Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Killing Fields

The pole shift is in earnest, [Poland [Pole-land] used to be where the poles were once upon a time] either you will drop out or you will keep on rising to the top, earthquakes are hitting underground [Super] volcanoes, the plates [chakras] are responding although Puerto is manmade.

Depopulation is called culling [its in Australia and Chicago already] China are already culling, your country is next, Virginia just passed their law and this means you cannot do fuck all when they are ready.  
Volcanoes are triggering
Fog spraying is dangerous [this may be a flu accelerator]

Pole shift means they want the surface clear as much as possible, Ki will come off her axis and then flip the other way.
The shift is happening because NI.BIRU the red-iron-oxide planet is passing through this galaxy, because it is an iron based planet and huge, it pulls Ki [magnetic] off of her North-South alignment, which is why Ki(s) Magnetic North is now moving.
When Google Earth first went online, we could see everything, except this one little spot that was hidden by a black censor. 
Then suddenly in 2014, the censor was quietly removed. 
Yes many of the volcanoes and quakes are geo-engineered, but many are just the incredible stresses that Ki is now experiencing from the tremendous magnetic pull of NebHeru as s-he comes closer.

This magnetic pull is also what will pull the higher frequency Ki into another higher frequency dimensional Ki, aka the ascension.

NIBIRU returns during beginning [end cycle] and this ushers the planet into a different vibratory Frequency. 

Ki, this is a natural pole shift and she is heating up to get rid of the viruses [white cells] and they are bioengineering the weather and trying to keep her kool, but Ki does her own thing and you cannot stop her but they are trying to delay her and she is deleting the artificial life from this planet while she whistles [humming 144OM] while she works.  

The pole shift is happening within us, as within, people that you thought you really knew you don’t, many things are going to be revealed and many will be going down because of this, all that was hidden is going to be revealed.

20[20] has not started and by the time we get to the spring solstice [nu year] all will be out in the open, it will be beautiful but very chaotic because we will be in flip mode, everything has to be revealed.

The speed of reality is speeding up [depending on how you see your reality] and you will see all the glitches and the humanoids, alien mixes, entities, you will see them glitching and all the demons, the no life or no soul beings freaking out in the streets, those without life in their eyes will start to go public and this is being done on purpose with the frequency getting higher and speeding up.

Keep your distance, sum will be people you know or love, you need to fuck them and keep your distance, this is a big part of right now, we are seeing this out here in the matrix, the energy is making them show themselves, they know when you can see them, reptilian devices are failing them, watch the eyes, be careful when you go out in public, eyes shaking to the left or right [are you meeting many with sunglasses on or have your noticed many are wearing sunglasses] the aura’s biofield has been compromised and their demonic side is now on show, many people are losing it, the energy is speeding up and they are getting triggered and they don’t know where its coming from, there is an undercurrent that they don’t know [Schumann basic rate 36hz] where its coming from and they get anxious, agitated and they glitch out, be aware because this will happen with your neighbours, your family, your children and people you work with, those that you don't trust, those who lie to get to point A, could be those close to you, many will come to you if they know you can see them and if your that person who talks about relevant contents with them before, there is nowhere for them to go has this house is now sealed, no energy can escape, the speeding up is an automatic exorcism that is taking place, the demon will put pressure on the host and this will cause the person to flip out, happy alcoholics will not be happy no more, you will see it, they will say that the alcohol doesn’t taste right no more, once you hear those words, you need to move along, these entities cannot cloak themselves because they can’t, the frequencies are too high, suicide will in the masses, you have to match Tiamat in her frequencies, poles hitting is a beautiful thing but not if you are not from this planet, much chaos is coming and you must make the choice as to what side of the energy you are on.

This is a very serious time in your life, you have to be realistic for your soul depends on it, sum of you were warriors, leaders of planets, sum of you led great armies, sum of you are Semu [Sem], many of you were sent here to improve, to greater your experience, to learn, Tehuti is here [Thoth], he is the Ma'Star record keeper and even the elders who sum were sent here are all to be graded, have an appraisal, no one is immune for accountability.

You are being judged on your bloodCells [Bloodline] you are being judged on your current life and not your previous life, you are being judged on how you raised the consciousness of this planet and how you raised the consciousness of others, how much energy you have and your intention.

You had the HuMin [HuMan] experience, you are to experience all the dimensions, expanses, realms and bring back all to source.

Those that are still here, you purpose is coming up, your destiny is in your Khu and you must open the kodes along the way to unfold your roadmap [ptah-way] your purpose may be for you to face the worse [fears] that you have and that is to face off with none other than yourself, your worst enemy may actually be you.

   Stay connected to the Djed, stay in Istal [mediation] states, for in Istal they read your thoughts all day and know your woes and concerns and in connection is clarity, pay attention to your dreams especially if you remember them. 

Plasma energy [chakra] colours

Billions of Locusts eat out the vegetation, this is all by design and not random,
no food will be the killer, cannibalism.  

Planes are still coming down [EMP]


Between 26hz and 50hz multiple spiking

 M6 near China  
Japan M6
Turkey M6
Greece M6
M6 Albana
M6 Nicobar Islands [India]  
M6 Cayman x 2
M7 Honduras
Cuba M6

M7.8 in Cuba that was an M8 >> come on now [they had two] there will be two other mirror strikes sumwhere else, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands will need to watch the water and others around Cuba. 
Volcanoes will be erupting

JamaiKa or Cuba was an M8.9 and the second was an M8.2, the third is M6
So, M9, in the great words of Lisa Stansfield, people hold on, we've got to
be strong.
Rear alignment

Sum real movement today, more coming, the energy will become forceful in February which is a few days aways, 2020 has not begun.

Sumthing not right with this CDC, now they are saying that CDC cannot be transmitted through coughing but through the eyes, hello and have you seen the way people are dropping, sumthing else is going on here, like being zapped by 5G, watch how sum of them are falling down. 
Are the birds weaponizing the Flu.
They are culling the masses, if its not chenmails in the air and not the food or the water, now its
sum ancient death, you have to fight the right fight this time.

Russia closes the border with China.

China the secretive state is now the locked down state [martial law] China is about to
get fucked and they want to do it privately, the 13 bloodlines here on Ki must be

No more Koala bear and Kangaroo images or people saving these animals,
or donations, this is reality now. 

The wall of flames heads towards your city

Extremely dangerous Storm on its way to Queensland 

The colours reveal the reality for many
If the truth be known your government are controlling the weather and are 
clearing the lands [smart cities] that will in the [NWO] control the arenas.

Vaneck vectors biotech 
The collapse is near when you see this sign
[this is connected to the 144,000] 

Sumone took these images from Australia and said that the colours was because of the flames
and smoke in Australia.
Please read that again.
There are dildos that exist in this world, most are men, a dildo is a blunt instrument, please whoever wrote and said that and took this image, please don't have children and breed your stupidity.

[U]ltra[V]iolet [C]osmic] rays-waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], energy is being blasted into the core of Ki, from the Purple backlight.

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3-black-lights called;

[1] U.V. RAYS 
[3] X RAYs

Rays = Ra-ys = Ra [Re] 

Atum-re [HaRu] [Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light, one [three] being controls the
holographic program. 

Fires around the world that are still burning

Snowed under 
Kazakhstan is under a state of emergency 

UVC levels are extreme
Ultraviolet Radiation Index (UV)
High Radiation Causes Cancer to the skin and destroys the immune system and you from the inside out.
Several sectors of the Sierra and Amazon the UV indices the sun is going to blast the shit out of you and reach very high numbers on the index chart. 

Grass where is shouldn’t be in deserts that are now
turning lush, a nu land is appearing in many places.  


South America 

Take a good look at this image, can you see the shuttle craft, i saw footage of a craft 
in a covered area that someone said the craft was hiding, make no mistake, these crafts and 
Annunaqi are not hiding, the reason they are slowly integrating is because many hearts are
going to fail them when these beings move from cloaked to physical.

Its the beings themselves, the crafts are metallic and multidimensional and look really kool,
sum are designed in the image of nature, animals and sum are war-crafts, but its when these beings take off their helmet or remove their protective shields, it what comes out of these crafts that many are going to die where they stand, may hearts are going to cut out.

These beings are in the likeness of you or you are in the image of them, they look like like us but..
The Annunaqi mercenaries in Syria and the likes are genetically modified and the magnetics that is flowing from them is because they are from another dimension, the electromagnetic fields are equalizing themselves out hence the shimmering, have you noticed the civilians in Syria say that they are eating the dead soldiers, but notice they are not eating civilians or children or women, take notice on what the Annunaqi are doing, the eating is for show, those are genetically modified Annunaqi, hence why Trump removed the USA from Syria because the USA soldiers would shit themselves..
I'm being serious, why would you remove them and you have all the technology..
Tic and Toc..        

Same image
Is Allah at the controls, is Jesus copilot, what about Jehova, he is flight attendant and
Yeshua he is baggage crew and Muhammed is navigator, there are no skydaddies.   

Over 36,000+ crafts [space carriers] space platforms, shuttles, war planets, war crafts have assembled along with the Annunaqi and Galactic federation and allies and allacine and those
involved in the Adama Projects in this dimension and the next ones.

Crafts are as big as planes and bigger

Those two at the side of the craft look like two cubes

Spheric [domes] reflection from a source

Gina Hill
Not HuMan or HuMin
Albino reptilians, Greys mixed with Reptilians and Freemason offspring
are gathering up many, we will all be back to play this game called life, those who have given blood recently or taken part in DNA heritage tests, all your data is now on file and they have the means to clone you and bring others back into your reality, this thing is deep, stay away from clones, hybrids, for they are without emotion or feelings.

Is it them dying or is it the clones, if its the clones, then where are the real ones.

This a plane that took off from MYR then headed north giving it the appearance of being in a steep climb, the “line” created by having the shutter open for 3-4 seconds per shot.
Dead giveaway?
You can see the red and green positioning lights on the zoomed in shot

If this image is real then it is of the Kamulm constellation which you call
the Pleiades and the Orion [Sahu] constellation is called Kesul, no more Greek names, only recorded names that are carved in stone.

Red rectangle
Blue triangle around the Moon 

There is a black-hole in your heart and is conscious.

You have 7 more inner-eyes that allow you to see the many other dimensions.

Remember the energy comes in through Ki and the core, then comes out of Ki and then NI.BIRU pushes the energy back through Ki and her core that is koded, infused.
Dark energy is here and is coming up from the ground.

This is triple darkness.

Who you running away from
Running Away

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