Thursday, 23 January 2020

Body Fusion

Aquarius = Water Bearer [Air] El-ement 

The energy is heavy, downloads are in High Definition, Friday is a nu Mono [nu beginnings], the Aquarius gates are wide open and the ancient knowledge is coming back once again, the primordial electromagnetic field houses all knowledge and is once again accessible, those that are EMPathic sensitives [intuitive], the Aquarius is about to drench you in knowledge and knowledge is nothing more than energy [light].

This is purification, you have nu programs and are no longer in the 3[D], the cleansing of this planet and you, no more negative blockages, no more old school way of thinking and no more dead energy people, I need to unplug full stop from the internet to truly advance my Kaa journey.

This is about Alchemy, how to transform your HuMin-Cell [self] into [god] status, you have to be a better version of yourself and be putting in the work not mediating and watching YT uploads, it is up to you to go further, to evolve, it is up to you to go through the darkness of one’s soul.  

Today is Wednesday [Mercury] which is communication day.

The Aquarius energy fields are open and contain data from time ago but you have to be in 4[5]D to receive the downloads and you have to have factory settings in order for the the programs to run, hence why we moved from the 3[D] and deleted our old files and programs.

The energy overall has moved past the recessive genes and is no longer sitting at the 3[D] anymore, many who say they have a soul actually do not, and those who are not connected are being brought out into the light.

I have been up all night, all the way into mourning’s when people around me are getting ready for work, downloads, dimensional visits, knowledge, I have to write things down, then I dream and have messages to process, so much data [light] is streaming in.

Your thoughts travel at 477 trillion miles per hour, this is called instant, the universe is magnetic.  

Ancestors are contacting you, you need to do the ancestral work, you need to make contact, not with your grandmother, but her grandmother and beyond, you will need their energy leading up to the exchange.

[3 days of darkness, stay in your home and do not come outside until after the 72 hrs, that is an order]

Before we get to Friday, you can balance out what you need and what you don’t, many on the internet talking about the Big Dipper and how its being seen and not knowing that each segment of the Dipper is 90 degrees consciousness and that the winder, fall, summer and spring is about mathematics [Ma’At-Ma’At-ics] dividing, taking away or adding and not or giving energy to things that you need and don’t need nor more, you take out or in, its 20[20] and you must apply the vision, you had to have changed your mindSet and old frequencies [habits] or ways of working, if not, please stop wasting your time mixing with those who have, there is an event that is going to take place where you will be on your own and at that edge, you will really know who you really are, you had been given warnings to make the changes in the last three years, the NWO is where many of you are going and under that energy you are going to suffer.

They knew this day would come, that the system would crash, that is why man called his last book in his Bible Revelation, because it was a revelation to them when they read the texts on the walls of KMT, they created their beings knowing that their creation had an expiration date, that their species would eventually fold on itself and that the artificial gene would scramble after the 3rd generations [no MtDNA] that they would have -000005% birth-rate, they already had a timeframe, the planet is shifting into nu paradigms constantly and for those who cannot take the shifting [spikes in the Schuman] they crash, the spikes are continuous and will separate them from you, you can see that happening, while many lives are ending and many are starting, many places are seeing people on the move, places getting washed away or burnt away, their lives have ended and now another life is starting, you have to separate from the 3[D] know what is really taking place out here, seeds are being planted for the ones who have outgrown this system, the energy is forcing you to give up on things that do not serve you no more, whether it be family, loved ones, employments, habits, vices, your own shit, you will feel inclined to do so, stop blocking and let the gateway open, you do not grow when your in your comfort zone, when you have no other option but to swim or sink, that is the borderline, reach it.

Don’t settle for the HuMan experience, your spiritual on a spiritual journey.  

The life you want is in your imagination [-i-magi-nation] use your Magi [Magic].

Where there is a will, there is a way, break cycles.

We already had the Nu year which was in 9/11 the planets is in April and you will need to get your house in order by then for those waiting on April, the 9/11 comes through the 9th gate during September and connects us to the Septet [Sirius] systems, so many of you are already online and are broadcasting.

Trust in the process, trust in the energy and let the energy transform you, the energy shift after January the 12th and many are feeling the pressure and many are depressed but know that this energy is supposed to transform you, so for those who feel that the energy is holding you down, you need to trust in the process and let the energy transform you, the energy will bring things to you, positive and negative, face off with whatever it is, you have to, but you know what, many walk with you, you are not alone in this process, don’t get caught up with this energy, your destiny is unfolding right in front of you, reach the borderline [blance] .
The energy is old school, led by great-mothers, they don’t mess around and they don’t take no shit, the Aquarius information is forcing you to do sumthing but not sumthing old or borrowed, sumthing nu.

Watch your emotions out here and don't get caught up with mainstream news, keep your eye on the ball [sphere] you are connected to the Djed, let the process transform you, let go.

Heru [Peru]
Chakra colours emitting from these crafts, rainbow colours
peace, harmony. 

Star family read you in auras just like animals. 


Purifying plasma kode frequencies are lighting up the grid right about now and as the 
activation of source light is infused within the outer atmosphere surrounding Ki and 
to the core of Ki and into you, the 9 ether. 

M6 Myanmar 
Alaska M6.5
M6 degrees in Russia and Turkey.
M3 or M4 Newcastle [UK]
Mexico, the plate is going to snap, that Dulce base contains
sum of our star-family and will be opened up so we can all see what
they have been doing down there and that goes for all the
other cities, nests and labs, deep quakes are damaging their bunkers and
underground bases.

Gravitational waves are gamma radiation strikes 
Genetic upgrades that are not quite generic 

We have to be in the M7's and M8's..

Radiation is streaming in, if you do not have 9ether you are going to suffer, the ozone layer is being removed at times until this is permanent and this is letting in the soul-ar streams and gravitational waves [gamma] they are trying to keep the planet cold by producing all this snow, energy is being pushed straight back into Ki from NI.BIRU.

Red iron oxide, removal of the ozone layer, UVC radiation, all is weakening their immune system and they will be susceptible to diseases, viruses. 

[Corona] coronal mass ejection [Corona] Virus definition is the outer region of the sun, so the hidden message is Sun-Virus, they know that the radiation from the sun is really what’s causing all the trouble, the symptoms are all the same as radiation poison.

Seven hundred ancient diseases to return.
Stay away from meat, dairy and seafood and shit people.

The sons of Cane [Cain] Canine [Cancer] Cannibalism

Martial Law is coming to a place near you.

Femi9 Electron NRG is on this planet and running through her core and you.

You need a soul to be in this is a soular system with soular winds or streams, with soluar flares
from the sol.  


Spain is being dealt with, Portugal will be one to watch. 


Charka Portal

 Hocus Pocus


The Greeks, who derived all their knowledge from Tamare did gain knowledge of palindromes and words form words.
Palindromes; a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards, madam or nurses run.

The likes of Solomon were able to harness the words that were of protection, offered him wisdom, guidance, sustenance, that could control Ka(s) both negative and positive, able to stop whatever it was in their tracks. 

Solomon She-lomah[peaceful one] Sulayman peaceful one, from root Sol sun Om- sun On sun the three suns or triad.

The word Abracadabra are a set of words that are at god level 9, almost like the arc device of Ethiopia, in the form of a ring, used in conjunction with the seal of Solomon, two interlaced tri[angles] which were arranged like the two triangles inside.

There exist Abracadabra, this is why this word is so [Magi] Magickal, Magick Magical to those who do not innerstand.
Your words have poWRA choose them wisely.

Abracadabra, I want to reach out and grab you. 

Angelica [Satanic] Demonic 
 Positive and Negative [Realms] Expanses [Dimensions] 

The term Demon was birthed out of the Daimon [Daemon] which wasn't originally associated with anything evil, until later when the term entered into Greek religious philosophy. 

The word Gospel [Ghost-spell] means ghost spell or spell of the ghost, which is the same as the spell of God.

Evil = live = love
Time = emit

Ancient Lands 


Original BA-KONGO
AMaLoya IsiKhulu who represents genealogically the origins of all people there for they are genetically considered the smallest people who fashion and engraved us, they are the Atom they are the PA-OTA they are the reality of things they are the actuality of US and they have done so like dreams [visions] throughout time because we are all part of them regardless of different heights that we may be, they are still in us, hopefully this enlightens our folks to the truth and facts of who we are because we didn't separate from ourselves the Muzungu separated us;

Original Ba-Twa Ba-ntu of

Aboriginal Original Australian of

Original Ba-Kongo
Amallawu IziKhulu of Alkebulan.

Original Sân-|khoe of
Hindoo-Kash [Kush] = India.

Original Sân-|Khoe of

And I saw the beast and the kings of earth and their armies gathered together to make was against him that sat on the horse and against his army.


Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Melchizedek was an incarnation of the [Most-High God] of the Phoenicians called Elyon.

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are another way of saying Brahma [Anu], Vishnu [ENKI, and Siva [ENLIL] Kali [INANNA] of the Naga.

Moreover, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are another way of saying Ham, Shem, and Japheth.

People and the Jews adopted that name, and thereby the meaning of Melchizedek and Abraham in the book of Genesis (14 chapter and 19 verses) meant that the Jewish people and other Caucasians would receive their religion and culture from Phoenicians, but the Phoenicians had received their basic knowledge and culture from the Ethiopians [Askum] Abyssinia.  

The Jews (Gews) Greeks from Greece who became the first Caucasian group to reach the lands (Africa and Asia) hence, they became known as Hebrews in ancient times.
The word Hebrew translates Black [Nubian] and Star-worshiper, and because the Phoenicians were Star-Worshipers is one reason the Jewish people have a Star today as their religious symbol. Moreover, a Star is a symbol of poWRA, knowledge, wisdom, and innerstanding.

The Jews' original symbol was the cross like the other Caucasians' symbol.
Hebrew is a variant of the word Ghebre (Gheber).


Yaaqub (The biblical Jacob)
Nubian Yacub (also known as Yahakobe, Yacob-Har, Yacob-El and Yakub) descended from the ancient Nubian tribe known as Dunaakial who's leader the Muur Rabboni Fuquur gave his daughter named Radiyaah to Laamsa the chief of the Teros, and Laamsa gave his daughter named Lusinas to Fuquur who she bore no children with and left the caverns to the surface where she mated with Fuquur's disagreeable brother named Yiskhawk.

Out of anger at being given away by her Teros father together Yiskhawk and Lusinas bore an unsightly child with the head the size of two men by no fault of his own named Yaaquub.

Jacob [Ya’quwb] Ya’qob

Yaaquub wanted to get revenge on his people for the scorn and their mockery and was subliminally telekinetically coerced by disagreeable Pleiadeans who led him to create a race of people to rule over his own for 6000 years [that rule has ended].

Yaaquub died at age 150 and never saw the completion of his creation.
Yaaquub created this new god by genetic splicing called grafting.

They were called Gews or Jews.
Yaaquub created a people who were genetically and mentally weak and he intended to eliminate them to prove and show that he is their god and always will be.

Yiskhawk (Fuquur’s brother) was put to death for marrying and breeding with the Teros Lusinas, which further angered Yaaquub.

It is this new genetically created people who were known as devils.
These beings were born with dyslexia and wrote from left to right as opposed to the original right to left.

Yaaquub and his 59,999 followers were exiled from their land by King Kowresh and sailed completely the entire continent of Gnawa (Africa).
Fearing the possibility of becoming a part of Yaaquub’s deadly genetic experiments Zerubbabel (also known as Sheshbazaar) and his people known as Shabazz jumped ship in Cape Town and journeyed to a placed known as Oyo.

The people of Oyo referred to them as ‘Yoruba’ and called Sheshbazaar Obata’lah [Obatala].  
The 1st Pope.

Zeus also created a race out of these lines, he is here now [Zeus] to see what his creation has done to Ki and her offspring. 

If eye had the world


We have moved past that NI.BIRU [Nebheru] is here or that there is another sun, when that is mainstream we will see a separation, many will be stuck thinking about another sun, when the energy is at 4[5]6D, internet showing cloaked crafts, two suns and lights in the sky and that is all yesterday's news, the separation will fail many hearts, see in 4[D] with situations, circumstances, always look at the bigger picture, root of an issue, situation or circumstance.

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