Thursday, 6 August 2020

Borrowed Time

See-line woman 

Much is taking place around you, stay grounded and focus, stay within resolute, look out for all
dis-tractions and look for the attractions  

The Moon had been on full power for the last three days and was red in places, the soular stream is streaming in making everything amplified on every level, we are heading into horrific has we have left terrible, things will only increase

If you wake up in a nu cycle give th-ankhs, did you drink a glass of water, were you able to eat today, did you have three meals, give t-ankhs because tomorrow is not promised to anyone and we are all on borrowed time [emit] you are on borrowed light 

Fruits and vegetation [Vega] do not come from the supermarket or the market, fruit and vegetation does not come from the farmers, fruit and vegetation comes from Nature [NTR] 

The Tama-Rean [NTR] over plant life is called Renenutet [Thermuthis] and her name translates nourishment, snake [Kundalini]
Renentet she who nourishes

In Renentet(s) infinite wisdom, she coloured koded all fruit and vegetation for a reason 

These Neteru [supreme beings] watches, guardians, providers are principle [gods] they are program writers, we give gratitude to their works, we do not worship to any of these supreme beings but we acknowledge their works [NRG]
These are Metu Netu enforces

Man-in-festation but we don’t see you in her

What you practice is what you manifest [Magi] repetitive application (practice) empoWRA’s the sub-conscious to create and bring forth the life you’ve always wanted

The conscious mind is yours, it is the sub-conscious mind that one needs to regulate, if you do not run your subconscious mind yourself, external conditions will run it for you, control your thoughts

As the wheel of life turns in the womb of the mother, and the breath of life enters them, as the disc of Dendera spins in the universe for each person’s appointed time for birth and rebirth

People will be coming and going we are in the moment, your time is coming, make sure you are putting in the real work for you are bailing out of here the same way you entered, by yoursCellf

Kalifornia is holding on - black means ready to go - charged areas of the planet 

57hz [two spikes]

NI.BIRU is connected to the planet, he-r holds her, the Godfather

The resonance vibration, which doesn't follow any fixed alignment and produces very fast conditional changes, even though there is no readings, she is amplified, remember this is a German machine that they are using to measure the planet, a man explaining what a woman is going through, what she is feeling and her emotions, you guessed it, this cannot be done, man needs to step down and let her do her thing
Mans rule ended [6,000] in case you hadn’t realised 
Isaias [Isiah] Double hurricanes this season, all are threatening and ending life, get ready for the number 9's  
We are traveling through the Akir [Lions] energy, the Akirs blood runs through your body
The ground is way hotter than the surface and the upper atmosphere is hot and that is why planes are flying lower and taking alternative routes

Radiation is the fire, your skin [9ether] is the biggest organ on your body [your skin has skin memory and repairs itself by itself]

The sun and your DNA [DEA] the children of the sun [Helios]

Trump is playing both sides, he is speaking in kodes, he is the warden of the prison but he is bringing the Cabal 250-year rule to an end, he is against the globalist 

China is finished

Weather systems, water [floods] and water retreats, heatwaves, explosions, and don't forget the forest fires [Australia, Siberia, Spain, Portugal, California, Amazon, France, Greece, Kiev (Chernobyl), Chile, New Jersey, Canary Islands, there are many
Earthquakes and volcanoes are still letting off  

Fire from the heavens [haven] is plasma spheres
The atmosphere is locked and loaded

When you see the headlines, scientists see unexplained behaviour on the sun, remember scientists is man and unexplained means that man does not know, there is no one for him to ask, he hasn’t been here before in a reSet, his audience is relying on him, tic toc  

upward lightning

A stunning video of massive upward lightning discharge in a storm near Mimice, Croatia yesterday
show this to your religious people, whether they are a Muslim or Christian or your science people and ask them to explain how lightening is going up and listen carefully

The universe is talking to us all, pay attention, stay on your cube [square] 720 

The Moon had been on full power for the last three days and was red in places and no one says nothing about this

That is the moon on the right of that huge planetary body [old images] 
[behind the moon, NI.BIRU and Re is the holographic worlds]
NI.BIRU does not pull up beside this planet until 2043, all those images are showing Red Kachina that travels with NI.BIRU  

To kill a virus the planet [body] must heat up to produce red cells that destroy the white cells

One plane-one horizon all day long than this BS, the earth is a flat plane because the earth does not curve but gives the impression that it is spherical

NASA have to prevent the masses from knowing this, just like the sun does not rotate how NASA show us, no one sees the backside of the sun just like the moon and the sun turns exactly like a clock and in a clockwise motion

Horizon- Horus-Heru-Haru- Horizon, Aton-Aten, Horus and Aten = Horoscope- Heru-scope
 Under Heru we were MaStars, under man you where a slave

water and fires around the world

Mumbai [India]
Since the eclipse everything has amped up  

water spouts with millions of mosquitoes’ form tornadoes across the sky of Kamchatka

They are doing this to themselves

The wicked shall be punished, even though the galactic federation and allies and alliance, the council of councils and more are all here they still continue, the wicked on this planet still proceed with total disregard

Belgium's financial hub [Congo Zaire] 

6 explosions have taken place in various parts of the world in less than 24hrs, they are becoming desperate
This is the work of your powers that be and not the guardians of this soular system 

Explosion at the Lanhua [Silicone] factory in #Wuhan, where they made their [CV19] and Adrenochrome or Drencrom

2 Ukrainian human trafficking ships, docked in Beirut hours before blast. While their main office was being raided by the FBI Beirut is a major port of human trafficking

From Ukraine to Israel 


The wicked shall be punished

These images pain to me to see but these and more are the many reason why this world must end, stop thinking about your sh9t life only, the world is bigger than you, this Roman Empire [Vampire] must be deleted from this planet because this empire is not from this planet, we do not want it here, all that is artificial must also be deleted because she did not create any of this

Last image was found on Hilary Clinton emails [is Hilary alive or is it the clone and the being inside the clone that is doing this] she was 15,
I keep a visual of all these children and release them in my thoughts, all these women and children that make my eyes glaze, while I get to breathe life, sumone ends theirs, the only way to completely end this is to recycle the planet
For lov9 and hate to exist, the world must come to an end
Help us end this, these images affect me for days, I force myself to read, watch what they do to strengthen myself when places around the world are getting destroyed, so I can reverse the emotions and be at ease to know why this world is ending    

the physical and spiritual war

This is not the police, sumthing else is in these suits, why the armour if its only against HuMins [HuMans]

East coast [USA] 

the Dragon on the left, cube in the middle and water being taken to be dumped in a city near you

The Galactic Federation is in Croatia - check the ARC 

The blue-ish [green-ish] orb is the life force of NI.BIRU

Ultra [Purple] 
Has we ascend higher in frequencies, the matrix will glitch, fabric of spacetime - the aether [ether] the 5th element

The fabric of this soular system was created by Neit [Nee-et] and translates to weave
This name Neit is the secret name for Neit [Nut-Noot] Nun [Nu] Amun [Amon] Amen [Amen ra] the universe is a [mesh] grid made of 0’s and 1’s a binary system holographic program

Immune-system [Im-Amun-e] a series of networks [nervous system]
Universe [Uni = together = to gather] [verse = against]

The digital route frequency is 216

This is a crystalline structure [looking glass] currenSea 


White [bright] holds all seven colours of the light spectrum, the sone of frequency, these are your light-kodes, you have to be under the sun, the poWRA is absorbed through your Crown [Purple] and filters through your 9 ether body to which you dispense through your hands and feet and is to why you have no Kaanu [melanin] in those region
Sun-gaze with or without your HuMin [HuMan] eyes open, this will refill your 3rd Ayin [eye]


3D is over, we are in the 4D going into the 5D, the ether is in there, the gap in-between is the horizon

As above
So below

Can you see the Green [Waji] field at the bottom

Soular flash coming, the Torus field is behaving like a portal 


The Galactic Federation and Alliance and Allies have assembled
Each with their own energy signature

all satellites and the ISS are held up by balloons

Spaceport 101

Computer chip on a circuit-board 
All ancient sites are connected [on-line]

Jerusalem [Heru-salem]

A.NU had many cities [abode, coasts, isles] all these cities where called E.ANNA [house of AN] 
AN is another name for ANU

E.ANNA is also called the Pure Sanctuary, also when the [gods] assembled on the planet Ki, they met at EN.LIL’s court at NIF.FUR [Nippur] a city given to EN.LIL and dedicated to him, and the main Iy [temple] in it was called E.KUR [Gaza] mountainous house or abode
Niffur (Nippur) Nif-foor [temple of EN.LIL] also known as Nibiru-Qi [Earth] Ki place of NI.BIRU

HQ for the elite, when the Annunaqi assembled here on Ki with the federation, 3 spaceports existed

Baalbek (Ba’albek) the ancient spaceport Lebanon [Libanon] Beirut

When I was growing up, I used to see Beirut getting bombed, the country looked like Syria today, we know why they wanted this important ancient site, why the UN and NATO permanently guard the area, there is also a Nephilian [Anunnaqi] who is encased in a cubed prison, they found him

The shuttle-crafts (Shams) were used by the ancient astronauts from NI.BIRU they chose Lebanon (Persian Gulf) to land for Ki [earth] was without form
The Persians in the movie 300 are the immortals who are actually the Ethiopians who numbered either 9,000 or 10,000 and they never died, they couldn’t be killed

Roman emperors erected over the original site their columns, sumthing that the Romans did time and time again around the world, so desperate was they to be remembered; but what is more significant is the archaeological remains

The Greeks knew the Sumerians had recorded the Annunaqi spaceport, and had been many times, Gilgamesh records space-crafts being launched from the landing place

Phoenician coins depicted a rocket on a launch pad, the launch facility is located on a platform, the ancient site of Baalbek had a stone platform, huge

North-western corner is the remains of the Jupiter Iy (temple) built over by the Romans is the platform with huge blocks rows and rows, perfectly shaped stone blocks weight, modern equipment for in this era cannot lift that type of weight

The weight of these blocks varies between 600-1200 tons, the weight is important because no-one in the construction industry today can replicate this building feat 

The quarry for these blocks are a couple of miles away, how did they move the blocks, how did they cut, shape, lift, place

Precision engineering, many a millennium+ ago, these platforms have stood the test of time, nothing is holding the blocks in place only precision and gravity and the knowledge that comes along with this technology 

Laser base cutting machinery was used, huge Supreme Beings once walked the planet with advanced equipment more than what we have today, this means the iron-age, metal age is very basic period, for the rest of the world was already building

The Annunaqi used this area for base to which they begin the process of replenishing the planet, the flood was to wash out the Nephilim

The whole area from the Gulf of Suez, Persian Gulf, all of the so-called middle east, all from Turkey to Iran to Iraq to Afghanistan to Baalbek, Mesopotamia [Sumerian][Alkebulan] is all Annunaqi [these beings], the Muslims hadn’t even reached the test-tube yet

Forget the Greeks and Romans ruins, the foundation of this site dates back to many a millennium+ these megalithic stones was once used as a Spaceport, a landing site for the Neter (Annunaqi)


The earlier collision between NI.BIRU (Neutron Star) and Ki [Tiamat, sphere of Water] meant that the genetic compatibility between the two was assured

As Chief Scientist, EN.QI [EN.KI] IN.KI was sent to the AB.ZU (South Africa) as it was full of potential scientifically

Man had not been created at this time, but the research for the creation had begun

EN.LIL was appointed to the E.DIN (Eden or Mesopotamia) as it was close to the spaceport in the Lebanon, as leader of the expedition it made sense for him to be there

The Earth [Ki] is a beautiful place for us as well as the other living beings in this soular System, the proliferation of aliens on Ki in the ancient past is not one of my areas that I like to endorse, I do know a lot about the Annunaqi, who controlled Tamare under the Neteru and Mesopotamia (Ethiopia) Aksum [Abyssinia]  

No other alien race or planet dominated the laws, sciences and the civilising of mankind as did the ANUN.NA.GI

The mining in AB.ZU was the primary reason that the Annunaqi  came to this soular system, operations began, they brought with them utility workers, technicians and operators of scanning and spacecraft equipment, specialized equipment, which can only be described as laser guided, advanced technology diamond cutting devices, also robots, AI and the utility workers who operated the robots, to mine the gold, they were huge beings, AB.ZU was simply known as the land below the equator, where the gold came from

Sumerian tablets tell us clearly that EN.QI established a base in the AB.ZU

At its peak it was larger than modern-day Johannesburg
It consists of well over 100,000 stone ruins still today, these were linked by ancient roads, EN.QI controlled his gold mining operations from here and the fortress of Great Zimbabwe was his headquarters,  EN.QI's Iy (temple, tomb, coast) is called E.ABZU [House of the Abzu]
The evidence of gold mining is everywhere in this part of the world, gold would be taken, by Shams (cylinder crafts) to Sheshqi or Sin or KUN.GU (Moon) and to LAH.MU (Mars, out-post) to be shipped to their home planet Rizq

There is a giant foot print that comes from AB.ZU, and is between 200million and 3billion earth years old found in South Africa, these beings have been here for a long, a real long time; it was located near the town of Mpaluzi, close to the Swaziland border, measuring 4 feet long

It is estimated to be between 200million and 3billion earth years old because of our current understanding of the formation of granites in Earth's history, this dating immediately causes great confusion, debate and argument - so I urge you to keep your mind open and focused

Discovered in 1912, in the remote area, at the time this was a deeply remote part of South Africa known as the Eastern Transvaal, teeming with wild life, including antelope and lions, it remains in the same condition as it was when first discovered

The footprint gives you an idea how tall, huge these beings were, the mining, before we were made, before the Nephilim, what we find which is better to be seen from the air, are over 20million of these mining site, at least 20million, they taught us that they were for cattle, yet no cattle (bones) were ever found for sites that number in the millions

Every site has a frequency within them, each circle has a frequency different from the rest, scared Anunnagi geometry was also being applied, we also find a stargate-portal-calendar nearby, EN.QI’s calendar [Adama]

The discovery of the oldest statue of the Hawk [Bir] Head of Horus [Heru], about 260,000 earth years old; petroglyphs of winged disks with a cross, and two Mir(s) aligned to EN.QI’s calendar and the rise of SA.HU (Orion), are forcing the elite to rewrite HuMun history, this is a flagship ruin at the centre of the largest and one of the most mysterious ancient city on Earth belong to the ruler of Qi Earth, EN.QI (EN.KI), the “calendar” was measured and found to be 2 degrees out of alignment, the supreme beings made a mistake>> no, the earth’s crust had moved

They spoke of conflicts between the Annunaqi about the mining, EN.LIL is working the utility workers 24/7, they become tiresome and they revolted, the ancient Sumerians records tell of an alternative, the creation of primitive beings Lulu Amelu or Abd, this is another reason as to why scientist can’t explain the real truth about the Homo Sapiens

Granite - it is a well-recognised geological part of South Africa and recorded on all geological maps - that is why this footprint is such an incredible mystery

It can be described as a phenocrystic granite or coarse porphyritic granite, that underwent several different stages of cooling, the result being an interesting mixture of large and small granules, this is why granite companies are keen to mine this area for granite because it will look really pretty when polished
In the official Geology of South Africa, there is an outcrop and is called Mpuluzi Batholith (Granite) and the official dating of this rock produced dates of around 3.1 billion years
Granite holds frequencies and nothing is stronger other than diamond

The Sumerian tablets tell us that this was a special place of observation built by EN.QI in the deep Abzu (South Africa) around 260,000 years ago, this batch of HuMins [HuMans] (now) are between 200-300,000, there are many creation points of the HuMin, we are brand new compared to our 3.5-6 million year old counterparts

The Iy was destroyed by the Anunnagi along with the spaceports

EN.QI is aging compared to the Anunnagi, whilst he is on Earth, the Sun is aging him, 1 day where they are from equates to a 1000years, in their nature state, they live for millions of years, they have the ability to extend life, and shape shift into whatever they desire, he wants to stay, the calendar was just that for him, it was also a star gate, portal, NI.BIRU’s passage is 3,600  only from SA.HU (Orion) to Earth [Ki] 

EN.QI also has another base, its entrance is at the North Pole (hollow earth) EN.QI resides in the ocean underneath the earth, which was an important place in Mesopotamian cosmic geography

EN.QI's temple E-abzu (house of the abzu), which was also known as E-engur-ra (house of the subterranean water) or E-unir, the entrance for the hollow earth is where we call today the North Pole, Greenland, Iceland and Antarctica

During the Anunnaqi, the land mast was different, a lot different than what it is today

We have EN.QI’S base in South Africa, another base inside the earth the entrance is in the North Pole (NASA tried to bomb the entrance, the footage is out there)

Note: accuracy over dates is one of the hardest points in history for me, this is that age that is this age, dates, times don’t add up in mainstream history, our timelines are all over the place, misinformation only breeds misinformation, this is all designed to keep us confused, just keep an open mind about the information

Its alright, let nothing block your way, the poWRA of the groove will see you through

Match the frequency of the vibration in a world full of sh9t, don't let no one dim that light in you, let nothing block your way

Survival mode means you are thinking, you’re not eating as much
A worried person is talking all the time, all day
A scared person is crying and talking all the time all day

You, you are quiet and thinking
Your whole mindset [mindframe] is going to change once we go live, stock up on tin goods, water, watch what your taking in, beware of your surroundings, your environment, people are watching people for the wrong reasons, do not underestimate anybody, stay in survival mode

Stay with the like-minded 

Stay focused, stay grounded

If I had the world

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