Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Alpha Dragon

The Roman Vampire Empire is over

This is in Rome [Roman] Roma and was built on another planet and brought here, they also had private rooms for child sex called paedophile, I want to explain who the people were that they threw to the barbaric themes that they brought to this planet and who these Christians really were so that when sh9t hits this planet you know exactly why the recessive genes are being punished, slowly but rapidly [remember the Mafia back the Vatican and also child slavery, child traffic, child sex, child ritual murders, your mafia Dons are all part of this set up] 

What will it take for us to be free in this time, the first initial step that we have to take is to free you mind and the rest will follow

The Akir [Lion] of Judah [Yudah] and the Nazarenes and the Roman invasion

So, this Jesus character is a made up person made by your Emperor Con-stan-tine [I-stan-bal] by Rome, after the assassination of your man Cesar, four Roman generals went to war for control of Rome, Constantine was one of them and he made a pact with a solar-cult that if this solar-cult fought along with him and his army and if he won, he would make their religion the national religion of Rome, this solar-cult worshipped their god called Seraphs and Constantine won and made their god the god of Rome aka the dog of Rome 

That religion is what you people called Christianity today, same shitty religion from then is now, this solar-cult copied all of their doctrines from the Nazarenes

The Nazarenes [image] the original followers of Christ [KRST] has it is written in your Bible, grow your locks, all the days of vows [the book of Numbers 6v6, it tells you what you need to do if you want to be a follower of Christ, you take the Nazarene vow]

You have to let the locks of your hair grow, you cannot cut your locks and let your beard grow, no meat or milk 

The false Christians [Romans] stole all this information and turned the Akir [Lion] of Judah [the Kings of Kings, Lord of Lords] Kebra Nagast (Negus) the Conquering Akir (Lion) whom they call Jesus and copied the same title from the Emperor of Ethiopia [Abyssinia, Lalibela. Aksum] HIM [225] 9 [ever-willing, ever-lasting] 

Abyssinia [Ethiopia] is the tribe [Lion] of Judah and the KMT [Egypt] Lion are one in the same
6 mile warehouse under the Vatican that houses everything from your history

The Romans stealing and looting
Thy stole Tartarean history and turned into Roman bullsh9t, they took the 225 Emperor and his bloodline of Karast [Chist] Christos [Kristos] into this one character you call Jesus which means little Zeus [and Zeus is still an Annunaqi member- he is here now to see what his creations have done to this planet and will be punished] in Spanish their man Jesus is pronounced Heyzeus and this is the false god of Rome

Today you can still see many following the pagan doctrine of Rome, there is nothing that we can do to save them, many will be born back down here until they get it right, so we have to say fu9k them and let the dead bury the dead, they still put up Bible verses and always quote from Revelations from a book that was written by man for man sum 3,000 years ago and despite that the energy has changed since then, they still hold onto that book, you will die by it

The Romans stole the lifestyle of the Nazarene people, they said that they were throwing Christians to Lions, it wasn’t albino Christians, it was the Nubian people, the dreadlocks people, the Nazarenes

Rome made these peoples lifestyle into their religion

The 12 tri-bes of Israel or Judah or Sheba, you have to keep in mind that Tartarean had 12 regions and that the chosen ones are giants and are the real chosen ones of Tartarean of Kush of Ethiopia, these people have done a real number on you 

 The chosen people of god are not albino people living out in the desert of J[H]erusalem, from the hottest place on Ki, you know that the highest rate of skin cancer is in Israel, the highest rate of skin cancer, Israel use to be the second but now it’s the first place in the entire world and who lives in Israel, the Jews, it is impossible for you to be the chosen ones, it is impossible for you to be remotely chosen and Re is burning you a nu asshole, come on now

The chosen ones are the children of the sun or the children of hel-ios [hell to you]

 This is a Karbon-based universe with a dark-NRG-sun that you need Kanu [melanin] to be here and a soul and the albino is Karbon [Carbon] recessive and that includes the entire other races on this planet apart from the 8 and 9 ethers, the albino does not produce Kanu in their pineal gland

Jesus died for my sins or they say they were born into sin, repent, really, get the fu9k off this planet and take that monkey sh9t with you  

Look at all the titles of the emperors and all have Judah in them, Constantine made up your bullsh9t at the council of Nicaea in 325AD, no Roman is a Kushite and no Kushite is Roman, no Roman can or ever will have that title

This is supremacy, supreme  

Castle is from the Ethiopian word Kastle and means dwelling in the sand, they built all the Kastles in European and that includes the Tower of London and all the rest up and down Europe and in the 9th gate 

The 9th gate is Ethiopia to Sudan to Somalia, up to Egypt, and the whole of the top end of Alkebulan [Africa], the British tried to blow the castles up in Alkebulan for obvious reasons 

Sedjet[NeTjer] [Enneads] 9

The Vortex can be opened by extra-terrestrials from the 6[D] density from their time reference
One such incident occurred on June 6, 1966, which was the birth date of 13 sons who were born to the Devil, all types of malevolent beings came through to Ki [Earth] during this time

Apophis [Apep] children are called Satan, Anzu, Shaytaan, Dragon, Devil, Lucifer, Ibliys, Jaan and Azazel, the 9 principles of the adverse forces

Positive forces are Atum children who are called Sutukh, Nebt-hut, Aset, Asaru, Nut, Geb, Tefnut, Shu and Re

And the arch angles [angels] are Gabriy’el, Uri’el, Uzzi’el, Rapha’el, Izraa’el, Zamar’el and Miyka’el, and originally there was also 9, but two fell, Azazel and his son Sama’el, of your Bible and Koran

These heavenly host are actual beings and are existing beings that governs all the various moods and vibrations that distinguish different levels of energy that manifest [magi] as life
They guard the energies and are protectors of the energies

The Elysian Fields

The SekhetAaru aka the Elysian Fields of the Kammau [Ancient Khami]Egyptians
The Greeks call SekhetAaru Elysium (Greek: Ἠλύσια πεδία) and was a section of the Underworld [Amduat] (the spelling Elysium is a Latinization of the Greek word Elysion)


#ALPHA-#BET is a compound word with 3 syllables
The first of the 2 words is #ALPHA
[1] ALPHA is a word that comes from and means the same as ALEPH which corresponds to APIS the BULL [KAU] which is a symbol of ASARU which also has the letter #A symbol

The Letter #A symbol comes from the KaMeTic [KMT] MTR NTRsymbol of the bull-head horns (look it up) the word ALPHA corresponds to the Bull head and horns

[2] #BETand #BETA as well as BETH is originally the KaMeTic [KMT]word for House called #HET as in
HET-HAR [Hathor] are the House of Haru

The word ALPHA-BET means House of the Bull and Horns

The horns on top of the Bulls head is a symbol of the Kaa [Ka], the horns on top of the head are symbolic of the outstretched arms of the Kaa [Ka] and sitting on the head is a sign of pure consciousness, and another reason the crown was on top of our heads to show you are enlightened and in-touch with our ancestors [Salafu] [SaLaF-U] and the PaaNaTuRu [NeTjer]

Higher mind [Khu] is called Sakhu [the connection to the universal mind]

The Bull run in Spain is a direct piss take on the sacred Bull, they used the [black] Bull for a reason, nature is here and will repay the compliment

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

This is Red-Iron-Oxide




NIBIRU is coming from the spiritual world into the physical world, the planet is already in the 9D 
NIBIRU is bending time = light, they have tilted this soular system, the planet, the moon, the sun and the entire soular system for their desired outcome, we are under the StarStations supervision, the MaStar key [the kode breaker]  

NI.BIRU there are many other names for this Star-Station, this is the chosen chariot [vessel] of a group of Supreme Beings, who are also Guardians and Providers of many Soul-ar systems

This is our magnetic sun, the one they fear the most, Re (Sun) has pushed back further to make room for NIBIRU who will rule the Northern skies and Re the Southern skies 

NI.BIRU is a cube that whence is in motion the Star-Station revolves and rotates, and creates an orb, giving the impression of a globe or planet structure

The word NI.BIRU is from the ancient Sumerians as found in the Chaldean, Accadian, Aramic and Ashuric as NA.BARA (Nabara) to raise, to elevate, to go up

The Star-Station(s) is came from another dimension, the spiritual dimension, for NIBIRU is a spiritual craft and is stripping this dimension down and upgrading it to theirs in order to meet the requirements, number9

In physical appearance the composition of NI.BIRU is; antenna at the top, 1 of 4 stones, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, placed at the top part of the craft, soular panels the size of pin heads, top and bottom

4 magnetic force areas (they look like panels) the panels are in the middle part of the craft with the Emerald stone in the centre, in the middle is around the cube is a magnetic conductor, hologram beam at the base
Jupiter sized+, cloaking device, crystal top frame, then middle splits and the bottom also has a crystal frame+

The Star-Station is emitting a pulse that you feel, sense the Soul Master, not through sight, the human-eye-sight, it is the inner minds eye

The same coordinates as the EKUR (Giza) are the same for light-speed to which NIBIRU travels at 

NI.BIRU does have an environment, only those genetically calibrated for transformation and transfiguration will be transported there and have already 

NI.BIRU is multi-dimensional, holographic, cubed, Tetrahedron, Metatron [Maat-elec-tron] Mir (pyramid) shaped Star-Station, they can form any shape within their sacred geometry that they brought with them

There are more than one NI.BIRU(s), 6-8 satellites also shadow the main Star-Station, making nin9 when in unison

#Also known by;
Neb Heru
#Merkaba chosen vehicle of the elite [spiritual vessel]
#NBERU (Throne)

There are many names of the same source, reflecting the different time periods, different interpretations from the different cultures and civilisations that recorded and interacted with the Supreme Beings [Neteru]

Anunnaki [Annuaqi] Anu-Naga [Annunagi] is just a name and translates these beings and there are many, many beings within these beings

Since the Star-Stations reintroduction to this Soular System, that is named the 18th-Draco System, they have been guided in by the 144,000, plus 144, souls who are a frequency, who are managing the Star-Stations final approach, there are no crew members sitting at the forefront or at captains log of NIBIRU, they have been in and out of time zones, realms, expanses and dimensions since they got here, these are entities, spiritual MaStars, ether-beings, nin9 level, the highest number in the
un-iverse, [Nu] universal number9, they are at (God) level status which is superior supreme level, they are not here to serve us, we go to source

The craft emits a pulse, a frequency, that you tune into,yes we can see the StarStation, the dimensions of this world have been upgrading, sumat a different rates depending on which four corners of this world

The upgrading is being done to match their dimensions, the upgrade applies to you, you do not use your human eyes to see NIBIRU, and at any rate you they are emitting a pulse, frequency, tune-in and drop out, inner-eye meets red-eye

We are involved in a soul evolution it’s not a revolution, we have been here before, all is merging into one

NIBIRU has locked this soular system down, no-one or being is leaving, the Galactic Federation and alliance and allies and all those involved in the Adama [Kadmon] project are present and are streaming over the skies because they own it, a stand-off had been occurring, the Vatican and NASA had been in dialogue, after top secret you have 38 levels, above that is a handful to 30 mixed beings that have made Ki [earth] their home, unfortunately, they are not from nature and so must leave and take their off-spring

The Annunaqi [AnuNaga] want to walk the earth, many of us are still trapped here, many cannot break rank, the elite members are still here but Ki must be purified before this can happen

SA.HU (Orion) Septet (Sirius) SIB.TU, there is a huge amount of activity taking place, the Gateway is surrounded and protected, no-one is leaving, the only way out of here is through Sahu and the sun [multidimensional portal]

The three stars or three Ki-ngs are from the 19th galaxy, this is a holographic Gateway

The revolution will not be televised

Portals, dimensions are merging into one


Matrix breakdown


[U]ltra[V]iolet [C]osmic] rays-waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], energy is being blasted into the core of Ki, from the purple backlight

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called;

[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu [Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

Even in their Bible their God was the highest Sun at 12:00 [12:01], this Sun is called within the Triad of Re [Atun-Re] who is none other than Asaru [EN.QI] IN.KI

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]

[1] Atun (6am sun) [2] Atum (12pm sun) and [3] Amum (6pm sun) who are the scientific equivalent of the 3 Cosmic Ray or lights called [1] Ultraviolet LIGHT [2] Gamma Ray Light [3] X-Ray which are called the Cosmic light, or black-light and they correspond to the PaaNaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet

[1] Haru [2] Asar [3] The Hidden One

You need to be learning about UVC

We are on 11+ on the UVA index, the colour Purple, UVC is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE GROUND, DO YOU GET THAT, they do not have the readings for UVC because its not supposed to
be on the ground, only 15mins you should be out there for or you will
get radiation sickness, the UVC is mutating your DNA and everything that is living on
this planet, animals and plants and you, this is your seven-year tribulation because your blood-cell is splitting, it takes seven years which ends this year 2012[2020]
We have been on 11+ since June 8th
Water and heat is going to destroy you, the sun is natural and yet he is burning many, why is that, sulfur based beings now smell, you can smell the sulfur pouring out of them, very foul, its the UVC that is hitting this planet and is destroying all the recessive genes, the sun aka Ra is showing you this, Ra will no longer allow them to be out in the daytime
Records are being broken has nature and her forces destroys all that is foreign on this planet

Have you seen the amount of animals being born with pigmentation

There is a magnetic force in AB.ZU [South Africa] that is destroying all artificial life

There was a reason why Will Smith played that role in I AM Legend, it was not the
virus but the vaccine that they gave the people that messed them up [World War Z] is coming to you from you
You have two options, one is to take a shot or be shot

Whether this is real or not, the threat is real
[two ways to pull Martial Law, medical and terror]

Hexagon [fiv5-star] I had a dream [vision] about the Hexagon wave that is coming in
[90 degrees everywhere] we are passing through the 9 frequencies

This is the symbol for Femi9 Electron NRG [she is here]
  The same frequency that Venus passage is around Re 

The half-inch long flies, which usually are found in the country have invaded the cities during the lock-down, congregating around pools, ponds, and gardens.

First came Brexit, then Corona and now the UK Faces hordes of Disease-Ridden Horse Flies 

Rio Grande do Sul

USA SunSet 
What the fu9k is going over there in the USA

How is California still standing, all them nests and the underground bases and underwater entrance is over there, tic toc 


Shit coming, the last eclipse = do you see what is going on, sh9t just went up a couple degrees
Big Trouble in Little China [you are fuc9ed now]
Headaches, body problems, alcohol sales are hitting the roof, murders, all of it, name it
more and more people are off-key, tension is at a all time high 
You had 3-4 months to stimulate your mind and you did fu9k all, those are the people you
have to be wary of, both races, when hunger kicks in that is when the sh9t will go 100%
eco-systems are and have shut down, that is your war 
Water is filing up this planet, water carries charges [CurrenSea] the frequency wave is coming in
Photons are changing the planet 
We are in 4D on the cusp of 5D 
Childrens pineal glands are being hit with lasers 


Stay grounded and away from sh9t people, watch your neighbours for they are watching you, stock up on what you can if you have children
Control your mind and what goes in and out, let the emotions play out, sad, hapi, crying, let 
it flow, we are in 4D going into 5D, those who talk sh9t are still in he 3D and that is where 
they are staying and will go down with that system, stay away from dildos 

The shift is the real deal Evandar Holy-field, get with the right field or maybe you cannot, what does
that tell you, get your Khu right and get on the wave, shift with the paradigm  


It's no coincidence that in a short span of 7 [tribulation] years, the USA experiences 2 total soular eclipses and two annular eclipses all within the 2017-2024 window
And in the midst of this window the US is now more polarised and disjointed than before
The beast must be made headless and the 2012 is complete [we are in prophecy]
The June eclipse is also in affect and will match the USA eclipse and we can see these places are being destroyed

Last year was terrible and now we are inside horrific, I read that when the Titanic was sinking after being torpedoed the band played music and acted like nothing was happening, same now, the reptilians and their mixes are carrying on like nothing is happening and clapping for what exactly
If you call that dignified then so be it, however you want to bail out of here will not change this outcome

USA [Eagle] Alkebulan [Lion] Russia [Bear] India [Cobra] China [Dragon] all beasts shall submit or be destroyed by the Red-Dragon  

Look around you, the earthquakes started outward and now they are inward, to destroy a virus you must kill it from within

The Vatican, Egypt and the Middle East and J[H]erusalem have all received earthquakes 

We have entered a new 7 year tribulation with the MaStar key, sh9t is going to get real horrific


Same test 29.6.2020 for Europe and the US

Are you ready 

Chakra energy colours [radiation] 

Control the skies you control the planet
The supreme Dragon

This Dragon [Dagan] being is watching you

Eye in the sky

Sitting off of the coast of the USA
What is it [man-made]

Weather cells everywhere

24hrs a day, 360 days since they assembled [2011] 

they are watching and observing you in chakra colours [rainbow] the colours
that you are emitting from your body in your shield [halo] aura

The Grand Canyon is the reflection of KMT, the Mississippi river is the reflection of the Nile river which extends to space, the knowledge came from the west, west KMT which is in the USA which is known has Atlantis

Wahanee [Golden City]

the planet is a Femi9 entity and her avatar is the turtle

James Gates
There are many levels to consciousness [KANU]
Knowing that your governments are spraying the skies is just observation, learn
the difference  

Tama-re [Ta] Ki-earth [Ma] land-water [Re] Ra Sun
Geb Ki [the body]
Nut Sky [the mind]
Asaru [vegetation]
Aset red blood cells [corpuscles]
Seth ignorance
Nebthoot white corpuscles

Asaru and Aset begot Heru, symbolic of the sun in the sky, Asaru and Set[Sutukh] wife Nebthoot gave birth to Anubu, symbolic of death, this copulation is what bred the jealousy that caused the death of Asaru by Sutukh, same with Kadmon [Adam] who is also the son of Atum and Lillith, the father of Cain and Abel whose true name is Kadmon

America [including South America] the name is Quetzalcoatl
Africa [Alkebulan] the name is Wadjet
Asia the name is Naga
Gnostic occultism [hidden] the name is Ouroboros

RNA is your Soul [Baa]
DNA is your Spirit [Kaa]
DEA is your celestial ingredients 

Feather [Shu]
[Ab] this is the spiritual heart of yours [Ab means father also]
[Hati] this is the physical heart of yours

This crown with the sun-disc sitting in between the horns was the crown of TaWaRet [Tawaret], the daughter of Ta-Wa-Ret are the Mitochondrial Mother who produced life on Ki [Earth]
The 9 ether wombman only carries and inherits the Mt DNA 

You have a Navel [Belly Button] because a Wombman came before you, think about it

ASET, NEB-HET-BET, SEHK-MET, HET-HAR+ are all daughters of Tawaret including every Kanu [Melanin]Wombman on this planet

Tawaret translates the Mighty One, Mother of the Deities [Neteru]

The MESSEH [MASSIAH] YaShu'A KaRast [Christ]
Messeh [Mes-she] to anoint

KING TUT-ANKH-AMUN had portions of his life merged with Haru, Asaru and Tahuti [Tehuti] then altered to recreate the Greco-Romanized characters Hermes and Zeus

There is a lot more about King Tut that most people have no idea about
They say he died at 9 years old and other Europeans say he only ruled for 9 years, which one is it, make up your mind, but the number 9 or 9 ether is always involved, the number of PoWAR, birth and creation

The birth of what, the creation of what, who was the real Neteru Tut

[1111] Aset-Asaru duel energies [SAT]


The [Ba] is your higher-self, it is called your Oriorun [Ori-orun] in Yoruba, the Kemetic word Ba is the etymological source for the word Baba [meaning father in many Alkebulan languages]
It is your higher self (Ba) that is the father (Baba) to you

Khonsu Nok
Kushite-Kemetic Spiritual Science

The word Gospel [Ghos-spell] means ghost spell or spell of the ghost, which is the same as the spell of God

#Kamu [KMT] is older than #Mesopotamia [UT.NA.FISH.TIM] and they run parallel at one stage

The Original Kushite [Ptahites] migrated from out of the Hopi-Nile valley civilization straight out of Kamu [KMT] Khami into Mesopotamia and set up the first 7 Ki-Nd-Domes which are

[1] Lumera [Lemuria] [2] Salan [3] Mu [4] Kadesh [5] Napar [6] Elkebalon [Alkebolon] Alkebulan and [7] Tuwa [Tewa] Tawa

Asar or AsaRu was called Osiris by the Greeks and Oden by the Viking or the 6 Kings of the Scandinavian Mt = 6 Kings [VI KINGS] aka Vikings [there was never ever any Vikings] 

   [n T r]

Three versions of the word NTR [n T r] = Neter, Nature, NaTaRe, when we use Nazdiru, Neter [N.TU] it is Nature, and in Hebrew its Natar, which translates to guard to cherish, from Chaldean Net-ar, to keep, to retain, and it also exist in Arabic as Nazdiru, na-ta-ra, observer watch, look over, look at.
So, the words in Hebrew and Arabic came from Egiptain Nazdiru, watches which became nature.

Three flags that were used for the Nazdiru, you see the triple flags at the Iy of ASet, so Nazdir is Watcher = Nature

[1] You are number one
[2] You will not offer yourself anything that hurts
[3] Offend no-one nor anything

The GIG is UP

Even in their Bible their God was the highest Sun at 12:00 [12:01], this Sun is called within the Triad of Re [Atun-Re] who is no more than Asaru.

if #I was #YOU and #YOU was #ME, who would WE BE= #FAMILY

ENKI was from a planet MELDEK (Malek) his mother was also, ENKI is not of full royal-bloodline, he is mixed race, ENKI moved with rest of the REPTILIAN ANUNNAKI to the 19th galaxy and stayed on the planet RIZQ with the 9 species of RIZQARIAN who are the Paa NaTuRu = NrTjers 

#I #AM within #THE #ALL and #THE #ALL is within #ME
Come with #ME and eye will show You #Paa #Taraq [the way]

Modern maps call this country where this Iy [coast-isles-abode] is, Belize, and KMT writings give a place the same name Belbeis

n T r


The [God] of your Bible, your Koran and Torah is a wombman, every language are dialects that comes from the UNO BI and trilateral root dealing with language formation

Example; MTR NTR is MeTeR NeTeR = Mother Nature  
NPT is NaPaTa or NWB = NuWauBu

#RHM in the Koran or Torah is corresponding to a wombman and not any type of man

Raheen [RHM] Rhem = to love, vulture
RaHaM RaHeeM RaHiM all hold the trilateral RHM corresponding to womb, RaH'Mah- cares, mercy, these are the attributes of our 9 ether mothers
RaHiMa = sympathy, RaHMan = compassionate, AL RaHiM and RaHam = womb

All of these words are corresponding to the wombman who is Allat and was changed to Allah, the T is Femi9 and the H is masculine, in Islam they say they seek refuge in Al-RaHMan which holds the RHM also

Mohammad’s last name was Abdullat not Abdullah, this is the reason why the Muslim have the breast as a symbol of Aset and also Sheba or She-Ba meaning woman-soul and he was a she

Hebrew = RaHeM means womb
RaHaMim = cares, mercy
RaHMi = womb
RaHaMma, RaHuM = woman is [God]

Revolutionary group who fought against the Roman armies, Essenes, the truth of who they truly were and not what the Romans and their religion was saying who they were

#ESSENES roots is ASR [the soul essence] from the word A'SIYR [juice] taken from USIR, ASAR or A-SA-RU [watcher] and with this exist the [NaSaRe] or [NaSaRa] = aider or helper, which comes from NaSaRa or Nazdhir [guardian] which is found as Mazzaroth which is the head of the constellation of Inuk = Dendara

This is the reason the Illuminati RothsChild’s family changed their last name to ROTHs-child calling themselves the head family dealing with the Albino Reptilian Bloodlines, just as the MazzaROTH is the head of the constellation of the INUK-DENDARA which they are not, we the 9 and 8 ether Nagar-U are the head

  Being One
Istal [Mediation]

When you speak or chant during meditation this is called a Matra or Madra, using your fingers during meditation is known as a Mutra or Mudra

The first one in the form of the letter B, index to thumb is Knowledge = Air = Breath of Life

The second one is the middle to thumb is for Wisdom = Earth = Dieting

The third one is the ring finger to thumb and is for Vitality = Water = Nurturing  

The fourth one is the Pinkie to thumb and is for Communication = Fire = Building Aura

We must learn to mediate at least once a day, it is actually 3 times a day for at least 30seconds to 3mintues and that is until you get stronger and come with us for an hour or more

Upgrades, clarity, configurations, instructions, downloads, when you also have your mind on standby this allows the background checks, tasks, maintenance to take place  


#ANNU is the true name for the city the Greeks called Heliopolis (city of the sun) and the Capital of the 13th Nome of Lower KHMT

Hebrews called this place out in (Genesis 41:45) and (Ezekiel 30:17) and Beth-Shemesh (Jeremiah 43:13) the last name is an exact translation of the KaMetic #Re House of the Sun

The city of ANNU is associated strongly with high honour and respect to the Sun-Re in predynastic times

The deceased made their way to ANNU, where souls were joined unto bodies in thousands (reincarnation) and is the place the deceased lived in, the celestial food forever

The ANNU people were 4ft to 4.3 maybe 4.5ft and were known to possess strong spirit poWRA of the Universal nature, they are the BaTwaDeneg = Tahites

BaTwaDeneg was also associated with the TWA which is our connection to Bes and Besu the first KaRast [Karast] Christ

El Shaddia was the so-called God of Israel right, wrong, El is a Sumerian word not a Hebrew word

When you say ELi with the i on the back of it, it makes it personal like in My El

The letter [i] is in reality is the Yod symbol behind El, so the [i] or Yod behind the word Shadd makes it personal, also you have Shad or Shadd + [i] making it you’re for you

I = 9

What does Shad or Shadd mean, #SHADD means demon and when you add the [i] it's your personal demon, look it up

They will use their Yiddish Dot system to try and trick you with the word Shad and say no Shad means breast and Shed means demon and Shod means Havoc, but that is bullsh9t because you can only do that with English, and not so-called Hebrew [Habiru] Nibiru 

The Dalet or Delta and Shin below is the spelling for Shad and Shod and it means demon, El Shaddi means (God) my personal demon or El Shadi, Shadad means plunder, overpower, make desolate and Shaddai means destroyer and is the (God) of Israel
This (God) is a war-god, not one of peace and life, but in death and destruction

JERU-SALEM is in reality is HERU-SALEM, the letter J did not come out until the Mid-1500s and the idea was captured from the Islamic letter ZAAY

In Spain the J sound is pronounced as if it was a H sound as in Jesus being pronounced HEY-ZEUS.
JERU-SALEM would not even be connected to the Hebrews in the first-place bus the word Salem is Arabic and not Yiddish Hebrew

HERU-SALEM in reality is in KAMET and was called A-Khat-Aton = the city where the most-high dwells, which we affectionately call A-Mir-Na

Honorary Transposition is simply transporting the first MeTut/symbol behind the second MeTut /symbol when you speak it in tone

Example: SUT-YN becomes NY-SUT and RE-SAA becomes SAA-RE (sun/son of Amun/god) 

You fu9ked with the wrong people, their parents are here and are assembled, you stole their hiStory
and made them the reason for your existence, the frequency change means that everyone is 
conscious even if neither race is talking about it, the more each day [cycle] comes the more poWRA-full they become and the weaker the other race [recessive] becomes, there is only one outcome

You started the war when you invaded this planet 
We are in the month of July which is the month of Judah, their most-high is here

This was a test and is the very last test
2012 [2020]

Stay grounded and focus

Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...