The world stage is now set, the performance of your
lifetime, Oscar nominee, have you noticed how they are blasting the internet
with ascending, mediation, eating well and things like the amount of [UFO]
disclosure that they are promoting, project blue-beam is on and off, once the
chemtrails and man-made clouds are gone will mean full operation, tic toc, full time
real soon, the clouds will not be able to cover these huge, vast amounts of ships
that are in the sky with our star family at the controls that they will say is
an alien invasion, no its a reintroduction.
This is their performance, do not watch or be in the
illusion, read between the lines and do not get caught up with when they go live
with the admission that NI.BIRU [Neb-Heru] and over 36,000 crafts and
war-planets are now in this soul-ar system, when they say in our solar system,
leave out the word our, this is not your planet or your soular system or your
sun or moon, we are going live with the holographic [spirit] world and the
physical world, in order for love and hate to exist, the world must come to an
end [recycle].
This is extinction level, the point of no return, the
process has already begun, this is not the end of this planet but is the end of
this world or their world, nothing ends [energy can never be destroyed], the
negative have always been here but now they are being forced to show themselves
for they have to leave while we choose to ascend instead of staying in the
matrix of their school.
This shift is a wave, you cannot hop on and hop off, it
does not work like that, the Most-High is the highest point of your ascension
only, your higher-self is called [Sakhu], the Most-High is not a male, it is
all of us has a collective tri-ing to reach the highest point of our ascension,
the point of your own ascension.
The highest point is the Femi9 Konsciousness.
Aset [throne] seat of the Khu [Mind].
Double or dual energies [portals] twins.
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Image comes from last night taken within hours of each picture, the Moon [Mono]
SIN [KUNGA] SHESQI has been rotating a bit too much and is out with the Sun is sum quarters of the four corners, this is not possible but is taking place.
The Moon is out on a 90 degree with the Sun.
Full Mono on Friday means a lot of EMP-ATH and sensitive souls
[energetically sensitive] are going to be affected, the best way leading up to
Friday is to control your environment, to protect yourself and to know for knowledge
is poWRA.
The full moon under its own power will be different
because the Moon will be on steroids, intense with cancer energy [emotional]
with an eclipse, this energy exchange [portal] will fuel the next 6months maybe
the year, you can already feel the cycle approaching, watch your moods [moon] mono, you have less
than 24hrs to get ride of old data if not this will surface because the frequencies
have changed meaning that you cannot use old programs, deleted programs in
these nu fields.
You old things that you forgot about and even thought
that you had healed from is going to be present, this will be a very emotional
time [emit], miscommunication will also mean that many are going to be not
connecting when communicating, thoughts are connected to things and these
things can go, clear them away for you will not need them, thoughts are energies
and sum energies are holding you back, anything that you are holding that no
longer is serving you, let it go, release it because with are dealing with the
mother of the Dendera [zodiac] Cancer, better to work with the energies than
against them.
Home is where the heart is at and whatever is in your
heart on your chest, family and work, all that is what is on your mind will come
to the surface, emotions are very real and emotions [energies] never lie, be
real with how you feel, so whatever you feel, trust in that feeling, and the flip
side is you are going to be around many are you will be taking on other peoples
emotions when this has nothing to do with you, don’t do this, there is a reason
why the Moon is called Luna for the root word comes from a bigger word Lunatic,
because they go fucking crazy, the Moon brings out the dildos, they are going
to do crazy things, their emotions will overwhelm them and they will not be able to
control their feelings and emotion.
You will be hungry, the spirit knows what it needs, you
are also working with different energies and whatever you are releasing or receiving
or emotionally thinking is making you eat.
You basically need to shed your old self and leave your unconsciousness
behind; this is the next level; you cannot go forward if you are on the 3D.
Seven chakras and the seven plates are connected, we are connected.
Ki has seven continental tectonic plates, we also have seven
chakras, that both run in a line, volcanoes erupting produces a lot of energy, a
lot of information, when all chakras are activated, when all seven are activated
you will receive the ultimate knowledge [energy], the all-knowing will be accessible,
you get to ascend maybe into the 6D, but you already need to be on the 4[5]D, if
your on the 3D you stay there, this is serious and if your on the 3D when the
seven go, those on the 3D will go out of their mind, you go offline, the chip
is at your front door, the NWO is awaiting you, when they come to your home and
ask you if you have a plans for when shit happens, don’t tell them or tell them
if you have stockpiles of food and things because they will come and take them from you, shit is
really coming for everyone, there is no alien invasion, our star family are not
here to kill us, this is a reintroduction.
The spiritual realm and the physical realm are merging.
Ki either had no sone [sound] no hum or she slipped or she is humming a nu tune.
M5 Iran
M6 Chile
[Dominica] M5
Mono will be under its own poWRA around the 10.01.2020 and you know what is coming in, major conjunction is coming, get ready for monumentals shifts, stay focus and grounded and balanced.
War Games, [in fighting] plane crashes in Iran and Iran gets an M5 near their nuclear plant the war is between the Jews, Muslims and Christians, the rest of us fall in between.
Plane crash with multiple holes.
This is called Dragons Horn, skin cancer over 3 years, think about what is going on, this
is on sumones back.
This is called Dragons Horn, skin cancer over 3 years, think about what is going on, this
is on sumones back.
Red Sea Locusts coming in
Karmatic waves
NebHeru [NI.BIRU] Nabara
The [NWN] sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU
[Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and
red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re
[Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].
NI.BIRU and huge crafts on a 24hr basis
The dome [translucent] is right there
how does clouds cast shadows when all the clouds are holding is vaporized water.
Control the skies and you control Ki
The entire Northern hemisphere is locked and loaded.
Green is healing life force energy,
Purple [Crown] in there also
Green is heart Chakra, yours and Ki(s)
Sone [sound] is being heard, energy is coming in and is enhancing you and Ki,
watch the 5G.
He watches, he waits.
Hubble image
Side profile
keep connected and broadcasting
Glitches in the matrix, back door, the Sun is a portal a Womb.
When you go to the white light you are going to be reincarnated, when you go to the darkness, that is home.
You are not this flesh.
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