Thursday, 18 August 2022

Najila [wide eyes]

The love supreme doctrine is the supreme doctrine of life [Chi] where there is no love there is no life

So, when you take the love energy away, which is mother(s) [Ma] Ma’other energy [Mitochondrial expressed] in the HuMan [HuMin] anatomy – you have to tune back into that frequency [vibration] sone [tone] acoustic – which is in mother(s) house and a place in your KHU [Mind] where you are free in your mind of objectional thoughts – were you are at ease  

There are so many ancient female statues, figures, everywhere there are male statues, figures, there she is, even if she has no head or a busted nose or no arms, she is there, the past reminds us of a superior energy that is ever present

Recorded stories and memories where your mother provided when there was nothing, making food when there was nothing- that is straight up alchemy – I came from a home where we didn’t have much, we were a single family but like Dr Fancies said there is no such thing has a single family, its called a survival unit, mum went into survival mode 

S-he is doing all this out of an energy called love – she is infusing the food with this energy called love and this is what you call real soul-food

Have you ever eaten sum thing from your mum that was 4Star Michelin status, your mother and grandmother+ just added their love, have you ever eaten food that healed you – it’s the energy of the mother that loves the people that she is feeding, many women take pride in their food and always feel satisfied when your satisfied, all that love conversion in the heart of the home which we call a kitchen

If you do not vibrate on the frequency of love then you are in big trouble, right now the feminine principle energy is ripping this dimension apart – the planet will switch you off if you cannot match the frequency, the planet is being upgraded and once she gets back to that energy all those who are not operating from the heart sincerely and out of love are finished, we are not talking about European love that is completely different from the original love even the word love comes from the word Jove and once you research these words it means nothing

This mothers love is a frequency 

 Our elders have been telling us for decades that it is about the sone [sound], it is about the frequency

[808] [88] is the war drum beating directly on the Root Chakra none of your sacred secretion is going to rise because you are at war – it is fight or flight

Hip hop is heavily laced with the [808] beat on the Root Chakra and this is because the 9ether is a harmonic instrument – this whole planet is littered with harmonic structures and sound proof chambers – the HuMin [HuMan] body [Kha] is a soundproof chamber and is still emitting sound, so are all the pyramids – where are they getting it from, the Schumann charts are based on the frequency of the sound that is coming from the universe- where is it coming from 

You are a Wi-Fi USB

You have a drumbeat going, which they call a heartbeat, the snares is called a brain beat, your string instrument is called nerves+ all of these sounds emanate from the body

You cannot get away from the sound, you cannot get away from the love frequency and right now we are seeing sum real adjustments being played-out, the vibratory rate is rising 

There are those that hate others for no real reason, we are on the cusp of a situation where people are going to have to come together because your very life depends on it – there will be stimulations where the only person that can help you in that moment is the very person you hate for no real reason

 Many do not feel nothing but there are stimulations coming up for us all, it works both ways there are those who hate other races and vice versa but this is going to change, people are going to have to support, help, aid+ one another especially when your governments fu9ks you over and hangs you out to dry  

Nothing is going to change until we pursue the love divine energy 

 Until you start to h-ear the natural frequency of creation, which is the sounds of the spheres which is your Chakra system beating in tune – you need all of them in harmony then you will have a prefect orchestra – you need to align your Chakra system, the spheres aka the planets which all have a sound signature to them

Beethoven used to hear the whole composure before he wrote a single note and he was stone deaf [where is he getting it from] he is drawing from the sound of the spheres – he is tuned into the frequency of the divine creator aka Ma – he is writing these notes down and other instrument players can match in these divine songs of creation and is to why Beethoven(s) music can affect children(s) development that increases their intelligence in the uterus 

We have to delete this hate-based system that was created on this planet – the higher beings do not see races they see energies – everything is energy, the frequency is going up and they have all the time in the world because they have the MaStar key, the sun is trigger HAPI and is letting off for hours and over consecutive days – it is so charged out there  

If  you don't know how to fix it, please start breaking it 

The greatest labour of love is to do labour for the ones you love and that is why you are here, those with the empathic energy, you are here for sum thing greater on a mass scale – this is why you feel, sense so much, why you take on so much, you are sensitive to sound, which is light – its an emotional light, all this was training for this very moment [wax on, wax off]

Its not like losing an election, the young ones are fighting for their future 

The planet will force the issue, there is no getting away from this, this house is now sealed, we are all going to have to face off with our demons, where you born ready or are you rock steady

The FEMI.9 principal is the most abundant energy in the universe which is Omega, the planet is Female, the man is the aggressive part of the female, there is no getting away from this – she is in the energy that is consuming this planet, that is consuming this soular system – the energy is far more superior than any other energy 

We are seeing WAJI recorded in the Schuman, Melanin is also WAJI [Green] the heart is also WAJI, it is a life force healing energy and you have to connect with it

Come from your heart and mean it, be you and stay you, the universe does not recognise Human error, she recognises change, many people grew a heart down here and they have [1] Ion, they are good to go and those who have a Chakra system you have a different contract and you have to get your sh9t together because the writing is on the wall, sum day you might fall, you have to match the frequency – go and check the Chakra colours and how to tune them, like eat electric foods, research how to rotate your Chakras, they need to be rotating at 360o  there is data in these posts

You heart must be lighter than a feather [Ma'at] 

Amun secret name is Nun [Nu] Nut [Mut] Mu [Ma] Maat the sound of Om [life] 

Sacrifice through unconditional love is the expansive nature of the Uni-verse

Loving for me is easy but I choose to love my loved ones from afar
Love teaches one to truly value themselves first
Once you value yourself, you'll know how detrimental it is to love outside of self
People say, "I love you" but have no clue how or what that means, its just words, words are sound and sound resonates, did you feel it or did you not feel it, feel it where - in your heart, did it resonate in your heart  

The KHU [Mind] and h-ear-t are connected

Not all mothers have the love to give, we are talking about the energy itself not the physical person, look for energy signatures

 To love and to have been loved

Understand what love is and then you will innerstand what love is

I love that song
I love the way you sing 

I like that song
I like the way you sing

Is the word like stronger than the word love, if you say you love that song does it means you really mean it, what if you say you like that song, then you don’t really mean it
Is it the word or the sound [tone] in which you said it more meaningful
What if your thinking about all that, that your pondering all this, does that means you don’t know

What is the difference between liking sum one and loving sum one – many would say kissing sum one and sexing sum one is the difference – that is European love, its physical, theirs is mind, body and soul or body mind and soul, yours is soul, mind and body 

Is Tina Turner right, what does love have to do with it

Rama Kandra: No, it is a word, what matters is the connection the word implies, I see that you are in love, can you tell me what you would give to hold onto that connection 

Every program must have a purpose, if it does not it is deleted 
Clones, hybrids, mutants+ do not inner-stand love 

How does Rama know that Neo is in love, is because when you are in love you are using Cosmic energy which makes you glow [AURA] that is why Rama said he can see [3ye]

The male’s mind is actually the females mind- Aset [throne, seat, pulpit] this means she already knows what he is going to do 

Inspiration [in-spirit]
The comment [bottom right] and the views
Even if you smiled at sum one today sends out inspirational waves, ripples to that person and beyond, that person then smiles at sum one else or has a better day
Very poWRA-ful track, I never get bored of playing this track, fine wine maturing over time
To inspire sum one is to be in-spirit [KAA] 



Last 24hrs [48hrs] 

Check out the energies, Blue and Red primary over the last 48hrs 

The codes are in the rays, its in the Schumann machine recordings


One day the crown will be all Red 


Its dark already - this [3] days of darkness seems like its on the horizon 

Cosmic is the energy of Nu aka the Universe
Nu [Nun] is the secret name for Amun [Am-Un]
Nu-mbers [Un-iverse]

Plasma [Plassein] means to mould, figure, to image – where energies and gasses are moulded into images, called etherians - you have plasma in you [Khaybet] 

After the first or second CME- NASA cut the footage when the Cube shows up, this is the first time we are seeing the cube in [black] 

NASA shut down the website 
We have a triple CME on the way 

Carbon [KAA.BON] sits in Melanin [KAANU] ETHER
They are talking about 9ethers only, they want to reduce 9ethers, because they are coming online 

Dragon SKA 

The Channel is what separates them, the Thames barrier is outdated and will not be able to stop what is due, once the financial district is flooded they will abandoned London  

The rain came down and the floods went up
Moya [water] is coming in and water is being taken 

The SUN is not playing, triggering everyday for prolonged periods
NIBIRU is right there
NIBIRU is the magnetic sun and the SUN is electrical 

Special craft 

'There is a war begin waged against our way of life' 
Listen to the dialogue only
This is your disclosure 

That first clip is very important- that guy trailing him was trying to rob the other guy and his 'friend' dealt with the danger, protected him right - many will call this demonic and yes maybe because you can see the apparition is not of this world- it doesn't have a shadow and is not solid and is from the other side
We don't know what the guy did to have this apparition, the apparition is using that guy has a host and by the looks of things he didn't see it but the other guy saw or felt sum thing- we could class this has an angel or a guardian but the apparition could just be protecting the avatar because the apparition needs the host to exist

The camera doesn't lie right- the footages in these uploads are very real indeed 

Once you open the portal [Ouija board] its over- they brought this on themselves 
Have you noticed the pattern here, its only 6ehers whether Chinese, Indian or [white] that the spirit world is feeding from, that guy Matthew, when you hear that tap, clicking sone, that usually means when sum thing has entered the room [dimension] 
Either you did a portal with them, you moved into a property already occupied, sum times sum one died there or the property is sitting over sum thing, graveyard+ in the movie Lost Boys, they even tell you, you have to invite them in, we don't know what people do in their spare time but many think the spirit world is a game, they are trapped here and sum are trapped here because of another, you would also be pissed off if you couldn't move on - that last clip you can see the orbs flashing pass 

Around 3am is when the spirit world connects, sum of these footages are during the daytime 
The spirit world is merging into this dimension, this is the final dimension   

The train also has a station inside the property 


Varaha [Boer] Earth Pig [???] 
He has [3] different avatars [incarnations] 

Spain [Portugal]
Images taken by Marcel Auguste [1844-1920]
Advanced structures while your still on Donkeys [???]
Port-ugal just means new port in Spain

Alexander their great
He is sitting down and is the same height has those standing up 

Carved from mammoth-ivory was found 2002
Estimated to be roughly 20,000 years old – meaning the Bison was there before the ice-age and before the 6ether Europeans  

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