Friday, 24 January 2020

Unity Konsciousness


The energies are really heavy, we have connected [Om144] with the Multiverse [Omniverse]
 This is the Alpha and Omega Universe and we have connected with the other verses [frequency of the other universes verses-songs-sone-sound = frequencies] and we are now one universe [uni = together/to gather] and verse = against or one sone, we are one frequency all singing from the same hymn page, this will make it extremely hard for the orcs and offspring to function, to do what they want to do out here, the frequencies have changes.

Uni is individual, Multi of us coming together [to gather] and rising 13up together, this is Unity Konsciousness.

[double Kat, usually means when they have changed sumthing, this is a glitch in their Matrix]. 

They are trying so hard to control [HAARP] nature and the sun [Spraying] is dangerous to them, these two alone cannot be controlled, more problems lay ahead, over 700 ancient diseases are
on the way, the radiation breaks down bodies from within, your immune system.

You can taste the magnetism in your mouth, its in your body and all around.  

Istal translates meditation, you control this outcome, not them, all poWRA is within, use your thoughts wisely, for she reads you, you are carbon beings, we are going into Karbon domination, you must charge up, this is the importance of regeneration. 

It only takes a small amount [144,000] to make the changes, you need to match her frequencies.
Mediation [Istal] is different now.

You need a soul [Baa] we see by soul now, like how animals see you, your soul has an 
aura to it, soul reconisges soul or light reconisges light, you need a soul to be in this soular system, this is a must.

Universe [Nu] is pulling [magnetic] us together for the good of Mankind, for the good of humanity,
regardless of colour, species, for if there is a holocaust of this soular system, it will be over, Ki is one of a few planets [Aquariums] in the entire kosmos that is able to sustain complex life.

She will not be compromised, the Na Ta Ra means guardians, a protector and are here, as above, as below, you are here to protect Ki.

Natara [Nature] N.TU [Neteru] the U on the end is infinite and means Supreme infinite poWRA, Neter [Netu].

Holocaust [Hologram] program 

Dock [King Solomon temple] Mind [Khu] Crown 

The Dock is breached, huge amounts of radiation is streaming in, call it Gamma, call it gravitational pulses or waves, call it soul-ar streams, call it what you like.
The German machine [SR], when the space weather intensifies, so does what is happening on the planet, the energy increase is causing the Schumann resonance to increase [the planets heartbeat] and [frequency] thereby affecting us on a RNA level and on a DNA level.

Men-tal [crown] di-Men-sional shifts [Mental health] will be influenced by the increased frequency. Sum will even lose their mind; this is why NASA pumps the space shuttles with frequency so the astronauts don’t go crazy, and why the shuttles underbelly are coated in Melanin, you need Melanin to be in space full stop.

Yes, this is your climate change or your global warming, the kodes have changed.

Volcanoes are setting off; planetary bodies are affecting this planet and you will feel their energy signatures. 

Response and reaction, how you react is also related, stay on task, HuMins [144,000] are affecting the frequency of Ki, the heart chakra is the ruling chakra and that frequency is Love [live], when the 144,000 [frequencies] we go live, they are the same number that is guiding NI.BIRU [NebHeru] into their final position and are the ones moving the poles [dimensional shift].

Martial Law is breaking out making this a global lock down, for what.

No one is going to Mars or to the Moon or leaving for this system for this system is on lockdown, this
house is sealed, no energy can escape. 

NI.BIRU [NebHeru] is right behind her and will keep her close, the energies are being pumped straight back into Ki, blue is life force energy, we are in good hands. 

The Dock is breached, huge amounts of radiation is streaming in, call it Gamma, call it gravitational pulses or waves, call it soul-ar streams, call it what you like.

The German machine [SR], when the space weather intensifies, so does what is happening on the planet, the energy increase is causing the Schumann resonance to increase [the planets heartbeat] and [frequency] thereby affecting us on a RNA level and on a DNA level, the DNA is folding on itself, deleting and the RNA [DNA] is evolving, upgrading. 

11 strikes near Alaska volcano [warning]

M5 Mexico [M6] Mexico
M5 Algeria
M5.5 Tajikistan
M5.5 Peru
M5 Japan
M6.2 Aleutian island
M4.2 Cuba.
M5 Nicaragua x 2
M5 Washington
Papua New Guinea
China M6
Big quakes are rocking this house down

11 strikes against Turkey
M7+ Turkey or M8  

Big trouble in little China 

Martial Law 

The only epidemic is your emotIons, they are feeding, know what 
is really taking place out here before you commit your energy to, you must remain in a high vibrational frequency. 

Nothing to see here, move along now, its just the lands of Ki burning the shit out of everything. 
Australia, Amazon and California are yesterdays news but are todays future.  



Chakra colours [radiation] energies 

This is a film going around this planet like on this compact disc, its called
the firmament aka a translucent dome.

The Ozone layer is being removed at times and will be removed permanently, you will 
need a 9 ether to come outside soon.  

Rotating in the number [9] 


Cloaked crafts that are not so cloaked.

Coincidence [sure]  


These Annunaqi [these beings] are a race of beings that are created of pure green light and impure amber light before the foundation of this world.

It was on the fourth plane, the plane of ultimate will, or the mental plane that the division between the so-called good and so-called evil was established.

As the supreme beings, the Annunaqi skin was olive tone green to dark reddish brown.
They are the race of supreme beings not spooks, ghosts, or apparitions.
Annunaqi is just another name for Rizqiyians meaning providers.
The Annunaqi are those beings that and, the most-high sent down from heaven to earth in sets of 50’s while on the planet earth under an appointed being.
They receive the name Annunaqi when they came to earth.
The most-high illuminated the light of Murduk [MUR.DUK], son of Damkina and EN.QI.
Murduk, who is also known Al Khidr, meaning the green one, who is the highest of all the Eloheem, Annunaqi, or Angelic.

The N.TU [deity] Murduk is equivalent to Amun Ra, [Atum Ra] in KMT [Egyptian] sciences.
He is of the green essence, with the splendour of beauty.
That essence became divided into two parts.
One was extremely pure and luminous, to the vision of the intellect, which came the noble and superior individuals, the soul of the prophets, Apostles, Heru(s), Al Mahdi, the Messiah, Baal(s) and the people of the right hand.
Whereas the other appeared, impure and amber [Lucifer [lu-Cell-fer] light], and the second part was called fire from which came Jaan, the father of the Jinn, a race of evil [negative] Eloheem, Cherubeems.

Eloheem [Elohyeem] translates These Beings
Annunaqi [Anoo-Na-Qee] Those beings that Anu sent down from Heaven to Earth
Anutu Anu(s) Beings

144 governors of the 18th and 19th galaxies [72] positive of the disagreeable galaxies and [72] negative of the positive galaxies 24 + 24 + 24 = 72 [7+2 = 9] Sedjet [9] Ennead each 24 is divided into 12 = Yah and the other 12 is Weh  [Yahweh]

Yes meteorites carry different chemical compositions, they meteorites or comets are also carrying personnel, logistics, technology, they can be camouflaged crafts, the Annunaqi and Annunaqi mercenaries are on the ground.

Compositions are metallic [metals], they have metallic bodies [avatars] like you 

Ba[Ka]Ta[Ma]Ra any word that begins or ends or is in the middle of a word that contains these mini-words, all finds its way back to KMT [Khami] Egipt [Egypt]

Electric dreams [visions] we are connected
Sprites are spirits aka Kaa

Space is a deep ocean and all that dwell in the deep ocean can
be found here is space [dark matter]

We are not one consciousness or pieces of one consciousness, because we do not see nothing out here that shows one consciousness, when we came off the ship we are individual that divided when we got down here, we are like minded, but today there are no examples of one consciousness out here, we use to be and we are going back to oneness for the uni is controlling the frequeiness, thus this is the universal mind.


The person next to you are not receiving the same downloads or messages has you are therefore
we, you, are not the same one consciousness, this is changing for the light is showing the hidden and sum are sharing the same sight has the universal mind [sight] is now becoming one, we are being separated and matched with the like minded [same frequency].

Tree of Life [Placenta] is all of your ancestors information passed down to you, think about this and
the primordial electromagnetic field [Chi Force] houses all ancient data and all ancient pain is held in 
the womb.  

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