Friday, 19 August 2022


We have little pockets of conscious people in all the major cities and the rest of the people do not have a fu9king clue has to what is going on which Morpheus spoke about in the movie the Matrix, that they are total oblivious – getting on with their everyday life totally oblivious

Iraq, we saw that when they went to war and fought the war, it was all done without anyone asking the major question – people take things on face value

Baghdad [Hadad] aligns with Sedona on LAHMU [MARS] and has a portal over that area, when they went into Baghdad [the USA and the UK] the first thing they did while they were dropping the bombs, was that they secured the streets and took the people off of the streets, they secured the perimeter and went into the museums and libraries and took what was on their check-list, they burned down the library and told the people to loot and they did, and this is how they sort-of got away with it, by telling everyone that the people did it – the USA went into Panama and took out the government but no one looted

This was all part of their scheme, that during the three or five days to get what was on their shopping list – keep in mind that Saddam had rebuilt the main ground-based Star-gate [Ziggurat] and was going to switch it on, they encouraged the looting has a smoke screen, you know the US military must have had keys because a lot of these places that they raided in Baghdad was either left unlocked or they had the keys

Africa [Alkebulan] is key, but we have to let go of the old condominium – if it is one land mass and one people at the beginning and your thinking ancient Alkebulan being the cradle of sum thing, you have to keep in mind, its all a cradle of sum thing, you can go to Montauk of Long Island and they even say that is where man [mind] first stood up and Montauk was 9ether

If we look at this thing has Africa [Alkebulan] then we miss it – academia says you have to pick a continent- that is the way they do things in academia, you can’t have the whole world but yet it is the whole world with the 9ethers, and this is what is messing many up, why don’t they raid Africa, its all Africa – the USA is West-Egypt which Egypt is in Africa – its all ancient KUSH [KUWSH] empire who SARGON [NIMRUD] is the father seed [son of Kuwsh] which reached all the way up into what is called India today, its HINDU-KUWSH and that is North-East Africa

The African is not a one-continental people- this is messing a lot of people up today, many exclude the Ulmec [Olmec] and concepts of what came after, who was the first and so on+

We are talking about sum thing that is way older – the European cannot go further than Harry Potter and Lords of the Rings, he cannot go past 10,000 years and he likes to stick within 1,500 or 3,000 years because its safer for him, they have us locked into this African thing which is messing up the flow of things when we see them manoeuvring, this thing is way older than that

In a book by Oxford university entitled Myths of Mesopotamia by Stephanie Dalley, there is a chapter entitled the Decent of Ishtar [INANNA] who is a form of Aset [Isis] and so on+

What is written scares the sh9t out of them – Ishtar [IN.ANNA]goes to retrieve her husband who is Tammuz [EN.KI]

Ishtar(s) husband is thrown into the underworld just like Osiris, Ishtar is going in to retrieve her husband – so she goes down to the gates of the underworld and she says, let me in, open your gates for me to come in, if you do not open your gates for me to come in, I shall smash the doors and shatter the bolts and I shall raise up the dead and they will consume the living and the dead shall out number the living

These were in the manuscripts that the US military stole, so what they have is sum thing that they do not know if it was from the past or is sum thing in the future, these things are so old that there is no record to say if this actually happened in the past or was to happen in the future

Remember Ishtar is Babylonia [Babylonian] which is Persia and Iraq aka Mesopotamia, Ishtar is telling the gatekeeper to open your doors, if you do not open your gates for me to come in, I shall smash the doors and shatter the bolts and I shall raise up the dead and they will consume the living and the dead shall outnumber the living

If you study this stuff, you will realise that this obviously didn’t happen on earth before, so this might be a future reference to sum thing that’s happening and this is coming out of Iraq, I would be scared too – this is just one example

There is a movie called the Guardian [Mario van Peebles] and, in that movie, they find this ancient Chest [Ottoman] in Iraq and on the side of it, it says, the dead shall eat the living- try to understand this on a spiritual aspect – there is also the Wish Masters in which they talk about how the Jinn(s) shall walk again 

When you get out of the African thing then you will know that Kilimanjaro is sacred, that the Euphrates is sacred

Basra [Iraq] was 85% 9ether – in the 1989 expedition they had the Saudi Arabian [Al Ghor] expedition – they had this in Atlanta Georgia [USA] in 1989 and they went from Saudi Arabia into Iran and when you watched it you could help but not think is this not the West-African expedition because everything there was blue-black people

All of the Sumerian [Babylonian] panels have had all the colours removed, even in KHMT and in INDIA the panels have all had their colours removed, but when you look closely, they have missed places, you think they would just make these stone 3D layered records with all their attention to detail, intricate designs and not colour these pieces – Basra was 85% blue black people, Saddam knew this and so did Gaddafi

Today they still show 6ether Arabs has Sumerians, they still promote Assyrian Sumerians has 6ethers, had they left the colours on these reliefs, then they would not have been able to dumb the people down, but all those who cleaned these pieces know that the original people were blue black people, copper tones+

Africa is not what is happening, I have spent time relearning y-our history, it is not what it says out here, places like Mesopotamia aka Iran, Afghanistan, Greece, Italy, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Turkey+ is all one land mass and is 9ethers lands – the whole planet, the whole of Europe, Australia, Asia minor and major, Russia, Canada, Alaska, the whole fuk9king planet, every continent has 9ether records, Vikings, Iceland, Greenland, Finland+ it is all 9ethers sh9t with records stating this

I dislike Islam and dislike those that promote Islam like the 6ether Arabs and the 9ether Arabs, I dislike the Nation of Islam- the Moors where also Islamic but not like toady’s man-made version, I still dislike it regardless – what was going on back then, the ancient aspect

The Moors trace back to being KHMT priests [SEMU] – the ancient scientist or the ancient Masters understood that they could take Islam that the Masters get and they could and use it has a banner just like you have different philosophies and they knew that they could use this tool has a political tool and go into certain countries who the people of these countries are on a certain menial level so they needed a certain banner, so these priests used Islam, there is a mystical part of Islam that the priests knew about and they could go in with those same teachings out of KHMT – the Moors where basically ancient priests from around the ancient world that went in under the political banner of Islam and went up into Europe to teach the Europeans – they were Egyptian priests

Today people can murder and say they are a Christian and that is alright, the same with the Islamic  people and you’re the only one thinking its sum universal brotherhood, what is interesting to me is that when they got stuff out of the mystery systems – guess where they went to translate it before they took it into Europe – Baghdad, I sh9t you not and you know what is also interesting, you see the word Baghdad and now look at the name Nimrud Dagh [B-agh][D-agh] and Hadad [Baghdad] which means Mighty and Nimrud [Sargon] is a Ghibbore [Gibboreem] which means Mighty [ones], Giants – this is no coincidence

Baghdad is one of the places that the 6ethers translated a lot of things including the Metu Netu and Coptic, Greek, Latin+ which are all ancient 9ether [black] languages and they translated a lot of these from the ancient world from the library of Alexandria in Baghdad before it was taken to Europe – this was one of the centres of the Moors, most of it is KHEMET, Hebrew [Habiru]+ and are principles taken from these materials – they could do this because these people were menial, they didn’t have a Chakra system, they didn’t have an active 3rd eye, they didn’t have Melanin so the Moors could teach them and the 6ether Romans and Greek bits and pieces knowing full well that they wouldn’t be able to use it fully, they gave them 10%

The masses don’t exist has far as a people that we’re together with, yes psychologically they got us, we are defeated in the aspect -that we can’t give this sh9t away, even your own family members are looking at you that you’re the fool – the point I’m trying to make is this, if we are defeated and at the lowest point that we could be as far as being consciousness and we see all these people going and doing all these things, there is a sign that there is a shift and a paradigm shift that is going on- and they are the first to know it, so in actuality I welcome all this that we see going on around us all, if you get off the paranoia it is beautiful to see what is going on and you are actually here in this lifetime to see it yourself – it is not even us against them because we have [black] and [white] players in the game- working with each other – the USA have a ghost-system government and it was the UK who was-is running it all, however the UK is leaderless until September, the US have a clone that is dysfunction, the entire Japanese government has resigned, the race thing is not how you think, there are 9ethers who are actually running the Whitehouse and in the UK looks like they will have an Indian running it, he was the chancellor at one point – so the race thing means nothing because we have both races working for either side – start thinking on a whole other level, like in energies

They had to go into Iraq, remember the UK said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and Colin Powell held up sum bottle containing [???] [water]

There is a book entitled the Stargate Conspiracy [con-s-piracy] [piracy means to rob, steal] to con the spirit, written by Lynn Picknett which came out in 1999 and deals with how they were looking for Star-gates, lay lines, hotbeds, grids+ all over the world – Saddam nearly opened the portal – take your emotions out of the equation and this thing that we are all in right now is beautiful- look at the bigger picture – sum great sh9t is going on right now

On the internet all I see is [black] this and [black] that- its so fu9king boring, its outdated and means nothing, you’re like 2,000 light years behind, this is romanticism and look at this thing has a bigger cosmic scale

Did they find what they were looking for with the Star-gate, at that time two wars was going on, a spiritual war and a physical war – the physical war they were successful in eluding the people and with the spiritual war they lost that war, that soldier took the US flag and turned it upside down, even today many of the US soldiers have no idea what they fought for, nor do the UK soldiers – 
Richard Hoagland from NASA spoke about this – one of the soldiers had the flag upside down which means distress, many soldiers died or they had more casualties than what they were telling people, many soldiers also picked up SARS [ASARU] – they lost the war spiritually in Iraq

During the war many people were tired and could just about keep their eyes open [yesterday 18.8 I could just about keep my eyes open during the day and the Schuman was spiking out higher than 144hz] and what was going on during that war was our BAA [souls] was fighting the spiritual war, it was your BAA that was fighting the physical war- so say they were fighting all day which would be night when we wake up, they would be tired and we wake up in the daytime we would be tired- there was a whole cosmic thing going on and that is why they had to put the distress signal up [flag upside down]

There is a movie called Core which is about HAARP which is supposed to take in the earths signals of the Kundalini and shooting it back down into the ground and was the reason why many peoples sex- drive is very low now, it is the reason why birth-rates are non-existence now, many siStars are now studying, getting PhDs, setting up business – HAARP is shooting the earths Kundalini energy back into the ground – they show this in the movie Core – when the core was all messed up and when everything was all said and done it was the HAARP that had messed up the core by shooting down the planets Kundalini energy – the electromagnetic force fields, the waves back into the ground, in Metaphysics this is called the Kundalini force

Ishtar is a very promiscuous deity, in one story that I read about her, she took on many guys and left them on the ground drained – the mythology is called Ishtar will not Tire – she sexed them all – Ishtar [INANNA] is different, I do admire her – she knows how to dispense the Kundalini energy

They know there is a certain energy in that area and this is why they drop bombs in certain areas during wars, it’s the same with the HAARP machines, to try and shut down portals, in Iraq they had several portals – the Lesser Key of Solomon [Samuel Wiser] which they had to go to the British Museum and translate – now that the physical war has ended, let me give you an extract from the Lesser Key of Solomon which is coming from Babylonia, the testament of Solomon [Sol’Amon]

It says; these 72 kings and princes which king Solomon [Amon] commanded in a vessel of brass together with the legions, it is to be known that Solomon did this because of their pride and never declared a reason why he thus bound them

So, Solomon comes and binds these entities up [Wish Master where they bound these entities up and put them into stone aka he put them into the statues] so Solomon bounds these particular entities up because of their pride  

So he bound them up in a vessel and filled the vessel and he by divine power had cast them into a deep lake in Babylon – that is the Star-gate, the lake is the Star-gate, the chapter goes on; but they of Babylon wondering to see such riches and things they did go holy to the lake and break up the vessels and expecting to see a great storm of treasure therein, but when they broke open the vessels – they out flew immediately the chiefs and their legions following them and restored to their former places and were given worship

So, let us go back to the war – they were talking about this ancient Star-gate – then they say that the Babylonians broke into these vessels – so to me, isn’t that the same thing that happened with the war – they came over there and they bombed these places and as a result, sum thing that they didn’t think happened, they became surprised that it did happen and what did happen was they opened up sum thing that they couldn’t stop and therefore they had to take the distress signal and put up the flag upside down – now in Egypt [Khemet] they have a word called Khamsen and it means a strong-wind and spirit of Typhon, in Arabia they have the same word Khamsen which is talking about a strong wind and spirit of the Arabia desert – in Hebrew [Habiru] the word spirit and wind are the same – when they went over there the first thing that happened was the wind storms

Khamsin [Chamsin] Hamsin, Khamaseen and Khamsen [Kham Son] means strong-wind and spirit of Typhon and the Typhonions are the Dragons who were here

When they say there is a dust cloud or the Sahara dust clouds, know this dust cloud has an origin 

We had been on repeat and history will only repeat itself to those who do not know it, what happened back then is happening now [repeat mode] 

It is Ishtar who renders all decisions, goddess of all that occurs, lady of the heaven and earth, who receives our supplication, who watches our thoughts, who listens to our thoughts

She is Ishtar, supreme female elite member, oppressing all that is confused, holding full powers of judgement and decision

Even though this war will be started by man, it will be a female that will determine its outcome, it will be a supreme being, female [FEMI.9] that will end man(s) domination, that will end this confusion and restore order, once again, this is how it was and this is how it will be

2011 saw the eye of Re give Inanna his authorisation in which the female power was to be restored to its rightful place, Inanna was allowed to call on her follow siStars, to-gather all divine females and combined the female NRG for this moment  

Inanna is ANU(s) guide, she will direct NIBIRU, ENLIL and ENQI and the ANUNNAKI, the art of war will be re written 

Ishtar, who we may also identify with IN.ANNA, Ashtoreth, Aphrodite, Astarte, Kali, Sita, Sea-goddess Mari or Miriam, Venus, is the evening Star, Ish-tar [Star]

If you look real close at the word disaster, the word “star” comes from the word dis-aster, aster means star, the word ‘star’ was taken from Ishtar, because she caused many wars and disasters between the sons EN.LIL and the sons of EN.QI, Ish-star, as in female star

8-pointed Star, she is here now 
Inanna is the 8-pionted Star
Inanna, beloved of ANU
ENQI(s) twin and lover-all the way
Lamashtu, LasAnu daughter of ANU
IN.ANNA- Sumerian, In-An-Na, translates beloved of ANU

ISHTAR becomes the high priestess of the temple of Ishtar; she is now the universal mother of all living things

Ishtar also Isis (Emotions) she is the Sphinx in Tama-Re(Egypt) which is Aset, the seat-throne of all four corners of this world, and also, Lakshmi, Rhiannon, and Lillith-Kadmon mother, and to the Hebrews she became Esther, note: in the Bible or Torah the book called Esther is the only book that does not contain the word “God” anywhere in it, it is a re-written play of the story of Ishtar, with Hebrew (Haribu) inserts, Ishtar was the seat of redemption between King Ahasheroth (Ashtoreth) and the Hebrews

Ishtar also becomes known as the “goddess” of War, Hate, and Love, all in one, the goddess of emotions (Isis) energy in motion, the sun as a star, this is the light that bred the chaos or confusion against unity

We go down as she goes down, those are the rules, we follow her underground, Inanna who dies to become whole- and deep calls deep, the veils drop by, on our way, as he passes through the gate, with Inanna as our guide, we find truth in deepest night, and deep calls to deep

She controls men in their place, walks with thunder, power-walk, incredibly beautiful- extremely, smart, patience, methodical, calculated, she’s got game, she dislikes the sons of her brothers, ENLIL and ENQI, especially MUR.DUK

Ishtar, Inanna accuses Murduk for the death of DU.MU.ZI, and sentenced him to death in the E.KUR-MIR, called the great pyramid, where he was buried alive

EN.QI pressured Inanna to relent and she agreed to release him

Inanna was summoned to the council of the great ANUN.NA.GI, for all of her wrong doings, she apologised for all of the conflicts that she had started between brothers and sisters, and promised that she would not deceive her family again

Ishtar was granted forgiveness

Thus, she became worshipped as a great deity and her symbol was that of war and peace

You can still see the colours that the 6ethers cleaned off in attempt to conceal her identity, all the ANUNNAKI had to have KAANU [Melanin] to be down here 

Iris the primordial portal [ether] black hole
Ether realms


None of the data makes any sense - what happened on the right

NASA send another 40 Star-link satellites into space while we are being blasted until at least the 21st - isn't this what happened with the last launch- are they even satellites or cameras or what are they, they lost the last 40 

German Schumann spiking out

Italian Schumann recordings for a week 

[3] tones
Over a 1000hz
and again 1000hz
and 144hz+ 

Check out the codes 
Heavy energy, for hours, feeling tired and slow – take it easy, energy lingers for 3 days  

DNA [RNA] upgrades 

Last 24hrs 

WAJI is also ETHER [Melanin] 

Crown again is on fire 

South Pole 

What is beyond 

All weather systems spiral in a number 9 

Missouri [USA]
Check out the SKA 

It is going to ramp up soon through to October- October is when NIBIRU would come in closer, this expired in 2021 [2012] sh9t is coming up 

Plasma strikes hitting the planet 
Crafts are distributing plasma 

Last 48hrs DNA [RNA] upgrades 

Lights in the SKA

 Singapore SKA 

The energy signature if a orb, probe, craft on guard around the SUN [portal] 

Been sitting on this for a while- there are two [planets] sitting either side of the sun [portal]
Every now again the camera picks them up, they are have been there for a while 

No one is talking about these ticking time bombs anymore 

Stay out of their Matrix 

Backrooms [Backdoors] 

Kathedral of ANI
Turkey [Turkish] Kish [Kush] Kuwsh
1875 [1880]
Most of the two structures are in the ground 

ANI translates 

Nagasaki [Naga] Saki
Japan [IAPAN]

Terracotta antefix of a female and Lotus 


The BANTU [Buddha] were in Africa-Ghana-sitan – many secrets are still to be revealed – the Taliban [mercenaries] destroyed what the USA left for them to do, have no god before me means there was 

Even though they destroyed her face- her dreadlocks are still present 

HERU [HOURS] over double AKUR [AKIR] 
Why did they smash the intertwined symbol 

Ruwty can mean double headed lion

NAGA in Nubia which was a temple dedicated to ApeDeMak the Akir [lion] headed
Paa NaTaRu called SekhMet in KHMT and she is a sun N.TU [deity] and this takes you right back to the sun serpent of creation

Lower Mesopotamia [Iraq] 
Sphinx throne
Queens of Nimrud [Sargon]

A.NU [Braham]

What do you notice about the bird apart from its on a hover machine 

Assyrian army musicians with locks 

The Persians are 9ethers, a delegation from Ethiopia

You can still see the original colours 

Camels come from Atlantis [USA]
Where is their hump 

Check out the original colours

Sum underwater while they move a chariot across the sea

Check out the wheel design- why do they have to smash these pieces 

The Sumerians are Ethiopian kings called Negus  



Still receiving his mother milk- right image you can see the colour of her hair 

Braided hair 


#NGR also corresponds to NaGaR and NaGaR-U which means ancestors, NeGus, NiGeR all the way down to the molested European created NiGRo and NiGgeR all have the #NGR trilateral root, but in reality, they are calling you the creator

10,000 years ago

Turkey [Tur-Kish] Kish [Kush]
Another plug circuit called Karahan-Tepe, not too far from Gebekli-Tepe temple complex
More than 250 T-shaped Bennu [Obelisks], along with the remains of structures

On the wall inside the central part of the last building contained a stone head depicting a man with a prominent forehead, thick lips and a beard. In addition, inside the building there were 11 vertically mounted stone pillars

What is the Aboriginal connection, why does the pillar have the same stone [bag] Wi-Fi modem has in Atzlan and Susa 

All structures were subsequently deliberately filled with earth, stones and rock species, and the pillars before the filling were reinforced with large stones, either they left in a hurry or they intended to us them once again

All these sites and more are sitting on the planets lay lines and are actually still emitting poWRA 

Rebuilt after the war but built for modern day 

The bar and four dots below the serpent represent the number nine, executed in the style of Xochicalco, in Morelos
The rattlesnake above resembles contemporary carvings from Veracruz, to the east
Possibly was the name of an individual, or a date in the poorly understood Xochicalco calendar

Man walked with the Dinosaurs 

The doors are the windows has the mud floor came in
Built by the Moors and taken over by the 6ether Roman 
Etruscan art at Bucelli Palace,  Montepulciano, Italy 

Carthaginian [Carth-Aginian] Aegean [Aginian]

Henry Ford did not create the Model T

McKinley would go on to work on the Mustang, Ford trucks, and the T-Bird after becoming Ford’s first 9ether car designer

He was behind the earliest sketches of the original 1966 Bronco and would go on to work on the Mustang, Ford trucks, and the T-Bird

However, until recently, when Ford began the design process for the all-new 2021 Ford Bronco, only a few people were aware of Thompson’s story, now you know why

McKinley Mc [Mac] Mec [Ulmec] Olmec are pioneer builders  

Slaves were boiled in sugar vats as punishment in the Caribbean, according to records in the British Museum (West Indies)

In this case, an enslaved African became ill and was unable to labour on the plantation

Because the plantation supervisor desired greater productivity and profit for his employers, he decided to toss the young African into a boiling cauldron of sugar and pinned him down with a stick so the sick young man may drown, this was a generic practice

Now tell me who is the savage, sum still have the same mindset, but laws keep them hidden under a rock, with the Trumpster they’re crawling out again, you can have the coons, there is a rebelling coming up, all those who were taken out during the 512 [400] are fuelling the energy, the debt has to be settled even if we all get along in sum places today

No one cares about who did what first, you just need to know why sh9t is ending, why many will be suffering slowly, you reap what you sow 

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