Monday, 29 August 2022


Surrender the mind to the heart and the ego to the soul

Facing off with the shadow side and not rejecting the shadow side means you accept things about you, this is a must to elevate

Grounded, you must remain grounded and not get involved with things that are happening around you and not to you, know [notice] the difference 

Be in the world but remember you are not of this world, none of this is real, no one is going where you are going, your passing through

Self-awareness [cell-awareness] is creeping up on many and at the same time we are in the Karma fields and many are having their day in court [judgement] 

Dark energy is not bad if you know what you are doing with it, you play with dark energy everyday, that dark energy is your shadow self [cell]

The word Manifestation is Man-in-festation but when we look in festa-tion we do not see Man in nature
Middle English infesten, to distress, from Latin infestere, from infestus, meaning hostile
The definition explains itself, the word infest or infestation means to be hostile and he is fu9king hostile  

i-Magi-nation, use your Magi wisely, because what you are thinking about, dwelling on is going to birth 

[Watch this movie Sphere]  

Septarian [September] Sirius
September, do you remember [this is the last time that you will ever have to remember]

Tribu Name [Zebulan] Name of House [September] Tribu Colour [Pink] Body Part [Stomach]
Tribu Function [Order and Compassion] 



The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or APSU [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

To make Pink [Red and White] add Red for a darker shade
Red is a primary [primal] colour 

There is nothing NU UNder the S.UN


The South Pole should be resting on ‘Atlas’ head
Atlas [Hercules] Heru

A Planisphere, this map of the heavens made by projection of a portion of the celestial sphere onto a plane surface, from Latin Planus meaning flat, level- from PIE root *Pele meaning flat; to spread + sphaera [sphere]

*Pele- *PelÉ™-, root meaning flat; to spread

It forms all or part of, airplane; dysplasia; ectoplasm; effleurage; esplanade; explain; explanation; feldspar; field; flaneur; floor; llano; palm >>> flat of the hand; palm-tropical tree; palmy; piano; pianoforte; plain; plan; planar; Planaria; plane > flat surface; plane >> tool for smoothing surfaces; plane >> soar, glide on motionless wings; planet; plani-; planisphere; plano-; -plasia; plasma; plasmid; plasm; -plasm; -plast; plaster; plastic; plastid; -plasty; Polack; Poland; Pole; polka; protoplasm; veldt

It is the source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Plassein - to mould, plasma >> something moulded or created, imaged in ; Latin planus - flat, level, even, plain, clear; Lithuanian plonas -thin; Celtic *lanon > plain; Old Church Slavonic polje - flat land, field, Russian polyi - open; Old English field, Middle Dutch veld field

They know the planet is one plane- its one field, there is water under the land that we are all sitting on, those sinkholes are vents, water shafts, the planet is a water planet and what you see has land on the map are floating on water [Moya] Maya

The SKA[SKI] SKY is talking to you 

Plasma [Plassein] means to mould, figure, to image – where energies and gasses are moulded into images, called Etherians 

We are in the NTH gate dimension - the holographic [spirit] realm the Ether realms 

Binary suns, ships 

They are in the light 

Florida [USA]  


Oval eye 

[7] tones 



Sunrise and Sun-Set 
Dangerous wavelengths



That is the SKA over Thailand but looks like waves 


Weather system [craft system] 

SKA over Chile 

Not interested in percentages, have they appeared on radar- well then
All hurricane systems start off the east coast of Africa and follow the slave route into the Caribbean and ending in the USA- buckle up its show time at the Apollo 

Orisha, Oshun, Ogon, and Yemaya [Queen of the sea- the original mermaids] [Ogdoad], and Queen Her-i-cane [Hurricane] [Heru-i-Caine]

69 over the UK

Last 48hrs
We are hitting over 144hz and that is the only number that you need to deal with, allow the mind to clear, zone out, tune in, these are relentless frequencies - nothing that you cannot handle, allow room for you to adjust 

Turquoise [Hathor]
The planet is encapsulated in energies which are called radiation by western science, match these primary colours and merged colours [energies] to your Chakra system which are your Tree of Life, its the same thing, the Crown [Purple] is where you are processing these energies via the Chakra system, your body and mind and soul, energies pass through and out of the palms of your hands and palms of your feet, many people their joints, elbows and knees, ankles are swelling up because the energies are getting clogged around those areas, you need to move about, yoga, movement, not just going to the store - the poles of the planet have red and green coming out of them, green had to be added at the end or beginning of the year to their graphics, it used to be black for normal, red is FEMI.9 Electron Energy, the most abundant energy in the Universe, and we have green [WAJI]

WAJI is a very special energy, this energy is heart based, its healing energy, life force energy, we see WAJI in Melanin, we see WAJI in PLASMA 

These graphics are just stills and you need to watch how these energies move, we are dealing with light  

Last 48hrs read all radiation in energies - these are codes, access codes

Mutating wavelengths

These types of plasma strikes will cause static on the brain, crafts are low, huge amounts of voltages
Turkey- the [Gods] are angry with you, Turkish PM is a proxy for ENLIL 

Planet getting blasted 
Temperatures will be forced to drop, loads of CME(s) over the last 48hrs 
The plasma is going to affect us all, stay regulated because you will feel like you’re on edge, the plasma is a charged current that affects the brain [crown]
Stay on your Ptah, many are feeling the strain, what is moody to many is lovely to others, these are the times of change, the signs of change

While many boogie on down you keep an eye on the sound [light]

Weather control- Mind control - 5g [Cell] phones, Car computer systems, the Jabba the Hutt are all receivers and are sending the signals straight to you 

What is that, are NASA hiding sum thing underneath - it does not matter if these strikes are not earth facing because we are all under the dome and nothing can escape 

Looks like a tower, fuel cable 

When you take the tones down, take out all that haze that NASA add to these images, this is what the portal [sun] looks like and rotates like s clock, not how NASA show you 



The Moon at night with Red shield 

All these images are from Bulgaria, lots going on from that region 
That woman is sun-gazing or at least looking at the sun- the evening sun is less stronger than the midday sun, sunrise and sunset are easier for a lot of people, but if your hard enough, do the midday sun - your eyes are soular panels for the BAA [Soul] which are receiving Soular energies and from the Soular flares, Soular winds, Soular storms, CME(s) for Soular beings - those without a BAA [Soul] do not receive these codes this is why this dimension is called a Soular system 

All these images are without the last 48hrs and this rock image of the same symbol is 1000s of years old, the SKA is displaying all the symbols that you need to know about 

the Nu King-dome 

Oklahoma [USA] 

The signs are in the S.KA [S.KY] S.KI 
Whoever is controlling the SKA is controlling this planet
The SKA is talking to you 

Not traveling alone, scout, probe, pathfinders 

[2] of [3] main crafts seen in the last 48hrs

Red Dragon 

K.AA [Spirits]

Look at the black clouds [crafts] 

 "Mystic Spain" 1943
Jose Ortiz-EchagĂĽ
Nephilian book 

Is she even HuMan- her eye sockets are really sunken 

There are [2] types of Adams down here, there is heaven Kadmon and there is animal Kadmon

Bestiality is a crime but it is also genetics 

Zoophilia - sex with animals
Necrophilia - sex with the dead
Pedophilia sex with children 

You can have the other two, however sex with children - this is an act that brings in the two main races and the sub-races, brings in mothers, aunts, siStars, grandmothers, this brings in men, real men, old school men [values], when the system shuts down, there is going to be chaos, there are sum things that people will not stand for- payback is going to be a bi9ch for many on many levels, people remember, people know, everything that is not of this planet, that is not from the original cloth is going to be brought out into the light, the truth must be revealed first and then deletion 

If the names exist then the practice exists - these practices will be outlawed [deleted] 

We cannot all be on the same planet 

Achilles over the shoulder of Ajax 
Both have locks and both are 9ether 
Why does Holland [Netherlands] have Orange and Ajax - what Moors [Muurs] Muir [Marui] where in the Nether-lands 


The only groups of men that compete with their female counter parts and not with other male groups
Iman – she has bleached her skin and had plastic surgery 

They’re destroying the planet because of their own impending genetic annihilation – we are at extinction levels for both races, you always had the Choice, stay in your heart space and control your mind, you are world class people now so starting acting like oNe [Neo] Neutron

Wa-Set [Luxor] there is also a Luxor in the USA [Atlantis] which is West-Egypt [KHMT] 
You are looking at a processing chip, Intel+
Computer chip] Circuit board  

There are [9] in the Navgrapas - who do you think those [9] are- its the same [9] we see in KHMT and Aztlan and in NAGA.LAN [INDIA] 


Pakistan appears on the map 60 years go and didn’t exist 2000 years ago, that region was part of great Persia [Iran] which is Eridu [Mesopotamia] the Persians are an Ethiopian delegation, ambassadors  

Almost every Asian country has story like Ramayana
And surprisingly all of them claim it had happened in their countries
In India itself there are 350+ versions of Ramayana
In sum versions Rama and Sita were siblings, brother and sister, in sum they are lovers, in sum version there is no Ravana with ten faces
In sum versions there was no Hanuman
Which one is correct
Sanskrit is old Tamil Nadu text


India does not have a creation story 

 [9] level abode cut out from the rock 


Due to linguistic evolution, the term Buthu changed to BUTHA, and later BUDHA [Buddha] the term BUDHA transliterated through time from the term BUTHU meaning the quality of being HuMin [HuMan] [Philosophy]

Based on how old the Abantu group are on earth [Abantu basically refers to 9ether HuMin beings], the philosophy of UBUNTHU then is one of the oldest spiritual disciplines on earth than any eastern Philosophies would tell you

Khm [KHMT] or Kahima [Gahima] Kham [Khamites] Hamites Khami [Khamu] Kammu was the ancestor of great thinkers thus all healers, herbalists and philosophers became referred to as GAHIMISTS or CHEMISTS by Europeans of the times during the discovery of the PHILOSPHERS STONE in Rome, Greece and France

BANTU [Buddha] and its parent NAGA and HINDU-KUSH


Look carefully at these images 

Mercury [Mir'cury]
Healing properties
Ancestors had Mercury running through their veins
Sum of the Red bricks contain Mercury 

There is no poWRA here no more, everything stolen by the British or the Muslims 
You can see the water is coming from sum where else, you cane see the Djer pillar has been moved, the pool part was not cubed- this is nothing more than a tourist attraction 


There is no Asia minor or Asia major 
Busted statues from the waist up only means one thing
This place also looks like a docking station for Vimana(s)  

Coronel [Colonel] Percy Fawcett

Percy Harrison Fawcett DSO was a British geographer, artillery officer, cartographer, archaeologist, and explorer of South America

Fawcett disappeared in 1925 during an expedition to find [Z] his name for an ancient lost city which he and others believed existed in the jungles of Brazil

I posted sum of these images before, there are a few more, what does [Z] stand for, Brazilia [Godzilla] what happened to him and the rest of them, how did they find these images, where did they find the camera+

Looks like a mother ship became land based and they built from there, a couple images show town like culture with those living in the jungle and this is 1925 in the jungles of Brazil – this place seems huge and in the open but where, there are many places like this and they are not ‘lost’ just hidden

Did you know that Norway sent 10,000 people to colonise the Antarctica and no one has ever heard from them since, this was in the late 50s-60s when things where easier not like with MH370 where they sent images of the hanger that they were sitting in and family members where able to see the coordination, then again we still have millions missing around the world today    

Iran [Perisa]
What was this place and water was here at one point


Kenya Yemen [Yemaya] Yemaya [Queen of the sea- the original mermaids] [Ogdoad]

Boma a circular structure with thorny branches, or [enkang], and houses called [enkaji], constructed from arched branches covered in several layers of a mixture of material which dries in the sun in a few hours and insulates the house

The interior space is divided by thin partitions forming cells
The main and central room is the fireplace which is used to cook food and to light and heat the whole [enkaji] at night
The smoke from the fireplace acts as an insect repellent
Each house has a small enclosure for the smallest livestock such as goats, calves and sheep, arranged in clusters around the central opening
The houses and stockades thus delimit a central circular opening known as [emboo], where the main herd is kept at night to protect it from predators
Maasai houses are almost exclusively built by women, who are considered their owners
They are designed to be built quickly and with relative ease, to suit the lifestyle of the Maasai, always in search of greener pastures

Alkebulan [Eden][Gan] is a place to learn, no one lived there like how you see today, we visited, we came to learn from the motherland 

Menorca [Menorka] Manorka] 
Archaeological excavations began only in 1931 
The largest talayot and taula (in the shape of the letter T) are located in the centre of the star-shaped fortress- we see a Stonehenge hallmark structure 

Magic Hill in the Mourne Mountains in County Down 
The Ancient Kingdom Of Mourne [Moor]

CANADA Magnetic Hill in Moncton

Zer0 point

Several “magic hills” scattered around the world gravity or magnetic hills and can be found all over the world

Travellers to Italy can find the ‘anti-gravity hill’ - a short patch of road near Rome
Greece, Germany, Portugal, Romania, the Czech Republic and Scotland all boast examples of these magnetic pockets
Outside of Europe, magical hills abound, there are four in Australia, two in Brazil, ten in Canada and 27 in the United States

They say there is no horizon
Each spot is surrounded by 360o degree views of hills

It feels like you are facing uphill, when you are actually facing downhill
The embankment is sloped in a way that gives you the effect that you are going uphill
You are, indeed, going downhill, even though your brain gives you the impression that you're going uphill

Lay lines, MIR(s) sum where, hotspots+ what say you, is there gravity or levitation 

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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...