Wednesday, 3 August 2022


Zeal [ZELE] ZELUS [JEALOUS] ZELO [CELO] from PIE *ya- "to seek, request, desire"


The AKUR gate [portal] is open, the calling 
An intuitive entrance into vibrational [Al]chem-y

We are going to go to the last [3] years, this gate has been activating all the while, yes from 2012 but the last [3] years are more significant than the other years

2022 [6] doesn’t exist and we are free-failing [held by NIBIRU] the energies are incoming and are levelling out

The FEMI.9 ELECTRON N.R.G, we have Aset [Isis], we have Sekhemt [Mighty] Mekaba and her siStars like Bas [Fire], we have KALI and we have Lilith – we have the Archangels, the defenders of energies, we have Nu [Nun] Mu [Mut] who listens, watches over us, she responds, the MIR(s) are switched on

You have a Merkabah [MER-MIR-KA-BA-H] tri-angle [tri-angel] which is in your vibrational field, through your Tree of Life aka your Chakra system  

This, and more, will you encounter over the coming weeks as you journey further and further, deeper and deeper into the realms

Your outer layers will be burned off
Blocks to revealing the inner light-codes will be dissolved
You may have to confront sum fears and resistance
-And yet, at all times you are deeply held and nurtured by the Goddesses [FEMI-NINE]
You are being called
You have a unique destiny
Change is in the air
The light is coming

Notice the signs, symbols and synchronicity all around you
You are in the midst of a divine conversation

Today, the AKUR(s) open their mouths wide and begin to roar the new frequencies into your being

The journey to the inner-sanctum has started

Are you ready

EKUR [E.KUR] AKUR is the name for the [Giza] complex and translates Mountain 
AKUR gate-activation alignment

Align y-our whole being to the Crystalline codes incoming 

These are sacred key codes of light to pass through every atoms, cells, electrons
-flowing through, filling and renewing every cell of y-our BAA, KHU and KHA

Each year on July [LEO] 26th, the sun, the earth, and the star Sirius [Osiris] move to specific points in the SKA, creating an opening between the physical and spiritual worlds

Around the the 8th of August, the alignment reaches its highest point, and this gateway is known as the AKUR(s) gate due to the exchange peaking on August 8th in Leo, represented by a Lion [Lyon] Lyra aka the KAMMU, the KAT beings, the Sphinx is also a KAT- Mekabah energies 


Satan is ancient Saturn, why would they call Saturn the Devil - Saturn is represented has death 

Saturn was first connected to this planet, this planet was a part of Saturn 

Saturn is also known has the [black] diamond and is a compound of Carbon 
Melanin is made out of Carbon or Melanin sits in Carbon which makes it [black] and the key element of space is Carbon 

In the Kabbalistic works it says [coming from the 777 and not the 666] its says 
Saturn holds special Alchemy 

It means in Cosmic memory that at one time the earth was not here in this space, she was with Saturn and Saturn was a big ball [sphere] of Melanin [Ether] KAANU 

Since the 9ether was the original people of earth [Ki] they are also the original people of Saturn and Saturn is nothing more than the planetary representation of the planet Sirius which is a higher planet 

You have the smaller universe [micro] which is this Denderah [Zodiac] [this one] 12 and  then you have a greater universe which is Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra+ all are bigger stars with other soul-ar systems+ 

The planetary representation of Saturn is Sirius - so the [Gods] came from Sirius and were first housed in Saturn - then the earth [Ki] took a fall and this took several stages of the earth [Ki] to get to earth and then you have the [Gods] of earth which are the fallen sons of Set or Suk [Sut] the first Blue- Black [God] there are [2] Set(s) [Sut(s)] just like in their Bible there are [2] Adams [Atoms] there is Adam Kadmon which is the heavenly man and there is the other Adam which is the animal man 

KADMON is the ancient man and the ancient man is 9ether 

So the earth fell but you were still [Gods] here on earth [Ki] at that time this particular dimension was all cloudy which is this physical world for the spiritual eye was not open at that time, has we became more and more trapped into what is known has the 3D - the physical world became more visible and the spiritual world became more and more invisible

All you are doing is getting back your spiritual poWRA that you always had anyway 

Saturn is a part of the Tree of Life which is your Chakra system 

When they say Devil, the original [God] of this planet was Satan which is Saturn - not the things the 6ethers practice in Satanic rituals, nope [Not Of Planet Earth] 

Devil = Dark-eve + Lillith [Lilith] the word Devil is referring to the Dark energy of Eve and Lilith, man calls her Evil because he cannot tame her, the word Devil makes up Eve and Lilith names 

Make no mistake FEMI.9 Electron is going to be tearing many a nu one 
 When the 6ether Greeks asked who ruled before the dynastic period, they replied Dragons 

You have to go higher with your studies and not get spooked out by old teachings that hide your truths 

These are your spiritual centres that are shut down and you must open them to receive these light [codes]  

Saturn is the Star of retribution and all 6ethers are worried about Saturn, they are also concerned with DATH [DARTH] which is the 13 which is also the number of Sirius which is why they don't put 13 on any of his buildings and why they say Friday the 13th is unlucky, Friday is Venus energy day 

Sum body lying
the 6ethers have never been to space or left this planets atmosphere, it is forbidden for them to leave this planet  - but sum one has

This is a craft docked at the ISS in 2014

Remember this craft is docked at the ISS 

We are not waiting on mainstream to advise us - NASA have already been giving you disclosure 

The Sun or NIBIRU is on the left and out comes what looks like a sphere [in shape], the right arrow is this planet 

Here you can see the impact in yellow from that sphere 

Image flipped - the sun is under the dome with us and the stars and moon and NIBIRU 

From 6.7.2022 into the 27.7.2022 we had two pulses/plasma hit the planet – one was around the 9th and the other the 27th for both impacts – looks like they came from the sun or the binary sun, NASA cut the feed on the 28th

Infrared star- cloaked 
The nu king-dome around the sun
NIBIRU does not travel alone and the planets are orbiting NI.BIRU 


There are 12 seconds between each frame and this comes up straight after one frame 

Not sure what this is

Image taken from a flight
There is a king-dome around the sun [portal]
NIBIRU travels at light speed- the soular system has sped up to accommodate the arrivals 
The planets are on one side of this soular system and the binary system and king-dome are merging and on the other side of this soular system 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Sirius is fuelling AP.SU [Sun] 

Moon [Mono] sum thing beyond the Moon and this object is also reflecting the Sun and Moon 
If this object is hiding the Moon, makes you wonder if sum one is getting their asses wiped up there 

Taken in October 2021 over Montreal [Canada]
NIBIRU used to move in closer every October until 2021 [2012] 

With 9/11 they purchased 10 years aka 10mins extension, over 4,000 lost their right to be here because of them - no one was wasted, all energy is trapped down here and has to go sum where, you can bet your bottom dollar those 4,000 are pissed off and will add their say so on matters at hand
That 10 year loop has looped out and there is no more reels [reals] to play

July, August, Sept-ember, October Nova-mber [JASON] sh9t is going down 

Its a jungle out there- stay on point 


Atlas moths are said to be named after either the Titans or their map-like wing patterns
In Hong Kong the Kantonese name translates as snake's head referring to apical extension of the forewing, which bears a passing resemblance to a snake's head
This is a double headed Cobra Moth 

Alkebulan Rain-frog 

Thieves in the temple

The Harpy site is a marble chamber from a pillar in a site that stands in the abandoned city of Xanthos, capital of ancient Lycia, a region of southwestern Anatolia, what is now Turkey [Eridu]

Built during the Persian Empire, the chamber was decorated with marble panels carved in bas-relief and topped by a tall pillar

The monument takes its name from the four carved female winged figures, resembling Harpies, but the female winged figures are not Harpies – there are two pillars still standing and one is missing its top which is enclosed, there are animals and new born- reminds me of when Jesus was born in a manger, there is a [King] and [Queen] and both are seated and they still match the height of those standing in front of them – the overall site has been destroyed by the 6ether Turks – Romans and whoever over the many years came through, now sitting in the British Museum, Etruscan history

The real interpretation is still unknown because other panels are missing

The carvings were removed [stolen] from the site in the 19th century by archaeologist Charles Fellows and taken to England

Fellows visited in 1838 and reported finding the remains of a culture that until then was virtually unknown to the 6ether Europeans

After obtaining permission [£] from the Turkish authorities to remove stone artefacts from the region, Fellows collected a large amount of material from Xanthos under commission from the British Museum in London, where the reliefs are now on display

You can see where they broke pieces of and sanded over their faces, shame on you, you can see the beard and locks, Zeus is also the ruler over Libya

Roman emperor Philippus the Arab kneeling in front of Persian King Shapur I, begging for Shapur to not punish them anymore, and the standing emperor represents Valerian who was taken captive by the Persian army, this is the triumph of Shapur I, Naqshe Rostam, Iran [Eridu] aka Ethiopian Gods 

This is what the title of the last image says about the complex [Nerco-polis]- the names are not right but sum thing happened here 

You can clearly see the MIR melted down
Too much electricity [electron]
Sum thing happened to the power grid
Unusual design consisting in the core of stone, it is [black] from the soot [fire] or the stone itself 

1978- big TV and VCR 

Delivery of Norwich City Council's First Computer in 1957

APPLE MAC [Mackintosh]

Fire in the hole 


Sink-hole [vents] 
CHILE [PERU] HERU opens up, near enough a perfect circle, water is going to come up one day and that part of the land mass is going under water
There are 1000s covering this planet 

Ancient mud-floods coming to the present near you, flash flood covers over in California and Kentucky [USA] 

Water is leaking in around the planet - this is a water [Moya] planet 

Rare photo showing Niagara [Nigg9 falls] Falls completely frozen over in the year 1911


Those are cards have his staff pictures and what they do - the clone cannot remember who it works with
You cannot feel for the USA people - they are has stupid has these clones 

The Hollywood sign originally said Hollywoodland when it was installed in 1923
The last four letters were removed in 1949

The USA have a real Blockbuster coming up 

Dún Dúchathair or simply Dúchathair meaning "black fort", is a large stone fort near Inishmore  [Inish-more][more-moor] in Ireland [IRU.LAN] I.RU [I-rish] O-rish-a [lands] 

Due to erosion, it now sits on a rocky promontory that stretches out into the sea
On its outer side there are large walls, reaching 6 metres high and 5 metres wide
On the inside are the ruins of clocháns
There is also evidence of a cheval de frise protecting the entrance

Dun [Don] translates [black] Donald [Duncan] Donegal+ [Mac-donald] Almac [Olmac] Olmec [Ulmec] Mac [Mec] Mexico

This “black fort” looks at one point was a tree- this is the trunk 

This is also nearby the fort 

Moving stones with sone [sound] tones, frequencies, vibrations, acoustics – back in the day, the original people were able to lift heavy boulders to high mountains using different sound groups
It looks like the body is losing weight in a field of sound oscillation

The book "The Lost Techniques" by Henry Kgelson, a civil engineer and air inspector who worked in Tibet, gives a unique description of the lifting of objects to a high-mounted temple

Giants played these instruments, not these Monks who have no poWRA at all and are not connected to source, they are called Monks after the word Lard [Lord], the MaStar Monkey or boss - the Lares are the head Monkeys - these people dressed in Red have no connection

 Hispanola [Hi-Span-ola]
Spaniard [Span-iard]
Are they not the same people 


The Grand Egyptian Museum, the largest on earth that cost $1 billion to build that houses 9ethers history 

Obelisk is a 6ether Greek word for KHMT word BENNU [BEN.BEN] 

Thieves in the temple 

SAR'S is from A-SAR-U aka the
Pharaohs curse is coming to place near you 
You brought it on yourselves [your cells] 

[2] eyes of Re is on most items, walls down there and they tracked your every move down there and what you did down there

Only Europeans and Muslims dig up 9ethers [black people] 

Saudi looks like and ocean in parts- tick tock

SESH.AT Seshat [Sesh] Sesha [Sasha] 

Semu [Sem] Sim [Simu] title of a [priest] a listener, a hearer 

Leo-pard [KAA.AT] KAT [CAT] 
BAST.AT [BAST] siStar of Sekhmet
BAS [BES] BAST translates Fire 

The royalty that wore leopard skin was mostly Iru [IRU] bloodlines like the Zulu, the Baganda and most Congo and Zambia, Zimbabwe, west African royalties [SEMU]

Hamitc [Khami] Khemt] royalties wore Impuzu although the Baganda too wore Impuzu which is from the bark tree of Umuvumu (ficus)

The farther north in Kush and Kemet they wore silk and linen

Ethiopia has 144,000 [12 x 12] different TRIBU [TRIBES] 

Ghana [Ghanah] 
Ganesh is from Ghana it says so in Sanskrit
Afghanistan [Af-ghana-istan] Africa-Ghana-istan] 
Why did they cut his tusks off like that

From the book History of the Northern People
About the difference between giants and other fighters

Valečov Castle

Valečov is the ruin of a medieval rock castle in the territory of the municipality of Boseň in Czech Republic aka Germany [Emmanuel]
The castle was built on a four-part sandstone rock block above the sea level
Part of the space was carved into the rock and supplemented with wooden superstructures
The original builders left a long time ago, out of the Ulmec [Olmec] we get the Moors - the Ulmec are pioneer builders 

How tall are 'these beings' ANNUNAKI [ANU.NAGA] 

Superior ancient architecture 
Complex in designs

This temple has a carving of man looking through a telescope which was not invented according to man
There is an ancient explosive missile like arrow depiction
This temple has a pillar which is lathe machine tool, which was not invented according to man in ancient time

What is that behind, looks like a portal 

You can see the real colours when you look closely - you can see where sum one broke pieces off  

We are only dealing with INDA, GOA, TAMIL NADU and SRI LANKA history because Sanskrit is old Tamil [Tama] text, this is why they wiped out the Tamils and China built that 1billion dollar port that is eroding away and will be reclaimed by the sea - look at the images you can see they are all dark people

Bangladesh is only from 1971
Pakistan from 1947 
India from 1947
All within the last 100 years- do you know your history before 

The NAGA and their parent HINDU KUSH are the only records we deal with when it comes to India

Who is the Tigress [Goddess] like with INANNA and the AKUR 
Durga [Ambika] same consortium  

You can go to this site today and the evidence of rockwork is still obvious
The ancient ruins here are mega, you can still see the MIR

Wounded Warrior 
Excavated in Rome
He was purposely hidden, made from bronze
Why are his eyes separate, taken out, they are brown 
1885 found 

Found by Dutch fishermen, this head statue sat on the stern of a ship
According to archaeologist Michiel Bartels, who works for municipalities in Noord-Holland-North, including Texel, the figure was made in the image of a warrior wearing a Phrygian crown,
Such a crown was already worn in ancient times, often by warriors
The Phrygians had been turned into slaves by the Romans, Phrgians is a made up word covering 9ether Greeks and 9ether Turkish, enslaved people were made to shave their hair bald to hide their hair,  you can see his hair is woolly and was probably a King sum where in history 

Albino rat, they never experiment on the Brown or Black rat
You would need to have rat DNA to have this Human ear, you would need to have Pig DNA to have Botox, why do Monkeys have the same DNA has Humans

There are [2] species down here, Heaven Kadmon and Animal Kadmon 

Take care of your KHA [body] parts

The [STOMACH] is injured when you do not have breakfast in the morning
The [KIDNEYS] are injured when you do not even drink 10 glasses of water in 24 hours
The [GALLBLADDER] is injured when you do not even sleep until 11 o'clock and do not wake up to the sunrise
The small [INTESTINE] is injured when you eat cold and stale food
The large [Intestines] are injured when you eat more fried and spicy food
The [LUNGS] are injured when you breathe in smoke, dirt and polluted environment of cigarettes+
The [LIVER] is injured when you eat heavy fried food, junk, and fast food
The [HEART] is injured when you eat your meal with more salt and cholesterol
The [PANCREAS] is injured when you eat more sweet things
The [Eyes] are injured when you work in the light of mobile and computer screens in the dark
The [Brain] is injured when you start thinking negative thoughts

Take care of the parts of your body and do not scare them
All these parts are not available in the market

Those available are very expensive and probably cannot be adjusted in your body because you are not animal 

So keep your body parts healthy 

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