Monday, 20 January 2020

BattleStar GalactiKa

The war in the skies is way older than you think, the first conflict was in the skies of Illyuwn, the nineteenth galaxy, the first conflict was when Tarnush [Apep] Apophis, also known as Humbaba, son of Taaghuwt and Sin tried to take over Illyuwn, he wanted to rule all the stars and the Anunnagi of the skies.

Tarnush was second in command under Murduk, son of EN.QI and Damkina, Tarnush felt that Murduk was not qualified for leading the fleets of his grandfather, ANU.

During this time, the planet Titan, which is considered a Moon [satellite] of the planet Saturn, was a home base of Humbaba who was called Krunus, and Saturn, husband of Ops, companion of the fire [goddess], Lua [Luna-tics], father of Picus.

His reigning period was called Saturnalia, and to this day, it's celebrated between December 17th and December 25th, those under Krunus were claiming Anshar, foremost of heavens, which is today is called Saturn; which was the astrological sign of Anshar, father of ANU, as their home base.

The hexagon and thus the 6 pointed star are symbolic of ANU's protection: I seek refuge in ANU from the cursed, Shaytun.

The hexagon is like a tower in height and is raised off of Saturn [Sata] Satan [Shaytun] Santa. 

This frequency tower requires a lot of energy which is harvested from Mecca, who the muslims unknowing feed their energy to. 

The ringed planet named Saturn rotates very quickly; it takes 10 hours and 40 minutes for it to turn once on its axis.

Saturn bulges even more at its equator than Jupiter, Saturn has a very deep atmosphere, which is made up mainly of Hydrogen and Helium, with sum Methane and Ammonia.

At the top of its atmosphere, the temperature is about -300ยบ Fahrenheit, this low temperature causes Ammonia in the outer atmosphere to freeze, forming high-altitude haze.

More and more space probes from NASA are being sent into space, due to the curiosity of Mankind, a kind of man.
They are trying to re-discover what took place long ago in the heavens.
Space probes to Saturn are being sent to various planets and moons such as the Cassini that was sent in 1997, filled with 72 pounds of highly radioactive plutonium.

The planet Titan was the home base of the disagreeable Anunnagi, which were divided into 12 continents, the Greeks named them, [1] Oceanus [2] Creus [3] Coeus [4] Iapetus [5] Cronus [6] Hyperion [7] Rhea [8] Mnemosyne [9] Theia [10] Themis [11] Tethys [12] Phoebe.

The disagreeable Anunnagi made Titan an alternative, when they were casted out, and the capital was Phoebe, from whence you get the word phobia, an irrational fear of a specific thing or situation, to avoid, or a dislike, or aversion.

The space satellite Phobos, of Mars was also named after the 12th continent Phoebe of Titan.

This is the mystical 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 tribes of Ishmael, the 12 signs of the zodiac under their Olympian deities, Zeus as Jesus, born in the 12th month of the Gregorian calendar with 12 disciples, who becomes Ja-zeus, and Ya-shu-a to Ya-hova.

However, sum of these disagreeable Anunnagi took residence on one of the 3 continents of the planet RIZQ, the continent called ZARANTU.
They were restricted from visiting the other 2 continents, DARNURIYYA and KUSMUSTA without a Rizqiyian escort.

There were immigration laws set up, however the Rizqiyians can visit all 3 continents unescorted.

Zarantu was under the command of Tarnush, who wanted total control of Rizq, however, Murduk was chosen by ANU to lead the fleets, and this caused a disagreement between Murduk and Tarnush.

ANU's decision for Murduk to lead ANU’s fleets, caused that disagreement between Murduk and Tarnush, which caused a small war and a clash on the planet RIZQ, which comes from the word Razaqa [Rizq], meaning to provide [providers].

Ur III Sumerian cuneiform for An [A.NU]

Tarnush, also known as Humbaba attacked the planet RIZQ with a shield depleter, Aer-o-sol, A gaseous suspension of fine solid or liquid particles.

This substance, can today be found in such products as paint, detergent, or an insecticide, packaged under pressure with a gaseous propellant for release as a spray of fine particles.
Co2 emissions are man made on purpose. 

Today the children of the Luciferians are using the same tactics here on Ki to deplete the ozone, or shield of this planet.

[The shield is being removed now has we have come to the expiration date]

The aerosol bomb of Tarnush comes from the root word Aero- or aer· simply, air; atmosphere, aeroballistics and a gas, aerosol.
From the Greek word, for aer, meaning air and the word sol, meaning sun.

So, you get air, O for Omega in the middle part of that word and ending in Sol, sun Aerosol. 
Just like the destruction of the atmosphere and of the suns of Rizq, this same epidemic is also being done here on Ki.
This aerosol bomb of Tarnush caused the natural atmosphere of RIZQ to deplete.

The Rizqiyians had no protection from the damaging rays of the three Suns.

The atmosphere was dwindling away and many Rizqiyians departed to other galaxies.

The rays from the three suns Utu, Shamash, and Afsu had put a hole in our ozone layer, as you have now a hole in your ozone layer over Australia expanding daily, Rizq, the 8th planet, was the heart and source of that tri-soular-system, and thus, was the most affected, as Ki is the heart of this soular-system.

All 3 suns have a magnetic pull that causes a tighter, and heavier rotation of its planets.

The energy field on Rizq was starting to increase and the hole was starting to lose its colour.

So the Rizqiyians needed to build a protection, a dome of gold dust to protect the planet from the damaging ultraviolet rays.

Gold reflects the sun's rays.

Pure gold can easily be beaten or hammered to a thickness of 0.000005 inches and 1.02 ounces or simply, thinner than paper and can be stretched for more than 60 miles long.
It can be made thinner than any metal.

This is one of the reasons why gold is a very precious metal and is greatly valued by HuMans today.
It is one of the' softest metals, and it is a good conductor of electricity and heat, and it can be easily vaporized better than any metal.

Gold is also capable of reflecting intense heat and holds up under any condition.
Having this and knowledge about pure gold, other metals, and minerals, the Rizqiyians knew exactly what they were coming for.

Gold having existed since the creation of the planet Ki [Earth] as you know it, can be found deep in the Earth's crust,' volcanic ash as well as in the vast oceans of this planet.

ANU and the other Aluhum knew that the gold of this planet was good long before the birth of man.

The Rizqiyians had to abort Rizq and go to [Kesul] Sahu [Orion], which is a six-star, six major sun constellation, thus having hundreds of galaxies.
The Rizqiyians took residence in the planets and star constellations of Mazzaroth.

A'ayishi [Arcturus], and Kamuh [Pleiades], making them also temporary homes.
Exploration was necessary.

Thus, the grafting of explorers became a necessity.

This need gave birth to Rumardians.

Later to become known as Greys.
These extra-terrestrial biological entities [E.B.E], were grafted from various extra-terrestrial species.

They were emotionless and without reproductive capabilities.

They served but one purpose, and that is as explorers and worthy servants.

Black lenses act has sunglasses with them having HuMan eyes underneath the lens. 

Zeta Reticulian

A Zeta Reticulian who migrated to Maldek before it was obliterated by Nibiru and is now known as the asteroid belt, who consequently moved to Mars where Mankind [kind of man = HuMans] of Earth was mutated with their seed by Ninti [Sumerian meaning birth] from the ape.

Zeta Talk is a webpage run by Nancy [sumthing] I cannot remember her last name and Zeta is the name of their barren planet, reptilian mix, there are different [Greys] now, be careful out there. 

Their explorations took them to LAH.MU, called Mars [Muurs], and SHESH.QI, called the Moon, where plans for the construction of cylinder crafts, called Shams were built.

Hitler sold part of the HuMans out by agreeing to supply many of them in return for a base on
the Moon, the other reptilians knew this was forbidden to even let them on the
Moon in the first place, many have mixed with Freemason off spring and Reptilians, many of them communicate with you.  

This took place after the collision with the crafts of the Ninga fleet, also known as the four winds.

They transported gold dust to the moon and mars, then to NIBIRU, and from there on to the planet RIZQ, when this job was completed, these beings were given their freedom.

A cylindrical, cigar shaped craft [UFO] was filmed in Ukraine near the recently discovered 65-million-year-old Mir(s) in Bosnia.

These types of craft are being used by Riqzqians to transport gold needed to sustain the atmosphere on Rizq.
The Moon [SIN] KUNGU [SHESH.QI] Titan shuts down every two weeks has there is no sun ray, the Chinese probe had to also shut down with that rota system, the Moon is held into position by a triangular craft and on the darkside of the moon there is a number of huge transparent domes, inside are trees, water, life to a certain extent, and a huge reptilian city.

The Main Moon [satellite] also has its own Moon [satellite].  

The Ashtar Command

Over 500 million years ago there existed upon Venus a highly advanced civilization known as the Ashtar command who now channel their energy throughout bodies.

A crop circle created [using a dot matrix system] by the Ashtar command who are Venusians.

Ashtar [Ashtar Sheran] is the name given to an extraterrestrial being or group of beings which sum number of people claim to have channelled.

The Sumerians called Venus [Lahamu], LAHA.MU does have an environment and is a satellite. 


The Etherians are krystal light energy beings from Illyuwn and can take on the form of anything, the Etherians must maintain the soular system to prevent a star holocaust.

They personify to whomever, and their assignment is the guardians of life, of which Anu, is a prominent member, sent forth.

The movie Dark Crystal is about you.

Everyone has the same abilities but the recessive genes are stuck in the
3D world and cannot unlock their abilities, especially without Melanin, no one is better than the other, one is jealous of the other and that is why we never had harmony on Ki.

The true etymology of the word Abracadabra

Caucasia, a part of Russia, has an area of 170,000 thousand square miles.
The Greeks named it Caucasia, which is the home of the Flugelrods, as they are called in El Manee or what is called Germany today, and their original name is Halaabeans, or Hulub, which is to distinguish themselves from the descendants of Libana [Libya], Canaan, the Caucasians.
Carcass-Asian, Caucasian, deteriorating Asiatics.

The Caucasians Mt is in Georgia [Eurasia] Europe and the word Asia, Georgia is the cradle for their Mankind, a kind of man call HuMan.

The Elbrus Mt is a dormant volcano nearby.  

Elbrus or home of those Abras [Arabs] beings, Lepers of the mountains, are also called the sons of Canaan, thus the term Abracadabra, a mystical word has used in incantations or as a charm to ward off disease, originally said Abras-Cadaver [Abra-cadabra] used to mean the bodies of lepers.

These sons of Canaan are those of which the tribe Amorite, meaning mountain dwellers, comes from.


Naga Serpent Negusti [Queen] Manasa Kundalini [goddess]
Manasa means Queen and Takshaka means King, they are leaders of the
Naga [Dagan half man half fish]
Naga then Buddha [not spelt or said that way and that is not any of the 12 that came from Alkebulan [Africa] names, and then Hindoo [not them lot today].
Tantra is not taught by Gurus or a book or by any Europeans, it is inherited. 

If you overstand the science of the Naga [N.TU]) Neteru [Supreme Being] then you innerstand that a Reptilian isn't necessarily deemed an evil being, on general principle we don't see life in terms of good and evil, but rather agreeable and disagreeable [positive and negative] of which all life have a mixture of both.

So, with that stated creating a superimposed image of say Obama or Adele with a reptilian eyes and scaly skin doesn't necessarily denote evil.

Naga [Negus] Nigga [Neter]
Naga is a Tamil [Sanskrit]word 
Ganesh is Ghana

Naga 9

There are agreeable reptilians and there are disagreeable reptilians.
24 elders of Rizq, with 144 governors of the 18th and 19th galaxies, 72 governors of the disagreeable 18th galaxy and 72 governors of the agreeable 19th galaxy.

Zeus was a Yahweh

Who are the Yahweh and EL-Eloh, Sumerian records, the Yah [Weh] are a fraction of beings who are under ANU the head of the Annunaqi. 

The Yah(s) were 12 agreeable beings called the Serapheem [Saraphim] or SaRu-Faat who are 180 [9] degrees positive and the Weh(s) who were 12 disagreeable beings called the Cherubeem [Cherabeem] or GaRu-Baat who are a 180 [9] degrees negativity, together making one, 360 [9]

12 + 12 = 24 [24+24+24 = 72] 7 + 2 = 9  

24+24+24 = 72 [7+2= 9] A.NU is head of the Sedjat or Ennead in Greek meaning 9.

Yahweh are a group of 24 beings, Neb Neter which translates Yahweh Elohyeem, and El Eloh which translates the source and Elohyeem which translates these beings, there were many Yahweh(s).
El Eloh is ANU, ANU was also called Allah in Arabic before it was hijacked.
Yahweh, Baal, Heru, Adonai, Adonis-Adoshem-(Hashem) are all titles, ranking system, there were many, many Yah's and Weh's, who are the Annunagi, they are the goveneers, Annunaqi are Anu's beings, they are 72 agreeable and 72 disagreeable, all are the same beings from within. 

When many say Yah is coming or all praise to Yah, I often wonder, which one are you fucking talking about..  

Those who came from Bhogabati, which is the first planet in Dvaraka of Procyon, after the planet Nirvana, came down to help the HuMins, and they were called Naga also called Nagini or Nagas or the Niggas.

They were a non-violent race of serpents, reptilians, who are benevolent towards HuMins.

 The ruler, king of the Naga serpents was called Takshaka who was beloved by Indra [Indus], and the queen was Manasa, the queen of serpents, who grants fertility to sterile mortal females.

The Naga ruler can be depended upon to assist in matters concerning peace, justice, fertility, and health, spiritual enlightenment and wealth.  

The Nagas, also called Nagini and Naaga, were a non-violent race of serpents, Reptilians, who are benevolent toward HuMins.

There is agreeable and disagreeable in this world.


There are at least 4 ancient species of the Lares type on LAH.MU [Mars], still loyal to the prime beings of this soular system, called Big-foot, from Iran to Indus to Russia to the USA 25% of the USA is uncharted, still a huge area.

NIN.TI [Ninti] chose to breed with the Lares[Lars], the Simians [intelligent ape people] whose queen  Urat [female ruler] was Zirah, as opposed to the Aqins, the evil lares, whose king [Ura] was Shitar.
 They had inherited from their superior parents the gifts of intellect, the chief was called Lard, then became Lord, the master Monkey [Monk] or boss.

Today they are called Bigfoot or Sasquatch, hunted for fun, they are being sighted now because it is time for them to come out from the shadows, they are under the umbrella of the Anunnaqi. 

Crafts [Mrekaba]
Those that use the term UFO have no spiritual connection with the Unidentified Flying Objects, they are identified because we can see them and they are not flying but hoovering and are not objects because we can see the shape and dimensions, we also call them Mekaba(s) Ka = spirit and Ba = soul, Mir or Mer or MA.RE, we can feel them because many are being remotely operated by you just like NebHeru [NI.BIRU] is being guided in by the 144,000 that are the frequency, yeah you, that is why you need a soul [sol] sun to be here.

This guy was filming while he was on one of the rides and this huge craft goes past, sorry glides past and appears to either cloak itself the second time the guy goes around on the ride or the craft slips into another dimension.

Aset [Sirius] Septet [SEPT.ET] Sibtu [SIB.TU]
Hexagon or a 6-star-system

Housed in the Sahu [SAHU] constellation that the Greeks call Orion.
Full high definition and in technicolour and no, the star is not about to explode, all the stars there are
shining a green, red and blue and white light simoustanly, the star is the gateway or portal between the 18th and 19th galaxy and is on locked down, guraded, this is the only way in or out of this system, remember this is a holographic universe [computer program] in 9D.

Purple [Crown] Haze Ultra-violet Comic rays
UVC = Cosmic rays are coming from the Un-iverse [Nu translates, the energy of Nu]

Lots going in there with the systems

GPS is jamming because sumthing is incoming over there in what was called the USA
the USA are blocking all the way until the 24th, what do they know that you
can feel.
That meteorite that went over Puerto Rico is a warning, these can be camouflaged crafts,
much is going on but time is running out for many, from where Puerto Rico is to the where the USA is sumthing is up, Puerto is in the way, i don't mean that in a bad way and will be the casualty with the final outcome or Puerto will be the makeweight in this exchange.

Zimbabwe power planet plant is offline, the country is in darkness

Charging [Red and Blue] are under high charge and [Black and White] is extreme 
Most places around the old world are on the brink of true devastation, just needing that final push.

We are in reSet [factory settings] 20.11.20 >> 20.01.2020 Roman and Georgian <<
 [20.01.2020 = 9] -Ul-Mec [Olmec] kosmic index kodes are out there, we
are retuning, Baa [Khu] and Kha must also be aligned, you
cannot have one foot in and one foot out, you are still in the 3D, stay there.
Kosmic interface, the original programs, you cannot use the 3D.

Big Dipper [9th gate symbol] is 360 degrees of consciousness each four are 90 degrees of consciousness and is on the Horizon, the Horizon leans forward and offers nu space for change,
plug in.

Summer, spring, fall and winter is about Maths [Maat], subtraction, division, adding and dividing,
you had already been ready for this by subtracting what you don't need, diving from those you don't need and so forth.

Each ray is seven, vibrational planes of creation.
Seven Heaven.

Amplified Schumann
[This is constant pressure depending on what side of the energy you are on]

M6 or M7 Bristol Islands
Seven tremors in PR >> M3.3 M3.5 M4.5 M3.7 M3.7 M.4.6 and M4.2
M4.2 Oaxaca
M4 Tennessee.
M4 Puerto Rico.

M4 Alaska 

We are in 2020 we had 6's and 7's last year, we are increasing each year, so we have to be hitting the 8's and then into 9 with the M18 blowing your mind.

Whatever goes on down here will affect the USA



Australia is without the ozone layer hence the UV index on 17+ it will get worse and then horrific.

Nature continues to do her thing, all four corners of Ki are getting sumthing from water, heat, snow, hail, all types of weather systems, weather anomalies, she is relentless in her
quest for balance.


Military to jam GPS signals across East Coast through to the 24th; 
FBI asserting imminent domain to seize night vision devices from distributors. 
Huge crafts are in that area over the coast. 


Portal wide open


Control the skies and you control the planet, EN.LIL is now in control of the
main fleets and IN.ANNA is the eyes and ears of her father, everyone is

This images looks familiar from last year, if its not then its like
the same craft being seen again this year..

There are Laws and there is protocol, they will strike when the time is right, nothing happens before the time, the full truth must be revealed to the organic species first and at the same time to the artificial species also, before the cards are dealt out, no one is immune from the wrath.

The [144,000] are remotely guiding the NI.BIRU system in, when they are ready and the poles will
go direct, when they are reading, remember, the universe is men-tal, this is a di-men-sional shift.
Men-tal = Crown = the Colour Purple .


The [NWN] sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [NebHeru], and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].

BattleStar Galactica came out in 1978, this war and these beings have been here for trillions of earth years, well before your opinion. 

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