Friday, 3 January 2020


Rumours of a war

For over 17 hrs sumthing went on its not the first time that we have had blackouts on the Nasa scan of the universe that the data, frequency is then converted into this graphic called the Schumann Resonance, a German invention, man made machine to measure nature, to measure Ki [earth], her heartbeat has risen and we know that NI.BIRU the Ma'Star key is playing a huge role in this outcome, if you are feeling the frequency, keep your thoughts at bay, don't dwell, stay grounded and focus, many want out but you agreed to protect Ki and you have your terms and conditions in your sol-contract. 

 What was that, heartbeat or looping or reset or did Ki cut out or did she flatline, NI.BIRU is with her so she would have been held, at the bottom you can see on the right the secondary pulse that is at 36hz, no more base rate of 7.89hz and there is 3 pulses that will set in real soon.

This base rate 36hz will make many go offline, can you imagine when the other two pulses go live, many will be going out of their mind because they cannot function under the nu frequency of the universe and of Ki(s) heartbeat, headaches, mood swings, suicidal tendencies, increase in drinking, drugs and talking shit, anxiety, and so on, the nu 36hz has been on for the last 6 months at least but with the increases in energies and soular flashes [flares] they are not able to digest the energies and nu frequencies which are all by design.

For you, the frequency waves are coming from source and are penetrating the dimensions of this universe, the evolution of consciousness of all these systems, the nu frequencies are making us all conscious of what is really going on out here, do you like what you see, do you like the things that life is showing you, do you like the systems out here, do you know what happened on this planet, you are being made aware that things are not right and this man made matrix does not serve you, education system, medical system, employment system, monetary system+ all must crash, all species are being made conscious which will have a negative and positive affect but one thing is for sure, enough is enough.   

We also see the war between nations amping up, so when ww3 starts this will be to cover for what is really coming, Trump must be assassinated so that the beast that is the USA is headless for they are following their prophecy, chaos must ensue, they know what is to come for the data was left for all of us which they house the information in a huge warehouse under the Vatican that is at least 50 miles long, be on the right side of the energy.

When we have 3 days [72hrs] of darkness, all carbon beings have been advised to stay inside at all costs, even when you hear women screaming, children crying, stay the fuck in your house, you are not to venture outside, you have to block your heart, the darkness will contain ancestors, let them do their thing.  

Remain focus, keep connected to source, stay in a meditative state, stay grounded.

Puerto Rico 
After a swarm of more than 1100 quakes they get a M5, not rare because we are at extinction level, these are warnings to your final destiny, you already had a M6 in September 2019 and in 1943 you had an M7.

1919 – M7.1 – Puerto Rico
1946 – M7.5 – Dominican Republic
1946 – M7 – Dominican Republic
1991 – M7.6 – Costa Rica
1992 – M7.7 – Nicaragua
2010 – M9 – Haiti
2012 – M7.3 – El Salvador

The Caribbean plate will produce tsunamis, that is 101 years up until the present day, tic toc.

M4 for yellowstone, the magma is affecting many, when that volcano goes that will be 10 million that lose their life straight away.

So, there was so they say, 8 quakes with magnitudes over M4 out of the 101 recorded with the M6 being the highest in Puerto or Nicaragua.

Low earthquakes means sumthing is brewing, its the 4.1.2020 = 9 tomorrow, much is taking place.

If this is DEW then why would they use HAARP to bring the rains, why did they start the fires, to hide NI.BIRU or to kill you, you have to remember this would be your own kind trying to kill you, are they manipulating global emotions. 

They say that the star will blow out and cause a supaNova, its on over here and is not dim.

What do you see 20[20] remember we are in the 4[5] dimensions, so see in these dimensions because we are in the dimensional split.

AB.ZU [South Africa]

Many are already in contact with star family, pay attention to the spiritual signs around you, stay in communication.

This is not a rescue mission, war crafts are sitting over gentile cities, nuclear reactors, military sites, installations sites, reptilian nests, humanoid underground bases and over ancient sites.

Millions of animals including marine life are expected to bail out of here, so that the eco-systems can fail as they are all shacked on one another, millions and millions from the animal kingdoms and millions of plant life that includes trees, the three kingdoms will all be sacrificing to make way for this universal change, we have been here before, spill blood is still liberation, the 9 ether wombman will make you another avatar and you will be back, but the rest of the recessive genes this is end times for them and they know it, they have more to lose than you for you will be back, everyone is going back to their own source, do not get caught up in mainstream news, let them bomb each other out, the less of the 13 bloodlines and their offspring the better, you know they would rather nuke Ki and slaughter their own kind than give her up, star family will intervene with you because they already know the outcome, ascend and get your RNA [DNA] downloads, next comes the unity [collective] consciousness.

An EMP is still spiritual

Red eye [NI.BIRU] Neb Heru


The Red Dragon [Dagan] is the original Noah's Ark, NIBIRU does have an environment, Granddaddy Jupiter is an older NI.BIRU, there are many.

 The tail of the Dragon is going to slap the shit of you via all the asteroids that come off of the tail, get ready because one of these asteroids is going to hit Ki, we've had so many, NASA and the likes can only stop so many.

Red Kau Crown 

Spark your Baa, have the 20[20] vision, you are no longer sidelined with the material world, in fact if you are still plugged in please stop reading this page, your dead energy now, see past the physical and see the frequencies, see the auras because animals and star family have been viewing you and all in frequencies and auras from the start, you are not regular HuMins, you are the alien, see the Baa and not the Khat, see those for who they really are, you can see past the illusions in the Matrix.

Do not mix with those who are not on the spiritual ptahway because you will be distracted, you need to have chosen your vision already and if you have not, eye would advise you to stop reading this page for it cannot aid you because you are in for one horrific year.

Stay on the ptah of least resistance.

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