honesty with what you are wiling to deal with and what you are not willing to deal with

There are no two HuMin [HuMan] beings that are identical, we are all unique

But we all have a R-X = complex and if you rub us the wrong way sumthing is going to occur

The snake in Tamare [Khami] Egypt represented medicine, hospital only cuts away your aliment so that the body can heal itself, it’s a form of hospitality, do you want a pillow, are you in pain [comfort], they are not practicing the art of healing, same word

The symbol of medicine is the two snakes that are intertwined with a sword down the middle with wings means, when you saw a Aaferti with one snake that was straight on his or her left and one snake on his or her right that was straight meant he or she was in good heal-th and the snake intertwined meant that sumbody was sick and the sword that you see driven down the middle represents the surgeon’s scalpel and the wings is there to let you know that the information came to us from the sky

When they invaded our online library the Greeks under the not-so great Alexander who was a Homo-sexual [Homo] and child molester and they took the truth and buried our knowledge and called theirs the library, lie and the word bury together liebury, they removed the usage of Hieroglyphics and who the person they were talking about, took letters out and replaced them, mistranslated words, the Reptilian speaks with a folk in its mouth

The snake represented strongness, whoever’s medicine was the strongest, they had what was called a script, and you have pre-script-ion that you have to use to go get medicine, pre means to do before, so this is a script that was written before-hand, before the hand existed, before there is a physical situation you have to know hat there is a mental situation

An Al-Chemist can explain about the equation in Easter and why a bunny doesn’t lay eggs and why the eggs are coloured and the word fertility, Homo-sexuality, the bunny and eggs have nothing to do with the resurrection of a messiah

The movie Us shown at the end a bunch of rabbits

This is about the breeding out of the reptilian that is found in us, the garden that is in Eden was created in attempt to breed out the reptilian that had found its way into you all, at that time you only had one X chromosome has a wombman and man only had a Y chromosome, you were given compassion, they told you that the X chromosome was Femi9 and you know that a mothers love is never ending, it’s the compassion in you not the femi9 in you, that is two XX chromosomes and a man only has a YX chromosome and they say the Y is the masculine in him and the X is the compassion in him, when you cry he says it will be alright and hug you without the X he could not do that and this is why we are different with the albino man and the Nubian man

This was the genetic breeding process, your Adam and Eve had sex at a prescribed time and they took sum fruit, there is no apples that grow in the middle east [like there is no middle east] there is however that looks identical to a pomegranate apple and is called a Poppy, so this Adam and this Eve had the Poppy

Activation is ReCall

Yes, we have our history recorded on the walls of Khami, we called it our legacy and now we are recalling our legacy, all those beings that were then are here now, reincarnated, so DNA is activating but in actuality is recalling, we have been in embodiment after embodiment after embodiment, but in one environment we lost memory which is re-member, which is to become a member once again 

The Metu Netu
Dr Ben and Dr Clark
When you read the Hieroglyphs, did you know [because Dr Ben and Dr Clark claimed to have read] if you go telling anyone of what you read, you would be cursed, they were bounded only to tell you only a small percentage because if they spoke a little too much they would be dealt with
Everyone knows that the curse of the Mummy is real, when we say Mummy, we mean that you will become braindead, you will become one of the mentally dead, they will wrap your mind up so that you will not be able to speak none of that ever, everything that you learned means when you open your mouth you will become tongue tided, you won’t be able to speak not one word, that is what becoming a Mummy [Mummification] is, mentally dead, they are wrapped up in this, wrapped up in that, you opened your mouth in places that you shouldn’t have and now you will w-rap no more
Certain people read into the Hieroglyphs and it tells you what you can and cannot say and so we have a situation where these people carry a portion of the truth, if they hadn’t written the book in the first place, you might have been alright because its all about your intention, was it for self-gain or the lifting of the masses, what is your motive and what are you doing it for

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, which is stupid because you don’t get benefit from doubt, you either know it or you don’t

MA.RE [MIR] MER [pyramid] think of you and pieces of Lego for scale

The Sleeping Lady Mountain, about 33 miles northwest of Anchorage Alaska [Atlas-Ka], taken from a drone

Signs and wonders, dark shapes and orbs and colours


Over the USA
There is another separate cloud in there, looks oval

Oval craft sitting pretty [USA]


The Moon is on a 90 degree angle and is out during the day and is rotating before your eyes

Repeated cycles, same area
these quakes will need to start coming more inward 
Weather systems and cosmic energy [radiation] plasma and water and heat all in the mix on 90.6
3 days of darkness should be this month [3 days is 72hrs = 9 the resurrection of femi9 NRG] 
Many are without power

both these graphics are using green, blue and white for a reason 
Green is life force-healing NRG and Blue is life force NRG 
Chakra signatures 

UVC will be high, in double figures, watch the adults with illnesses and the older crew, many people will be bailing out of here during these next weeks 

Full blown electron NRG from the 4th August

Do not attempt suicide if you have a soul, don't do it 

who doing what here 

Derecho is Draco [Dragon]

There is a method and no madness 

will it get any worse, yes 
China will have to jump ship, sum will try and go Africa and sum will try and go to Australia, they already own the water over there 
Chemical plants continue to go up in smoke, who is doing what here 

Earth was your home

The Bible is not prophecy its an agenda 


its a start 

How many coincidences before coincidence is mathematically impossible?
 Epstein Island was the tip of the iceberg
 Oprah: Cancelled. Magazine caput.
 Ellen: Cancelled.
 Jimmy Kimmel: Taking a break.
 Piers Morgan: Taking a break.
 Tom Hanks: Became a Greek citizen.
 Chrissy Tiegen: Made twitter private, deleted 60,000 tweets, blocked 1,000,000+. In an interview, when asked about her and her husbands craziest sexual experience, responded “Maybe that Obama thing.”
 Jenna Jameson: Went public about being raped, conditioned, and trafficked in Hollywood as a child.
 Justin Beiber: Released music video “Yummy” confirming being a victim of pizzagate as a child.
 Isaac Kappy: Repeatedly named Hanks as pedophile. "Committed suicide" on Route 66 just after Hanks tweeted about road kill on Route 66.
 Avicii: “Commited suicide” days after releasing video ('For a Better Day') highlighting child sex trafficking.
 Chris Cornell: "Committed suicide" while working on child sex trafficking documentary.
 Chester Bennington: "Committed suicide" while working on child sex trafficking documentary.
 Anthony Bourdain: "Committed suicide" while working on child sex trafficking documentary.
 Paul Walker: Killed in a car crash that looked more like a bomb went off just before he was set to testify about the Clinton Foundations involvement in human trafficking in Haiti.
 Epstein: Didn't kill himself.
 Maxwell: Judge will eventually make private documents public (fears for her life).
 Judge appointed to Maxwell/Epstein case: Son is murdered. Husband shot.
 Hollywood: SILENT.

COVID: 99 point something % US population survival rate but talked about by all of Hollywood, media, and social media platforms 24/7.
 Doctors with different views: Silenced, blocked, mocked, censored, fired.
 1,600+ CEOs suddenly "retire".
 MEDIA: "Golly, what will be the new name of the Washington Football Team?"
 DO YOU SEE IT YET?! Who’s on which side of the pedophile problem?
 Copied and pasted****

Pedophilia, Necrophilia, Zoophilia is Roman and must be deleted from this planet, its Man and Wombman

Para-guay [Hara-Haru-Heru] River 

Counter clockwise [9] is life [rotation]
DNA [DEA] activation, plasma [Khaybet] storms and expanded awareness

There is a women on fb who is on crack, look at the sky woman, its not this or that moon from another system, this is radiation in the sky aka chakra energy signatures

steady on the right
Soldier, rifle, helmet, armed and ready

30 million, they didn't care if you were HuMin [HuMan] or an animal

12[13th is hidden]
different sizes in the spheres indicate the length that NI.BIRU has been here for

Same images
Beyonce is playing Aset [mother] and in her stomach is Heru [son] she is sitting at a 90 degree angle 
Ma’other [Mother] Sun [Son]

MaSem [Mason]
Ma [Wa] matter and water
M[W] are the same symbol and means current when you turn the letter [M] on its side [currenSea]
Many charges were sent [Malcolm] Mandela before the clone [Marcus Mosiah] Marley [Makonnen] Martin [Moses = Thut-Mose]+

Septe-mber house sign is called MaSem [Mason] mother and son [Aset and Heru] and Septet [Sibtu] is what the Greeks call Sirius, we are getting ready to birth
Ma-zzarah houses the Greek word Virgo [Virgin] but this house system is recorded SHESNU [] or MaSem, this is where the albinos took their name from the biggest constellation in Dendera [Zodiac] Mazzo-reth [Reth = Roth] Rothschild a child of the Mazzoreth which they are not

Septe-mber is the 9th month and on the 9/11[its 2011 now and will be 2012 on that day which will be the new year or nu energy hence Virgo = virgin = pure nu NRG] of September, the poWRA is being restored to the 9th gate which is Ethiopia [Abyssinia] which is the wHOLY trinity, the poWRA of the elect [electron] Halley's comet is Hallie Selassie [they are here] [this is why the damn has busted in Sudan]

We had a crop circle yesterday that added to 144[hz] the dark sun is Septet [Sirius] which is ASet and we have the seven siStar system called Kiymah [Kee-ma] which they call the Pleiades [who are working for the Ashtar beings and are full of sh9t like Gina Maria who works for them] which is all Femi9 electron NRG

October is the final position of NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] who is being guided in by the 144000 who are a frequency

The Bible is not prophecy its an agenda learn the difference  
Boris is going to Scotland [Freemason = free the sons of Mary] for two-weeks on sum family break, sh9t coming up

Water is consuming the planet at an alarming rate and plasma meaning there is going to be one serious charging

Septet is the dark sun and will incarnate on 25.12.11 [25.12.2020] Heru [Her0]
This is the rise of the Femi9 Electron NRG

This fries your pineal gland

Water holds Kaa [spirit] in her W-Om-b [Yoni] + manifestation [Magi]
the Lionsgate has sealed whoever you are surrounded by, if your in a kamatic cycle that is it sealed, we had the opportunity to leave cycles, whether relationships, employment+, so we could start a nu cycle, timelines are speeding up by them, like they are trying make us miss dates [portals]
Lionsgate is about the divide, we will start to see the split, the 5D has spilt from the 3D
The spirit [Kaa] world is merging with this physical and to take it over, all those who are still in the physical [material] are about to have a real problem
November will see a lot of deaths, whether spiritual or physical
Block your mouth and you block the throat chakra thus you block your 3rd-eye [no light]
   With the increase in volcano and earthquakes means poWRA activation which will go full blown in October, that was a volcano eruption in Florida not a controlled burning
All is speeding up

You chakra are locked, whatever your on is it, if you have to reincarnate you will come back with all the things you hated and done, just so you can learn again, you have to graduate first here on Ki before you can anywhere else
Sleep is just to heal, your a sphere of energy, you don't and won't need sleep, if you only need 3-4-5 hours of sleep is a good thing, your on course

You will be entering your soul-contracts, whether you choose to stay here during this crucial time or to go to inner-Ki or to get back on NI.BIRU [Nemesis] system or to return back to the waters with the Nomos [mermaid] beings, each of those examples are frequencies that you have to match to get back to that realm, for example the darker [Kaanu] people can take the energy of three suns [which we are about to see and why the un-Kaanu are going underground], so you are likely from the cosmos, Nomos beings your gills [under your ears] will start to have feelings, your forearms, your true forms will be so interesting, the beings from NI.BIRU are many, many, like 144,000 different beings that include the Lemurians, Atlantians, the Tartarians, Annuanqi the Titans, the list goes on and on
The reason many of you can see the future is because you are in space and space is time and time is space

Awakening and activation is not one time, you never stop learning right, so is the same with awakening and activation, they are continuous, the more brain capacity you use the more you vibrate and this is why many died so young

buckle up because you won't be able to get off

what makes us stumble and fall

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