Friday, 5 August 2022

Itemised thoughts

Flow state

Say you have habits, creature comforts, patterns, vices, addictions, these addictions have thought signatures connected to them – the more we feel insignificant, the more conscious about ourselves, I don’t look good or I am not dressed right or that you are not up to speed with this or that – everything about what the matrix tells you that we lack now becomes that particular thought that now haunts us – how do I get to do better, how much money do I need to make so I can get this or that or impress that and this

What you are doing is itemising your world along with thoughts and what takes place is – thought now begins to ‘think’ you – you no longer think thoughts anymore, thoughts have superseded that particular space that you have for creativity – it clouds it out, taking it with all your inner inspiration, everything that comes to the surface from your inner inspiration is now being interpreted through the pains of your thinking

 [in-spir-ation is to be in-spirit]

The thought process has all kinds of different judgements to them – so you judge yourself, you judge others, you judge circumstances, you’re judging the world and you’ve catalogued them all- now all that comes from inside has to pass through that screen  

Once you recognise that your thoughts are not you- once you recognise it is nothing more than a mechanical instrument that measures your time [light] signature – it is connected to the beat of your heart, the inward and outward drawing of your breath 
– thoughts is essentially time, it is rooted in time

What you have to do now is to know when your thoughts are interfering with what it is that you are looking for as far as sol-utions are concerned

When you are looking at yourself in the mirror or you’re thinking about what it is you need to move forward on- what is it that comes forward first – if you question yourself and ask what am I doing wrong or I need to adapt sum thing nu to do or I have to achieve sum thing- this is the Yen, the passion to always strive higher, to go to the next level, you don’t feel perfect enough – once those thoughts and more+ supersede all forms of contemplation, all forms of unlearning because all thought is learned and if that is all we know then we don’t have room for learning, if you think you know it all or have learnt it all or learned all that you can learn, then your thought process impedes anything beyond that

See this word contemplation is con-temple-tion- con is negative and temple [Iy][Hetu] is your mind [KHU] to con you out of your connection, to think is to mediation, be in council

When you know that your thoughts are of time, that they impede what you can be and that you are not using them, they are using you – then you have to know why that when you make a decision, you have to learn [know] what it is that comes in your mind that impedes your progress towards the thing that you are now re-programming yourself to become

What thoughts have I entertained consistently when I want to do [this is an example]
I have people in my life who I consistently tell people what my plans are – you may not realise that their energies essentially no matter how positive they are, they are against you, they become rooted, they become a part of what you are dealing with, say for example you tell sum one you want to do this and they are really close to you and they can see what you are going through and they say why don’t you do this and this is what you need to be doing, they also say- you said your doing this, how much longer – all this is now sum one adding pressure to you and no longer does that gift that was given to you from inside for what you want to do no longer belongs to you, it now belongs to everybody else and they are pitching in and they’re affecting your concentration, they are inside of what it is that you are creating

When you create a thought that you want to see [sea] come into reality, you do not share that with anybody, sum times you will go to say sum thing and it comes out scrambled- take heed because you just got lucky, it doesn’t matter who these people are to you, you need to move in silence out here, we are receiving codes, data, light, information while others are not and they are noticing that you seem to be alright which means they are now interested in you- watch yourself and check yourself, you do not need to give them your life story, keep it in a [flow state] but do not share what has been given to you, if you have to think about telling sum one sum thing- there is your answer, don’t do it, if you are hesitant, there is your answer, don’t do it- your have to understand that they are individual onto themselves, they are not you

You can create by writing things down after they become a reality

You are being given seeds [codes] and those seeds grow in the mind with the soil of your imagination

So, if you have sum thing that you want to really happen, then do not let your thoughts be shared aka shut the fu9k up aka [Be still]

If you really need to talk about it with sum one, talk to the mirror  

ESP is at an all-time high right now – the universe is giving out gifts, there is nothing extra about these sensors for you always had these gifts 

Check out the Technicolor beam - last image look at the portal


Image rotated and we see the triangle portal wide open 
Multi-dimensional Portal 

Shield going around the portal [sun] that beam can be seen, right arrow huge distortion in the SKA
Lots of currents, energy, other objects inside the shield 


Both Red and Blue KA.CHI.NA are present 

Helios Prime- Blue Sun 
Magickal Blue KACHINA [life force energy] 
CHI force 

Blue KACHINA is pressing against the lower atmosphere and with all those ships, these ships are just sitting there observing us, scanning us all 


MAAT + HERU control the energy that is raining down in this dimension 

Misty Blue 


Over NASA(s) Stennis Space Centre
You have visitors, crafts sitting at the bottom, the US military can see them on radar  

North Carolina
Waterspouts, tornados, hailstones+ come from crafts who are the weather systems 

Lots going in and shooting taking place
Huge craft over the sun

Same like here, same day, could be NASA blocking out the sun or sum thing else, like a craft- that is a cube that we can see 

Huge fleet 

Why the need to make so many crafts like this type 

SpaceX debris found over Australia on Saturday, China had their rocket enter the planet atmosphere - Space X looks like the whole module came down, all very telingl that they are only in the planets lower orbit and not in space, either sum thing was shot down or sum thing came down 

That beast in NY must come to the surface
National Guard are in training 

This is the Italian Schumann machine model, not sure what the Canadian Schumann is recording
Its humming out there 



Event mode 

Red is penetrating the planet 

Heavy duty

New Zealand 

Who are these conns praying to 
All Mickey Mouse systems must go down 

Warning shoots fired 

NASA seem to know a lot about this metallic ball loaded with information they say, that fell from the SKA over Mexico 

52+ 'fireballs' rained down over the USA [3.8.2022] 
These are possible pods entering this planets dimension 
Fireball [Meteorite] Asteroid are not just rocks  

Four cubes 

Bottom right, sum thing comes in real close to the sun and brushes pass 

Left on the planets lay line
5 is the symbol for FEMI9 Electron Energy 

NABONIDUS [NABU] is recited among the Rwandan list of ancestral kings as NDOBA
His birth name was NDAHIRO
His regal name was NDOBA

Mistranslated mainly by the 6ether Greeks as Nabonidus, like they did with ANUBIS when its ANUBU [ANBU] 

There are [2] kings list with one list being 241,000 earth years’ worth of data, records of 8 kings ruling during 241,000, clearly they are not of this world 

He is one among many ancient kings found in Rwandan ancient records
Ndoba was a king in ancient Akkadian and never in the place presently known as Rwanda
His descendants began the Rwandan kingdom

[A] Constellation
[B] SUN [portal] 
[C] Vimana 
[D] Moon [SIN] 

Assyria is the foundation of Assur which comes from the word [Asar] Asaru 
Eridu is Sumerian [Mesopotamia] Babylonia [Typhonian] Utnafishtim+ are the same place 
There are no 6ether Muslims or 6ethers at this time

   ERIDU [ERETH] which covers- Greece, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, [Al] Ghor [Saudi] 

One source, global network 


The Lares [Bigfoot] are above the modern day 6ether in intelligence – they still have not told is what the Neanderthal is 

This is an alloy breastplate for a horse with a Lare casted in the plate, found in Iran [Eridu]  

Gorillas have scales [reptile] 

Read this-

Gorilla 1847, applied to a species of large apes (Troglodytes gorilla) by U.S. missionary Thomas Savage, from Greek gorillai, plural of name given to wild, hairy beings (now supposed to have been chimpanzees) in a Greek translation of Carthaginian navigator Hanno's account of his voyage along the northwest Allegedly an African word

In its inmost recess was an island similar to that formerly described, which contained in like manner a lake with another island, inhabited by a rude description of people. The females were much more numerous than the males, and had rough skins: our interpreters called them Gorillae. We pursued but could take none of the males; they all escaped to the top of precipices, which they mounted with ease, and threw down stones; we took three of the females, but they made such violent struggles, biting and tearing their captors, that we killed them, and stripped off the skins, which we carried to Carthage: being out of provisions we could go no further. [Hanno, "Periplus"]
Of persons perceived as being gorilla-like, from 1884.

End quote-

Interesting the word Troglodytes has this is where we get the word Frog [Trog-lodytes] from, amphibians, and who is Hanno, don’t they mean Hannibal [Hanuman] – where was this island

Troglodytes or Maldekians from the planet Maldek, Reptilians- NIBIRU hit their planet killing off most of the beings, leaving only the military and warriors alive, whose intent was revenge, the beings that dwelled here were aquatic, that is sea dwellers, the reptilians originally escaped from Maldek and took residence here many millions of years before the crash and built great cities beneath the waters

So, records talk about a being that was already here before the ANUNNAKI arrival, they needed to create miners because ENLIL was working these beings real hard

Lares and Simians- intelligent ape people and the Chimpanzee and Gibbon [Lares and Simians offspring] were also genetically modified by the ANNUNAKI

There were two forms of Australopithecines that could walk and were erect

The smaller ones stood 4ft tall, Genus Homo, where your pygmy tries originated – the Homo Sapien comes later and from the Lares – earlier prototypes were called Lulu Amelu or Abd that worked the mines, the cloned creature gets upgraded and is now called Aqins and called Human beings Homo Sapiens part deity and part monkey – various breeding and seedlings were necessary with different terrestrial earth beings, apes and reptilians and extra-terrestrial beings, beyond earth beings

Transportation of different species to this planet and LAHMU [MARS] was done as a result

Hanuman [Monkey King] is recorded

The last man found in Alkebulan is the first man, all these monkey beings out here have nothing to do with the 9ether, all them skulls they find are nothing to do with the Adama projects, this was a different era on the Planet of the Apes and there were many, many refining periods with many deformities 

8,000+ earth years ago, this rock carving shows the Bovine, in Libya [Zeus is head of Libya] the Bovine has been here for at least 2.5 million they say

This was the red meat that you were allowed to eat, the Bovine would be the Buffalo today, the 6ether Europeans already knew this and deleted the breeds that were leftover and made the domestic cow [KAU] which is no good, you should not be eating any meat right now or at least reduce your intake


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