Saturday, 18 January 2020


Do you know what it takes to have a revolution and what it takes to make a solution.

Spiritual warfare has been declared, there is a lot taking place on the ether and physical planes right now, this is a whole different type of reality that we have entered, all those who thought that they were spiritually inclined are actually redundant now because they have no real energy for this phase.

The 9/11 and the Mandela effect was all designed to mislead us with time, time and space doesn't exist on the higher realms only on the 3D, hence why now you the divine children are coming together, we are becoming more conscious and unified and they are shitting themselves because we are about to change the rules of engagement, if you are passively just watching and not making any type of action to make sum sort of change then have you not noticed that your gifts, your abilities and your poWRA has now been reduced and the last of it will be taken away from you real soon, you are part of this problem, if your not part of the resolution then you is the problem.

They know who you are but you don’t know who you are, the Schumann machine allows them to sense when the planet is evolving, when her vibration is raising, when she is becoming conscious and that means they know when you are conscious and when you are rising in frequencies, they know that the 9 ethers are online, they can read auras and heartbeats, they can separate you in a crowd, they can read heat-signatures, they can read who is activated and who is not, when your consciousness evolves the light within you gets lighter, you stand out more from the crowd.

[9/11 is the actual real Nu Year]

They had messed with the fabric of reality and changed names and times and so forth, people you meet who are lying are also part of this false change, those that pretend to be this and that and are actually being sent to you to distract you from the real reality and they are all trying to confuse you, those that don’t realise that there is a change go down with the 3D, we have been residing in two different realities with many people that you know on the wrong side of reality, when your on a higher dimension you can see down and see them all, whatever dimension you are on you can see below, but if you are on the 3D you cannot see above, that is why you can see and feel other things that many cannot because of the frequency that you are residing in, the higher the frequency the more realities that you have access to, you have to graduate and get more keys and more portals will open for you, these are tumblers, they are access kodes.

Many have been attacked and the fight is getting more hostile because man is in nature, there are beings that have been released into this reality and they have been attacking us on the astral realm, before things image [manifest] on the physical they come through the astral realm first, so if you are having dreams about zombies chasing you and the likes or just being chased, your spirit is warning you that sumthing is coming, the reason you are dreaming these things is because your ancestors want you to prepare, you need to get your warriors together [to gather].

The parallel world is in front of us and will merge, what takes place in the parallel world first then
transfers into the physical world. 

Our ancestors are here and we have to go to them and ask them to aid us, the warnings are in the sky, next level is war, they are pissed off at us, many of you have never contacted them before and now you do, offer up things that they liked and speak from your heart or don’t speak at all, they already know what is taking place and what you need, they have always been with you its just that you didn’t acknowledge them.

I’m not talking about Granddad and Grandmother, go to their Granddad and Grandmother and beyond.

The Haitian Revolution
When the French and the British invaded Haiti the people called on the ones before to come to help them, they used Juju [Voodoo] which is a Benin practice and they came and destroyed over 250,000 of them, sum of them before they even got off their ships.

Then the orcs used HAARP to send a devastating earthquake in 2010 that destroyed the island has payback, that quake was in the M8 or M9, they have technology but we have lineage and there is nothing more stronger than blood. 

You are a sourcer because you go to source.    

Existence Vibrates
This is what determines its density as matter or antimatter or ether, which grew etheric beings of which [EL A’lyun] who is A.NU [Anu] is one, as a group is called 9 Ennea [Sedjet].

Originally there were 8 beings called the Rashunaat [Ogdoad] that dealt with.

These 8 beings were Nun [Nunet] Heh [Hehet] Kek [Keket], Amun and [Amunet] from them came the Sedjet [Enneads], from Nun came Ra who later was called Atum-Re [Anu] who was the father of 8 other beings, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Asaru [ENKI], Aset [INANNA], Nebt-Hut [NINLIL] and Sutukh [ENLIL].

Amun and Amunet secret names are Niu [Nu] and Niut [Nut]

Kali [Naga] 


[these are just three of the many Femi9 warriors that you can go to] 

The arc angles [angels] they became the suffix of the angelic beings as in Miyka’el, Gabriy’el, Rapha’el and Uri’el.


The heavenly host are existing beings that governs all the various moods and vibrations that distinguish different levels of energy that image [i-mag][magi] manifest as life, they are protectors of energies and you.

There was always 9 but two fell of your manmade version called the Bible [Bibla] and the man made version called the Koran who are Azazel and Sama’el. 

Apophis [Dogri] children are called Satan, Anzu, Shaytaan, Dragon, Devil, Lucifer, Ibliys, Jaan and Azazel, they are 9 principles of the adverse forces.

Miyka’el is the defender of the HuMin species and will fuck shit up, his name translates who dares to be like El, El is A.NU, Michael will defend us all the way, he is here for us and we must call on our warriors, they can’t help us unless we call on them to us. 

I want to rule my destiny 

Wear your stones on the left-hand side so that it filters out what is coming in, you have to know the different warriors, the N.TU [Neteru] NaTaRu [deity is a Greek word for the Roman word god] that walk with you, you have to know the right elements to work with you because now is the time to call on your ancestors because shit is getting real in the field.

The Haitian Revolution, hiStory only repeats itself when you don’t know it, got to fight the right fight this time, we are at war.

The Kaa [spirits] helped them win that war and they will help us again.

Do your thing so we can get the fuck up out of here.  


We come from the soul and we come from love, do what is in your heart for the heart 
must be lighter than a feather.

The world is changing, only Ki will remain the same, that is how
it was in the beginning and that is how it will be in the end.

Full poWRA

Plasmatic chakra energy beams of light coming from heaven to Ki to you

Mammoths with food still in their stomachs and lakes frozen with fish still swimming lets you know that you are residing on borrowed time, the physical shift can be done in moments. 

Even though the spikes are around 40hz they are on and off, one was around 25hz another
at 32hz plus more and spiking at intermittent times, pressure is on. 

NI.BIRU is in the mix on 90.6, chakra energies streaming into Ki 

M7 Indonesia
Alabama M3 [last earthquake detected 6.10.2019 M3] with a further 14 quakes in Alabama that same year [the USA is the beast of all nations and must be headless, that is why we are following the USA].

Who is doing what here
The Day After Tomorrow
The original winter soul-stice is actually the hottest period of the cycle
and the orcs are really working on this planet.

Cosmic Radiation is increasing - Where is the source of this radiation [sun and Nibiru]
UV Radiation is Increasing
Earth’s magnetic shields are weakening [ozone layer]
Seismic activity is increasing
Volcanic activity is increasing
Oceans are getting warmer
Methane levels are increasing
The 3D world is burning
The North Pole is migrating

What has this got to do with C02 >> 

Shields Up

Blue Kachina 

 13 plagues of Khami [KMT] 
Locusts have reached India this is about food supply not just to those countries that are affected but to you also, nature is shutting down her resources.
USA is good because they stocked piles their so-called food, nature can wait. 

The healing of a nation

Missouri [USA] radiation [Purple]  


Its huge and not alone

Craft in the mist 

Coming to a sky near you. 
I see many on the internet and nothing happens to their channel and that is because they are full of shit, no two-ways about it, the blind leading the blind and then I have to remember that actually they know what is taking place but would rather use cognitive dissidence, the viewer and the uploader, strength in numbers or weakness in numbers.

Hit the like button and subscribe, we have mugs and calendars and we are planting 20 million trees, shut up. 

Portal is open, one of the stars will show this.
Orion Belt is called SA.HU [Sahu] and houses the Septet system aka Sirius, this is a hologram
image of Asaru who the Greeks call Os-iris and Sirius is Aset, the three lights [kings] are coming from the 19th galaxy and not this one, Sahu is the gateway between the two [18th and 19th] galaxy, through the portal is home.

This is our internal internet connection.   

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