When the ANUNNAKI return to Ki, they saw that ENKI had
aged, there was no sun at one point and the only light came from NI.BIRU
ENKI elected to stay, he had become fond of the HuMin
[Aqins] and through compassion he extended the Adama projects
ENKI never left
When Haile Selassie [Sol’assie] was asked if he was Jesus
he said no, when H.I.M was asked if he was God, he said no, you must keep in
mind that the RaStar [Rasta] a Star of Ra is not a religion, it is a spiritual
system, a mystery system
H.I.M said he was Christos [CHRIST] KARAST [KA.RAST]
The last and the first emperor [225th] [9]
His mothers last child [9] after two miscarriages
Head of 81 tribus
He gave the British empire 77 years which has now expired
Haile Selassie - King, God and Redeemer
Dub Khefera Appearing like Re [Ra]
King of all Kings
They said that he died in
prison, when the other inmates came to pay their respects, although wrapped in a
body-bag they said that wasn’t him, even his tomb is not the right size
There is sum Yoga Indian
Guru type guy, I forget his name while writing this, he said he met and saw Selassie,
this Guru guy didn’t know who he was and sum one told him who he was, the Guru
said he met Selassie five years after he had supposedly died – this was in an
These images were taken
sum years ago and show a locked hair elder walking with a Sceptre and a recent
I always said that when he is revealed many are going to be shocked, just like when ENLIL when he is revealed also
The returning energy is
going to be very powerful indeed
It is Gabriy’el that sent
Selassie, Gabriy’el has a 10,000 army at her disposal – her name translates
one who comes forth from El and Messenger of [El] and El is ANU, Gabriy’el is
IN.ANNA and Selassie is non other than ENKI – where is ENLIL
A lot of this data many
did not know or they did and said this had already happened, it did, the
program got hacked and we had been on repeat, looping in different simulations
over and over with the same outcome until this very moment that we are find
ourselves in
How did Neo break the
code, Neo merged with the Matrix and changed it from the inside out
Reptilian [Serpent] Lizard [Dragon] upright beings
The illusion hidden in a different dimensional frequency
that many are still residing in and will never leave that dimension, its going
to go down like that for many, we are in the 4D [5D] and many are in higher
dimensions- the 3D is a ghost system and is only existing through consumer
This veil has lifted for many and for others there is no
veil, what veil, what illusion, they don’t know what the h3ll you’re talking
It is sum of the members in the ANNUNAKI that built this
Matrix [veil]
We are in higher dimensions that are being strengthened
all the while, these higher dimensional frequencies are penetrating many and
are forcing the issues, these frequencies are coming from a superior source
You have seen interaction on many levels, there are
plenty of sites showing what people have experienced, many have been visited by
extra dimensional beings and geometric shapes in the form of light from the
Ether realms – sum are positive and sum are negative all is dependent on the
user has in what energies you hold
These higher frequencies are giving many the ability of
clear seeing, clear knowing, foresight the strengthening of your main eye, your
heighten senses from your [5] which is actually [7] the other [2] are emotions
and feelings are what they leave out in Western teachings, your higher senses
have also been reinstated from clairvoyance, psychometry, telepathy and
intuition, your KAANU has been strengthened, your chakra system and your files
– DNA [RNA] upgraded, this final destiny is an Alchemy process
Nu energies create a faster [4D][5D]+ Sirius [serious]
connection, a way of clearing negative energies, which is raising y-our
consciousness, which means everything that you have unresolved will surface to
be dealt with by you, you will either retain or file away
There has been a gradual unfolding of disclosure of the
These higher energies are exponentially accelerating the
mass awakening of the HuMin [HuMan] race unlike anything before, its been in
the making in the last 512 [400] years at least – even those unplugged will
come online, those who you don’t usually associate with this type of
information are talking your lingo, this is good but this is not consciousness,
its good but is not the light that you are coming from
This awakening has also been triggered by the expiry
date, one cycles ends and the emergence of another cycle, there is no stopping
these cycles
A mass wave of consciousness has taken over and is
separating us all, filtering out the energies [people] many making choices
subconsciously and consciously
There is no benchmark of consciousness has it is
dependent on what you know, what you have collected over the many, many cycles
that you have been here, what you hold on file
This low vibrational frequency mixed with GMO food,
chemtrails, pharmaceuticals, programming and chemically tainted water, cell
phone+ have given them control over our thoughts and physical bodies for those
who haven’t matched the nu frequency, the negative, disagreeable beings, due to
their realization that we are conscious of their dirty secrets
Humanity is waking up to the illusion these negative
beings are using in the form of frequency fences and grids to keep them in a
low vibratory existence, sum people are hardwired for the Matrix only and
cannot perform outside of that grid, sum people have given themselves to the
Matrix and are spellbound to it, sum have no sense at all and are still in the
infant stages with what this simulation is all about
It is in waves, there is a filtering process taking place,
many are now breaking the hypnotic veil of this reptilian program, it will
really only take a small number [144hz] to make the frequency on this planet-
these people are organs to the body and are fine-tuning themselves right now to
sin-g from the same Hymn [Hmm] Aum [Owm] Om sheet
To be a sinner is to be in your emotions, so let us be in
sin, they already told you that you were born into sin and this is true, you
were born in your emotions
We are seeing major panic with these disagreeable,
negative retile beings because we see them
We not only have the ability to see them but we now have
insight on them
Having the ability to see them is not to be taken lightly,
they know when you see [conscious] them
Walk in your Ptah and they cannot touch you, walk in your
unknown and you risk being susceptible to low vibratory attacks which can lead
you right back to a veiled lower vibrational field, this is not a good look,
seeing has you have made it this far, look around you, the planet is taking
care of herself [her cells] you must do the same because you [know] better
These beings will know that you can see them, reptiles
have a 3rd eye and see in AURA, your AURA field contains your
protection for you emit colours which are radiation which are energies, have
you not noticed things seem to bypass you while others are under the cosh –
yeah you may have been stripped of many things but not your light
Many ‘people’ walking the planet are not what they seem,
sum are wearing bio-suits and sum are shape shifters and as your consciousness
changes you will see markings on their necks or faces for an instant, you may
see reptilian eyes with slit pupils or solid black eyes with no white in
[The Ghouls [Nomos] eyes flash over whereas the Reptilians
have slits or blackened out whites of their eyes, there is good and bad in all,
don’t ask them if they are good, know if they are good]
Its not just the reptilians that are here, many are using
the 6ether body to disguise themselves, with the 9ethers they are using their
soul-ar light for they have ownership of that particular soul [BAA] because
they gave it to them, no one was forced, you signed it over to them when you
wanted sum thing from them
People will start acquiring the ability to see full extra
dimensional overlays of beings or other types of robotic AI technology,
apparitions, shadow beings, ghosts, entities+
Many of you may be living with these entities in your
household and you don’t even know it, many of you had already opened a portal
with them before you got here, many of your partners did things to ‘invite’
them in, sum of you, your children are their source – sum of you its your
granddaddy or great-daddy that created this for you for sum of these beings
have been attached to you for a long time, over the many cycles following you
They are your everyday person at work, not just famous people, they are in your grocery store,
church, mosques and other public places, your police officer, your doctor, your
dad, your next-door neighbour, you know, the ones your KAA tells you to avoid,
the ones you get a negative feeling about, they wear sun glasses all day, they
say hello to you from the doorway [in the shade] you never see them but they
see you
You must emotionally prepare to deal with the truth and
deception around you, this will be a red-pill that many will not be able to
grasp- let me go back to sleep, like the predictable USA person who says, your
fu9king kidding me, no bi9ch I AM not, predictable [programmable] ‘people’ that
always tell you what you want to hear, when you look at sum one and their
muscles in their face have contracted, you know when you can look at sum one
and know they are scheming, sneaky, cunning, I don’t know what it is about them
but I just don’t trust him or her, those people
Clones, hybrids, walk-ins and empty seaters those without
a soul, and various incarnated terrestrial and extra-terrestrials such as
insectoids, reptiles and dragons are amongst us, sum are negative and sum are
The biggest implications of breaking the veil will affect
the negative dominant beings that do not want to lose control of the planet as HuMans
[HuMins] are a source of energy for them, those who do not want the Matrix to
crash, stay out of their way, go under the radar
Sum things are hidden for protection and sum things are
hidden for deception
The benevolent, positive extra-terrestrial, inter
dimensional beings are working behind the scenes, we are connected to the
universal consciousness has one but has an individual, when you connect you
connect with many, there are many various forms that many are not prepared to
meet the plethora of advanced races, parts of the HuMin [HuMan] race is
extremely violent and many have no BAA at all and no heart- those conceived
outside of the womb [test-tube] have no connection to this planet, soular
system and to you and their emotions [energy-in-motion] they have no connection
to life
There are other races here already that do not wish to
share this planet with you and will die for the Matrix, they would rather
destroy her than let you have her, they do not want to share her
They have very advanced weaponry like laser technology
and frequency [HAARP] weapons, and attention fields, entertainment, news+ that
hold a person’s imagination [i-Magi-nation] energies, they have offspring here,
many offspring here, there are billions of clones here, above ground and
underground, this number of 144,000 [12 x 12] [9] 144hz is really small against
7billion or 14billion mixed beings – how many real HuMins [HuMans] are actually
here may be 3billion or far less
Most HuMans are not mentally stable to handle what is to
be revealed, we are being weaned and fed the information of this obvious
disclosure plan in increments, NASA reveal things, science sites, adverts,
media sites+ all have disclosure but for many, they need man to inform them
before the penny will drop for them and by that time it will be too late and
this is the panic wave that is coming up, mass hysteria [hy-Star-ia] we all got
fed the same frequency back in 2011 when LAHAMU [Venus] crossed in front of RE
and was activated- she blasted out the reinstatement [FEMI.9] frequency and many streamed
into that activation code that has been in waves, the choice was yours to make,
do you want the Matrix or do you want Zion, even now MAAT is blasting out her
rays, her codes, the choice was always yours to make, MAAT is asking you do you
remember, by 2012 NIBIRU the MaStar key was reintroduced and assembled, NASA
already knew NIBRIU was on the way in 1989 = [9]
The responsibility that comes with having this knowledge
as well as other esoteric insight is to aid that part of the population that
will not be able to handle it when the full revelation is revealed, you just
need to do what you are doing and let them activate from your light, that is all, be
the beacon of light but don’t compromise yourself – if you have already told,
explained, debated, argued over the last 3 years then why are you wasting
energy, if sum one needs clarity then point them in the right direction by all
means but don’t compromise yourself in doing it
Intermittent sensations are present and you will toss and
turn, you will be in turmoil inside your own thoughts, stay on your Ptah and do
not defer, you have come so far – it will be those closest to you that is the
enemy within, within your force-field, protect your energy at all costs, you
will not be penalized for this, even if you are taking your last breath, you do
not compromise yourself
Be selfish to yourself – we [you] only have one chance at
this and this is why you were chosen, this is why you heard the call, this is
why you are here, you chose yourself –
ATOM [ATUM] A.TU [ATU] you are the [hidden] cells
Aten [Atun] Amen [Amon] Atum [Atom]
The letter [A] is the symbol of the tri-ad of Re
[3] AMUN Re = X-RAY
When these images came out, they said that this mother was
refusing to breastfeed it, it has teeth already, the doctor said that ‘it’ had
a skin deformity, oh really
What the doctor did was kill the original child in the
womb and inject this thing into her womb, she is not the first experiment, take
the Japanese scientist on Plum Island
Reptile offspring
Who are the Yahweh and [El]Eloh
Sumerian records, the Yah-Weh are a fraction of beings
who are under A.NU called the Sedjet [Ennead], the head of the ANNUANAKI is A.NU
Yahweh is a ranking system; Yah is 72 positive and
agreeable beings and Weh is 72 negative and disagreeable beings making 144
24 elders
24 +24 +24 = 72
7+ 2 = 9
Ennead [9]
Nedjet [Sedjet] [9]
You need the 99 elements to explain the one [God] and the
one [God] to explain the 99 elements or formulas, man is only on 99, there is
The one appointed [God] head of the Ennead [Sedjet] is
the Yahweh called A.NU, but he is a collective- one group
Elohyeem, plural of Eloh or a Yahweh, as a group they are
Elohyeem, as one they are Cherub, groups are Cherubeem, one Seraph, groups are
called Serapheem- so, one of the Elohyeem who before the Bible were known as
the ANUNNAKI, or the Neter [Neteru]
The Yah(s) are [12] agreeable beings called the Serapheem
[Saraphim] or SaRu-Faat who are 180o degrees positive and the Weh(s)
who are [12] disagreeable beings called the Cherubeem (Cherabeem) or GaRu-Baat
who are a 180o degrees negativity, together making 360o
12 + 12 = 24
Yahweh are a group of 24 beings, Neb Neter translates
Yahweh Elohyeem, El Eloh translates the source and Elohyeem translates these
beings, there were many Yahweh(s)
El Eloh is ANU, ANU has a twin brother called ALALU who
was also called Allah in Arabic (before it was hijacked), Allah means the
source Allahumma means the source and them and Ali [Aa-Lee] means Most High
Yahweh, Baal, Horus(s), Adonai, Adonis-Adoshem-(Hashem)
are all titles, there were many, many
When you heard people say they are waiting on Yah [Jah]
or Yahweh or Yahoshua [Yahoo] ask the which Yahweh because there are 144,000 of them
Many lights are at different stages for different
reasons, so this is balancement, the NRG is subject to you, for Na-Ta-Ra
[Nature = watches] many are looking out for you, but we must meet them halfway,
self-development or arrested development, make your move, burn your thoughts
that are on a loop, burn them and let go
Annunaqi [Anno-Na-Qee] These Beings
[Eloheem] [Elohyeem] These Beings
Anu-Naga [ANU’s Beings [Naga]
The Ghouls [Nomos] Lyra [Lion] AKUR [EKUR] [Kammu] and
the Draco are cousins and sum are in avatars when they are on this planet
The Kat and Crocodile are cousins
The Annunaqi [these beings] are a race of beings that are
created of pure green light and impure amber light before the foundation of
this world
It was on the fourth plane, the plane of ultimate will,
or the mental plane that the division between the so-called good and so-called
evil was established
As the supreme beings, the Annunaqi skin was olive tone
green to dark reddish brown
They are the race of supreme beings not spooks, ghosts,
or apparitions
Annunaqi is just another name for Rizqiyians meaning
The Annunaqi are those beings that the Most-High sent
down from heaven [NI.BIRU] Sirius to Ki [earth] in sets of 50’s while on the
planet Ki under an appointed being
They received the name Annunaqi when they came to earth
from other beings that where already here, these are A.NU(s) beings
The Most-High illuminated the light of Murduk [MUR.DUK],
son of Damkina and EN.QI [EN.KI] IN.KI
Murduk, who is also known Al Khidr, meaning the green
[Waji] one, who is the highest of all the Elohyeem, Annunaqi, or Angelic
The N.TU [Supreme Being] Murduk is equivalent to Amun Ra,
[Atum Ra] in KHMT [Egyptian] sciences he is of the green [Waji] essence, with
the splendour of beauty
That essence became divided into two parts
One was extremely pure and luminous, to the vision of the
intellect, which came the noble and superior individuals, the soul of the
Prophets, Apostles, Baals, Adonai, Heru(s), Al Mahdi, the Messiah, Baal(s) and
the people of the right-hand Ptah
Whereas the other appeared, impure and amber [Lucifer
[lu-Cell-fer] light], and the second part was called fire from which came Jaan,
the father of the Jinn, a race of evil [negative] Eloheem, Cherubeems
144 governors of the 18th and 19th galaxies [72] positive
of the disagreeable galaxies and [72] negative of the positive galaxies 24 + 24
+ 24 = 72 [7+2 = 9] Sedjet [9] Ennead, each 24 is 12 = Yah [positive] and the
other 12 is Weh [negative] [Yahweh]
A.NU is a superior energy [NRG] NTR [NTU] and you are an
extension of this NRG and is called the Most-High, the Most-highest of
The sum total of Nu-mbers
The poWRA of 9 Ether
There is no number higher than 9
It is symbolic for heaven [haven], creation and birth
9 Ether is a combination of all existing gases in nature
9 is the most potent poWRA in the universe
9 to the 9th poWRA of 9 [999 = 27 = 9]
Benben [Bennu] stone >> top of the Mir (Pyramid)
>> Not to be confused with 6 Ether >> which is a perfect
combination of the 4 Elements, this creates the 6th Ether <> essence,
sense << after this is only the 9 [3 6 9]
9 in movement makes a spiral [coil] like the 6 in
opposite direction together they create the Yin-Yang >> Male and Female
principles << Above-Below >> the root number of 9 is 3 [3+3+3]
which is symbolic for dimensions
Hika-Heka >> Adobe of Mortal
Sia >> Adobe of Eloheem
Huhi >> Adobe of most high >> a 3 in motion,
if you would trace the outlines you would create a Flower > Rose [like the
orbit of LAH.AMU (Venus)]
Number 9 Sedjat [Ennead] 360 (3 +6 +0 = 9)
The meaning of the number nin9 is associated with the
idea of completeness and perfection, done it and related to the synthesis of
the three worlds, that is a triple trinity (God), the universe, [wombman]
9 reflects the essence of the meaning which had nine in
the Chinese [Chi-Na] tradition, where it symbolized the concept of everything [this
is before the Chinese that we knew of today]
In nine of her divine aspect means the divine poWRA and
the poWRA of the creator, which is manifested in the material environment laws
In its natural aspect, number nine symbolizes the
physical plane of existence, in which the law is manifested tri-nity
In its HuMin [HuMan] aspect, nine represents the idea of
spiritual poWRA, which is expressed in the possession of the three worlds, that
is, the idea of initiation 360 (3 +6 +0 = 9)
Heralding the Age of Horus >> Heru >> Haru
The Mir(s) [pyramid] are global generators amongst many
other things, pyramid is the strongest shape in Ma’AT-Ma’AT-ics [Mathematics]
Ki, she is a truly remarkable entity, she is completely
charged, electromagnetically charged, the two magnetic-poles, positive and
negative give her continuous energy supplied by NI.BIRU
The main shape that the ancients used was the pyramid,
Orgone devices come from KHMT, the pyramid shape is a triangle, the ancients
only dealt with the number 3, they did their works by 3, and 6 and 9
The locations of the Mir(s) around Ki are strategically
placed, including the Bennu(s), the E.KUR [AKUR] AKISH [Giza] complex is where
we will start
This complex, EKUR [Sumerian] the coordinates are the
exact same numbers has speed of light, the location of the E.KUR also matches
the elliptical orbit of Ki and the complex to the equator, there is a direct
relationship between the sites and the energy of Ki, which the ancients, namely
the ANUNNAKI used to transmit wirelessly
369 is the key to Nun, to the Abyss, to the Omega
universe, that is her numbers, Del La Soul told you that 3 is the magi-c
number, triads, triangles, everything is in sets of 3
Innerstand that the Western Science that we have today
did not invent mathematics, not if you were still in a cave without fire, no,
you learnt about mathematics through the knowledge that was left in KHMT and
when the Moors taught others the universal number
The ruling number is 9, it is the law, universal law,
everything in the universe obeys this law, 369, these forms are in the ancient’s
The [8] Nommos [Ogdoad] all 8 are carrying the metallic
devices [bag], we see this in the Sumerian depictions, that contains liquid
metal, Melanin, Gobeki Tepe we see the same metallic devices on one of the
depictions, remember there is no such thing has English or Arabic, all is 3rd
eye all the way, telepathy, the KHMT Neter are holding the Ankh, same wireless
device, these are blue-tooth devices, they are walkie talkie without the
talkie, the devices, both transmit frequencies, they are not to control one
another, they are pointing them at the eye, it’s a Wi-Fi modem
EN.KI who is the ruler of Ki is also Asaru [Ausar]who the
Greeks called Osiris, Asaur translates, He who has seen, The eye, Asaru is also
Heru who the Greeks call Horus, Heru [Haru] translates Far away, Mountain, Mountain
is a reference to the complex E.KUR, because have you seen the size of this MIR
EN.KI [Asaru] does have amphibian genes, this is evident
from his aquatic Iy [temple] that he has in the subterranean aquatic pool in
the middle of the city, he is part reptile, when Set [EN.LIL] kills Asaru
[EN.KI], it is through the EKUR that Aset [Isis][IN.ANNA] that they go to the
Ka’A world to bring his Ba’A and Ka’A back, genetic coding, the body [Khat] was
created with Tehuti [Thoth] and supervising and the mould maker is Khnum
The Anu-Naga are pioneer builders of soular systems, they
are 9ether beings with unlimited divine knowledge, they created life so it is only
fitting that they can return life or take life, the EKUR complex played a huge
role in bringing the charge needed for life, Asaur is the Neter for the
afterlife, so to the EKUR complex, it is the device that links the physical
realm and the spiritual realm
There are walls and walls of text that are now kept out
of your eye, symbols that are inscribed on Granite that holds the frequencies
that once you opened you 3rd eye and allowed the consciousness to flow
would tell you the knowledge, all linking into the Coming forth by day, and the
Duat and what happens at your right of way, your accountability whilst you were
here on Ki, the EKUR complex is a 3D model of the Amduat [the underworld], it
is the gate between the two realms, the Neter used the complex to go astral
traveling, to move without the physical bodies, to soular travel, those are not
funerary masks but astral charges – body conductors for astral travel
This complex is about sacred geometry, the location and
the shape of the Mir(s), the propulsion put into the shape, each sphere [Mir]
have tones, remember the ancients dealt with sone [sound], frequency, tones,
vibrations, acoustics, there are acoustics chambers within the Mir(s), the
tones connect with the primal tones of this universe, everything was spoken
into existence, that tone is [gods] tone [voice], each construction are
mathematically constructed by precision
1:1 perfect unison
2:1 perfect octave
Inverse form of the other;
3:2 perfect fifth
4:3 perfect fourth
2160 cube
1440 pyramid
= 9
Ma’at is 9 to 9 to the 9th poWRA
The EKUR can harmonise creation, speak it into existence,
the EKUR is 8-sided, in doing so, this geometry will never be overstood by him
Total route frequency of this universe is 6+6+6 = 18
[1+8=9] that is the digital root frequency of the universe
216 [2+1+6=9] the universe is made solely, entirely of
dark-matter, dark-energy, aka cubed Melanin aka black cubes
The EKUR is sitting at latitude 30 [latitude and
longitude are just magnetic lines in which use to telepathy and travel] all
linked into astronomy, one third of the way between the equator and the North
pole, by placing the EKUR at a precision point, the
Mir is speaking to Ki, the EKUR is aligned to LAH.MU and SA.HU, they say that
the complex facing North and is off by 3/60 of 1 degree, the axis of E.KUR
[Giza], that is precision
481ft high
Sitting on 13acres
Weights 6million tons
Over 2.5 million individual blocks of stone mountain of
stones that you aligned within 360th of a degree of true North,
astronomical north of this planet, the EKUR is speaking to Ki
Base perimeter and height
Scaled to 1:43200 = 9
On a scale of 43,200 the dimensions of the EKUR gives you
the dimensions of this planet, if you measure the base perimeter of the EKUR
and multiple it by 43,200 you get the equatorial circumference of Ki.
Base = 3024 x 43,200
If you measure the height of the Mir 20855643 x 43,2000
you get the polar radius of Ki, the European did not even know that they were
on a planet, let alone the dimensions, they were in caves while the rest were
circumnavigating the world and beyond, dark-ages, middle-ages, medieval-ages
they went through, not the 9ether
The Mir(s) along with all the other monuments are a
reminder that your religion cannot tell you who made these structures, go to
any Rabi, Iman, Pastor, Rev+ they have no answer, not one is mentioned in their
holy books because they did not know what they were when writing their books
and history, that they are all earthquake proof, that there is a direct cut-off
from source to man, why is that, could that be that you are not from this planet,
the orcs and off-spring and their cousins the Arabs
Go to Western Science and they will tell you what is
written in this post and shared by many is a coincidence, really, the scale is
not random, the scale is accurate because of Ki herself, her motion, emotion,
energy in motion, she sets the pace of her energy in motion, she sets the rate
of motion of Ki
The precession [wobble] on her axis, has she slowed down
[dimensional pole shift] there is a star that the North pole goes into and the
South pole, these are our pole stars, what I am trying to say, the pole shift
has happened many times before, but this is the first time for the orcs and
their scientist
On the horizon [Horus] like the Equinoxes when night and
day are of equal length, the constellation where the sun rose, what was the
constellation that housed the sun in the spring equinox, Pisces, spring means
Nu inner-g, we are in Aquarius, the shift has already happened spiritually, it
is the physical that is taking place
What you are looking at is a process that operates at 1
degree per 72 years, add 30 degrees to each of the twelve constellations of the
Zodiac 72 x 30 = 2160 [9] that is the cycle age, take the whole cycle of the Dendera
[Zodiac], the whole twelve 12 x 2160 housing the spring equinox and you get
what our ancestors call the Great Year, when everything cycles back to the
beginning and the whole process starts again, do you follow
12 x 2160 = 25920, Ki(s) heartbeat is 1 degree every 72
years and is defined by the key motion of Ki, that number 43200 is a multiple
of 72 [72 x 600] there is a direct correlation to that number 72
Those numbers are found all over the world in all our monuments
Asaur was taken out by Set and his 72 henchmen, same 72
is in the KHMT text, the same 72 is in the Indian syllables in the Veda, the
same system of numbers crop up in the 3 main cultures, 72hrs in 3 days
Go east from EKUR from the Mountain and go to Kambodia to
Angkor-Wat [Ankh-Horus [Heru] Angkor with is pyramidal monuments lies exactly
72 degrees longitude off of EKUR, Angkor was built by the Naga [KUSH], these
are precise calculations from the elite who never made mistakes, only man does,
they are communicating a code
We never had a language, we spoke numbers through the
scared Geometry, the square and the circle are both 360o degrees
with the pyramid in the middle with both fitting inside one another, and every
shape can pass through them
EKUR is speaking [gods] language and not many speak
[gods] language, the answers are inside you, nothing is outside of you
The universe is mental and so Western Science will never,
ever innerstand, they will never innerstand her
7+2 = 9
4+3+2+0+0 = 9
6+0+0 = 6
3+0 = 3
2+5+9+2+0 = 18 [1+8 =9]
2+1+6+0 = 9
All equal either, 3, 6 or 9
You want numerology so we will give you numerology, one
thing that Western Science lacks and that is Mathematicians, you don’t have any
and if Einstein is your only man, he’s dead and you don’t have a replacement,
where is she
78 9
45 6
12 3
[369] 3x6x9 = 162 [1+6+2] = 9
Zer0 until nin9
The EKUR is here to master the transformation of HuMin
consciousness, KHMT has always been online, if you listen carefully, you can
hear KHMT
EKUR works at the same rate has light speed, the EKUR is
a device that changes consciousness in light speed, the Mountain is an
instrument that works upon HuMin consciousness, the Sphinx does have a plug
under her ear that when we go live you will see sum thing that you have never
seen before, she has already closed her eyes
Welcome, we have been expecting you, do you see the Matrix
in code, anything that comes to you in numbers that is or equates to 9, you
better take heed for that is a government warning, that is a direct command
from Nun
Meditation is unwritable, stay grounded, stay focus, to
the protectors of Ki, your time is coming, we are going into superhero [heru]
mode, we are going live, if you have memories of KHMT, that you are drawn to
KHMT, seek out who you are, you just have to thoth about it
i-want you to n'joy the posts, know there is a seriousness
to these messages that i-convey to you, it comes from my heart but also the
mind, where [god] resides, i-work for her and all that is divine about her, so
please hear the messages, read between the lines, reread
There are no coincidences, nothing is random, all is
The reason why the London Karnival washes out every year since it started is because you are actually performing the rain dance- the 9ethers are connected to the weather system and they control the weather patterns
Out of the [7] tones we are traveling in the Crystal colour [energy] the last tone [sone]
Atheer Athea [Hathor] Athens [Athyr]
6 [7] draped female figures as supporting columns, one female
[column] of the east porch together with the overlying section of the
entablature were removed by Lord Elgin in order to decorate his Scottish
mansion, and were later sold to the British Museum
And the remaining five are now a museum, so what you are
looking at are just a replicas [top image]
Greece was 9ether before the 6ether Greeks were created,
Zues created the 6ether Greeks, Zues is also ENLIL, those 7heaven are all
9ether [Hathors siStars] Hather is A-theer [Athyr]
Etruscan [Greece]
The Greek men hate women and only kept them for breeding,
Zues created beings with genetic flaws, they were primarily homosexual,
paedophilia and bio-sexual, many are secret rim masters today, Lesbos the Greek
island is where we get the word Lesbian and many women became lesbian because
of their men, the men would take their women to Lesbos and shave their hair off
and put them in a robe and bend them over, one position and it had to be that
position so that he would think she was a he, had they not done this the 6ether
Greeks would have cancelled themselves out a long time ago, its interesting
today that a heterosexual couple can give birth to homosexual [Lesbian or homo]
test-tube babies have no gender and caesarean babies also plays a role [????]
they do not pass through the birth canal [passage] and miss out on coatings,
oils+ lets just go with the test-tube IVF treatments and clones
You can see their noses are busted off but the hair
remains, many are wearing different styles and we can see braid, locks, these
are 9ether siStars that the replicas are 6ethers
KARA [Colour] means [Black]
They surfed on Dolphin type marine life
Rome [Roma] Rama [Ram] Ra
9Ether Romans
Ostia was Rome’s most important port
Karalitans becomes Karthaginians] then Carthaginians and so on+
Carthage [Karthage[
Carthaginians is Khart Haddans
Haddan becomes Hadrian
Trajan is Trojan – Troy
Etrusia [Etruscans] was later on called Troy [Troy]
Etrusia is E-Tru-sia then you get the word Tro-y and
Titanium [Titans] was the name of these particular people [Titan] Etruscans
Sparta [Sparta] Spar-tar] tar-tar [tartan army]
Hannibal [Hannib’El] Braca [Barcelona]
Helmet of Emperor Charles V
This helmet was made by Filippo Negroli [Negro]
Milanese Filippo Negroli was considered the most
outstanding figure of the XVII century for the high artistic and technical
quality of his work and the rethinking of classical antiquity- he was a Moor
what do you expect
He was renowned as being extremely skilled, and may be
considered the most famous armourer of all time
So this helmet is everything you see here including the curly
hair on the head that masterfully connects with a beard on the chin of the
helmet, shining with gold against the background of polished metal
This helmet was also supposed to have a similar mask, as
indicated by three holes and a small protrusion located above the lip, but for
sum reason it was not made and that reason is because Charles is also a Negro –
look at the rim that is a wreath type cap- the truth there is no helmet and why
didn’t they show or make his face
All 9ether provinces
An engraving by Gerrits Decker called Terrible Executions
at the Astrakhan Castle, and was published in the book I. Stressa Three
memorable and fulfilling many twists of travel
Palm trees in Astrakhan are clearly visible
At the same time, Strace was really in Moscow
View of Astrachan, Russia,
engraving by Lemaitre, Danvin and Lalaisse from Russie by Jean Marie Chopin
(1796-1870), 1838.
This engraving also features palm trees and a Camel
But the palm tree is a southern wooden plant that grows exclusively
in tropical and subtropical climate zones
Astrakhan had a moderate, sharply continental climate
with large annual and summer daily air temperature amplitudes
The moat, water, is now a road, there were antennas on the
original buildings, mountains flattened, who were the executing, there are more
buildings in the background, what is left today you can see they reshaped the
Carved straight out of that mountain - the city going around is new, what was there before, water, force field, underground tunnels linking the outside world
That last image shows the evidence of an explosion from an attack
ABZU [South Africa] is North Alkebulan
In Vietnam and not in India
What is going on up there
The sun is being fuelled by Sirius [Septet] Sibtu which in turn is fuelling you
No beginning of days [ASet] no ending of nights [Asaru]
we have moved into endless day [light]
The highest tri-ad is the tri-angle with the eye of [Re]
in the centre, and the three points of the triangle represents [Atum] Atom [the
undifferentiated one], in the creation
That is the BENNU [BENBEN] you see in the middle that you see on Ki called the Obelisk and means [Son of Sun] it is an antenna, it is the pinal galnd
The full disc appearance of the sun in the morning,
[Atun] the unique one in life
The full sun disc at the highest point of the day
[Amun] the hidden one, at death, sun at its last full
disc before setting, and making it through the underworld, or netherworld.
9ethers can absorb and dispense this radiation, hence why
the palms of your feet and hands are white, no Kaanu [Melanin]
[Nu = Vibration]
Nu[Nun]Nut translates, the abyss, the deep, vibration
[E = MC2] in the
equation, the increased relativistic Mass [M] of a body times the speed of
light squared [c 2] is equal to the kinetic Energy [E] of that body
Omega = Magnetic
[Femi9] Electron
France, you have a visitor, huge ship sitting over that area
What is that inside the portal [SUN]
KARMA waves
HERU on the Horizon
You must sun gaze
What kind of lighting is this, check out the colours
Last 24hrs
Quiet but was humming for the last couples days+ and now we have activity
Last 24hrs
DNA [RNA] upgrading
German Schuman goes offline - merging of time lines- rebooting
Unable to access the Canadian Schumann which must be buzzing
Tick Tock
9[11] is coming up and means a lot to them, over 4000
people were taken out, that energy is on the return loop, the energy is in the
frequencies, part of the returning energy
9[11] is the Ethiopia's NU Y-EAR
When nature hates you, if that hits you on the head it will be lights out
Tunisia - The Romans came in from the North and raped anything that had a pulse
Yangtze River dries up, revealing BANTU [Buddha] monument
during the most severe heatwave ever recorded in the world and its made in China
Sum of these places after they destroyed them, they
flooded them out
Look how high that structure was and covered by water
The UK was hit with heavy rain in the last 24hrs, so was
places in the USA, we cannot rule out weaponized weather with 6 rare
‘1-in-1,000-year’ rain events slammed the US within a month, the thing is the
planet is real hot and any water will go underground and worse still, it will
evaporate because Re is tearing many a nu assho9e
Retreating water reveals the ancient world in HINDU KUSH [INDA]
We see the sacred KAU [COW]
Same design in Egypt [KHMT]
These footages are mainly happening during the daytime
and not in the AM
This fb user said that her page contains women with less on and she has noticed how sexualised her fb has become, this is true also on youtube, this affects men big time and given that the UV levels are hitting an all time high, you need to be carful out there
Woman, never has there been a time in your life where you may need to prepare in your mind the thought that you may need to kill another because if you don't he is going to kill you after he takes from you
There are ankle blades, small and they attach around your ankle, while he is on top of you, bend your leg back to you and take the blade out and put it in his neck- throat, when he pulls his hands back to hold the wound, same leg, knee him in his sack, if there is a rock, stone, smash that against his head, roll that c99t off you, dust your shoulders off and move on out - above you in cloaked crafts that are being mainly manned by siStars who are on duty 24hrs, they scan the earth planes, there is always sum one on duty, they got you, they will back you, you will not be penalized for protecting your light, you go to do what you got to do
Just the Twitter staff showing they continue to serve
their master
Namaste [NaMaster] you are not the intermediate, you are
a MaStar and this is your Mystery [MyStory] MyStar [MaStar] system [CELLS] do
not bow down to no-one but yourselves, your cells
You belong to the Mother [Ma] Star – you are world class
people now, so start walking in your Ptah or you will go down in the aftermath
Control your emotions [Isis] in the mind [Aset] and your
feelings, take out your emotion and feelings when analysing, when making
choices based upon your light
A’afeti [Pharoah] means the Choice, ENKI [Osiris] chose
you a long time ago to come down here and aid in the ascension process, he made
you the Choice because he knows you can complete what others could not, this is
not the first time that we have had a reSet but it will be the last time in
this particular program, this program is being deleted, it is true the ANNUNAKI
created the Matrix but what is hidden is that they do not how its ending, only
those on their Ptah, Opener of the ways knows its ending to begin, its in your
KHU [mind] this is the MaStars plan – you have to unfold it and that is called
Final Destiny
Europe Australians wiped out the Tasmanian Tiger and nearly wiped out the Aboriginals bringing them from 400,000 down to 20,000 today, force breeding programs [rape] all this energy is in the return energy that is consuming this planet
Shame on you
This only applies to 6ether offspring only
They have given the 9ethers everything from Ebola to HIV[AIDS] and C19 and they are still here, you cannot kill them
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