Sunday, 19 January 2020

Interstellar [Akasha]

[Akashic records]
Enuma Elish

The Moon, known by various names, [SIN] Mono [KUNGU] and Sheshqi [SHESH.QI] and ruled by many, our elders created and set the rotation of the moon to serve as a data packet header [similar to an electronic data packet used for transmission between computers] to travel to any point in time in the history of Ki, the moon as only one side and always the same side of the moon, and will never show to Ki the backside of the moon. 

In this way we are able to spiritually communicate and see our ancient elders and they as well can communicate and see us spiritually, as we all have the same reference point header of which is the illuminated side of the moon that never changes.

The illuminated side of the moon is the zero-time-reference data packet header [ZTR], similar to a data packet that is simply the exact address of the file and in the case of the illuminated moon would be an exact time location [reference].

The moon is also the recording pen of Akasha, an ethereal realm where the records of all events upon Ki will be used for the eventual judgement of Mankind [HuMan] and the HuMin are kept, this realm is Illyuwn, the nineteenth galaxy, the great galaxy, known as the place [On High], where the etheric records called the Akasha are kept.

When an electronic data packet is sent, it's separated by bits [a combination of 0’s and 1’s] into several sections, the first section is called a header of which is essentially the address of the file to store the data [IPN].

IPN may refer to: contents [1] Payments [2] Chemistry [3] Industry [4] Outer Space [5] Medicine and Anatomy 

The header of the data packets of Ki, when the Akashic records are open will be the illuminated side of the Moon that remains constant regardless of the time period.

What are the Akashic records

In theosophy and anthroposophy, the Akashic records [akasha or ākāśa] is the Sanskrit word for sky, space, luminous, or aether [ether] and are a compendium of thoughts, events and emotions to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the astral plane.

The Akashic record is like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and Ki(s) experiences of this planet.

Those who perceive it will see pictures, imagery from there on, the life experiences of every HuMin being since time began, the reactions to experiences of the entire animal kingdom, the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature [based on desire] of every HuMin unit throughout time.

Here in lies the great deception of the records, only a trained occultist can distinguish between actual experience and those astral pictures created by imagination [magi] and keen desire.
- Alice A. Bailey wrote in her book Light of the Soul on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

As the ancient cultures of the Tamarean [Egyptian] and the Ul-Mec [Olmec] the Akashic records are located beyond the belt of the SA.HU [Orion] constellation as demonstrated in the designs of their Mir(s) MA.RE [pyramids].

Image, is s fictional glimpse inside the Akashic record from the science fiction movie Interstellar.

The Neteru descended from the sky [dimensions] from beyond the constellation SA.HU.


Etherians on Rizq began to levitate because they defeated the sequence of linear time and could see and experience multiple pasts, and multiple futures.

Eventually they transformed into pure light beings and drank readily from the water of eternal life which is living intelligent plasma light energy aka tachyon energy.

This energy moves faster than the speed of light and became all the sustenance they needed among the clouds as they delegated the daily lives of Rizqiyans.

Entering the Over-Mind, a supreme consciousness of living intelligent plasma light energy, existing everywhere without darkness aka tachyon energy, that copulated and birthed our universe of which is the lesser light aka electromagnetic energy of which in absence is a void called darkness.

Crystals and Maat 

A representative of the Annunaqi with an electronic antenna [Shen] device in his hand [OHM] that controls the high energy pulsar cylindrical shape tube laser with coils and a lightning rod in the middle that sits upon an arc of covenant, the one above is adjusting the device.

This is a conductor; water is running at the bottom [currenSea] they are in communication, membrane [helmet] goes into the 3rd eye [consciousness]. 

The surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane is vibrated, and regions of maximum and minimum displacement are made visible in a thin coating of particles, paste, or liquid.

Different patterns emerge in the excitatory medium depending on the geometry of the plate and the driving frequency.

IN.ANNA [Ishtar] EN.KI [INKI] and EN.LIL [Nunamnir] 

Babylon are two words weided together Babel and Elohim  
Bab-El [Baab-EL] = Confusion 
Elohim [El Eloh] = The Source
Elohyeem = These Beings 
Elul = Source
El' Elyon [El Eli-yoon] = The Most High 

Sumerain [Mesopotamia] Alkebulan [Anunnaqi] are the same beings and place. 

A supernova explosion caught on film, SN 1604
(Chandra X-ray Observatory)

Planet Aum
Was the Sun ever a Planet

The Kreation

The sun was one tremendous mass, a planet called Aum, this solar system was one of the 19 planets that surrounded a more massive sun called Sal, Sal was named after its original ruler Sal or Sol, whose wife was named Arinna, which is where the Freemasons get the words soul and arena from.

Their combined rulership gives you the name Sal-Arinna, or Salarinna shortened to Sol-ar, or simply solar [soul-ar] the ar is from Arinna [arena].

This massive sun [Sal] collapsed and exploded outward, and Aum got caught in the gravitational pull of Sal, and it exploded and gave birth to your sun, Shamush. 

All 19 planets were hurled off into space and exploded to create 19 galaxies in space and beyond. 

Galaxies are recorded as population [1] population [2] population [3], and population [4], and on.

Population [1] galaxies are based on their age, are from hundreds of thousands of years old to 25 billion years old, population [2] is from 25 billion years old to 100 billion years old, and population [3] is from 1 trillion to 25 trillion, population [4] is from 25 trillion to 100 trillion and on.

The Milky Way, from the Latin via, way + lacteal, milky, which is the eighteenth galaxy, takes its name from the Greek sea nymph, Galatea, from the Middle English galaxie, the Milky Way, from late Latin galaxias, from Greek, milky, from gala, galakt-, meaning milk. 

This Milky Way galaxy exploded again to create the present soular system, the nu heaven, and the nu Ki [earth] will reveal a second and third sun, yet at this point you have one sun called Shamush or Haylius, and 10 planets called [1] Mercury [2] Venus [3] Earth [4] Mars [5] Jupiter [6] Saturn [7] Titan [8] Uranus [9] Neptune [10]  Pluto, and on outside the eleventh planet being Maldek and also Planet X, another name for the twelfth planet when you include the sun and the moon as planets is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru].

This was the making of the 18trh galaxy ruled by the signs of the Dendera [zodiac] called solar biology, more than a trillion years ago, it’s called the birth of the universe from triple darkness.

At first glance to the lesser informed the above quoted verses would be viewed as far fetched and unrealistic, the first step we must assimilate in order to completely inner-stand this prediction in this is that at the centre of every galaxy is a black hole [womb].

A black hole is a sun that has vanquished its energy to generate heat and light thereby collapsing into a super dense sphere whose massive gravity pulls to it everything close enough to be affected, including light waves and even time itself. 

Still rotating, this dense massive gravitational sphere forces a spiral formation aligning nearby objects.

This  soular system orbits around the supermassive black hole at the centre of this galaxy making one rotation approximately every 225-250 million years, this planet Aum [which is now the sun] as well as other nearby planets were apparently close enough to be caught within the supernova explosion of the larger sun, and these planets ignited from the inner core to become completely engulfed planetary sized nuclear reactors and independent sources of heat [light] energy.

Even more evidence proves that the effect of a supernova explosion can ignite the inner-core of a planet and it into a sun.

Supa Nova, Nova meaning Nu or Nine. 

A nuclear explosion occurs as a result of the rapid release of energy from an uncontrolled nuclear reaction.
The driving reaction may be nuclear fission, nuclear fusion or a multistage cascading combination of the two.
Fusion power refers to power generated by nuclear fusion reactions, in this kind of reaction, two light atomic nuclei fuse together to form a heavier nucleus and release energy.

The Sun is a natural fusion reactor.

Rizq, a planet in the 19th galaxy, the 8th planet of a three sun-system, inhabited by the Rizqiyians, also called the Neter, the three suns of this planet Rizq were known in time by three different names.

The most common being, Atum, Atun and Amun, referred to as the Re [Ra] = Rays, the Sumerians call them Utu, Afsu and Shamash.  

So, to summarize, the sun now known as Shamush [Shamash] and was once a planet with a nuclear reactor within its inner core known as Aum, that rotated around a marginally larger sun called Sal, who after having generated heat and light via nuclear reaction for an finite amount of time [age most likely in the trillion and trillions of years] exploded into a supernova whereby all nearby planets including Aum ignited and became suns of their own.

[Om] is also the name given by the Hindus [Naga] to the spiritual sun, as opposed to Sooruj, the natural sun. 

Sol is most commonly the name or personification of the Sun; Sol is also the modern word for Sun
in Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Icelandic, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish.
Also, Sol in Persian [Ethiopia] means a soular year.

The sun is a multidimensional portal [womb] and behind the sun is the holographic world, the spirit world, heat [plasma] is frequency.

Energy is streaming in with diamond, crystal kodes, we
have unity consciousness and love consciousness, the RNA [DNA] 
is changing us, if you are emotional you know why, love, peace and light,
unity is in the kodes.    

Three cubes


No rest bite for sum parts in Australia.
Second from last image you can see the cloaked out sphere.
  Maldives will soon sink.

With land set on fire and watered out you need to start thinking about cannibalism, ecosystems
are shutting down, fish, crops, start thinking about shit because you are
in shit.
They are topping up the 9ethers with energies so that they don't have to eat, the 9 ethers are
70% water 3/4 water, they won't need to drink that much, plus fresh water with carbon is being released but many will not be able to drink it because its carbon and you need to be carbon being, this is a warning to you from mother nature.

That is why you are being deleted, the fascination for making accessories from HuMin
skin to animal skin is coming to an end and so are you. 

M6.5 or M7 for China 
M6.6 for Indonesia
there should be one more
M5.1 Kansas [USA] 

Consciousness has a gender that is Femi9, consciousness is all neurons, it’s the Kaa in your body that is the awareness that you feel, after you die that consciousness leaves and it has actual weight, protons is the masculine, then the [elect]rons is us as a whole. 

Melanin was the first substance before any creation, there was darkness [Melanin], this is why the universe is black because is all dark matter which has consciousness and can form into anything.

The Universe is Omega [Female] 

Beast mode
[6] Protons [6] Neutrons [6] Electrons make up carbon which is a derivative of Melanin, anything with colour has melanin, you are a carbon based being who is about to be activated [if you chose to exit this matrix] into a Crystalline [Kasrat] [Christ] being having your Christ like existence when Mother Earth raises her frequency, hence the 5G.

Metu Neter [Mother Nature] is raising her frequency and so is 5G, low vibrational beings will not survive, the machine [Schumann] is going off the charts and is crashing at times, they are hiding the data because we are in the 300hz bracket [GPS] will start to mess up, you have been warned.

Ki(s) heat-beat is being supported by NI.BIRU and you the 9 ether

The Etherians are krystal light energy beings from Illyuwn and can take on the form of anything, the Etherians must maintain the soular system to prevent a star holocaust.

They personify to whomever, and their assignment is the guardians of life, of which Anu, is a prominent member, sent forth.


Mir [pyramid poWRA] Ka [spirit] Ba [soul]
NebHeru [NI.BIRU] Nabara
throne, seat, pulpit, this is a spiritual vessel.
The red sphere [root chakra] is NI.BIRU and how many times and the duration that they have been
to Ki. 

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