Sunday, 14 August 2022

Looking for another you....

One of three main portals
One sits over Eridu [Mesopotamia] that the ANNUNAKI use and have access to and the ones over Australia and Cambodia - there are more but these 3 or the one over Eridu is the one they are watching

When the USA invaded Iraq the US military went straight to the museums and raided them all, the US paid the likes of Isis and the Taliban [mercenaries] to destroy what was left
All this fighting from the 6ether [whites] and Arabs [muslims] over 9ethers history 

All hand gestures are not just for posing - each is a portal opening, remember no one is speaking at all 

In Russia 2009 they said there was over 50,000+ indigenous 9ethers in Russia who are descendants of the Tartary empires 

In NAGA [NAKI] NADU they said they have 50,000+ SIDDHIS [SIDDIS] Siddhartha

HASHIS who are all of BANTU descent - they are the offspring of the Kundalini MaStars 

They are not there because of slavery, they were already there before the 6ethers even came out of their cave systems 

Look at her nails
One hand [finger] is directly inside the container  

Pterosaur depicted on NAGA [NADU] NAKI [left image] 
Lizards are part of the dinosaur family [Dino means terrible and saurs means Lizard] 

Sedona [Snowdonia] 

Repeated stimulations 

There are different [Greys] 

Aztlan [South America] and Egypt [KHEME] 
One source 

Wa-Set [LUXOR]  
The 6ether Europeans stole many of the Bennu - this one is in Embankment [London] and renamed Cleo(s) needle eye
Last image is a close up of a ether Bennu sitting in the British museum
That is an adult Elephant 

Poland [Polska]
2009 is when they started to restore the site after it was destroyed or damaged 
1919 is when Poland was founded, what was 'Poland' before 1919 
You can see in the last image that the mud flood came in at sum point 

Look at those ears, those are your Buddha- there is no such name has Buddha

 These 'artists' are responsible for many artefacts look European [Asia] Asian

 Etruscan treasures unearthed in San Casciano dei Bagni [Italy]
Etruscan coins mixed in with Roman coins
The Romans and Muslims [Arabs] have a habit of taking over sites or parts of history that they had nothing to do with in its creation   

These were also found [3] ear-shaped [??] 

And this a Womb shaped [Bronze] [???] 


Saturn energy on the [Saturday] Sabbath [Sabbeth] beth means black house -Bethlehem

The Etruscans were the first to build structures for thermal waters, true devotees of thermal baths, that the healing properties of these waters gained their huge appeal, as evidenced by the presence of numerous archaeological finds – the Romans were unkempt and didn’t even have a language – these thermal waters were changed water, not just about heat, the Etruscans knew the poWRA of steam, of what saunas could do

In Italy [Ital], there are famous for its numerous springs of sulfurous waters spread throughout its territory, the San Casciano dei Bagni village has long attracted visitors from all over Europe

The Etruscans developed ancient cultures such as Crete, Mesopotamia and Mycenae
The Etruscans settled in a region of central Italy known as Etruria
They were one of the most influential civilizations in ancient Italy before anyone

The Etruscan sanctuary of the Bagno Grande in San Casciano dei Bagni is a geothermal hub with forty hot springs, six connected to the thermal sanctuary

The Etruscan picked this location to utilize the therapeutic power of the water's chemical properties -- it is rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium, as well as chloride and sulfates, these sites and more are sitting on the planets lay lines 

Within the 9ethers skin are
375 rare metals [50] are rare Gold(s) and 50 are rare Koppers
375 different minerals
375 different crystals

3 x 375 = 1251 = [9]


Septimius [Sept] September [Sepdet] was the first 9ether Roman emperor

His wife Julia Domna hailed from what is called Syria today and they had two sons Caracalla, the elder and Geta who was put under ‘damnatio memoriae’ which meant any images of him were ordered to be destroyed, many people say Hannibal lost to the 6ether Romans, that the 6ether Romans sacked Rome, when it was when Hannibal saw 9ether soldiers fighting with the 6ether Romans, he walked away has it was not in the 9ethers interest to fight with one another – they never fought each other- that was then, this is now, times have shifted for sum 

Photographs from Rome(s) ancient underground catacombs
The jewel-encrusted skeletons of 9ether Roman martyrs

Dug up in Rome [Roma] Rama, there is no proof that they were martyrs of any sort, but that didn't matter to the church so long as people believed they were

They were decked out such as this to show these people were held in high esteem, garishly, they were paraded through Europe and installed at various locations, most notably in Germany and Austria, it was an effort by the church to reinvigorate the faithful and gather new worshippers

Only the Muslims [Arabs] and 6ether Europeans dig up the dead and parade them in museums, these are 9ethers, hence the jewellery and attention to detail  

The Roman merchant shipwreck at Comacchio, northern Italy, is over 21m long and 5.62 m wide
It was discovered in 1980 during the maintenance of a drainage canal
The vessel was loaded with amphorae, lead ingots, and boxwood logs+
Did the 6ether Romans build this vessel and any others, Sicily is where the Moors had all their ships moored [Moor] the ships where attached to the moorings [Moor] get it, when the Moors left- others inherited it all 

Created by Hungarian Engineers using an old T-34 and two MiG-21 Jet Engines
It was able to put out oil fires with a single blow
The photo was taken in Kuwait, 1991

Kuwait was supposed to be the Dubai of today but Jew boy Bush Sr was having none of it and bombed Kuwait to stop them 

Done on purpose

I bet the scientist are Chinese, they have a billion cockroach warehouse next door to one of their airports - you drink that sh9t- many people drink milk, I do not, many have babies right now, baby milk formula is over and so will milk itself if not already 

Tranny with no fanny 
Both were born men 

3rd image 'Indecent exposure' at Rockaway Beach in the 1940s and top 2 are 1930 [1960ish] Iran before man [revolution] 

Last image, mixed messages, men don't know what to do when they see this, especially Muslim men, women wonder why they get assaulted or called names   

This track goes out to Eden [image above] 



The Naqadan culture became arguably the most important prehistoric culture in Upper Egypt [KHMT]
It is named after the city of Naqada where much of the archaeological evidence for the period was found - highly advanced race 
The star-gate in Susa was built by the ancients using Naquadah
Nuqta [Naqta] Naqada [Naquadah] 

Pre-dynastic which means before the soular dynasties 

Canoe [Kanoe] last image Native Indians are attributed with creating Canoes, Native Indians [9ethers] in West-KHMT [Egypt] aka USA, we go to ancient Egyptian [Pre-Dynastic] to the Naqada people, found in Wa-Set [Luxor] 

When ENKI returns most of the mainstream 9ethers will be destroyed along with the Tama-hus or the Igigites, the Twa will be spared because they have for the most part genetically remained uncontaminated

Most Diaspora 9ethers are on average 40% hybrids between Igigites and Abantu
In the eyes of ENKI that is contaminated bloodline, whereas ENKI and his father ANU are puritans
Most Kushites will not make it either and it will be so bad for HuMans when Nyabiru returns
There will be a total reset of everything like what happened during the times of Atlantis and Lemuria

Last year was the last year in which NI.BIRU [NYABIRU] in October would come closer, but now NI.BIRU is inside the groove – NIBIRU is our magnetic sun

These posts are not about who is better- its about equality
we are all trying to get to the same place 

Stone made of pure Oxygen
Sierra Leone [Leo] Leona 

Purple is the Crown and your eye is in there hence why the Moors said it was good for your eye [eyes]
Many 6ethers 3rd eye is calcified and so Purple carrots had to go, Oranges are Green, not Orange 
The 6ether does not deal with energies, only physical 

Ignore the religion parts, the Freemason endorse SARGON [Nimrud] because he was the first king to stand up for himself and so did the people
Bab-el was not a tower like how their Bible states 
We know the Bull [KAU] in a different way, its no coincidence that it is a 9ether wombman that is holding the crystal
Look at every symbol in there 
Everything that they are wearing
Reverse engineering [energy]
Camila was born a man - Charles is homo- so are his children, in fact all the men in that Reptilian family are homo-sexual 
The guy is talking a lot of trash
SARGON [NIMRUD] is ENKI and ENKI is ruler of KI [earth]
You can see the 'tower' being destroyed - like how they recorded it in their Bible- I wonder why  

See the phone, it takes a lot of energy to move things in the physical world 

You should not mess with trapped spirits 
You see when the door would not open for the clip where the guy kept saying Allah- that has happened to me twice over the years- the guy started crying when they kept the door shut- a lot more can happen and they can enter your world when you play with them- this is not a game 

German Schuman spiking 

Italian Schuman humming
The Canadian Schuman must be going wild 

Tripping out

South Africa M6 
China M6
Near Australia M6 
Which should all be in the M7 mark 

It has begun 

Stomboli [Italy] 
Mud flood- coming to a place near you 

Second largest river is dead, 2 weeks ago and their government didn't say nothing
That is around 10 tons of fish that have died along with the river - this does not just affect Poland 


A view of the Moors site Aquis Querquennis, located on the banks of the Limia River in Galicia, Spain, the camp is usually under water but can now be seen because of the low water levels

The Galician village of Aceredo, swallowed up by the Lima River after the construction of the Alto Lindoso Reservoir in 1992, the village reappears every time the water drops to dangerously low levels

Centuries-old HUNGER STONES emerge from dry riverbeds in drought-stricken Europe
Water levels have dropped in major rivers across Europe as the region suffers under a historic drought, in those dry riverbeds, centuries-old warning messages have emerged
One of these stones is embedded in the Elbe River, which runs from the mountains of Czechia through Germany to the North Sea, the stone, dating back to a drought in 1616, is once again visible in the dry riverbed, Hernández-Morales said
The warning reads, “Wenn du mich seehst, dann weine” – “If you see me, weep.”

“Hunger stones” like this one were used as “hydrological landmarks” across central Europe, NPR reported when the stones last surfaced during a 2018 drought

They are finding many bodies over in the USA and there is much to come, many lakes are old settlements that when the invades came in, they murdered those people and buried them and their settlement and flooded the area, everything is coming up to be seen by all 

Its quite easy for the higher beings to come down here and blast everyone, but that would be too easy 

Europe needs that water channel, not just Poland
Systematic shut down

Drought hits Germany's Rhine River 'We have 30cm of water left'

Wales [UK]

Flash flood warning, not flash flood alert
Man-made event
No rain is forecast in the valley for 5 days but yet there is a warning - is it for water or heat

The planets largest volcano [vol-Cain-o] is activating and has already cracked part of the planet
Montana, Idaho and Wyoming – with Yellowstone [which is shut down after flooding by man] in the middle, there are 4 major volcanos in Hawaii- is this why the US have a warning and not a alert 

What good is all those nukes against nature and her forces

Plenty of places around the planet are going under

Sin city gets washed for its sins
Forget me father

The planet must be cleansed [purified] first 

Taken over Croatia two years ago, this spout, funnel, vortex, look at the shape, eventually goes into a funnel, maybe its a type of tornado- but the shape

Australia and the USA 
What are they, crafts in formation or sum thing to do with the atmosphere, like HAARP 

Drive by


Every European state is in big problems

[USA] huge mother ship 


Crafts are not over the Caribbean or Africa except ABZU- maybe they are but I haven't had any images from these places, but everyone else- they are fu9ked  

Mt Fiji [IAPAN] 

Mt Rainer [USA] 

How does the sun get those horns
Craft convoy drive-by 

Assembled in 2012 
Special craft 



Taken during a sunrise 

The Moon is still on full mode
Clearly the Moon is not on its own
The Moon and Sun are not the same in the four corners of the planet
When you see distortion and the rest of image is fine - know that there is huge amounts of energy, currents coming from 'things' up there  

What is being caught here 


SKA [SKI] SKY over Pole-land 

Check out the two light sources and all those crafts up there

SKA over Hun-gary 

Huge amounts of voltage are hitting the planet - where she needs it the most 


Atum [Atom] Atomic energy – the two are linked, both depend on wind or air as energy to exist and this in ancinet time was called the breath, sum called it Prana, others called it Hayah, it was simply wind or Rawuh [Roakh] as in Ruakh or Ruh meaning soul, wind, breath, which in time becomes inscribed by theologians and philosophers as spirit from Spiritos, which is wind, breeze, air is wind and breath and that is life

Deep space should be treated like a deep ocean and all that dwells in a deep ocean is present in space, space is liquid crystal [Moya] w[m]ater

These are spirits

Spites - Elf, fairy, disembodied spirit, ghost
Archaic [soul] 



Get ready
Red is inside the dome, its in the SKA [MAAT + HERU] 

They say that in 2019 Betelgeuse [Beatle Juice] did go Supernova and released a [CME], this was from the Red Star [Betelgeuse], the star either went Supernova or the star was fired up, it may have been before 2019

Super Nova from super a prefix of Latin origin meaning over and above and Nova meaning new, this is because it appears to the naked eye as a bright new star, sum times the explosion blows the entire star to bits [spontaneous combustion] and at other times a lump may be left to become a Neutron star, the largest remaining bit of star may also become so compressed that it possesses an intense gravitational pull and then becomes a black hole [portal]

Either that was a Nova or Supernova

Betelgeuse is [1] of [7] [its 9 but we can only se the 7 stars] and they are siStars, Betelgeuse is also connected to other star constellations

[ETHER] holes lead to other worlds 


No one is leaving this planet, the dome went up to contain the virus, do you really think the higher beings would let you leave to go to another planet after you nearly fu9ked this one over
There is a cube surrounding this planet, this house is sealed so that no energy can escape 
It is forbidden to allow the 6ethers into space, besides they do not have KAANU [Ether] and you need Ether to go to Ether

No one is going to Mars or the Moon

Yes the NSA have mining operations up there on Lahmu but NASA no, they have around 25 probes taking pictures and had a few land probes but they will not be going to Lahmu

When NIBIRU came in - in 2012 and passed Lahmu, NIBIRU put Lahmu into a coma

Nature is getting ready to destroy 

Laser cut 
I saw this today and the article states its recent, although we have seen images like this in recent years
Is this structure natural, h3ll no, was is cut and if so by whom 

NASA say this is their clearest picture of Venus [LAHAMU] - Ok then
Lahamu is not a planet, she is a satellite and will be with us all the way until this thing plays out 

In the last 2 years since the lockdown started the A.I has been recording everything, learning everything from you, all those connected to the server, even when your cell phone is not being used the A.I has access 24hrs a day – A.I is now live- 5G has been rolled out in stages but its rolling

Stay away from those who are displaying fu9ked up thinking  

In 2008 $1 US dollar got you $25 million Zimbabwe dollars 
And now according to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, as of August 10 2022, it had sold 4,475 gold coins for a total of $3.7 billion, 90% of which were paid for in local currency in 2 weeks, you remember when the west sanctioned Zimbabwe and now they are in full control

Sterling is over, the Dollar is over, the Euro is over

These Alkebulan countries need to keep quiet about their recourses or demon-cracy bombs will rain down

Don't support these places, let them find another way to feed their children
animal trainer is a animal conditioner, all they are doing is conditioning the animal to do HuMan things 

AKUR [Lion] numbers have fallen dramatically over the last 20 years, let alone the last 100 years, has long as man is walking this planet all animals are endangered

Africa [Alkebulan] was a nursery, it’s a g-arden [arden] aden [eden] edin – no one used to live there, we would go and visit and be among nature, now these animals are made endangered species, did you know that the AKUR once had a 400,000 stronghold of  AKUR [SEKHMET] – until they were hunted by the trophy [6ether]- most of the animals were on 400-500,000, even the Whales until the last 100+ years

We have left the Moon cycle which was 6,500 years, the circle was ruled by the 6ether Greek deity Monos, god of sarcasm and pain, who rules by faith and beliefs – we are now moving into the next 24,000 years or the next sun cycle, the era of Neter Atum-Re, when the unknown will be made known, when that which was undifferentiated shall be separated, where the truth will outweigh the lie  

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

Atum and Atun are Asaru [Osiris] and Heru and they came back has Amun- this is all ENKI [INKI] ENQI the same being, he is also Nimrud, he has so many avatars, he stayed when everyone left, he shown compassion for the HuMan [HuMan] species and was the one would extended the species, he stayed and had so many avatars so that he could teach us, evolve us, develop us

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] which translates creative power to make [the suns rays]

KARMA waves are going to be a bi9ch for many, all animals are ATOL protected 

Spider crab 

Aardwolf translates earth-wolf and they say it can eat over 200,000 termites in one sitting due to its sticky tongue and the image under is of the Aardvark who eats termites 

The earth-pig was mixed with the Warthog [Hog] and the Canine, Rat [Albino] and Aardvark and bleached to create the Pig

Haru-BeHuTet = Heru [Horus] the Judge, who would beat the Swine or Pig out of a person during the Double Hall of Judgement scene (read that line again, this is at the Duat = AmDuat = underworld (netherworld), you are in trouble when you get up here

Choice bred, the Aardvark is another choice bred creature, its commonly referred to as an Earth-pig
Sum scientists claim that the origin of the aardvark is unknown
The Aardvark is a mutation that occurred on account of crossbreeding of the rodent, feline and cain9
It is an offshoot in the making of the Boar, who later was bleached into the albino domestic pig or souse

So many are eating a genetic experiments, in fact all white albino reptiles, mammals and fowls are genetic mutants, for mutant creatures, including albino reptilians off-spring

Intentionally bred for human genetic mutants
HuMan DNA is in the Pig-ment 
The PIG [Pigment] was a symbol of Negativity
Eating the Pig is cannibalism

The domestic Cow [KAU] and the albino rat share DNA with the HuMan, hence why they use the albino rat, use brown or black rat and the results will differ
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a pigs valve for going on 40 years now, Botox is pigs fat, put the valve and Botox in other races and they die

Haru-BeHuTet = Heru [Horus] the Judge, who would beat the Swine or Pig out of a person during the Double Hall of Judgement scene (read that line again, this is at the Duat = AmDuat = underworld (netherworld), you are in trouble when you get up here

Image is for logistical purposes only 

We see Seker [Sokar] who is Lord of Death [Neither world] and the images underneath are showing Seker holding a Ball in which they say this is where Baseball comes from- that he is holding a Ball

Seker-hemat is supposed to mean batting, has in this is where Baseball came from, no doubt the Alkebulans invented Baseball

Seker [Sokar] means to silence- and that he does for he is Lord over the underworld 
Hemat [Hamat] not sure what this means

Is this a Ball or an eye, Udjat [Wadjat] the the 9ethers below are also holding 2 Balls or are they all holding the 3rd eye and the 2 human eyes- what else is going on here 

Sun God [Ra] 
The Scorching Sun [Midday sun] 
Also known as Heru-Behudti
HERU [HARU] HARI translates Mountainous, far away 
and Behutet [Behudti] is EDFU which translates Perfection 

The Sun God is Atun Re [Asaru] Heru
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma ray light
Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light

Heru in the form of the mid-day sun — and in mad dog scorching mode
Unless you’re keen on global warming, you’d better stay indoors

Using his soular winged disk of poWRA he defeated Set and a multitude of enemies
He was rewarded with utmost glory and his name scribed on the Hetu [temple] wall

Millions of Ibis birds where found mummified - you have to learn about the underworld, neither world, the spirit world, like the soldiers from the terracotta army who they say is around 6,000 [its going to be 10,000]
Why so many, they were made from clay - Khnum is the moulder, he made Osiris from clay when he was killed
The Ibis [Tehuti] are in the millions- none of them are dead, only in the physical world 

Dunnottar Castle
Picts [Pics] 

A lot of articles lately about giants, now they are saying they found a settlement in Ethiopia 

MUSHAYAYO [Alkebulan]

This particular style is called UMUSHAYAYO and celebrates the universal harmony and balance of nature, does that not sone like MA.AT- that is how old their culture is
The Hutu dance is called Ikinimba
The three groups Hutu [Tutsi] and the Twa share the "Intore" dance

Sasanian circular [360] city
Gōr [Gur] Al Ghor
Eridu [Iran]

In 2013 a man in the UK purchased this pottery item from a car boot sale and uses it for a tooth-holder, years later he finds out its over 4,000 years old and is from Afghanistan
The UK and USA had been poppy sitting for over a decade in Afghanistan – many items were stolen like this

Gold [Nub] is a conductor of energies, Nub is in the 9ethers skin
Nub [Nubian] Nubia 
Christ [Crystal] = vibration
In the 9ether skin are 375 rare metals 50 are rare Gold(s) and 50 are rare Koppa(s)
375 different minerals
375 different crystals
3 x 375 = 1251 = [9]

The maces [clubs] of the Kushan Kings
Kushan is Kush [Cush] HINDU KUSH [Kuwsh]
Found in KHMT, IRAN and NADU 

3 kings
Kujula Kadphises
Vima Kadphises
And Kanishka whose upper body has been hacked off [last image] but you can still see the mace
Each using the club, mace, sceptre or spear

These are Persian [Ethiopian] Kings going into NADU [India] Asian which will they become known has HINDU KUSH

Herakles [Hercules] is Heru-kles and Nergal is Nergal Shar’etser

Now present generations are fed with that ancient Kush warriors were like, just like hold the sword and fight, but it was actually strategic [the art of war] art with warfare, ultra levels of combat skills, army management 

This is how the ANUNNAKI settle disputes by hand-to-hand combat on Ki

84 deadly martial arts, except 2 were banned from India in the late 17th century by the British, with sentence to death even for practicing, same in Alkebulan
Even lakhs of Vedic ashrams were destroyed as well
However sports like wrestling remained

Syria comes under Susa [Shinar (She-nar) translates the plains] Sumerian [Eridu]
Lego land
Stacked like Lego pieces, no mortar is holing the stone blocks in place – main [Iy] with several villas arrayed on the rise of the hill 
[Syria] Lyra is Nimrud [Sargon] land 

They say this place was built in the 19th century which isn't correct, its older than that, these types of building is in IRU.LAN and UK
I was staying in a place called Pescara in Italy and we went to Croatia, these islands are part of places that are under water- they may have planted here from the 19th century but they did not build the original structure  


Starting in 1897 and continuing through 1930, the hilly topography of central Seattle was radically altered by a series of re-grades, in what might have been the largest such alteration of urban terrain at the time

These images look odd, there is an existing town already and why are they leveling the ground, who was residing in this town and where did all the mud come from or was it already there, why are they always wearing suits+

[Al] Ghor [Saudi Arabia]
[Naba] Nabateans
They also built Petra [PATRA] 

[Iy] you can see pieces broken off, sone proofing +
Stone holds frequencies
Look at the HuMans for scale
Sum - if not all did not have an opening [doorway] and were broken into later on- the higher beings would de-materialize matter and walk through walls  

Same symbol found in [Greece] and in Susa [Sumerian]

ETHER [Black] Omega

The Spartans, in spite of being located in the middle of ancient Greece, were in fact, black-skinned- so stop lying

It is the Maasai warriors that wear red, the original t-arta-n [Sp-arta-n] army
The Spartans had a number of 10,000, nothing more, nothing less, there is that number again

When heads, noses, arms, legs are missing and the item has been repainted, then you know that 6ethers have been in there 

300 is a movie 

Zeus [ENLIL] holding his Vajra- you can see his dreadlocks, the women either side have been repainted by a 5 year old - look carfully and you will see 9ether wombmen- 6ether Greeks hate women
 why is the word Vajra a [Indian] word and the weapon found in Greece

Heads all missing- why, are they Negros 

Who is that dreadlock riding that horse in Greece 

IA [PAN means All]
IAPAN is part of NEPEL with a huge sub-continant under water
These pottery vases are made before the ice-age meaning they are over 10,000 years old
Made by women

Unique design – sum of the colours are still remianing

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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...