The Wandering Ptah
We all go through phases and this causes
changes, but once you form an imagination [Magi] aka manifestation, a form of
resistance that you can see in your life that you can call changes, then this means
its too late, you have already been in a portal and you have already i-magi-ned
[manifested] everything out of that portal and as a Kaa
You were not wise enough to see things coming from a mile
away and is playing out in your life as too late, its already dense and is
already heavy, and has already imagined [manifested] as a thing, person, place,
location, circumstance, situation and is no longer hitting you as a lighter
frequency and a thought form first or feelings or emotion first
The more you are spiritually inclined and the more you are
enlightened, the more likely you are to see those [bodies], the lower you are
in the 3[D] realms and you, only paying attention to the ways of the world, then
you may miss things that come into your
thought form, you may miss your first thought, you may miss certain influences,
you may miss certain vibes and certain feelings because you are to transfixed on
what is in front of you and how those things are playing out in the[3D] and how
those things are making you feel and therefore makes you a low vibrational
Phases are you going through mazes, and if you go through
that maze for too long, they become phases and means its too late and becomes
changes in your life when that its too late, you want to stop them before they
become phases in your life
So, know that you go through phases at certain periods of
time and knowing this allows you to know when your going through a phase, so
that you don’t spend too long getting lost into your feelings and emotions
during that time, why, because your [Kaa] depends on it
All is to do with your state of being, your soul energy,
that first thought form, your memory, this is your femi9 NRG, your ability to
receive, while your masculine NRG plays out like a shield, protection, that
protects your soft spot that is your [Kaa] and if anything penetrates into your
Kaa you will create a bunch of images [manifestations], thought forms, ideas in
order to gain shelter and security in order to shield your Kaa, but nothing
came into your Kaa without you letting it, things are supposed to bounce off of
you and not go through you
The constellations are moving into another house, so stay
away from Western Astrology, because they haven’t a clue, based upon you having
12 houses and whether you notice or not any real phase lasts around 3 months,
pay attention to phases throughout your life, you were in a phase that was 3
months’ worth of NRG, 90 days’ worth of NRG [that is three houses passing worth of NRG] but you go through four phases aka four seasons, [think of them
has your chakra system] the fourth is where you are starting your lower-self
which is your phase two, your 7[8] and 9 chakra then becomes your phase three,
and then your [9] 10 and [11] house is your phase four, all lasting for 3
Phases occur at different times for different people, the
phases will centre around, birth [rise], the fallen, the enable, the incapable
and destruction [death] which are the four seasons that we go through
You go through the seasons within you, you go whatever your
[Moon] is birthed in [constellation] is the start of your season, this is ancient
science, this is not fate once you over-stand the science
Everyone’s season starts at different times but will be
for three months and four stages, you have to work it out [seasons] divide,
multiply or subtraction or add into your life or take away or spend more time doing,
all is creative, you have just finished a three month phase and for many this
will be their reality because they added feelings and emotions to whatever it
is, do you get this, you are expressing whatever it is two stages before that,
three months is a long time dwelling, by the time you get to the phase three
you may never see what your to let go of or not, your too far gone and you will
become spiritually damaged and be forced to let that sh9t go, you got so
emotionally involved on sumthing that you wanted, not knowing you were supposed
to open yourself up to sumthing else
When you go through the death-period, depending on your
house signs, that is when you put all to rest, no more, you transform, you shed
your old thoughts and if you are still attache to sumthing that is death, you
will still be attached with that and will experience the death of whatever you
were thinking, lost in
If you hear sumone say, I’m going through a phase right
now or have you actually been through sumthing for a while now, and you snapped
out of it based on upon a place, thing, location or person and then you tell yourself
I was going through a phase, 9 times out of 9 you already knew
When you come out of a phase you have the next three months
detaching from all the emotions, feelings that you attached to the last three
months, when you reach the final three months, that month, now know how to modify
things, redirect things, reconstruct things aka know when sumthing has served
its purpose and let go to allow sumthing else in, when you put sumthing to
death, you have learned from the fallen [fall], that sumthing, person, place or thing
is not for me and you can see that it has fallen, you have now become emotionally
Your Kaa knows all and will guide you towards what you
are supposed to do
You had a choice to intervene and because you never
changed your mindset is to why you are doing what you are doing
Now your residing in your water cycle, your transit cycle,
your chakra cycle in the correct way, now you know you will avoid people,
things and places and rise above the waves while you are in the 3[D]
Each phase that you go through does not require you to
imagine [manifest] them into changes, know that it’s a phase and ride the waves
so that the changes are not changes at all, all they are, are certain swerves while
your surfing this thing called life, electric word life, it means forever, but I’m
here to tell you, there’s sumthing else
The [SR] has been spiking for a few days
now, another prolonged span over the course of 18 hours, hitting peak and amplitude 51hz
M5.5 Puerto Rico
M5.5 NZ
M5 California
M5 Victoria and Vancouver
M4 Utah
M5 Las Vegas
Sumwhere is going to get it between HAARP and NI.BIRU
SunSet, with a Full Moon
Ground base chakra colours streaming
#Water #Heat #Snow #weathersystems #Air[wind]
By any means necessary, nature is forcing her way in and you out.
Worldwide domination
Underwater cities
Many ancient cities are underwater and many cities were
covered in ash, you are at the hands of nature, she is now in charge, how it
was in the beginning so shall it be in the end
If you see land that is burning or being watered out or
frozen out, that is a directive from higher sources and even if you pray to
your god and ask him to stop or to help, he cannot overrule her, he
has to do what she is requesting, all those people who get caught in the
middle, yes, what to do, we take on the feelings but that is all for we are all
under judgement, there is no mercy or leniency, this process must complete and
there will be casualties of war, including the plant, animal and humin and
human king dome, you are made to lose everything including your home and all other things
Know that your time is coming and no one is immune for
punishment, not even their kind [9 ether] will escape the wrath of the Annunaqi, led by
the Neteru and all those that are involved in the Adama Projects
underwater and will stay like this
Look at the shape, the one in front
When you see sum of the crafts like this- out in the open land, know that they
are actually on the ground, cloaked and walking about, many are over underground bases, they have already scanned the ground
The Culling as begun
Flu is from in-flu-enza, coming to a place near you [plague]
Martial Law
These plagues wipe out 10's of millions, that is what they
are designed for, radiation is in the skies and has weakened many immune systems
and they will be prone to being wiped out
Martial Law
These plagues wipe out 10's of millions, that is what they
are designed for, radiation is in the skies and has weakened many immune systems
and they will be prone to being wiped out
Radiation to sum and harmful to others, the energies are hitting the atmosphere,
planes must be having engine or cabin problems
Liverpool [UK]
Radiated skies [UVC]
Red Iron Oxide
the NeutronStar
Originally on a 25,920-year orbit called AAMS and was on
a 3,600 [36 light years] Earth [Ki] year from SA.HU [Orion], this new orbit is
called a SHAR
NI.BIRU is a StarStation, recorded throughout all the
civilisations that matter, NI.BIRU, this is a very special moment in the
present, the moment, the positive elite are here, the earth is part of a binary
system, the earth is also part of tri-solar-system the other Re (Ra) Sun is inside
of the other sun
The word NI.BIRU is from the ancient Sumerians as found
in the Chaldean, Accadian, Aramic and Ashuric as Nabara, to raise, to elevate,
to go up
Also known by; Planet of the Crossing, Planet X, Red
Dwarf, Nabara, Hercolubus [Her- comes
from Heru], Nemesis, the Destroyer, Merkabah and NEBT.HET and MURDOQ and Mekaba
NI.BIRU is multidimensional, holographic, cubed, and spheres and tetrahedron, Mir [pyramid] shaped
Neberu translates, they sat or they were enthroned [they sat
= enthroned as a king [Men’beru] throne, pulpit, seat of authority, the [gods]
sat has one, one mind, root words of what NI.BIRU means in ancient texts, NI.BIRU
is a Mekaba, a spiritual vessel
7 crafts, satellites [moons], led by the Red and Blue
twins [Kachina] all travel with the StarStation at light speed, the 7
satellites, crafts will form what looks like a cross along with pressures of
traveling at light speed when they align with all the planets that will produce
an energy signature far greater than any energy ever recorded by Mankind
NI.BIRU is the Root [Red] Chakra
Yes there are many names of the same source reflecting
the different time periods, different interpretations from the different
cultures and civilisations that recorded and interacted with the supreme
The craft NI.BIRU is a cube that whence is in motion,
revolves and rotates, and creates an orb, giving the impression of a globe or
planet structure, but is cubed
The [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun]
is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] or PAA.RE
[Paare] Sun
A cube is 360 and so is a sphere and can fit inside one another, the cube is the
only shape in which all other shapes can fit through
Sundog is a Roman and Greek word, dog is god for them
Black sheep are the awakened [activated] ones, so if you feel alone or sh9t, its
alright, there is many of us out there, keep connected to Sirus
Istal [Meditation] is different now, you cannot be connecting like how you were before, you won't be able to connect like that
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