Monday, 1 August 2022

Speak No Evil

Olmec [Ul-Mex] the most advanced civilisation in the Northern hemisphere 
Pioneer builders
Monkey man is Hanuman
Global network 

Boba Fett in Aztlan 

Vimana – old ship [craft] 

ZED [ZINJ] Dawleetoo 

British explorer Alfred Isaac Midleton travelled the farthest reaches of the globe during the late 19th century in search of zoological, botanical and archaeological wonders

These recently unearthed photographs shed light on sum of his amazing discoveries during several missions to then-uncharted regions of Southeast Asia, Africa and the Amazon rainforest 

Unfortunately, all of his journals and scientific writings were lost in 1901 when Midleton and his team vanished during a Sumatran expedition to uncover the fabled Lost City of Dawleetoo

Due to these tragic events, scant details are known about what you see in these fascinating photos, but these photos have found, maybe him and his team were made to vanish

There is no such thing has ‘lost’ all recordings are here and often expressed in other cultures because they were all connected

These images have a distance between them, sum far away, the photographs themselves have sum thing about them, no doubt Midleton and crew had sum thing happen to them - how did they recover these photos, this is only in the 19th century, you know what you can see

LAHMU [MARS] the complete surface of Lahmu has been mapped [photographed] in 1976, in 1877 the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli told them all there is a modern Martian civilization on Lahmu- this is from 1976 that NASA [NSA] that they mapped the surface of Lahmu, why wouldn’t they do that on this planet, they know where everything is and is to why its hidden or destroyed, its recorded and then deleted from modern day history, because he is writing it

The Vatican has a 6-mile underground warehouse with tons and tons of materials that would rewrite their history

1531 [???]

Precession of the equinox
Every 26,000 years or so the earth changes from pointing to Polaris and changes to pointing to Vega, this causes massive changes, like flooding, polar ice melting, earthquakes+

[doesn’t that sone like now] 
I wonder what An-Tar-cti-Ka looks like, the planet is really hot  

5-days of coronal mass ejection [CME] in the 1 o’clock hour position from the 26th until the 31st
that only ended on the 31st- HAARP is being deployed, remember they have sea HAARP(s) not just land based facilities, there are over 122 land based machines 

Last 24hrs 
The Schuman is picking up all the Red codes 

Red is coming out of the poles of this planet and is hitting the dome 

MAAT + HERU combined energy

AU.RA [Aurora] Vortex 

Tribu Month [August] Tribu Colour [Yellow]
Tribu Body Part [Hands] Tribu Function [Zeal] = great energy+ 

Steady on the right 

When you zoom in you can see the signature craft 

Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell: “aliens" averted a nuclear wαr between the United States and the Soviet Union to keep Humans from destroying themselves”- 9ethers are not Humans, Humans are everyone that is not 9ether [black] who are 6ether, that is all the [white] people, Orientals and Indians who are Humans, these “aliens” are here to protect the planet first and the offspring of the ANNUNAKI – ENLIL(s) offspring destroys  

what is this, it comes up so quick in the footage 

This craft or planet shows up in the footage out of nowhere 

And then this ray [beam] is straight in the next frame after, there is 12 seconds between each frame, and to me looks like it was trying to shoot at that craft or planet or planetary body
Look at the camera handle that flipped sum days back and how the CME blocks out the rays trajectory but whatever is at the end of that ray is seen through the handle for the camera - its transparent and not solid, its not for the camera 

1000 quakes in 24hrs 
Pakistani gets an M7.5+ for its troubles 
We are in event mode- sum thing brewing 

the SKA [SKI] SKY is a different dimension 


KAMA waves
HERU on the Horizon 

Only 2:40 long out of 24hrs in a day 

Delegation arriving 

This region with Australia, China, New Zealand, Thailand, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Indonesia are in a world full of sh9t, look how many crafts are in the SKA over there, everyone listed can see them on radar, Australia is so far away we will never really know how it ended for them in the end  

As the dimensions get closer [merge] these beings get closer, these crafts in the SKA get closer, the spirit world [holographic] world is consuming the physical world – man will have to use his manmade technology, has we get hyper-sonic [sone-ic] 

Creation is speeding up and not time [emit] light
No beginning of days, no ending of nights

I watched an upload and they were saying its already in foods, they showed the parasite that lives in the cricket and when they pulled it out it was longer than the cricket and looked like tape worms
The USA are announcing new viruses or diseases more than their mass shootings, people are not dying fast enough, incubation periods expire all the time but many are still rocking and rolling, they don't have the right elements for ML and shut- down, but you can bet your bottom dollar they are working real hard behind the scenes and so are star family 

NYC [Draco HQ] are claiming a state of emergency with MP- here we go 

Chloride the same chemical used in swimming pools to clean Bactria is added to water, 37% added, that is a lot, they have to add Sulphate because 6ethers are made from Sulphate
You are being poisoned
Read the labels on everything and do not purchase anything from China that goes in your body, read the label

 The many varieties of potatoes grown in Peru [Heru]

Madagascar [Jasper] 

Made from petrified wood 

Ancient tree
Roots are cave systems look carefully 
They cut them down to disconnect us from source
You used to live in these trees and they are portals

Top image, called Redwood because the wood is Red in colour [California], one of the tallest known living trees, its location has to be kept secret because since the 6ethers got here they have destroyed forests, jungles, on the left is this Oak and its old [USA] Banyan tree on the right in India [Inda] 
Odisha [Orissa] Orisha

Feathers make up this wet birds’ feet, the rough-legged Hawk [BAUZ] is a good example of this
The feathers on this raptor (bird of prey) extend much farther down the legs than the feathers of most birds, sum birds, like the snowy f-Owl also have feathers that cover their feet

Ether Swans from Australia 

Mum has twins

Sitra [siStar] Ahra
The Wicca verifier

The Spider [Queen] is the Mother of Aradia who resides in the Grave of Davcina and rules the Trans-Qliphothic Labyrinth

She is the consort of the one true [King] of demons, who leads the infernal divine through her
Death itself answers only to the Spider [Queen], and the Goetic metagod is her pet

She is absolute darkness, and protection is the essence of her being

She is one with Lillith, yet nonetheless, the [12] lords of the Qliphoth speak to her, and not the other way around

The Spider [Queen] is poWRA-full enough to kill most other deities

She destroys those who try to enter the Qliphoth in the hopes of imposing boundaries upon [black] Magickians who enter the Nightside to be freed of their cosmic restrictions

She can destroy a Human to the extent that they no longer have a Ptah in life

The Spider [Queen] rules the web which connects the Qliphothic and Sephirothic realms

She has the keys to the many concealed temples scattered amongst the Qliphothic regions and established between worlds, and she can help the wicca [witch] self-initiate through any part of Sitra Ahra

The Spider [Queen] is a protectress of the [Black Lodge] who watches over all of those on the magickal Ptahs established by [Lucifer]

She guides the Magickian through the vaults of ZIN, which no Human could ever navigate without such a guide

 She can meet you anywhere you like in the Qliphoth and take you wherever you want to go

The Spider [Queen] endures much altercation on behalf of those who pursue Qliphothic Alchemy

[Black Widow Spider] 

She, determines when and how sum [Black] Magickians will die, which presumably involves saving their lives on one or more occasions until the time is right

The Spider [Queen] appears to give different stories about her origin to everyone
To Mark Alan Smith, she claimed to be the daughter of Lucifer and Hecate
To Somnus Dreadwood, she claimed to be an incarnation of the Inexorable One

To me, she claimed to be the first thought that separated itself from what she refers to as [God] 
Various other stories of her origin exist throughout world records

If you practice traditions lost of Alchemy reserved for only a few, there may come a time when the permutations of the Spider [Queen] are recommended highly

The changes which she can bestow upon you will be required for you to proceed, but her Alchemies come with great risk

The Spider [Queen] embraces the enchantress who pursues true alchemy
She is sadistic, but her tortures and trials serve a higher purpose

She has confirmed that, of the 10s of 1000s of magickians she has tested, most wound up insane, dead, or both, and her tests must be face if the Magickian is to work with her

She aggressively challenges the wicca [witch] until everything is laid bare via intimidation, psychic attack, and what I would describe as verbal abuse

The Spider [Queen] is vengeful and cruel with those who would back-out of rituals that she recommends, and she is also brutally honest regarding whether or not the Magickian is capable of enduring the practices she is engaged in

She may tell you to back down and try to scare you into doing so, but this is a test, and she will not let you back down

She may offer gifts which the wicca [witch] is often better off not accepting, which gifts often remove consequences or offer grant questionable coping mechanisms

Sum times her tests include orchestrating horrible life events for her chosen ones, sum times at early ages, and sum times long before they get into the Occult

The things she does to people really are horrible, but unfortunately, for sum of us, they are necessary

No matter what she does to you, she might just be the most important ally you have

The Spider [Queen] does not concern herself with the doings of other [read:lesser] deities for the same reason a wolf does not concern herself with the doings or happenings of sheep

She speaks often of a true way, explaining that all spiritual systems [including religious] are merely branches of the same tree

She can manifest as male or female and hermaphroditic+

The Spider [Queen] has appeared to me as a [black] dragon, a levitating hermaphrodite with sum type of black sphere or disk suspended behind her head, a woman with a vortex for a body, a winged woman with a sword and the lower torso of a spider, a panther, a werewolf, and a vampyric/ghoulish looking anthropoid

Apparently this form of prolific shape shifting is normal for her, as many forms are described in The Scorpion God and other literatures: sum cited in those appearances match one another in connotation but not in detail– most often amounting to a goddess affiliated with snakes, spiders, or dragons

Somnus Dreadwood’s description of her differs, of course, since his gnosis of her centers around her rulership of the Draelith and Charnaggen d’Oloth

Practitioners of the Maergzjiran tradition believe that there are numerous depictions of the Draelith throughout world records, such as the descriptions of the dark elves in Norse records

To learn more about the Draelith, I highly recommend The Black Scriptures, Rites in the Thirteen Tongues, and Profane Seals by Somnus Dreadwood

The Spider [Queen] destroys the worst kind of child molesters, being those who molest children in attempt to further the agendas of the Black Lodge

If I understand this correctly, she will devour their soul or spirit for eternity

The Spider [Queen] intrudes upon spirits which would repress your Magickal ascent, and she is the destroyer of those mechanisms of causality which hamper our pursuits to be liberated from the cycle of reincarnation

She annihilates those who try to engender the downfall of those who pursue the true Ptah behind and beyond all man-made religions

The Spider [Queen] rewards the true magickian via the devourment of the algorithm—the mechanism of the Cosmos which serves to hamper the true magickian’s ascent

She describes herself as being “everywhere and nowhere” at once

The Spider [Queen] presides over paradigms of magick which magickians of great poWRA undertake at a point beyond what most sorcerers [source] will ever achieve– the point of no return

She tests the magickian’s soul for all manner of corruption, flaws, and weakness and helps her surrender vices, hang-ups, fetishes+

She is knowledgeable regarding invocation, evocation, nature magick, necromancy, magick calling upon bodies of water, pendulum use, lunar magick, the secrets of immortality, psychic vampyrism, shielding, death magick, shadowmancy, and macroscopic alchemy

She can transform the essence of your being with Qliphothic energy, internalize your third eye, and fill your soul star chakra with the fire of Thaumiel

She can guide you through the astral planes to locate grimoires

Her alchemy mutilates and reconstructs the subtle body of the witch– Smith describes being lacerated with scales and poisoned by insects, and I’m pretty sure we can all add to his list

The Spider [Queen] is a diabolic [Goddess] of witchcraft who begets both Qliphothic and Trans-Qliphothic alchemy, and she personifies both the lightest and darkest attributes of what I term pre-primordial divinity

She imparts alchemical change which is reserved for advanced magickians

She can empower the solar plexus chakra in such a manner that the entire subtle body is empowered
She can also empower minor chakras in your head right next to your temples, and/or invert the minor chakras in one of your hands

The Spider [Queen] has a sense of humour, understands sarcasm, and has a gentle side

The Spider [Queen] can strengthen the astral double, as well as give it the ability to shape-shift into a ghost aka KAA (a spirit composed of the death essence), such that in doing so, it may detach from the physical body easily like a carrier pigeon and accomplish whatever is needed while you are doing whatever day-to-day shit you were doing before you sent it off

If you like, you can call on the Spider [Queen] to generate a handful of a certain species of protector spirits which assist in spirit communication and prevent ritual interference

These spirits are very psychically subtle and difficult to sense– or at least, they can be

I watched these spirits crawl out of Arachne once– it was a horrifying
They were literally born with swords, how can anything be born with a sword
Why does her womb spawn weaponry
Is there a forge in there
I don’t fu9king get it, and it scares me

Arachne, (Greek: “Spider”) in Greek mythology, the daughter of Idmon of Colophon in Lydia, a dyer in purple.
Arachne was a weaver who acquired such skill in her art that she ventured to challenge Athena, goddess of war, handicraft+

END QUOTE, you know who this is about, not just Lilith 

Germany [Cologne]

Check out those giants in the images [grave diggers]  

In 1357, the plague in Cologne took so many victims that it was not possible to bury all the bodies in the usual way
In Cologne alone, 20,000 people are said to have died from the plague and were thrown into large pits, this monkey sh9t is coming up once again but it will not be 20,000, extinction numbers
The architecture was already built

Alemanni [Al] Emanni [Emmanuel] [God is with us] aka Source is with us 
Germany = Germania = Russia = Prussia 
Made up names has there where Celtic [Kelts] here before they were absorbed, driven out or murdered into what we have today

The plague never left the planet 

Negusti [Queen] Kandake [Candice] or Makada 
Amanishaketo of Meroë, Nubia or modern-day Sudan
Look above their heads 

Her remaining hieroglyphs state that her name is Amanishaket, or Amanikasheto or Mniskhte in Meroitic hieroglyphs 

During her reign, she followed in the footsteps of a former warrior Negusti [Queen] Amanirenas, leading troops with her bow in hand [ENLIL went nowhere without his bow]

When the Romans broke a peace treaty ensuring that they would not try to invade Nubia, Amanishaketo led the nation’s defences and warded off the Roman army sent by Augustus

Candace of Nubia
Amanishakheto was a Kandake of Kush
Kandakas of Kush [Ethiopia] 

Amanishakheto was a great queen of Nubia and is known as a great warrior and pyramid builder; she built numerous pyramids and temples at Meroë. She is also the daughter of Amanirenas, the fearless and one-eyed queen who defeated the Romans, and the mother of Amanitore, another great queen.

Treasure of Queen Amanishakheto

Amanishakheto a valiant fighter and one of the most outstanding monarchs of the Sudanese Meroitic Kushite civilization

Her name was found in a manuscript in Meroe in which she was named -the Queen and the Ruler

Negusti Amanishakheto is known to have repelled the invading Roman forces sent to conquer Nubia by Emperor Augustus

Consequently, Queen [Negusti] Amanishakheto obliged the invading Roman army to sign a fair peace deal

Amanishakheto is best known for a collection of jewellery stolen from her MIR [MER] (pyramid) in 1834 by Italian treasure hunter Giuseppe Ferlini, who destroyed the MIR by blowing it up with dynamite and once word got round the rest of the thieves wanted to rob each MIR (pyramid) in search of its burial goods

It was a treasure that fulfilled all his expectations and it consisted of 10 bracelets, 9 shield rings, 67 signet rings, 2 bracelets and a large number of amulets, all created by the best craftsmen of the Kingdom of Meroë [Mero] Meru [Heru]

Unlike the Egyptian ones, the structure of Kushite MIR(s) does not make access to the inner chambers possible- you would need to walk through walls

Considering that, Ferlini and his men completely dismantled the pyramid from the top down by blowing the tops he probably thought the chamber was inside it when in fact he was already beneath it

The looted treasure was sold by Ferlini to a Prussian king in Germany

The collection then changed hands among Europeans until it finally settled down in the Staaliche Museum Agyptischer Kunst in Munich, under the name ‘Jewels of Queen Amanishakheto’

Auset [Aset] Isis, the primordial NTR [Queen] Mother is the throne [mind] seat, pulpit  
Ausar [Asaru] Osirus, the primordial Aaferti (Pharaoh) Chief is the Crown
Together, they rule


Ethiopia has its own strain of the AKUR [AKIR] Lion that is found nowhere else

Ethiopians trained Akur(s) to capture the soldiers of the enemy and the Akur fought side by side with cheetahs, bees, which enabled them to win all the wars against them

The Italians lost the first time round because the animals attacked them and the Italians had to retreat

At the battle of Adwa Ethiopian warriors skilled in sword fighting called Shotel destroyed the invading Italian soldiers in hand-to-hand combat- this is how the ANNUNAKI settles things, hand-to-hand combat [Komba]

The Battle of Adwa was the climactic battle of the first Italo-Ethiopian war

The Ethiopian forces defeated the Italian invading force on Sunday 1 March 1896, near the town of Adwa, the decisive victory thwarted the campaign of the kingdom of Italy to expand its colonial empire in the Horn of Africa

The Ethiopians surrounded the Italians for two weeks and, upon Empress Tayitus’ advice, cut off the fort's water supply

The Italian commander agreed to surrender if they would be allowed to leave with their firearms Menelik agreed that they could leave the garrison

The NTH gate Ethiopia the first daughter to the Motherland Afrika where all offspring’s emanated

There is no such thing has animal trainer, all they are doing is training the animal to do Human things, on the internet they label women ‘mum’ to dogs and reptiles+ and whatever else they keep, the Humans have no role in the plant and animal kingdoms who do not need the Humans to survive but the Humans need the plant and animal kingdoms to survive and you are not their mother in anyway, form or shape

Full blown Sumerian ship, look how huge he is
What is he holding, same like the image below 

Aside from the towering pillars, there is also a stone carving temple [abode] in the first courtyard and relics of a former temple in the second

You can see the carved stone pillars that would have supported a large structure raised off the ground, look for the cheeky cherub-like carved figures frolicking in the leaves on these columns
Huge antennas here along with centres- all hidden in CHINA [SHIVA]  

Twin Pagodas

Pagoda is another term for Iy or Hetu which refers to temple, abode, isles, coastlands, house, healing centres, teleportation hubs

Two nearly identical Pagodas stand side by side, along with ancient stone material

Pagodas are common in Naga and HINDU KUSH sites of healing, and can be found all across Asia, but it is rare to find two side by side

They measure more than 30 meters tall, and have eight sides and seven stories apiece
The oversized iron steeples that cap each brick Pagoda make up one quarter of their total heights—another rarity among pagoda designs, one of the eastern towers is curiously about half a meter shorter than its western sibling

How did they get up there, either through sum inside stairway or they flew up there 

STUPA means dome, shrine
How tall are these beings 
What goes in come out of the top and goes beyond

How tall are the beings in Nagalan

What is that, the Tree of Life- Placenta [???] 

When the colours remain I get excited 
Its good to look at India because its so big they couldn't destroy everything 

From Afghanistan - I guess his or HER upper body was too much
Have no God before me means there was and many where female 

No mortar holding these stones in place 

The sacred stone of Hydroelectric, Cusco, Peru



The Aztecs, Sumerians, Ulmec [Olmec] Maya, and Inca were among the first civilizations that lived on the continent, and they possessed immense knowledge that scientists are still trying to interpret

From Cusco, the Inca Empire’s former capital, [Tuscan] [CUSCO] which means [black son] [black base] the Basque and the Etruscan are one in the same- Cusco means [black son] or [black base] meaning they were 9ethers 

Turkey = [Tur] Etruria [Etruscan] [1706] from Latin Etruscus >> an Etruscan, from Etruria, ancient name of Tuscany [Tuscan] [CUSCO] which means [black son] [black base] the Basque and the Etruscan are one in the same

From Aztlan [South America] to Nagalan [Inda] India
One network

How many wonders to the world

So western history tells us that the Dinosaurs went extinct 65million years ago after being on the planet for 165million years [YAWN OUT LOUD]

The Inca made over 50,000 models of the Dinosaurs
Dino means terrible and saurs means lizard
The Inca made these models and the word Inca comes from the Spanish
Western history says 65million years ago, are the Incas 65million years old as well because it shows they lived side by side and so do other cultures 

9ether Greeks 

All images are from every part of this planet
Sum one is lying about the date and the interactions 

SKA boat 

Khmer [Khemet] 
The lips part has a slit and when placed on the head would be over the 3rd eye 

Planet Saturn in Rwandan records does not mention it
But they do mention a planet named Nyabiru as the source of their sacred wisdom
They also mention stars of inyabutatu which are the Orion stars
They mention Jupiter as Rumurika and Mars as Nyamuhiribona
Sirius A is Rusiza and Venus as Mboneranyi

The word for [7] is Karindwi
7, 3, 5, 8, 9, and 12 are sacred numbers in Rwandan gnosis

Sabizeze is Heru [Christ] in Rwandan
He did show up many times in Rwanda records as the Christhood energy
First he appeared to Rwandans as a anointed one named Kibogo

He was killed by crucifixion then buried
He rose after 3 days and teleported to the heavens after he promised to come back

After an epoch he came back as Sabizeze with his siStar Nyampundi and his big brother to help mankind

All this is in the Rwandan records that many outside don't know exist

Basically, the story of the Apis Inkh in Khemet during Ptolemy 1 was taken from Rwanda to Greece via Khemet because Kiboggo literally refers to the Apis bull which the Greeks utilized by combining it with the qualities of Osiris to form Serapis who later became a template for Jesus

Rwanda is where ENKI had his HQ 

The ANNUNNAKI used the BAUZ [FALCON] just as the Egyptians
In ancient Egypt, the Falcon was an anthropomorphism of the sun [God] HERU

In Kinyarwanda legend, one of the Ibi-Mannuka [Gods] was called KIMANNUKA- he who from the heavens came- this particular [God] was also known as KIWANNUKA -he who from the heavens came- among the Baganda of Uganda

He was also known as CHAMINNUKA among the Shona of Zimbabwe -meaning he who from the heavens came-he is also known as LEWANNIKA among Zambians

The Shona record that CHAMINNUKA had a Falcon's head and that he led them on a long trek from Sumeria to Zimbabwe, the Luo too record that they to have trekked from Sumeria to Sudan


There was a battle between the forces of [light] and [darkness] so-called, that took place long before man was created, before even the cosmos as we know it existed

And is described fully in the Enuma Elish, the battle involved the Ancient Ones, led by the serpent MUMMU-TIAMAT and her counterpart ABSU against the Elder [Gods], led by the warrior MARDUK son of the sea [God] ENKI, Lord of Magi-cian of this side or what could be called [white] magicians- although close examination of the myths of ancient times makes one pause before attempting to judge which of the two warrior functions was [good] or [bad]

MARDUK won this battle- the cosmos was created from the blood of the slain Commander of the ancient army KINGU, thereby making man a descendent of the blood of the enemy

As well as breath of the Elder [Gods]; a close parallel to the sons of [God] and daughters of man

Kenyan runner Abel Mutai was only a few meters from the finish line, but he got confused with the signs and stopped, thinking he had finished the race

A Spanish runner, Ivan Fernandez, was right behind him and, realizing what was going on, started shouting to the Kenyan to keep running

Mutai did not know Spanish and did not understand

Realizing what was going on, Fernandez pushed Mutai to victory

A reporter asked Ivan, "Why did you do this?" Ivan replied, "My dream is that one day we can have some sort of community life where we push ourselves and help each other win."

The reporter insisted "But why did you let the Kenyan win?" Ivan replied, "I didn't let him win, he was going to win. The race was his."

The reporter insisted and asked again, "But you could have won!" Ivan looked at him and replied: "But what would be the merit of my victory? What would be the honor of this medal? What would my Mother think of it?"

The values are transmitted from generation to generation
What values do we teach our children and how much do you inspire others to learn
Most of us take advantage of people's weaknesses instead of helping to strengthen them 

What would my Mother think of it was Ivan(s) reply, respect to Mamma bear - when she reads what her son did she will be touched 

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Smiling Faces

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