Experience versus intuition, there is a lot of
information out there, however if you don’t know how to assimilate that
information for what works for you, will defeat the purpose
The HuMin [HuMan] experience is over and you are no longer
down here for the experience, it is time to put what you have learned into
action, intention, know what that situation is and avoid it, how many times do
you need to learn that lesson type-thing is over
Implement those tools that you have and gained, so that
you can reap the benefits for yourself that you need for yourself
You gained information and experience and that worked for
you and you MaStared that tool and figured a way to apply it
Sum are looking way too far, of their practical ways of
their results, what should work for you and what shouldn’t work for you and the
moment you add the word should, it’s a problem because nothing is set in stone,
energy is constant, its fluid, it’s a currenSea, you are electrical beings, you
could be ice, water, gas or solid one moment to the next << so what works
for you today might not work for you tomorrow
Mix it up, learn new ways [nu Ptahs] of working, only you
will know what is working and what is not working
We are at the point where you do not need anything
outside of you and you really just need to listen to your intuition
The tools are there to aid you practicing how to listen
to your intuition just like the pendulum swing, switching for Quartz worked one
day and I just needed it like that for one day, sumtimes its like that
Eventually you only need to listen, be still and listen
to your intuition
When sumone says, I did this and it worked for me, that’s
kool but that worked for them, it might not work for you for a number of
reasons, you are to see and interpret what they did and mould your own way of
doing sumthing
Sum of us just see the mechanics of how sumthing works
and make our own custom-made version
The interpretation of sumthing will be different for
everyone and it is down to the user to find the Ptah-way that suits their
style, only the one that opens the way knows where it begins and ends, this is
also applied to the way that your interpret electrical signals around you, in
your environment, in your life, in your domain
What feels right to you, what resonates with you, what
lets you know that you are on the right Ptah or on your Ptah, these are your
signs to yourself
The more you are still the more you become aligned with
your tri-system, the more your mind sharpens, when the tool is blunt it cannot
be used, do not go against the grain
Do not limit yourself [Do not limit yourCells] based on
your thoughts, the key is to listen to your intuition
Pay attention to people that come into your life, why,
pay attention to those that trigger you, those triggers are what you need to
work on right now, be grateful to that person even if they hurt you, what is
the lesson in there, what do you know now that you didn’t before, always
reflect on what that experience is or was and move forward with you intuition
We learn from family, friends, a homeless person a
down-and-out, you can learn from your enemies do not attach to certain outcomes
for you are temporary, you are only here for a moment and you are not this
vessel, you are energy and this energy needs to be stoked
This person said that and they did this and blah blah
blah, where are you in all this, what do you know, what have you gained, where
is your perspective, where they are you are not and where you are they are not,
when they are not here no more what are you going to do
Your intuition gives you direction, who to be around and
who not to around,
Your experience is king [queen] to you, its to you, you
know not to touch the fire because you got burnt, you know now, so where is
your intuition that should be your king [queen]
Develop and grow in strength and this will allow you to
hear your intuition
You are your own point of reference, you are your own
lesson plan
Each new hour holds new chances, a new beginning, the
horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change
Electromagnetic pulses are going to affect many, the
planet is under the cosh, plasma [Khaybet] is everywhere
Offline is happening on a grand scale for many, the
magnetic changes will cause this to happen, the magnetic glitches will cause
issues with anything linked to their electrical grid, computers, internet,
phones lines, satellites+
Crafts are taking huge volumes of water and dumping them in desired areas around the planet, ground water is also coming up, this is a controlled event and so nature and her enforces will take the main lead, so shall it be done, she gave the entire warnings and you had a chance to make way
the UK will be flooded over the weekend we will wait to see how much, there is no escape from the floods, there is no escape from the heat, radiation can penetrate lead and sunlight or rays buildings
Plasma volts [bolts] are striking at an alarming rate around the world
Fires erupting at so-called-warehouses-factories which double up has sumthing else,
oil refineries going up in smoke, the infrastructure of this planet above ground and below ground has already been scanned, we are looking at Chess pieces being moved, your move
Binary into tri-system on the horizon
Taken in Turkey 23hrs ago
Crafts are taking huge volumes of water and dumping them in desired areas around the planet, ground water is also coming up, this is a controlled event and so nature and her enforces will take the main lead, so shall it be done, she gave the entire warnings and you had a chance to make way
the UK will be flooded over the weekend we will wait to see how much, there is no escape from the floods, there is no escape from the heat, radiation can penetrate lead and sunlight or rays buildings
Plasma volts [bolts] are striking at an alarming rate around the world
Fires erupting at so-called-warehouses-factories which double up has sumthing else,
oil refineries going up in smoke, the infrastructure of this planet above ground and below ground has already been scanned, we are looking at Chess pieces being moved, your move
Binary into tri-system on the horizon
Taken in Turkey 23hrs ago
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
We have a plasma exchange [pulse] incoming along with CME(s), this will be an emotional for many, these plasma exchanges and radiation exchanges and frequency changes are really going to affect peoples emotions, your brain waves are and have been altered, look at the Schumann, those are wave changes taking place, stay away from sh9t people talking about their 3D issues
Plasma translates to mould, figure, image and can be destructive as well as beneficial
The heatwave and water at the same time equals magnetic flux, the magnetic[Neb Heru] sun makes Ra go crazy, there is a false light [grid] in place, that has trapped these parasites in this particular sector of this plane [four sections to this planet] under the dome and under the dome these parasites crated their own false light structure
While the dome was put up many of us where sent in and out to clean up the virus, and what these parasites did was to create a false light electrical energetic dome under the dome, so when we came in we had to pass through this false light and get hit by their false light and this would erase us making us forget who we are, and what our mission was
So we would end up in the hollow dome, not knowing what we were to do, however that false light fell a while back for many
They truly did a number on us with the looping of time, but we are in a new paradigm, a new plane and we know now, we remember
As soon has we wake up [activate] and we erase them, we balance the force, the grid will come down, their false light will come down
The dome was put up so that the virus wouldn't infect the rest of the realm, when we all become one, in their Bible in Revelation it says sumthing like, the sky will peel back like a scroll >> that would be the dome opening up, we can see this in places already, this is what is meant by 5D [5G] the dome coming down, and we can to connect with the rest of the realm
This is a positive experience because this stimulation taught a valuable lesson but we still need to clean up ourselves within ourselves
We were never that prefect and we had all that dark-side in us, we needed to brought down a beg or two, many of us still think that we are the best thing since slice bread
This is a mirror reflection of who we are inside and this is a fliter, this stimulation and was to filter out all of us, even the 9 ethers who any will be stripped of their golden right, there will be 6 ethers who have earned their right to be given the golden right
When we go live once again, when we are fully connected once again everything will flow once again and we will have pioneer beings here on this planet for the new foundation
There is no good and evil, I'm not talking about evil like that but has living souls, we weren't evil but were totally naive, you didn't overstand the concept of doing wrong, is there a wrong and right, yes there is, that thought process exists and we had to go through it
At the end of the day, its what thoughts do you choose to follow, there is an indigenous story, you have two wolves inside you, which one do you choose to follow, what wolf do you choose to feed the most
All A.NU was looking for is the balance soul, the moral soul, one thing that I have noticed about the most-high is that he all he wanted was peace, he married many beings to keep a balance
Its positive and negative polarities energy flows, not good and evil, can you balance the two is all that was required, you could take the energy and use it for evil or angelic is one side and in the middle is the realm called satanic and one the other side is demonic, that is the same thing
The negative and positive is still one energy, its how you chose to use it that is being judged, sum just choose the dark-side [demonic or evil or negative side]
You were to balance out the energy, you were to receive the lessons has they came to you, you were to disseminate the light codes has they came to you, you had to crawl before you could walk and sum just wanted to walk
Don't go down the left-hand Ptah, stay on the right-hand Ptah, stay on the right angle and become an angel of the light, we all have choices to make, choose wisely because each choice you make is being recorded
The final part of this stimulation is that we become a collective, we become one, will we become one, can this be done, so shall it be done
Humble yourself
This is a scene where one of the boys decides to end the negative Ptah that he is on and walks in the right Ptah [take out the religious part] and when he chooses correctly nothing can touch him] he is beyond the negative flow [energy]
New Moon phase
Moving Forward
Faith [Forever Always In The Heart]
Fresh Start
Your Potential
Dreams [Visions]
We have sum poWRA-ful energy coming in and this NRG is
gaining momentum
With this energy coming through makes it easier to create
the reality you’re dreaming [visualising] of, it might take sum work but you’re
not quite yet there but soon everything will starting coming together
At this time emotions are building up to the point you
need to release
The Universe [Omega] wants you to ask yourself
She is saying you could either keep meditating [Istal]
and focusing on your desired outcome or you can make the commitment to take
more practical steps towards your goals
Just know that you’re heading in the right direction and inner-stand
that the situation has full of potential
Your dreams can come true but you need to review your
goals and stay committed
Keep moving forward
Work through your fears whatever you’ve been through,
there’s a new start ahead
The road is long, with many of winding turns
That lead us to (who knows) where,
But I'm strong, strong enough to carry him [her]
It might be dark but the energy will be deep and
transforming, so it’s a great night to use your magic [magi]
A lot of people will be horny, so watch yourself with the
scared energy exchange
If you are holding sum type of grudge, it is time to move
on from jealousy because it’s not getting you nowhere, if you’ve been obsessive
over sumone or sumthing this can make you paranoid, let go
Death and rebirth
I-know these times could be dark or even scary but it’s
to face these shadows and work through them so you can get to the light and be
the light that you are
Under no circumstances should you let anyone dim that
light in you
Go in peace and let peace guide you
The Golden [Phi] Ratio is 9
5ive-star is the Femi9 energy
Ace of Clubs
In Nature [Na-Ta-Ra] we trust
Namaste [Na-Ma'Star] we see the N.TU in you
Know the process and become part of the evol-utionary
number 9
Evol [lov9] is the frequency
The concept of the scientist versus the framework that you
must destroy, the illusionary world cannot give you your reality, only you can
This illusion is built upon your dream and there is
nothing in this dream realer than what is in your mind
A magical act without a physical result is not magic [Magi] otherwise it fails and this is because you haven’t convinced your own subconscious mind that its real [real-ity] [reel-ity]
all these rituals and mantras and the deities that you do
is just to feed the left-side of your organ so that the right-side can create
the creativity, the intuition and the knowing portion of the subconscious mind
and then the reality will change [you change reels on your camera projection]
You will see what you need to see even if no one else
sees it, doesn’t matter, no one else needs the co-sign with your reality, use
your own logic and reason by all means, live accordingly but watch what you are
coming to terms with in agreements with the illusionary world over it
You are supposed to go a little insane with it and what I
mean is that people won’t see it your way anymore because you are stepping
outside of the boundary, stepping off of the left-hand Ptah, stepping out of
routine, we are not talking about good or bad, you are steeping out of routine
thought which makes it magical
Once the entire thought becomes routine and the
subconscious mind agrees with it, then it becomes >> normal <<<
So normal no longer becomes magical, using a Cell phone
in the 80’s was magical, using the Cell phone today is normal
If I said to my mum in the 80’s we are all going to be
walking around in the 2000’s with touch-cell-phones, she would say, what for, I
haven’t got nothing to say to you that couldn’t wait until 6pm when I see you,
but now our reality is Cell phones, killing the magical, why because its normal
Why be like them, be different and think differently [As
a Man I thinketh it] the objection is to think outside of the cube [box] to
think in a different content
Step out of the framework
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