Tuesday, 21 January 2020

House is a Groove

Before you created a Star a Chakra system aka a Star or a Moon [satellite] you came into this space has space aka a Kaa and you came down and starting swimming in these waters [currenSea] and has a space you came into this realm of reality with what you resonate with and your state of being and then developed feelings, you were born into your mothers chakra system and take on sum of her characteristics.

The original house system is based on what you had manifested in your life subconsciously.

As a Kaa [spirit] you come here and you create masculine and feminine energies, suns and moons, stars and when you create them in these areas, these become your planets and your house system and these are the things you have to deal with whether positive or negative via person, thing, place, circumstance, situations in your life.

This is what you manifest consciously depending on what your state of awareness is like, what your consciously aware of, the shit that you are swimming in in your life that you manifested.
Man-in-festation, the word is imagination [i-Magi-nation] Magi [Magic], the thing is you manifested [imagined] that from a subconscious realm and that is where you are at internally as a Kaa.

Astrology [Astral] A Star 
Denderah [Den-De-Rah] translates House of Zodiac

Your zodiac is nothing but the energies that the planets were giving off at the time you came into this realm that makes you who you are, each planet gives off a certain energy tasks and son on and it affects us because the planets are all around us, so of course we will be affected by the energies.

Eye also wonder why you told us not to look at the sun when that’s how we get our information downloaded into our DNA, why you think that they want you [9ether] working early before the sun comes out then get off of work when the sun has gone down already.

Unmelanated beings cannot look at the sun and extract information that you can, now they have a sun simulator up there over the USA and if its too bright, so if you sun gaze, do it at sunrise and sunset.

Your original house system is letting you know what you manifested in your life subconsciously, along with the shit that you have brought over from your previous life.

The sun moves into a house every two hours and before we had the word hours it was Hor-us, we were trying to scope [Hor-oscope] out how Horus travelled through the sky, the eye of Ra, for us there is a different vibration every two hours, before we used the term hours, its two scopes of Horus or two space travels, for example, we will say, between 6am and 8am, this is Horus scoping through the first house, then 8am to 10am, that is the second house  and so on, now the Moon moves a degree every two hours to complete the same time [emit] that the sun does, a complete 360 degrees, so the sun moves through a house every two hours and the Moon moves a degree every two hours.

The constellation has you know it is changing, your current house system plays out like your conscious that you created and manifested [imagied] from your subconscious state, we are often taken off of our subconscious ptah [path], so based upon your current house and what you have manifested plays out like you are conscious that you created and manifested from your
subconscious state and base upon your current placements, these be the things that blind you and at the same time, these are the things that remind you and put you back on your ptah.

We are always trying to get back to our subconscious nature [moon and sun cycle Denderah] we get lost in our wants and needs and desires [going through the cycles and what they entail] and the big dipper, which is our seasons which are dividing, subtraction, adding, and so on which are things we have to let go of [subtracting] or things that are needs [adding] or things we need to do more of [dividing] and things that die [minus] stars dying, the fallen, and as a Kaa we have to leave that shape or form and rise again and take another shape or form [24hours] that can rise again and we go back to Algebra[Gabriel] Raphael.

We get lost into what we think is intellect and get lost in our Kaa, be careful out here.      

Where life ends, life begins.
The planet is ending but Ki will never end.

Chakra energies, chakra colours 

Soular stream is in also, the behaviour of the jet-stream will also be a reflection of the behaviour in the artificial races.
Who is controlling the temperature of the planet, all this chemical spraying means they are really stuck because that is all that you have been doing for the longest, you won't be able to keep up.

The energy that they casted out is coming back in faster than they could have imagined, we are returning to factory reSettings which is why the planet is so erratic and their scientist don’t know or are not talking about it, how long can they keep going for. 

When the quakes slow down to very low quakes, then the poles will go, one pole is magnetic and the other is electrical [polarities] time [emit] once again is speeding up.

56hz twice and the 32hz frequencies are running,
many spikes, remember the planets frequency is rising higher and will
not level off until we reach 432hz, there is no nu frequencies when you
know the expectation.

did sumthing come out of the portal [womb]

M6 or M7 Costa Rica
M4 Tennessee

Last two days with much more, HAARP is being deployed and we see that 
with the Iranian quakes.


[Portugal England France Belgium Holland] 
all former slave states must go down.
There are many reasons in this season.

Black Death is in the USA [CDC] China already have it [these are
the known cases, many more countries will have the 13 plagues of Khami and the
Black Death is here]

Nature is beautiful, she blessed this planet with her gifts, she is
affected by moods [mode] energy in motion, when she is moody this is reflected in her
gifts, she hates you, this is a reflection of her mood.

She is tri-ing to kill you, these ice stones come from crafts.

Chakra energy exchanges through Ki into you

Cube or rectangular shaped  

NebHeru [NI.BIRU] Nabara
Mekaba [throne] pulpit
Spiritual vessel

The [NWN] sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].

NI.BIRU is a cube [square] and a circle [sphere] 
360 multidimensional


Sumthing in there

Big Boy

Cloaked and Dagger 

part of the moon is missing, huge looking cratar 


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